ABSTRACT. :Payroll, Rank Spearman correlation analysis, employee attendance. Universitas Kristen Maranatha

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1 ABSTRACT Payroll cycle is important for several reasons. First, because the salaries, wages, income tax officials, and other employee expenses is a major component in most companies, secondly, because the burden of labor force (labor) is an important consideration in the valuation of inventory in manufacturing and construction companies. Classification and allocation of wage an undue burden can cause misstated net income materially. Finally, because payroll is a field that causes the waste of large amounts of company resources for. The purpose of this study was to determine system payroll internal control in PD. Mutiara Jaya Bandung, knowing that complete and accurate information in the payroll cycle in PD. Mutiara Jaya Bandung, and knowing the role of the internal control system in order to support the study of complete and accurate information on PD Mutiara Jaya Bandung. In this study is a quantitative research method used is Rank Spearman correlation analysis, coefficient determinant and testing hypotheses with a sample of 47 respondents From the survey results revealed that payroll procedures are performed in PD Mutiara Jaya Bandung is calculated based on salary classification salary list, a list of employees, employee absences activity report forms, and employee exit data forms. List contains the classification of the position classification salary, basic salary, period of employment, premiums are present, period of employment benefits, and premium performance. Payroll based on employee attendance is required, then this payroll will be paid by the finance department. While the quality of the information in the payroll cycle in PD Mutiara Jaya Bandung had supported the completeness and accuracy of the information, it can be seen from the payroll procedures performed by PD Mutiata Jaya Bandung, where the personnel process payroll from employee absenteeism, then fill payroll in accordance with the level presence, from the list are fully and accurately presented, after which it will be paid in the financial section. Then most of the employees had agreed on relevant, reliable, complete, timely, Understandable, and verifiable. The role of the internal control system in order to support the study of complete and accurate information on PD. Mutiara Jaya Bandung very good or very strong. then there is significant influence between the role of the internal control system in order to support the payroll is accurate and complete information. This shows the better the system of internal control of payroll, the more accurate and complete information on the PD Mutiara Jaya Bandung. Key word :Payroll, Rank Spearman correlation analysis, employee attendance vi

2 ABSTRAK Siklus gaji menjadi penting dengan beberapa alasan. Pertama, karena gaji, upah, pajak penghasilan pegawai, dan beban pegawai lainnya merupakan komponen utama pada kebanyakan perusahaan; kedua, karena beban tenaga tenaga kerja (labour) merupakan pertimbangan penting dalam penilaian persediaan pada perusahaan manufaktur dan konstruksi. Klasifikasi dan alokasi beban upah yang tidak semestinya dapat menyebabkan salah saji laba bersih secara material. Terakhir, karena penggajian merupakan bidang yang menyebabkan pemborosan sejumlah besar sumber daya perusahaan karena. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui istem pengendalian intern penggajian di PD. Mutiara Jaya Bandung, mengetahui informasi yang lengkap dan akurat dalam siklus penggajian pada PD. Mutiara Jaya Bandung, dan mengetahui peranan sistem pengendalian intern pengajian dalam rangka menunjang informasi yang lengkap dan akurat pada PD Mutiara Jaya Bandung Pada penelitian ini adalah penelitian kuantitatif dengan metode yang digunakan adalah analisis korelasi Rank Spearman, koefisien determinan dan pengujian hipotesis dengan sampel sebanyak 47 responden Dari hasil penelitian diketahui bahwa prosedur penggajian yang dilakukan di PD Mutiara Jaya Bandung adalah gaji dihitung berdasar daftar penggolongan gaji, daftar karyawan, formulir laporan aktivitas absensi karyawan, dan formulir data karyawan keluar. Daftar penggolongan gaji berisi klasifikasi jabatan, gaji pokok, masa kerja, premi hadir, tunjangan masa kerja, dan premi prestasi. Daftar gaji tersebut diisi berdasarkan kehadiran karyawan, kemudian daftar gaji ini akan dibayarkan oleh bagian keuangan. Sedangkan kualitas informasi dalam siklus penggajian pada PD Mutiara Jaya Bandung telah menunjang kelengkapan dan keakuratan informasi, hal terlihat dari prosedur penggajian yang dilakukan oleh PD Mutiata Jaya Bandung, di mana bagian personalia memproses penggajian mulai dari tingkat absensi karyawan, kemudian mengisis daftar gaji sesuai dengan tingkat kehadiran tersebut, dari daftar tersebut yang disajikan secara lengkap dan akurat, setelah itu maka akan dibayarkan di bagian keuangan. Kemudian sebagian besar karyawan menyatakan setuju mengenai relevant, reliable, complete, timely, Understandable, dan verifiable. Peranan sistem pengendalian intern pengajian dalam rangka menunjang informasi yang lengkap dan akurat pada PD. Mutiara Jaya Bandung yang sangat baik atau sangat kuat. kemudian ada pengaruh secara signifikan antara peranan sistem pengendalian intern penggajian dalam rangka menunjang informasi yang akurat dan lengkap. Ini menunjukkan semakin baik sistem pengendalin intern penggajian, maka akan semakin akurat dan lengkap informasi penggajian pada PD Mutiara Jaya Bandung. Kata kunci : Siklus gaji, korelasi Rank Spearman, kehadiran karyawan vii

