Materi Bahasa Inggris I (BI I). Untuk Pertemuan II

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1 Materi Bahasa Inggris I (BI I). Untuk Pertemuan II 1. PART OF SPEECH (Bagian Kata-Kata) There are 8 Part of Speech in English for the first time we must know: a. NOUN (Kata Benda) : example --- desk, chair, door, window, student, etc. b. VERB (Kata Kerja) : example --- to go, to work, to learn, to sing, etc. c. ADJECTIVE (Kata Sifat/Keadaan)-- menerangkan benda : example --- good, bad, clever, silly, etc. d. ADVERB (Kata Keterangan)-- menerangkan bukan benda : example --- slowly, quickly, randomly, etc. e. PRONOUN (Kata Ganti)--(Personal Pronoun) : example --- I, you, he, she, it, etc. f. PREPOSITION (Kata Depan) : example --- at, in, upon, on, etc. g. CONJUCTION (Kata Sambung) : example --- and, therefore, because, while, although, whereas, etc. h. INTERJECTION (Kata Sapaan) : example --- Hello, Hi, Eyoow, etc. Patokan-Patokan Kalimat 1. Susunan kalimat paling sederhana, harus terdiri dari Subject, Predicate dan Object (tujuan). Example : I write a letter., You sing a song., We play football, etc. 2. Kalimat harus ada Subject dan Predicate. Kalau tidak lengkap, tidak sah. Example : Good Salah I ts Good Betul 3. Dalam bahasa Inggris verb 1, tidak boleh memakai to, namun verb berikutnya harus menggunakan to, kecuali telah dipisahkan oleh kata sambung. Example : I go to learn to speak English. I want to go to the school, because I want to learn to speak English. 4. Dalam bahasa Inggris harus ada kata kerja, kalau tidak ada tidak sah. Bila tidak ada kata kerjanya diganti dengan kata Bantu kata kerja auxiliary verb, yakni to be (is,am,are). Example : It is good., I m poor., He is rich., They are glad. I : Orang pertama tunggal (Singular) --- am We : Orang pertama jamak (Plural) --- are You : Orang kedua tunggal/ jamak --- are He, she, it : Orang ketiga tunggal --- is They : Orang ketiga jamak --- are

2 5. Penggunaan s atau es. * They, We, I, You --- tidak menggunakan s atau es. * He, She, It --- menggunakan s atau es. Example : He works hard to make a toy. He works hard to make a toy while Siti learns hard to prepare oral examination. Tambahan s atau es akan hilang jika ada Kata Kerja Bantu/Kata Bantu Kata Kerja (auxiliary verb) --- can, may, must, shall, will, etc. masuk antara Subject dan Predicate itu. Namun bila yang masuk adalah kata-kata seperti often, seldom, sometimes, always, immediately, soon, etc. (adverb of frequency) hal ini tidak mempengaruhi tambahan s atau es. Example : He works hard to make a toy. He can (will, must, etc) work hard to make a toy. 6. Pada kalimat yang menyatakan terjadi pada masa lampau, maka perubahan kata kerja hanya terjadi pada kata kerja pertama, kecuali telah dipisahkan oleh kata sambung, maka akan mulai sebagai kalimat baru lagi. Example : He went to see the doctor for a check up while Hardi worked hard to do his home work yesterday. 2. Kata Bantu Kata Kerja / Kata Kerja Kata Bantu (Auxiliary Verb) There are 3 kinds of Auxiliary Verb: a. Principal auxiliaries (Kata Kerja-Kata Kerja Bantu Utama), example : to be, to have, to do. b. Modal auxiliaries (Kata Bantu-Kata Bantu Pengandaian), example : can, may, must, shall, will, ought to, could, might, has to, have to, should, would. c. Semi Modals : to need, to dare, used to. Contoh-contoh dalam kalimat a. Principal auxilaries To be : I am here; She is there; They are happy. To have : (Dalam perfect tense): I have lived in Yogyakarta since To do : Do, does, did, untuk membantu membuat kalimat bertanya atau menyangkal. Example: Do you go to the hospital?. You don t go to the hospital?. b. Modal Auxiliaries Dalam hal ini could digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu permintaan yang sopan. Example :

3 Present : Could you pass that pencil, please?. Future : He could go to visit her tomorrow. Past : Nobody could attend the meeting yesterday. Untuk might lebih umum digunakan untuk menyatakan ketidak pastian dari pada may. Example --- A: I have a stomach ache. B: It might be something you ve eaten. Warning!!!. Might dalam kalimat negative tidak boleh disingkat mightn t, seperti halnya may, tidak boleh juga disingkat mayn t. c. Semi Modals Dikatakan semi modal karena bias berfungsi sebagai modal, bias juga sebagai kata kerja biasa. Example --- Modal : He need not go. (S + semi modal + V) Verb : He doesn t need to go. (S + to be + semi modal + to. V) Modal : He dare climb the tree. (S + semi modal + V + Objct.N) Verb : He dares to climb the tree.(s + semi modal + V + Obj.N) Mengenai Need Need, bila berfungsi sebagai kata kerja diikuti to infinitive. Hal ini bila subject-nya makhluk hidup. Bila subject-nya benda mati, need diikuti oleh gerund atau verb + to be + past participle. Example : The grass in the house yard needs to cut..(salah) The grass in the house yard needs cutting..(betul) The grass in the house yard needs to be cut..(betul) Need bisa diganti dengan ungkapan in need of. Ini bukan kata kerja. Example : Yuli is in need of more money to buy some medicine. Used to Sebagai modal, hanya digunakan dalam bentuk lampau (kebiasaan masa lalu, sekarang tidak lagi). Example : Modal --- I used to smoke, but I gave up a couplet of years ago. Adjective --- I am used to the noise from the traffic now. Don t worry, you ll soon get used to his sense of humor.

4 EXERCISE Task 1 Translate into English 1. Seorang perawat bekerja keras merawat seorang pasien baru di bangsal A, sedangkan seorang bidan desa bekerja keras merawat seorang ibu hamil di Polindes Sukamaju. ( (buatlah dalam bentuk present tense dan past tense) 2. Dokter Yadi akan berangkat ke puskesmas Kliamba untuk menemui dokter Hadi, sedangkan Weni, dia seorang perawat ingin pergi ke rumah sakit Budiwaras mengunjungi beberapa pasien dibangsal B dan C. 3. Hardi, ia kepala bangsal A, biasanya dating awal, tetapi kali ini dia dating terlambat karena ibunya sakit. 4. Seorang mahasiswa fakultas keperawatan akan pergi ke laboratorium computer mengerjakan tugas akhirnya. 5. Kemarin, ibunya Meli melahirkan anak ketiganya, ketika suaminya sedang bekerja di kantor menulis surat dinas. Task 2 Give some example words about NOUN, VERB, ADJECTIVE, and ADVERB, and then make 5 sentences using those words. NOUN VERB ADJECTIVE ADVERB 1. They 2. We 3. I 4. You 5. He 6. She 7. It 8.The students 9. My mother 10. My Aunt clever school Example: 1. They are hard worker and clever student in the school

5 Materi Bahasa Inggris I (BI I). Untuk Pertemuan III 1. GERUND (V-ing) Gerund adalah kata kerja + ing dan berubah menjadi kata benda. Bentuknya sama dengan Present participle (continuous tense). Gerund sebagai subject: Example : Joging is a good sport Playing football is one of my hobbies. Gerund sebagai pelengkap / complement: Example : My duty is working in this ward. One of my hobbies is collecting stamps. Gerund sebagai object dalam suatu kalimat: Example : She likes palying card. Heni, as a midewife, loves working in the children ward. Gerund digunakan dalam larangan singkat Example : No smoking No sitting No fishing Gerund harus digunakan mengikuti kata kerja berikut: 1. Admit 9. Deny 17. Mention 25. Recommend 2. Advice 10. Discuss 18. Mind 26. Regret 3. Anticipate 11. Dislike 19. Miss 27. Remember 4. Appreciate 12. Enjoy 20. Postpone 28. Resent 5. Avoid 13. Finish 21. Practice 29. Resist 6. Complete 14. Forget 22. Quite 30. Risk 7. Consider 15. Can t help 23. Recall 31. Stop 8. Delay 16. Keep 24. Recollect 32. Suggest Example : He admitted stealing the money. He enjoys staying in Yogyakarta. Gerund sesudah possessive adjective My your his her our their Example : I couldn t see her jumping. My writing about public health is read by many people. Gerund seseudah kata depan (preposition) Dalam kalimat bila ada kata kerja (verb), kata sifat (adjective), kata benda (noun), yang diikuti kata depan (preposition), maka kata kerja selanjutnya harus gerund.