3 DAFTAR ISI Halaman HALAMAN JUDUL... i HALAMAN PENGESAHAN... ii SURAT PERNYATAAN KEASLIAN SKRIPSI... iii KATA PENGANTAR... iv ABSTRACT... vi ABSTRAK... vii DAFTAR ISI... viii DAFTAR TABEL... xiii BAB I PENDAHULUAN Latar Belakang Penelitian Identifikasi Masalah Maksud dan Tujuan Penelitian Maksud Penelitian Tujuan Penelitian Kegunaan Penelitian... 6 BAB II KAJIAN PUSTAKA, KERANGKA PEMIKIRAN, DAN PENGEMBANGAN HIPOTESIS Kajian Pustaka Efektivitas Pengendalian Intern... 8 viii

4 Pengertian Pengendalian Intern Tujuan Pengendalian intern Komponen Pengendalian intern Lingkungan Intern (Internal Environment) Objective Setting Event Identification Risk Assessment Risk Response Control Activities Information and Communication Monitoring Keterbatasan Pengendalian Intern Silklus Penggajian Pengertian Siklus Penggajian Catatan dan Dokumen Dalam Siklus Penggajian Aktivitas Siklus Penggajian Gaji dan Upah Pengertian Gaji dan Upah Tujuan Penggajian Dasar Perhitungan Penggajian Penggajian Berdasarkan Jabatan atau Pekerjaan Penggajian Berdasarkan Keterampilan Prosedur Penggajian ix

5 2.1.5 Efektivitas Pengendalian Dalam Siklus Penggajian Kerangka Pemikiran Hipotesis BAB III METODE PENELITIAN Objek Penelitian Metode Penelitian Jenis Data Teknik Pengumpulan Data Skala Penelitian Operasionalisasi Variabel Metode Penarikan Sampel Validitas dan Reliabilitas Pengukuran Validitas Pengukuran Reliabilitas Metode Analisis Koefisien Korelasi Analisis Koefesien Determinasi Pengujian Hipotesis BAB IV HASIL PENELITIAN DAN PEMBAHASAN Analisis Prosedur Penggajian pada PD. Mutiara Jaya Bandung Prosedur Penghitungan Gaji Prosedur Persetujuan Gaji x

6 4.1.3 Prosedur Permintaan Kas untuk Penggajian Prosedur Pembagian Gaji Prosedur Pencatatan dan Pemeriksaan Penggajian Analisis Pengendalian Intern Penggajian pada PD Mutiara Jaya Bandung Proper Authorizations of Transactions and Activities Segregation of Duties Design and Use of Documents and Records Safeguard Assets, Records, and Data Independent Checks on Performance Informasi yang Lengkap dan Akurat dalam Siklus Penggajian pada PD. Mutiara Jaya Bandung Relevant Reliable Complete Timely Understandable Verifiable Peranan Sistem Pengendalian Intern Pengajian dalam Rangka Menunjang Informasi yang Lengkap dan Akurat pada PD. Mutiara Jaya Bandung Analisis Koefisien Korelasi Analisis Koefisien Determinan Pengujian Hipotesis xi


8 DAFTAR TABEL Halaman Tabel I Skor Kuesioner untuk Pertanyaan Positif Tabel II Skor Kuesioner untuk Pertanyaan Negatif Tabel III Operasional Variabel Sitem Pengendalian Intern Penggajian Tabel IV Operasional Variabel Sistem Informasi yang Lengkap dan Akurat Tabel V Interpretasi Untuk Koefesien Korelasi Tabel VI Otorisasi Pekerjaan di Bagian Penggajian Sudah Sesuai Dengan Standar Tabel VII Karyawan Bagian Penggajian Mempunyai Job Description Masing-masing Tabel VIII Data Penggajian Diperiksa Oleh Pimpinan/ Kepala Bagian Tabel IX Karyawan Bagian Pengajian Harus Merahasiakan Semua Pekerjaanya Tabel X Data yang Dikerjakan di Bagian Penggajian Akurat Tabel XI Otorisasi Untuk Mencegah Adanya Transaksi Fiktif atau Transaksi yang Tidak Akurat Tabel XII Pemisahan Tugas Berfungsi Untuk Mencegah Pencurian Aset Tabel XIII Pemisahan Tugas Berfungsi Untuk Mencegah Otorisasi yang Tidak Layak Tabel XIV Pemisahan Tugas Berfungsi Mencegah Transaksi Fiktif/ Transaksi yang Tidak Akurat Tabel XV Pemisahan Fungsi Antara Pencatatan Transaksi dan xiii

9 Penyimpanan Aset Sudah Dilakukan Tabel XVI Pemisahan Fungsi Antara Otorisasi Transaksi dan Pencatatan Suatu Transaksi Sudah Dilakukan Tabel XVII Pemisahan Fungsi Antara Otorisasi Transaksi dan Penyimpanan Aset Sudah Dilakukan Tabel XVIII Perusahaan Sudah Menerapkan Pemisahan Antara Fungsi Pencatatan, Penyimpanan, dan Otorisasi Tabel XIX Dokumen Mengenai Penggajian Sudah Dibuat Secara Memadai. 70 Tabel XX Isi Dokumen Akurat dan Lengkap Tabel XXI Dokumen Dan Catatan Dijaga Bentuk dan Isinya Agar Tetap Sesederhana Mungkin Tabel XXII Arsip Pencatatan Perusahaan Disimpan Dengan Rapi Tabel XXIII Perusahaan Menciptakan Peraturan-peraturan dan Prosedur yang Tepat dalam Proses Penjagaan Terhadap Aset, Catatan, dan Data Tabel XXIV Perusahaan Memelihara Catatan Aset, Termasuk Informasi, Secara Akurat dalam Proses Penggajian Tabel XXV Perusahaan Membatasi Akses Secara Fisik pada Aset Tabel XXVI Setiap Karyawan Harus Melindungi Catatan dan Dokumen Tabel XXVII Pemeriksaan Dilakukan Oleh Orang Lain yang Tidak Bertanggung Jawab atas Jalannya Operasi yang Diperiksa Tabel XXVIII Pimpinan Harus Membandingkan Kinerja Aktual Perusahaan dengan Budget atau Target Tabel XXIX Pimpinan/ Kepala Bagian Melakukan Analisis dan Memeriksa xiv

10 Hubungan di antara Data Set yang Berbeda Tabel XXX Adanya Rekonsiliasi atas Dua Kumpulan Catatan yang Dibuat Secara Independen Tabel XXXI Perusahaan Membandingkan Jumlah Aset Aktual yang Dimiliki Perusahaan Dengan Jumlah yang Tercantum pada Catatan Tabel XXXII Perusahaan Menerapkan Double-Entry Accounting Tabel XXXIII Perusahaan Meninjau Kembali Pekerjaan yang Dilakukan oleh Seseorang Tabel XXXIV Informasi Pengajian Membantu Meningkatkan Kemampuan Pengambilan Keputusan Tabel XXXV Informasi Pengajian Dapat Mengurangi Ketidakpastian Tabel XXXVI Informasi Pengajian Memberikan Kepastian Dalam Pembayaran Gaji Tabel XXXVII Informasi Pengajian Bebas dari Kesalahan atau Bias Tabel XXXVIII Informasi Pengajian Mencerminkan Aktivitas Sistem Penggajian Tabel XXIX Informasi Pengajian Menyediakan Prosedur Pembayaran Gaji Bagi Karyawan Tabel XL Informasi Pengajian Mengandung Aspek-Aspek Penting yang Melandasi Aktivitas Sistem Penggajian Tabel XLI Informasi Pengajian Mencantumkan Identitas Karyawan Secara Lengkap Tabel XLII Informasi Pengajian Dapat Mengidentifikasikan Spesifikasi Rincian Komponen Pembayaran Gaji xv