6 a. Verb + preposition 1. approve 4. insist of 7. keen on 10. depend on 2. give up 5. succeed in 8. think of 11. worry about 3. keep on 6. count on 9. rely on 12. object to Example : If you want to be healthy you have to give up smoking. b. Adjective + preposition Hesti is thinking of going to work at the community health center next mount. 1. accustomed to 3. capable of 5. found of 7. successful in 2. tired of 4. interested in 6. afraid of 8. intent on Example : I am interested in working at the dental clinic. c. Noun + preposition He is not capable of doing extraction of the teeth. 1. choice of 3. excuse for 5. intention of 2. method of/for 4. possibility of 6. reason for Example : There is a possibility in the Budiwaras hospital. Bila dalam kalimat ada kata go atau come, yang diikuti kata yang berarti kegiatan olah raga atau rekreasi yang bersifat fisik harus dalam bentuk ing. Example : go boating, go jogging, go fishing, go swimming, go golfing, go running, come running, come riding, etc. 2. QUESTION TAG Question tag adalah tambahan kata-kata di belakang sebuah kalimat yang berfungsi mananyakan persetujuan (agreement) atau menanyakan kebenaran tentang sesuatau hal (confirmation). Dalam kalimat bahasa Indonesia, biasa diekspresikan dengan kata Bukan?. Example in the dialog one:. And I am sure you want to do ma a favour, don t you?. Don t you, tambahan kata-kata itulah yang dimaksud question tag. Question tag yang digunakan pada kalimat positif, maka bentuknya negative interogatif, seperti contoh diatas. Sebaliknya bila kalimat pertanyaannya negative, maka question tagnya positif interogatif. Example : Diah, one of the village midwife, didn t go to work at the village birthing hut, did she?. Hal-hal yang perlu diperhatikan 1. Subject dari tag selalu pronoun, example: Neni isn t working today, is she?.(pronoun!!!). 2. Kata Let s yakni bentuk kata kontraksi dari Let us, tagnya menggunakan shall. Example: Let s go, shall we?.

7 3. Kalimat dengan menggunakan no, none,no one, no body, neither, nothing, scarcely, barely, hardly, hardly ever, seldom, sama dengan kalimat negative, sehingga tagnya positif interogatif. Example : Nothing else was said, was it?. Eni hardly ever slept last night, did she?. Deni hardly ever goes to the hospital, does he?. 4. Jika subject dari kalimat adalah: anyone, anybody, no one, nobody, none, neither, maka subject tagnya adalah they. Example : I don t think anyone attend the school of nursing this year, do they?. 5. Kata kerja negatif, umumnya dikontraksikan dalam tagnya. Example : You are there, aren t you?.

8 Materi Bahasa Inggris I (BI I). GRAMMAR 1. SIMPLE PRESENT TENSE Digunakan untuk menyatakan peristiwa atau perbuatan yang dilakukan sekarang dan umumnya menyatakan sesuatu kegiatan yang menjadi kebiasaan. Pattern : (+) S + Verb 1 + O (Adverb place/time) (- ) S + do/doesn t + Verb 1 + O (Adverb place/time) (?) Do/does + S + Verb 1 + O (Adverb place/time) Do digunakan untuk subject : They, We, I, You dan tidak pake s/es setelah subject. Does digunakan untuk subject : He, She, It dan pake s/es setelah subject. (+) A teacher works in the school every day. (- ) He doesn t think about you anymore. (? ) Does he knows about your condition right now?. 2. SIMPLE PAST TENSE Digunakan untuk menyatakan peristiwa diwaktu lampau dan tidak ada hubungannya sama sekali dengan waktu sekang. Pattern : (+) S + Verb 2 + O (Adverb place/time) (- ) S + didn t + Verb 1 + O (Adverb place/time) (? ) Did + S + Verb 1 + O (Adverb place/time) (+) She went to see the doctor for a check up yesterday. (- ) He didn t go to the office last month. (? ) Did she call you last night?. 3. PRESENT CONTINUOUS TENSE / PROGRESSIVE FORM Di gunakan untuk menyatakan suatu peristiwa atau perbuatan yang terjadi atau dilakukan di masa sekarang, dan terjadi atau berlangsung pada saat bicara. Pattern : (+) S + To be (Is, am, are) + Verb ing + O (Adverb place/time) (- ) S + To be (Is, am, are) not + Verb ing + O (Adverb place/time) (?) To be (Is, am, are) + S + Verb ing + O (Adverb place/time) I : am They, We, You : are He, She, It : is

9 (+) A nurse is cleaning a mattress in a ward at the moment. (- ) A security isn t cleaning the room in the morning. (? ) Is she asking some question for you?. 4. PAST CONTINUOUS TENSE Di gunakan untuk menyatakan suatu peristiwa atau perbuatan yang sedang terjadi, kegiatan masih terus dilakukan diwaktu lampau. Pattern : (+) S + was/were + Verb ing + O (Adverb place/time) (- ) S + was/were (not) + Verb ing + O (Adverb place/time) (?) Was/were + S + Verb ing + O (Adverb place/time) WAS dipakai untuk Subject He / She / It, sedangkan WERE dipakai untuk Subject They / We / You. (+) She was working in a children ward last year. (- ) He wasn t jogging in the morning yesterday. (? ) Were they closing the door, when they back from the school two days ago?. 5. PRESENT PERFECT TENSE Digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu peristiwa atau kegiatan yang tidak disebutkan waktunya dimasa lampau, yang telah terjadi lebih dari satu kali dimasa lampau, dan saat ini masih berlangsung. Pattern : (+) S + have/has + Verb 3 + O (Adverb place/time) (- ) S + have/has (not) + Verb 3 + O (Adverb place/time) (?) Have/has + S + Verb 3 + O (Adverb place/time) HAS dipakai untuk Subject He / She / It, sedangkan HAVE dipakai untuk Subject They / We / You. Adverb yang dipake Since (sejak), For (selama), Already (sudah), Not yet (belum), Just now (baru saja), Ever (pernah), Never (tidak pernah), Sometimes (kadang-kadang), Occasionally (sesekali), Often (sering), Always (selalu), Ussually (biasanya), Almost (hampir), Before (sebelum), Lately (akhir-akhir ini), Recently (baru-baru ini), So far (sejauh ini), In the last few 9selama beberapa terakhir). (+) Henry has worked in a local government clinic. (- ) Jody has drunk a glass of tea in the morning. (? ) Have you got another job now?.

10 6. PAST PERFECT TENSE Digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu peristiwa diwaktu lampau yg telag selesai dilakukan atau tindakan yang terjadi sebelum tindakan yang lain dan berkelanjutan diwaktu lampau. Pattern : (+) S + had + Verb 3 + O (Adverb place/time) (- ) S + had (not) + Verb 3 + O (Adverb place/time) (?) Had + S + Verb 3 + O (Adverb place/time) (+) I had worked in the hospital before you went to London last year. (- ) She hadn t worked in the hospital since last year. (? ) Had she arranged to do something else? Adverb yang dipakai When (ketika), During (selama), After (setelah), Until (sampai). 7. PRESENT PERFECT CONTINUOUS TENSE Digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu peristiwa atau kegiatan dari masa lampau dan sampe sekarang masih berlangsung (wktu selesai sedang). Pattern : (+) S + have/has + been + Verb ing + O (Adverb place/time) (- ) S + have/has (not) + been + Verb ing + O (Adverb place/time) (?) Have/has + S + been + Verb ing + O (Adverb place/time) (+) He has been working in a village birthing hut since (- ) They haven t been arriving here until now. (? ) Have you been looking for something here?. 8. PAST PERFECT CONTINUOUS TENSE Digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu peristiwa atau kegiatan sudah mulai, masih berlangsung diwaktu lampau (waktu lampau, selesai, sedang). Pattern : (+) S + had + been + Verb ing + O (Adverb place/time) (- ) S + had (not) + been + Verb ing + O (Adverb place/time) (?) Had + S + been + Verb ing + O (Adverb place/time) (+) They had been working in sub health center when dr. Hadi came here in (- ) She had not have been living here in a few year ago. (? ) Had you been giving me some advice, before I said good bye.