11 Tabel XLIII Informasi Pengajian Tersedia Secara Tepat Waktu Untuk Mendasari Pengambilan Keputusan Tabel XLIV Informasi Pengajian yang Teridentifikasi dan Tercatat Secara Tepat Waktu Tabel XLV Informasi Pengajian Disajikan dalam Format yang Mudah Dipahami oleh Karyawan Tabel XLVI Informasi Pengajian Menyediakan Info yang Dibutuhkan Perusahaan Tabel XLVII Informasi Pengajian Memberikan Pemahaman yang Sama Bagi Setiap Pemakai Informasi Tabel XLVIII Korelasi Sitem Pengendalian Intern Penggajian (X) dengan Informasi yang Lengkap dan Akurat (Y) Tabel XLIX Hasil Koefisien Determinan Tabel L Hasil Pengujian Hipotesis xvi

ABSTRACT. Keywords: Internal Auditing, Internal Control Sales. Universitas Kristen Maranatha

ABSTRACT. Keywords: Internal Auditing, Internal Control Sales. Universitas Kristen Maranatha ABSTRACT Sales is an element that plays an important role for the company, because of this activity the company earns revenue. Good internal control of sales activity is necessary, for execution of sales

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ABSTRACT. Keywords: Internal Audit, Sales Internal Control. vii Universitas Kristen Maranatha

ABSTRACT. Keywords: Internal Audit, Sales Internal Control. vii Universitas Kristen Maranatha ABSTRACT The purpose of this research was to determine the internal audit adopted by the PT. PINDAD (PERSERO) has adequate and internal audit significantly influence the effectiveness of sales internal

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ABSTRACT. vii. Universitas Kristen Maranatha

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ABSTRACT. Keyword: Activiity based Costing system, Cost of Goods Manufacture, Cost Driver, Overhead Cost. vii. Universitas Kristen Maranatha

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ABSTRACT. Keywords: Internal control structure, payroll, remuneration procedure. viii Universitas Kristen Maranatha

ABSTRACT. Keywords: Internal control structure, payroll, remuneration procedure. viii Universitas Kristen Maranatha ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to analyze employee remuneration procedures and to know about the implementation of the internal control system of remuneration of employees in PT.KeretaApi Indonesia

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ABSTRACT. Keywords: Variable Costing Method, Full costing Method,Cost of product,and Profit. viii. Universitas Kristen Maranatha

ABSTRACT. Keywords: Variable Costing Method, Full costing Method,Cost of product,and Profit. viii. Universitas Kristen Maranatha ABSTRACT This study discusses the cost comparison method, namely the full costing method and variable costing method for the basic price and selling price. Research method used in descriptive analytical

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ABSTRACT. employee motivation. Keywords: management control systems, human resources (compensation) and. Universitas Kristen Maranatha

ABSTRACT. employee motivation. Keywords: management control systems, human resources (compensation) and. Universitas Kristen Maranatha ABSTRACT Each company, of course, expect that the resulting products and services in accordance with the goals which they expect by way of combining all available resources. The most important asset that

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ABSTRACT. Keywords: Product quality, price, purchasing decisions. ix Universitas Kristen Maranatha

ABSTRACT. Keywords: Product quality, price, purchasing decisions. ix Universitas Kristen Maranatha ABSTRACT The era of globalization are promising sweeping the world a new business opportunities and challenges for companies operating in indonesia. Consciousness producers will progress information technology

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ABSTRACT. Keyword: operational audit, effectiveness and employee performance. vii. Universitas Kristen Maranatha

ABSTRACT. Keyword: operational audit, effectiveness and employee performance. vii. Universitas Kristen Maranatha ABSTRACT Operational audit was quality controlling for activity of employee which hoped can support reached company objective in a comprehensive manner. Operational audit done by independent and competent

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ABSTRACT. Keywords: Motivation, Tax Knowledge, Taxpayer compliance. vii. Universitas Kristen Maranatha

ABSTRACT. Keywords: Motivation, Tax Knowledge, Taxpayer compliance. vii. Universitas Kristen Maranatha ABSTRACT The purpose of this research is to examine whether there is influence between motivation and knowledge of taxation on tax compliance. In this study, researchers divided the problem into three