11 9. FUTURE TENSE Digunakan untuk menyatakan peristiwa yang akan terjadi atau untuk menjelaskan kejadian yang akan datang, untuk membuat janji, menunjukkan syarat dan untuk meminta tolong pada seseorang untuk melakukan sesuatu). Pattern : (+) S + shall/will + Verb 1 + O (Adverb place/time) (- ) S + shall/will (not) + Verb 1 + O (Adverb place/time) (?) Shall/will + S + Verb 1 + O (Adverb place/time) (+) You will help me to finish my home work tonight. (- ) You will not (won t) help me to finish my home work tonight. (? ) Will you help me to finish my home work tonight?. SHALL dipakai untuk Subject, I, We sedangkan WILL dipakai untuk Subject They,You,He,She, It 10. FUTURE PAST TENSE Future Past Tense (digunakan untuk menyatakan peristiwa yang akan dilakukan, tetapi di masa lampau, bukan saat ini, untuk menyatakan suatu kegiatan yang akan dilakukan waktu lampau,tetapi blm tentu terjadi). Pattern : (+) S + should/would + Verb 1 + O (Adverb place/time) (- ) S + should/would (not) + Verb 1 + O (Adverb place/time) (?) Should/would + S + Verb 1 + O (Adverb place/time) (+) We should be rich if we worked hard. (- ) We should not (shouldn t) be rich if we worked hard. (? ) Should we rich if we worked hard?. SHOULD dipakai untuk Subject, I, We sedangkan WOULD dipakai untuk Subject They,You,He,She, It 11. FUTURE CONTINUOUS TENSE Future Continuous Tense (digunakan untuk menyatakan peristiwa yang sedang akan terjadi atau untuk menjelaskan kejadian yang akan datang, untuk menyatakan suatu rencana yang akan dilakukan pada masa akan datang,sedang-akan datang). Pattern : (+) S + shall/will + be + + O (Adverb place/time) (- ) S + shall/will (not) + be + + O (Adverb place/time) (?) Shall/will + S + be + + O (Adverb place/time)

12 (+) He will be studying in the living room, when his mother comes. (- ) He will not (won t) be studying in the living room, when his mother comes. (? ) Will he be studying in the living room, when his mother comes?. SHALL dipakai untuk Subject, I, We sedangkan WILL dipakai untuk Subject They,You,He,She, It The Pattern using to be (is,am,are): (+) S + to be (is,am,are) + going to + be + + O (Adverb place/time) (- ) S + to be (is,am,are) (not) + going to + be + + O (Adverb place/time) (?)To be (is,am,are) + S + going to + be + + O (Adverb place/time) (+) I am going to be watching TV at home tonight. (- ) I am not going to be watching TV at home tonight. (? ) Am I going to be watching TV at home tonight?. 12. FUTURE PAST CONTINUOUS TENSE Future Past Continuous Tense (digunakan untuk menyatakan peristiwa yang sedang akan dilakukan pada wktu lampau, lampau-nanti-sedang). Pattern : (+) S + should/would + be + + O (Adverb place/time) (- ) S + should/would (not) + be + + O (Adverb place/time) (?) Should/would + S + be + + O (Adverb place/time) (+) They would be talking an English exam at 10 a.m. yesterday. (- ) They would not (wouldn t)be talking an English exam at 10 a.m. yesterday. (? ) Would they be talking an English exam at 10 a.m. yesterday. SHOULD dipakai untuk Subject, I, We sedangkan WOULD dipakai untuk Subject They,You,He,She, It The Pattern using to be (was/were): (+) S + to be (was/were) + going to + be + + O (Adverb place/time) (- ) S + to be (was/were) (not) + going to + be + + O (Adverb place/time) (?)To be (was/were) + S + going to + be + + O (Adverb place/time) WAS dipakai untuk Subject He / She / It, sedangkan WERE dipakai untuk Subject They / We / You. (+) My daughter was going to be watching movie at 8 o clock last night. (- ) My daughter was not (wasn t) going to be watching movie at 8 o clock last night. (? ) Was my daughter going to be watching movie at 8 o clock last night?.

13 13. FUTURE PERFECT TENSE Future Perfect Tense (digunakan untuk menyatakan peristiwa yang telah dimulai diwaktu lampau dan segera selesai diwaktu akan datang). Pattern : (+) S + shall/will + have + V3 + O (Adverb place/time) (- ) S + shall/will (not) + have + V3 + O (Adverb place/time) (?) Shall/will + S + have + V3 + O (Adverb place/time) (+) You will have perfected your English, after you come back from Amsterdam. (- ) You will have not perfected your English, after you come back from Amsterdam. (? ) Will you have perfected your English, after you come back from Amsterdam?. SHALL dipakai untuk Subject, I, We sedangkan WILL dipakai untuk Subject They,You,He,She, It The Pattern using to be (is,am,are): (+) S + to be (is,am,are) + going to + have + V3 + O (Adverb place/time) (- ) S + to be (is,am,are) (not) + going to + have + V3 + O (Adverb place/time) (?)To be (is,am,are) + S + going to + have + V3 + O (Adverb place/time) (+) You are going to have finished our homework together with my friends tomorrow. (- ) You are not going to have finished our homework together with my friends tomorrow. (? ) Are you going to have finished our homework together with my friends tomorrow?. 14. FUTURE PAST PERFECT TENSE Future Past Perfect Tense (digunakan untuk menyatakan peristiwa yang tidak pernah terjadi atau pengandaian, peristiwa yang akan terjadi dimasa lampau,jika syaratnya terpenuhi). Pattern : (+) S + should/would + have + V3 + O (Adverb place/time) (- ) S + should/would (not) + have + V3 + O (Adverb place/time) (?) Should/would + S + have + V3 + O (Adverb place/time) (+) He would have passed the examination, if he had learned hard. (- ) He would not (wouldn t) have passed the examination, if he had learned hard. (? ) Would he have passed the examination, if he had learned hard?. SHOULD dipakai untuk Subject, I, We sedangkan WOULD dipakai untuk Subject They,You,He,She, It The Pattern using to be (was/were): (+) S + to be (was/were) + going to + have + V3 + O (Adverb place/time) (- ) S + to be (was/were) (not) + going to + have + V3 + O (Adverb place/time)

14 (?)To be (was/were) + S + going to + have + V3 + O (Adverb place/time) (+) The project was going to have completed before the deadline. (- ) The project was not (wasn t) going to have completed before the deadline. (? ) Was the project going to have completed before the deadline?. 15. FUTURE PERFECT CONTINUOUS TENSE Future Perfect Continuous Tense (digunakan untuk menyatakan peristiwa yang telah dimulai diwaktu lampau dan berlanjut masa akan datang, waktu nanti/akan datang, lampau-selesai-sedang). Pattern : (+) S + shall/will + have + been + + O (Adverb place/time) (- ) S + shall/will (not) + have + been + + O (Adverb place/time) (?) Shall/will + S + have + been + + O (Adverb place/time) (+) He will have been working in the hospital for 5 years by the end of next month. (- ) He will not have been working in the hospital for 5 years by the end of next month. (? ) Will he have been working in the hospital for 5 years by the end of next month?. SHALL dipakai untuk Subject, I, We sedangkan WILL dipakai untuk Subject They,You,He,She, It The Pattern using to be (is,am,are): (+) S + to be (is,am,are) + going to + have + been + + O (Adverb place/time) (- ) S + to be (is,am,are)(not)+ going to + have + been + + O(Adverb place/time) (?)To be (is,am,are) + S + going to + have + been + + O (Adverb place/time) (+) He is going to have been climbing the hill for a week with his friends. (- ) He isn t going to have been climbing the hill for a week with his friends. (? ) Is he going to have been climbing the hill for a week with his friends?. 16. FUTURE PAST PERFECT CONTINUOUS TENSE Future Past Perfect Continuous Tense (digunakan untuk menyatakan peristiwa yang sudah,sedang akan berlangsung pada watu lampau, waktu nanti akan datang,lampauselesai-sedang). Pattern : (+) S + should/would + have + been + + O (Adverb place/time) (- ) S + should/would (not) + have + been + + O (Adverb place/time) (?) Should/would + S + have + been + + O (Adverb place/time)

15 (+) She would have been searching a job to get the salary since last week ago. (- ) She would not have been searching a job to get the salary since last week ago. (? ) Would she have been searching a job to get the salary since last week ago? SHOULD dipakai untuk Subject, I, We sedangkan WOULD dipakai untuk Subject They,You,He,She, It The Pattern using to be (was/were): (+) S + to be (was/were) + going to + have + been + + O (Adverb place/time) (- ) S + to be (was/were)(not)+ going to + have + been + + O(Adverb place/time) (?)To be (was/were) + S + going to + have + been + + O (Adverb place/time) (+) He was going to have been leaving this boarding house, after he gets marriage. (- ) He was not going to have been leaving this boarding house, after he gets marriage. (? ) Was he going to have been leaving this boarding house, after he gets marriage?.

16 PASSIVE VOICE Pattern : S + to be (is,am,are) or (was/were) + V3 Present and past Active Simple A nurse cleans this ward every day. Present My friends never invite me to the meeting. How do they make herbal medicine?. Simple A nurse cleaned this ward yesterday. Past My friends didn t invite me to the meeting. When did they build this hospital?. Passive This ward is cleaned by a nurse everyday. I am never invited to the meeting by my friends. How is herbal medicine made (by them)?. This ward was cleaned by a nurse yesterday. I wasn t invited to the meeting (by my friends). When was this hospital built?. Present Continuous Past Continuous Active They are building a new hospital at the moment. (= it isn t finished yet) Department of health are building some new hospitals in Jakarta. When I was there three years ago, they were building a new hospital. Passive A new hospital is being built at the moment. Some new hospitals are being built in Jakarta. When I was there three years ago, a new hospital was being built. Present Perfect Past Perfect Active The sheets of this ward are clean. A nurse has washed them. A nurse has taken an invalid chair. dr. Hadi said that a nurse had taken a wheel chair (for a patient). Passive The sheets of this ward are clean. They have been washed by a nurse. An invalid chair has been taken by a nurse. dr. Hadi said that a wheel chair had been taken by a nurse (for a patient). Will / can / must / have to, etc. Active A nurse will clean the ward tomorrow. A nurse must clean a bed (in the ward). Passive The ward will be cleaned by a nurse tomorrow. A bed (in a ward) must be cleaned by a nurse.

17 I think they will invite you to the meeting. They can t repair the backrest (of the bed in the ward of this hospital). You should wash this sanken-mat by hand. They are going to build a new village birthing hut. She has to wash these pillowcases. The people had to take the injured man to the community health centre. I think you will be invited to the meeting. The backrest (of the bed in the ward of this hospital) can t be repaired. This sanken-mat should be washed by hand. A new village birthing hut is going to be built (by them). These pillowcases have to be washed (by her). The injured man had to be taken to the community health centre.

TAG QUESTION. Tag Question merupakan bentuk pertanyaan berekor yang fungsinya untuk mempertegas suatu pertanyaan.

TAG QUESTION. Tag Question merupakan bentuk pertanyaan berekor yang fungsinya untuk mempertegas suatu pertanyaan. TAG QUESTION Tag Question merupakan bentuk pertanyaan berekor yang fungsinya untuk mempertegas suatu pertanyaan. Syarat utama dalam membuat question tag adalah: Apabila kalimat utamanya / pernyataannya

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I. MATERI : TENSES Tenses yaitu bentuk kata kerja Bahasa Inggris yang perubahannya berkaitan dengan waktu.

I. MATERI : TENSES Tenses yaitu bentuk kata kerja Bahasa Inggris yang perubahannya berkaitan dengan waktu. I. MATERI : TENSES Tenses yaitu bentuk kata kerja Bahasa Inggris yang perubahannya berkaitan dengan waktu. Misal: Verb 1 (infinitive), Verb 2, dan Verb 3. Contoh penggunaan tenses : 1. Saya belajar di

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BAHASA INGGRIS PRESENT TENSE CHAPTER 1 CUT ITA ERLIANA,ST BAHASA INGGRIS PRESENT TENSE CHAPTER 1 CUT ITA ERLIANA,ST 198111022008122002 DESCRIBING HABITS Topic : Daily Habits Last night i went to bed around 11.00. you know, i usually go to bed at 9.30 p.m. I do

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Conditional Sentence. Dosen Dr. Ali Mustadi, M.Pd NIP

Conditional Sentence. Dosen Dr. Ali Mustadi, M.Pd NIP Conditional Sentence Dosen Dr. Ali Mustadi, M.Pd NIP.19780710 200801 1 012 Pengertian CONDITIONAL SENTENCES adalah: Kalimat pengandaian Atau Kalimat bersyarat Rumus: If (clause 1 ), (clause 2) Type 1 [

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E VA D A E L U M M A H K H O I R, M. A B. P E R T E M U A N 2 A N A

E VA D A E L U M M A H K H O I R, M. A B. P E R T E M U A N 2 A N A HANDLING TAMU E VA D A E L U M M A H K H O I R, M. A B. P E R T E M U A N 2 A N A CARA PENERIMAAN TAMU Menanyakan nama dan keperluan (RESEPSIONIS) Good Morning. What can I do for you? Good morning, can

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ELLIPTICAL SENTENCE. Dalam pengerjaan / penggunaan kalimat Elliptical Construction, perlu diperhatikan tentang kata kerja bantu / auxiliary verb :

ELLIPTICAL SENTENCE. Dalam pengerjaan / penggunaan kalimat Elliptical Construction, perlu diperhatikan tentang kata kerja bantu / auxiliary verb : ELLIPTICAL SENTENCE Elliptical sentence atau yang sering disebut dengan ellipsis atau construction adalah penggabungan dua buah kalimat yang memiliki unsur sama dengan tujuan untuk membuat kalimat majemuk

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Marilah kita lihat contoh berikut :

Marilah kita lihat contoh berikut : Sekarang kita menginjak ke tahapan penting kedua pelajaran kita. Dalam pelajaran IV ini, kita akan mempelajari pengungkapan kalimat yang TIDAK menggunakan AKAN, SUDAH, SEDANG. Kalimat yang kita buat disini

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Gerund and to Infinitive. Dosen Dr. Ali Mustadi, M.Pd NIP

Gerund and to Infinitive. Dosen Dr. Ali Mustadi, M.Pd NIP Gerund and to Infinitive Dosen Dr. Ali Mustadi, M.Pd NIP.19780710 200801 1 012 Pengertian Gerund adalah: Ving (verb + ing) Verb yang ditambah ing kemudian berubah fungsinya menjadi Noun Kata benda yang

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TENSES. PRESENT TENSES Rumus : 1. Positif (+) = S + V1 (es/s) + O 2. Negatif (-) = S + Do/does + Not + V1 + O 3. Introgatif (?) = Do/does + S + V1 + O

TENSES. PRESENT TENSES Rumus : 1. Positif (+) = S + V1 (es/s) + O 2. Negatif (-) = S + Do/does + Not + V1 + O 3. Introgatif (?) = Do/does + S + V1 + O TENSES Tenses adalah bentuk waktu yang biasa kita gunakan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari.karena dengan Tenses kita bisa menggunakan kalimat yang sesuai dengan keadaan. Misalnya, keadaan yang biasa kita lakukan,

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COMPLEX TENSES. Oleh: Yoga Guntur Sampurno

COMPLEX TENSES. Oleh: Yoga Guntur Sampurno COMPLEX TENSES Oleh: Yoga Guntur Sampurno Definisi Complex Tenses Selain simple tenses, dalam bahasa Inggris terdapat tenses lain. Karena tenses tersebut berupa gabungan DUA VERB atau

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APPENDICES. 2. If you use a city map, you your way. a. are not losing c. did not lose e. would not lose b. will not lose d.

APPENDICES. 2. If you use a city map, you your way. a. are not losing c. did not lose e. would not lose b. will not lose d. APPENDICES Name : Class : Date : Time : 60 minutes CONDITIONAL SENTENCES I. Choose the best answer 1. Will you come to the meeting? If you come, I a. come c. do e. too b. will d. am 2. If you use a city

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Simple Present Tense

Simple Present Tense Simple Present Tense Penggunaan 1. Untuk menunjukkan fakta permanen Kalimat-kalimat yang menyatakan fakta yang selalu berlaku benar, contoh: Fish lives in water. The sun rises from the east. 2. Untuk menunjukkan

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SIMPLE PRESENT TENSE. Time signal. Choose one of the four choices that you think is the right answer then cross (x) on your chosen answer!

SIMPLE PRESENT TENSE. Time signal. Choose one of the four choices that you think is the right answer then cross (x) on your chosen answer! Sumber Referensi: Cheat sheet tenses: SIMPLE PRESENT TENSE Time signal Arti Always Every day

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MODULE 1 GRADE XI VARIATION OF EXPRESSIONS MODULE 1 GRADE XI VARIATION OF EXPRESSIONS Compiled by: Theresia Riya Vernalita H., S.Pd. Kompetensi Dasar 3.1 Menganalisis fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan pada ungkapan memberi saran

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Lesson 70: Questions. Pelajaran 70: Pertanyaan

Lesson 70: Questions. Pelajaran 70: Pertanyaan Lesson 70: Questions Pelajaran 70: Pertanyaan Reading (Membaca) Is your job easy? (Apakah pekerjaanmu mudah?) Has he finished eating? (Apakah dia sudah selesai makan?) Will it keep raining? (Akankah ini

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Lesson 67: Tag Questions. Pelajaran 67: Kalimat Tanya Penegasan

Lesson 67: Tag Questions. Pelajaran 67: Kalimat Tanya Penegasan Lesson 67: Tag Questions Pelajaran 67: Kalimat Tanya Penegasan Reading (Membaca) You will come with us, won t you? (Kamu akan datang dengan kami, The water is cold, isn t it? (Airnya dingin, bu You really

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BAB 6 PAST CONTINOUS BAB 6 PAST CONTINOUS They were playing football yesterday when their uncle came from village Langsung saja ya kita akan mempelajari lebih dalam tentang Past Continous Tense. Perhatikan contoh di atas.

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Lesson 63: Reported speech. Pelajaran 63: Pidato Laporan

Lesson 63: Reported speech. Pelajaran 63: Pidato Laporan Lesson 63: Reported speech Pelajaran 63: Pidato Laporan Reading (Membaca) He told me that he would come. (Dia bilang kepadaku dia akan datang.) She said that she would be fine. (Dia berkata bahwa dia akan

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Lesson 72: Present Perfect Simple. Pelajaran 72: Present Perfect Simple

Lesson 72: Present Perfect Simple. Pelajaran 72: Present Perfect Simple Lesson 72: Present Perfect Simple Pelajaran 72: Present Perfect Simple Reading (Membaca) I have been to that cinema before. (Saya sudah ke bioskop itu sebelumnya.) He has studied English. (Dia sudah belajar

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SMP kelas 7 - BAHASA INGGRIS CHAPTER 9LATIHAN SOAL CHAPTER 9 SMP kelas 7 - BAHASA INGGRIS CHAPTER 9LATIHAN SOAL CHAPTER 9 1. Gregy : What time do you go to bed every night? Isna : I usually go to bed at...(09.30) Nine oclock A half past nine A half past ten A half

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Lesson 42: have to, don t have to. Pelajaran 42: harus, tidak perlu

Lesson 42: have to, don t have to. Pelajaran 42: harus, tidak perlu Lesson 42: have to, don t have to Pelajaran 42: harus, tidak perlu Reading (Membaca) We have to go to school tomorrow. ( Kita harus pergi ke sekolah besok ) I have to get up at 5 am tomorrow. ( Aku harus

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Lesson 19: What. Pelajaran 19: Apakah

Lesson 19: What. Pelajaran 19: Apakah Lesson 19: What Pelajaran 19: Apakah Reading (Membaca) What is it? (Apakah ini?) What is your name? (Saiapa namamu?) What is the answer? (Apakah jawabannya?) What was that? (Apakah itu tadi?) What do you

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Buku Terbaru Karangan DR.Baiquni.MA

Buku Terbaru Karangan DR.Baiquni.MA Ebook Gratis Boleh dibagikan kepada kawan tapi tidak boleh merubah bentuk dan isi Buku Terbaru Karangan DR.Baiquni.MA klik 1 RINGKASAN TENSES Perubahan Bentuk Waktu Kalimat Present

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Lesson 27: Prepositions of Direction. (from, to, into, onto, away from) Pelajaran 27: Kata Depan untuk Arah

Lesson 27: Prepositions of Direction. (from, to, into, onto, away from) Pelajaran 27: Kata Depan untuk Arah Lesson 27: Prepositions of Direction (from, to, into, onto, away from) Pelajaran 27: Kata Depan untuk Arah Bagaimana Menggunakan Kata Depan untuk Arah Reading (Membaca) I come from Austria. ( Saya datang

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APPENDICES. Appendix A. Data 1 (Student A)

APPENDICES. Appendix A. Data 1 (Student A) APPENDICES Appendix A Data 1 (Student A) 48 No Sentence 1. *There so many place they can visiting. *There so many place they can visiting. Tidak mengerti struktur yang sebenarnya, mengira bahwa are atau

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SMA/MA IPA kelas 10 - BAHASA INGGRIS IPA CHAPTER 11Latihan Soal 11.2

SMA/MA IPA kelas 10 - BAHASA INGGRIS IPA CHAPTER 11Latihan Soal 11.2 1. Rita :Dont leave me alone, Bondan! Bondan :What did she say, Wan? Iwan :. SMA/MA IPA kelas 10 - BAHASA INGGRIS IPA CHAPTER 11Latihan Soal 11.2 She told you that you dont leave me alone. She told you

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2. PERSONAL PRONOUNS 3. Pronouns are words like I, me (personal pronouns) or my, mine (possessive pronouns).

2. PERSONAL PRONOUNS 3. Pronouns are words like I, me (personal pronouns) or my, mine (possessive pronouns). KISI-KISI PTS GASAL BAHASA INGGRIS KELAS 7 1. SIMPLE PRESENT TENSE be Use: am with the personal pronoun II is with the personal pronouns he, she or it (or with the singular form of nouns) are with the

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MAKALAH TENSES. BAHASA INGGRIS TENSES Untuk memenuhi salah satu tugas perbaikan nilai mata kuliah Bahasa Inggris

MAKALAH TENSES. BAHASA INGGRIS TENSES Untuk memenuhi salah satu tugas perbaikan nilai mata kuliah Bahasa Inggris MAKALAH TENSES BAHASA INGGRIS TENSES Untuk memenuhi salah satu tugas perbaikan nilai mata kuliah Bahasa Inggris Disusun oleh: Nama : Ignasius Fandy Jayanto NPM : 11310006 PENDIDIKAN MATEMATIKA (A) FAKULTAS

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SIMPLE PRESENT TENSE. Keterangan waktu yang dapat digunakan dalam Simple Present Tense adalah: No Keterangan Waktu Arti

SIMPLE PRESENT TENSE. Keterangan waktu yang dapat digunakan dalam Simple Present Tense adalah: No Keterangan Waktu Arti SIMPLE PRESENT TENSE Simple Present Tense adalah bentuk waktu yang digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu perbuatan atau kegiatan yang berlangsung atau terjadi pada waktu sekarang dalam bentuk sederhana, atau

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SMP kelas 9 - BAHASA INGGRIS CHAPTER 1Latihan Soal 1.1

SMP kelas 9 - BAHASA INGGRIS CHAPTER 1Latihan Soal 1.1 SMP kelas 9 - BAHASA INGGRIS CHAPTER 1Latihan Soal 1.1 1. Shinta : "Will John pass the exam?" Dewi :.... He is a smart and diligent student. I am quite sure I am uncertain I am not positive I think he

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Who are talking in the dialog? Bruce. Erick. Ericks sister. Bruce and Erick. E. Kunci Jawaban : D. Pembahasan Teks :

Who are talking in the dialog? Bruce. Erick. Ericks sister. Bruce and Erick. E. Kunci Jawaban : D. Pembahasan Teks : 1. SMP kelas 7 - BAHASA INGGRIS CHAPTER 8LATIHAN SOAL CHAPTER 8 By the way, you are still going to look around, arent you? Who are talking in the dialog? Bruce Erick Ericks sister Bruce and Erick Kunci

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CHAPTER V SUMMARY BINA NUSANTARA UNIVERSITY. Faculty of Humanities. English Department. Strata 1 Program


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Callista Sulaiman

Callista Sulaiman Callista ulaiman 2011-031-070 : o this is the first time I come to your class right? : riiight : o do you know my name? : Nooo : Ok so let me introduce myself first : Ok miss : o my name is Callista, and

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KETERANGAN WAKTU, KATA DEPAN & KATA PENGUHUBUNG NO KATA BHS INGGRIS 1 akhir pekan ini this weekend 2 akhir-akhir ini lately 3 akhir-akhir ini nowadays 4 asalkan provided (that) 5 bahkan even 6 banyak a lot 7 banyak much 8 banyak many 9 barangkali probably 10 baru saja

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Bentuk ini juga berlaku untuk BISA DI, HARUS DI, MUNGKIN DI, BOLEH DI

Bentuk ini juga berlaku untuk BISA DI, HARUS DI, MUNGKIN DI, BOLEH DI Pelajaran VII ini adalah tahapan penting ketiga, yang akan membawa kita bisa berbahasa Inggris dengan baik dan benar. Jika kita dapat melewatkan pelajaran VII atau tahapan penting ketiga ini dengan betul-betul

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Lesson 36: Infinitive 1. Lesson 36: Kata Kerja Infinitif 1

Lesson 36: Infinitive 1. Lesson 36: Kata Kerja Infinitif 1 Lesson 36: Infinitive 1 Lesson 36: Kata Kerja Infinitif 1 Reading (Membaca) My dream is to live in New York. (Impianku adalah tinggal di New York.) I would like to learn more about your country! (Saya

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Lesson 21: Who. Pelajaran 21: Siapa

Lesson 21: Who. Pelajaran 21: Siapa Lesson 21: Who Pelajaran 21: Siapa Reading (Membaca) Who are your friends? (Siapa temanmu?) Who is your new boss? (Siapa bos barumu?) Who is your English teacher? (Siapa guru Bahasa Inggrismu?) Who was

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Conditional Sentences (Part 1): Real Conditionals

Conditional Sentences (Part 1): Real Conditionals Conditional Sentences (Part 1): Real Conditionals Dalam kehidupan sehari-hari, sering kita berandai-andai. Misalnya, seandainya (jika) kamu mau jadi pacar saya, saya akan buat kamu orang paling bahagia

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Lesson 32: Future tense expressed by. be going to, not going to. Pelajaran 32: Bentuk akan datang yang diungkapkan dengan be. going to, not going to

Lesson 32: Future tense expressed by. be going to, not going to. Pelajaran 32: Bentuk akan datang yang diungkapkan dengan be. going to, not going to Lesson 32: Future tense expressed by be going to, not going to be verb~ing, not + be verb~ing Pelajaran 32: Bentuk akan datang yang diungkapkan dengan be going to, not going to be verb~ing, not + be verb~ing

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Lesson 31: Interrogative form of Will. Pelajaran 31: Kalimat Tanya untuk Bentuk Akan

Lesson 31: Interrogative form of Will. Pelajaran 31: Kalimat Tanya untuk Bentuk Akan Lesson 31: Interrogative form of Will Pelajaran 31: Kalimat Tanya untuk Bentuk Akan Reading (Membaca) Will it be sunny tomorrow? ( Apakah akan cerah besok?) Will you lend her the car? (Apakah kamu akan

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Makalah Parts of Speech

Makalah Parts of Speech Makalah Parts of Speech BAB I PENDAHULUAN 1. Latar Belakang Parts of Speech dalam bahasa Inggris berarti jenis-jenis kata atau kelas-kelas kata. Disebut parts of speech karena bagian-bagian dari ucapan

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MINI TEST UNIT 1,2. (c) is ( (D) ought. Browns... to another city. (C) moving. (D) must have moved. (C) speak. (D) writing in

MINI TEST UNIT 1,2. (c) is ( (D) ought. Browns... to another city. (C) moving. (D) must have moved. (C) speak. (D) writing in MINI TEST UNIT 1,2 a. Choose the letter of the word that best coinpletes the sentence (Pilihlah, B, C, atau sebagai pilihan yang benar untuk melengkapi kalimat-kalimat di bawah ini). 1. Cindy... study

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Lesson 64: Modal verbs Pelajaran 64: Kata Kerja Bantu

Lesson 64: Modal verbs Pelajaran 64: Kata Kerja Bantu Lesson 64: Modal verbs Pelajaran 64: Kata Kerja Bantu Reading (Membaca) He can cook almost any dish. (Dia bisa memasak hamper semua masakan.) You must solve your problems. (Kamu harus menyelesaikan masalahmu.)

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SMP kelas 8 - BAHASA INGGRIS CHAPTER 6LATIHAN SOAL CHAPTER 6 SMP kelas 8 - BAHASA INGGRIS CHAPTER 6LATIHAN SOAL CHAPTER 6 1. A Smart Parrot Where does the story happen? London Puerto Rico Jakarta Buenos Aires Dijelaskan dalam kalimat pertama paragraf 1: A man in

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Lesson 60 : Too/Either, So do I, Neither do I. Pelajaran 60 : Juga/Antara, Saya juga begitu, Saya juga tidak

Lesson 60 : Too/Either, So do I, Neither do I. Pelajaran 60 : Juga/Antara, Saya juga begitu, Saya juga tidak Lesson 60 : Too/Either, So do I, Neither do I Pelajaran 60 : Juga/Antara, Saya juga begitu, Saya juga tidak Reading (Membaca) I often watch movies at the movie theater, and my cousin does too. (Saya sering

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SMP kelas 7 - BAHASA INGGRIS CHAPTER 6Latihan Soal 6.1

SMP kelas 7 - BAHASA INGGRIS CHAPTER 6Latihan Soal 6.1 1. SMP kelas 7 - BAHASA INGGRIS CHAPTER 6Latihan Soal 6.1 What is the dialog about? Weekly test Greetings Kinds of test Cheating Kunci Jawaban : A Untuk menjawab apa isi dialog diatas, kalian harus membacanya.

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No Kegiatan Kalimat yang di latih Arti. 2. How are you? 3.- Do you remember about population? - Can you explain about population?

No Kegiatan Kalimat yang di latih Arti. 2. How are you? 3.- Do you remember about population? - Can you explain about population? 45 Lampiran 3. Siklus 1 1 Pendahuluan 1. Good morning/ Good afternoon 2. How are you? 3.- Do you remember about population? about population? 4.- Do you know the meaning of population? - What is the definition

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Passive Type 2 (Uang itu saya ambil, etc)

Passive Type 2 (Uang itu saya ambil, etc) Passive Type 2 (Uang itu saya ambil, etc) In Unit 1 we learned how make a passive sentence in this way: Uang itu diambil oleh Rina. But we can only do that if the Actor is a third person. (as with Rina

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Lesson 30: will, will not. Pelajaran 30: Akan, Tidak Akan

Lesson 30: will, will not. Pelajaran 30: Akan, Tidak Akan Lesson 30: will, will not Pelajaran 30: Akan, Tidak Akan Reading (Membaca) I hope you will visit me one day. ( Aku harap kamu akan mengunjungi saya satu hari ) I think your sister will like that cellphone.

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SMP kelas 8 - BAHASA INGGRIS CHAPTER 7LATIHAN SOAL CHAPTER 7 SMP kelas 8 - BAHASA INGGRIS CHAPTER 7LATIHAN SOAL CHAPTER 7 1. Grandpas Birthday What is the topic of the text? Birthday party Birthday cake Happy birthday Grandpas birthday Kunci Jawaban : D Bacaan tersebut

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SMP kelas 8 - BAHASA INGGRIS CHAPTER 4Latihan Soal 4.1. Since the first publishing 3 weeks ago, there have been over 500 copies sold.

SMP kelas 8 - BAHASA INGGRIS CHAPTER 4Latihan Soal 4.1. Since the first publishing 3 weeks ago, there have been over 500 copies sold. 1. Farhan : So, how many copies have been sold this far? Yola : Thank God. Many people seem to like it very much. SMP kelas 8 - BAHASA INGGRIS CHAPTER 4Latihan Soal 4.1 Since the first publishing 3 weeks

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SMP kelas 7 - BAHASA INGGRIS CHAPTER 8Latihan Soal 8.1

SMP kelas 7 - BAHASA INGGRIS CHAPTER 8Latihan Soal 8.1 1. SMP kelas 7 - BAHASA INGGRIS CHAPTER 8Latihan Soal 8.1 Karl : Hello, Sheila. Do you have plan for tomorrow? Sheila : Not, yet. Do you have any idea? Karl : Yeah, how about visiting Yogyakarta Palace?

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Lesson 68: Suggestions. Pelajaran 68: Saran

Lesson 68: Suggestions. Pelajaran 68: Saran Lesson 68: Suggestions Pelajaran 68: Saran Reading (Membaca) How about going to a club? (Bagaimana dengan pergi ke klub?) Why not stop smoking? (Kenapa tidak berhenti merokok?) Why don t you try exercising

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Callista Sulaiman

Callista Sulaiman Callista Sulaiman 2011-031-070 T : Ok, Good afternoon, guys. So, today I will teach you and today we will do a listening again. So, as usual, there will be a song, first. I ll give you the lyric. (distributing)

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Lesson 24: Prepositions of Time. (in, on, at, for, during, before, after) Pelajaran 24: Kata Depan untuk Keterangan Waktu

Lesson 24: Prepositions of Time. (in, on, at, for, during, before, after) Pelajaran 24: Kata Depan untuk Keterangan Waktu Lesson 24: Prepositions of Time (in, on, at, for, during, before, after) Pelajaran 24: Kata Depan untuk Keterangan Waktu Cara menggunakan preposisi waktu Reading (Membaca) I was born in 2000. ( Saya lahir

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SMP kelas 8 - BAHASA INGGRIS CHAPTER 9LATIHAN SOAL CHAPTER 9 SMP kelas 8 - BAHASA INGGRIS CHAPTER 9LATIHAN SOAL CHAPTER 9 1. Text for questions 1 and 2 To : Fahmi (The chair student of 8 B) 06/01/2017 Please forward to your classmates. During the long holiday, all

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BAGIAN I SUBJEK, VERB DAN OBJEK BAGIAN I UNIT 1 PART OF SPEECH Part of speech merupakan jenis-jenis kata dasar yang dikenal dalam dalam bahasa inggris, artinya kata-kata ini merupakan potongan-potongan puzzle yang digunakan untuk memahami

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I am an Learn, Love, Life GRAMMAR. S + Verb base + Object/Complement. S = Subjek, Verb base = kata kerja dasar

I am an Learn, Love, Life GRAMMAR. S + Verb base + Object/Complement. S = Subjek, Verb base = kata kerja dasar 1. PRESENT TENSES GRAMMAR A. SIMPLE PRESENT TENSE Simple Present Tense adalah bentuk waktu yang digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu perbuatan atau kegiatan yang berlangsung atau terjadi pada waktu sekarang

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Lesson 39: Infinitive and Gerund After Verbs. Pelajaran 39: Infinitif dan Gerund Setelah Kata Kerja

Lesson 39: Infinitive and Gerund After Verbs. Pelajaran 39: Infinitif dan Gerund Setelah Kata Kerja Lesson 39: Infinitive and Gerund After Verbs Pelajaran 39: Infinitif dan Gerund Setelah Kata Kerja Reading (Reading) She wants to go to a movie. ( Dia ingin pergi ke bioskop ) I m planning to work in Canada.

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Contoh Pengembangan Bahan Ajar untuk Program Audio (Bahan Ajar untuk Latihan Keterampilan Mendengarkan)

Contoh Pengembangan Bahan Ajar untuk Program Audio (Bahan Ajar untuk Latihan Keterampilan Mendengarkan) Contoh Pengembangan Bahan Ajar untuk Program Audio (Bahan Ajar untuk Latihan Keterampilan Mendengarkan) 1.Buat silabus (peta bahan ajar) untuk keteramplan mendengarkan dengan format berikut: Kompetensi

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Lesson 59: Negative yes-no Questions Pelajaran 59: Pertanyaan Negatif ya-tidak

Lesson 59: Negative yes-no Questions Pelajaran 59: Pertanyaan Negatif ya-tidak Lesson 59: Negative yes-no Questions Pelajaran 59: Pertanyaan Negatif ya-tidak Reading (Membaca) Isn t James playing soccer this year? (Bukankah James bermain sepak bola tahun ini?) Aren t they coming

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Lesson 20: Where, When. Pelajaran 20: Dimana, Kapan

Lesson 20: Where, When. Pelajaran 20: Dimana, Kapan Lesson 20: Where, When Pelajaran 20: Dimana, Kapan Reading (Membaca) Where is the City Hall? (Dimana City Hall?) Where are you now? (Dimana kamu sekarang?) Where is he working? (Dimana dia bekerja?) Where

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Lesson 66: Indirect questions. Pelajaran 66: Pertanyaan Tidak Langsung

Lesson 66: Indirect questions. Pelajaran 66: Pertanyaan Tidak Langsung Lesson 66: Indirect questions Pelajaran 66: Pertanyaan Tidak Langsung Reading (Membaca) Could you tell me where she went? (Bisakah kamu beritahu aku kemana dia pergi?) Do you know how I can get to the

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Saturday, 27 April 2013

Saturday, 27 April 2013 Saturday, 27 April 2013 KELAS VII D Standard Competency 12. Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks tulis fungsional pendek sangat sederhana untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan terdekat. Basic Competency 12.1

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SMP kelas 7 - BAHASA INGGRIS CHAPTER 11Latihan Soal 11.1

SMP kelas 7 - BAHASA INGGRIS CHAPTER 11Latihan Soal 11.1 SMP kelas 7 - BAHASA INGGRIS CHAPTER 11Latihan Soal 11.1 1. Manager : You look very exhausted.... to take a rest? Tina : OK, thanks, Sir. What about Are you like Do you order Would you like Kunci Jawaban

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Lesson 33: Interrogative forms of be going to, be + verb~ing for expressing near future

Lesson 33: Interrogative forms of be going to, be + verb~ing for expressing near future Lesson 33: Interrogative forms of be going to, be + verb~ing for expressing near future Pelajaran 33: Bentuk Kata Tanya "be going to, be verb ~ ing" untuk Mengekspresikan Waktu yang Akan Segera Datang

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Lesson 40: must, must not, should not. Pelajaran 40: harus, harus tidak, tidak boleh

Lesson 40: must, must not, should not. Pelajaran 40: harus, harus tidak, tidak boleh Lesson 40: must, must not, should not Pelajaran 40: harus, harus tidak, tidak boleh Reading (Membaca) You must answer all the questions. ( Anda harus menjawab semua pertanyaan ) We must obey the law. (

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Lesson 65: Causative verbs: let/make/have/get Pelajaran 65: Kata Kerja Kausatif: let/make/have/get

Lesson 65: Causative verbs: let/make/have/get Pelajaran 65: Kata Kerja Kausatif: let/make/have/get Lesson 65: Causative verbs: let/make/have/get Pelajaran 65: Kata Kerja Kausatif: let/make/have/get Reading (Membaca) Let him go to the concert. (Biarkan dia perdi ke konser.) Make him tell the truth. (Buat

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Lesson 52 : Passive Voice and its negative form

Lesson 52 : Passive Voice and its negative form Entry Grammar Lesson 52 Lesson 52 : Passive Voice and its negative form Pelajaran 52 : Suara Pasif dan Bentuk Negatif Reading (Membaca) Reporters write news reports. (Wartawan menulis laporan berita) News

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Simple present tense digunakan: 1. untuk menyatakan kejadian-kejadian yang terjadi secara reguler (regular happening).

Simple present tense digunakan: 1. untuk menyatakan kejadian-kejadian yang terjadi secara reguler (regular happening). Simple Present Tense Subject + Verb1 + Object + Modifier Simple present tense digunakan: 1. untuk menyatakan kejadian-kejadian yang terjadi secara reguler (regular happening). 2. untuk menyatakan kebiasan-kebiasaan

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3. Surat (Letter) The body of the letter (tubuh surat/susunan surat)

3. Surat (Letter) The body of the letter (tubuh surat/susunan surat) 3. Surat (Letter) Surat merupakan sarana komunikasi tertulis, yang biasanya dikirimkan melalui kantor pos. namun, seiring dengan perkembangan zaman, surat tidak hanya menggunakan media kertas. Sekarang

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Lesson 28: Other Prepositions. (by, about, like, of, with, without) Pelajaran 28: Preposisi Lain. Cara menggunakan preposisi lainnya.

Lesson 28: Other Prepositions. (by, about, like, of, with, without) Pelajaran 28: Preposisi Lain. Cara menggunakan preposisi lainnya. Lesson 28: Other Prepositions (by, about, like, of, with, without) Pelajaran 28: Preposisi Lain Cara menggunakan preposisi lainnya. Reading (Membaca) I go to school by bus. ( Saya pergi ke sekolah dengan

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SIMPLE TENSES. Oleh: Yoga Guntur Sampurno

SIMPLE TENSES. Oleh: Yoga Guntur Sampurno SIMPLE TENSES Oleh: Yoga Guntur Sampurno Penggunaan Simple Tenses SIMPLE TENSES: Simple Past Tense, Simple Present Tense, Simple Future Tense Simple Present Tense dibagi menjadi beberapa

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Lesson 38: Infinitive 3. (how, what, where, when + infinitive) Pelajaran 38: Kata Kerja Infinitif 3

Lesson 38: Infinitive 3. (how, what, where, when + infinitive) Pelajaran 38: Kata Kerja Infinitif 3 Lesson 38: Infinitive 3 (how, what, where, when + infinitive) Pelajaran 38: Kata Kerja Infinitif 3 (bagaimanaa, apakah, dimana, kapan + kata infinitif) Reading (Membaca) He knows how to cook spaghetti.

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Team project 2017 Dony Pratidana S. Hum Bima Agus Setyawan S. IIP

Team project 2017 Dony Pratidana S. Hum Bima Agus Setyawan S. IIP Hak cipta dan penggunaan kembali: Lisensi ini mengizinkan setiap orang untuk menggubah, memperbaiki, dan membuat ciptaan turunan bukan untuk kepentingan komersial, selama anda mencantumkan nama penulis

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Lesson 21: Who. Pelajaran 21: Siapa

Lesson 21: Who. Pelajaran 21: Siapa Lesson 21: Who Pelajaran 21: Siapa Reading (Membaca) Who are your friends? (Siapa temanmu?) Who is your new boss? (Siapa bos barumu?) Who is your English teacher? (Siapa guru Bahasa Inggrismu?) Who was

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Video A. Introduction

Video A. Introduction A. Introduction T (teacher): Good morning 1B! Ss (students): Good morning Ms. T: How are you today? Ss: I m fine thank you. T: 1B masih ingat tidak? One two eyes on me! Ss: One two eyes one you! T: Do

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Lesson 58 : everything, anything. each, every. Pelajaran 58 : semuanya, apapun. Masing-masing/sesuatu, setiap

Lesson 58 : everything, anything. each, every. Pelajaran 58 : semuanya, apapun. Masing-masing/sesuatu, setiap Lesson 58 : everything, anything each, every Pelajaran 58 : semuanya, apapun Masing-masing/sesuatu, setiap Reading (Membaca) Is everything okay? (Apakah semuanya baikbaik?) Don t worry, everything will

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Lesson 53 : Passive Interrogative Form of Passive Voice

Lesson 53 : Passive Interrogative Form of Passive Voice Entry Grammar Lesson 52 Lesson 53 : Passive Interrogative Form of Passive Voice Pelajaran 53 : Bentuk Pasif Interogatif dari Bunyi Pasif Reading (Membaca) Is that letter written by him? (Apakah surat itu

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No Materi Kompetensi Yang Diujikan Indikator. 1 At the Classroom Memahami benda-benda Disajikan gambar, siswa bisa menyebutkan nama

No Materi Kompetensi Yang Diujikan Indikator. 1 At the Classroom Memahami benda-benda Disajikan gambar, siswa bisa menyebutkan nama Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Kelas : I (Satu) No Materi Kompetensi Yang Diujikan Indikator 1 At the Classroom Memahami benda-benda Disajikan gambar, siswa bisa menyebutkan nama yang ada di dalam kelas

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UNIT 1 Pengertian, Jenis, dan Contoh Noun dalam Kalimat

UNIT 1 Pengertian, Jenis, dan Contoh Noun dalam Kalimat UNIT 1 Pengertian, Jenis, dan Contoh Noun dalam Kalimat Jenis dan Contoh Noun Noun merupakan salah satu part of speech ( unsur kalimat dalam bahasa Inggris) yang berupa orang atau sesuatu seperti benda,

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Lesson 35: Gerund 2. Pelajaran 35: Gerund 2

Lesson 35: Gerund 2. Pelajaran 35: Gerund 2 Lesson 35: Gerund 2 Pelajaran 35: Gerund 2 Reading (Membaca) His job is driving a bus. ( Pekerjaannya adalah mengemudikan bus ) Thank you for choosing my lesson. ( Terima kasih telah memilih kelas saya

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USM STAN 2010 (BAHASA INGGRIS) Oleh: 154 ENGLISH JAWABAN & PEMBAHASAN STRUCTURE AND WRITTEN EXPRESSION 121. B (neither does Ita) 122. A (passes) 123. C (made) USM STAN 2010 (BAHASA INGGRIS) Oleh: 154 ENGLISH (bagi nomor seri soal yang urutan soalnya

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Lesson 19: What. Pelajaran 19: Apakah

Lesson 19: What. Pelajaran 19: Apakah Lesson 19: What Pelajaran 19: Apakah Reading (Membaca) What is it? (Apakah ini?) What is your name? (Saiapa namamu?) What is the answer? (Apakah jawabannya?) What was that? (Apakah itu tadi?) What do you

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SMA/MA IPS kelas 10 - BAHASA INGGRIS IPS CHAPTER 10LATIHAN SOAL BAB 10. Be quite. Keep quiet 1. The correct active voice sentence of you are requested to keep quiet is SMA/MA IPS kelas 10 - BAHASA INGGRIS IPS CHAPTER 10LATIHAN SOAL BAB 10 Be quite Keep quiet Please keep quite Be quite please Please

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Lesson 55 : imperative + and, or, otherwise Pelajaran 55 : Kata Perintah + dan, atau, jika tidak

Lesson 55 : imperative + and, or, otherwise Pelajaran 55 : Kata Perintah + dan, atau, jika tidak 52 Lesson 55 : imperative + and, or, otherwise Pelajaran 55 : Kata Perintah + dan, atau, jika tidak Reading (Membaca) Go straight on, and you will see the station. (Jalan lurus, dan Anda akan melihat stasiunnya.)

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Ss: Raiver. River. T: Okay, this is a river. This a river, okay. How about this one. Ss: Beach. Beach. Beach. T: Okay, who likes to go the beach?

Ss: Raiver. River. T: Okay, this is a river. This a river, okay. How about this one. Ss: Beach. Beach. Beach. T: Okay, who likes to go the beach? Transcript 1 T: Good morning, students! How are you today? Ss: Good morning, Miss Mona and Miss Clara. T: Okay, class, because this is my first time here, I want to know you first. I want you to introduce

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Pronouns Kata Ganti-Kata Ganti

Pronouns Kata Ganti-Kata Ganti Pronouns Kata Ganti-Kata Ganti Pembahasan tentang pronoun mencakup beberapa topic yaitu: Personal, possessive and reflexive pronouns Personal, possessive and reflexive pronoun menjelaskan tentang kata

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SMA/MA IPA kelas 10 - BAHASA INGGRIS IPA CHAPTER 10Latihan Soal water. watered. are watering. are watered

SMA/MA IPA kelas 10 - BAHASA INGGRIS IPA CHAPTER 10Latihan Soal water. watered. are watering. are watered 1. Dina : The flowers are dying. Do you often water them? Bety : Yeah, they every morning. SMA/MA IPA kelas 10 - BAHASA INGGRIS IPA CHAPTER 10Latihan Soal 10.3 water watered are watering are watered have

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Lesson 07: Verb + Not, Verb +? Pelajaran 07: Kata kerja + Tidak, kata kerja + "?"

Lesson 07: Verb + Not, Verb +? Pelajaran 07: Kata kerja + Tidak, kata kerja + ? Lesson 07: Verb + Not, Verb +? Pelajaran 07: Kata kerja + Tidak, kata kerja + "?" Reading (Membaca) I do not run. (Saya tidak berlari.) We do not go to the park. (Kami tidak pergi ke taman.) You do not

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BAB VI KESALAHAN KESALAHAN SISWA DALAM MEMBUAT KALIMAT SEDERHANA 108 BAB VI KESALAHAN KESALAHAN SISWA DALAM MEMBUAT KALIMAT SEDERHANA 6.1 Kalimat Sederhana Siswa sekolah dasar dalam mempelajari bahasa Inggris selain mendengarkan, dan berbicara, siswa juga dituntut untuk

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SATUAN ACARA PERKULIAHAN : Pola Kalimat, Noun Phrase, Article, Number Tujuan pembelajaran umum : Mahasiswa mengetahui / memahami Pola Kalimat, Noun Phrase, Article, Number 1 Setelah mempelajari materi ini 1. Menjelaskan Pola Kalimat,

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Akhmad Arif Dosen Pembimbing: Diah Puspito Wulandari, ST., MSc.

Akhmad Arif Dosen Pembimbing: Diah Puspito Wulandari, ST., MSc. SISTEM TUTOR CERDAS DENGAN PENDEKATAN BERBASIS ATURAN UNTUK MEMPELAJARI KALIMAT MAJEMUK DALAM BAHASA INGGRIS Akhmad Arif 2209105085 Dosen Pembimbing: Diah Puspito Wulandari, ST., MSc. Daftar Isi Latar

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SMA/MA IPA kelas 10 - BAHASA INGGRIS IPA CHAPTER 11Latihan Soal apology. regret. sympathy. gratitude. purpose

SMA/MA IPA kelas 10 - BAHASA INGGRIS IPA CHAPTER 11Latihan Soal apology. regret. sympathy. gratitude. purpose 1. Reny : You looked so sad. Whats the matter with you? SMA/MA IPA kelas 10 - BAHASA INGGRIS IPA CHAPTER 11Latihan Soal 11.1 Yuyun : Ive lost my wallet somewhere between my house and the school, There

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God s PERFECT TIMING EDITORIAL God s PERFECT TIMING EDITORIAL TAKUT AKAN TUHAN. Permulaan hikmat adalah takut akan Tuhan, semua orang yang melakukannya berakal budi yang baik... KEHIDUPAN YANG DIPERSEMBAHKAN. Karena itu saudara-saudara,

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