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ABSTRACT. Universitas Kristen Maranatha

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ABSTRACT. Keywords : The Role of Internal Audit, Good Corporate Governance. vii. Universitas Kristen Maranatha

ABSTRACT. Keywords : The Role of Internal Audit, Good Corporate Governance. vii. Universitas Kristen Maranatha ABSTRACT Corporate Governance has become an interesting issue since the last decade.world organizations like the World Bank and the Organization For Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) participated

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ABSTRACT. Keywords: Motivation, Interest, Understanding of Taxation Laws

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Kata kunci : Total Quality Management, Pengukuran Kinerja, Kinerja Manajerial

Kata kunci : Total Quality Management, Pengukuran Kinerja, Kinerja Manajerial ABSTRAK Kinerja manajerial merupakan kinerja para individu dalam pengelolaan perusahaan. Keberhasilan suatu organisasi dalam mencapai tujuan dan memenuhi tanggung jawab sosialnya, sebagian besar tergantung

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ABSTRACT. Key words: Total Quality Management and Effectiveness Operating Revenues. viii. Universitas Kristen Maranatha

ABSTRACT. Key words: Total Quality Management and Effectiveness Operating Revenues. viii. Universitas Kristen Maranatha ABSTRACT PT.Telkom,Inc is a provider of information and telecommunication companies and providers of telecommunication services and a largest complete network in Indonesia that provides telephone moving

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ABSTRACT. Keywords: Participation Budgeting, Managerial Performance, style of leadership, quality of human resources.

ABSTRACT. Keywords: Participation Budgeting, Managerial Performance, style of leadership, quality of human resources. ABSTRACT The budget is an element in the management control system that serves as a planning tool, a tool of work coordinating and monitoring tools for the job of top managers to improve managerial performance

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ABSTRAK. kata kunci : managemen sistem transaksi, ASP, Window XP SP 2, Internet Expoler. Universitas Kristen Maranatha

ABSTRAK. kata kunci : managemen sistem transaksi, ASP, Window XP SP 2, Internet Expoler. Universitas Kristen Maranatha ABSTRAK Perusahaan LS adalah sebuah perusahaan barang bekas di Bengkulu. Perusahaan LS mempunyai banyak transaksi yang dilakukan setiap hari. Transaksi tersebut berupa transaksi penjualan, pembelian, stok

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ABSTRACT. Keywords: Activity Based Costing (ABC) dan Cost of Good Manufactured (COGM) vii. Universitas Kristen Maranatha

ABSTRACT. Keywords: Activity Based Costing (ABC) dan Cost of Good Manufactured (COGM) vii. Universitas Kristen Maranatha ABSTRACT This research aimed to give author knowledge about the role of Activity Based Costing (ABC) in calculating Cost of Good Manufactured (COGM) accurately and to compare both COGM that obtained from

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ABSTRAK. Kata kunci : pengukuran kinerja, penggajian, presensi, aplikasi desktop

ABSTRAK. Kata kunci : pengukuran kinerja, penggajian, presensi, aplikasi desktop ABSTRAK Pengembangan sistem informasi ini bertujuan untuk membantu menangani sistem presensi dan penggajian pada perusahaan x. Selain itu, juga terdapat fitur untuk membantu pengukuran kinerja pegawai

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ABSTRAK. Kata Kunci : Modul barang, pemasok, pembelian, penjualan, jurnal, laporan laba rugi, metode average, metode AHP.

ABSTRAK. Kata Kunci : Modul barang, pemasok, pembelian, penjualan, jurnal, laporan laba rugi, metode average, metode AHP. ABSTRAK Pembuatan aplikasi yang mencakup analisa perancangan dan dokumentasi ini, dibuat berdasarkan permintaan dari pihak toko Union Electronic. Pembuatan aplikasi ini bertujuan untuk membantu proses

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ABSTRACT. Keywords : Operational Audit, Increased Effectiveness of Employee Performance. viii. Universitas Kristen Maranatha

ABSTRACT. Keywords : Operational Audit, Increased Effectiveness of Employee Performance. viii. Universitas Kristen Maranatha ABSTRACT Operational audit should be able to control problems that might arise, usually a problem often faced is the employee performance. Each company held operational control which is expected to assist

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ABSTRACT. Key words: Error in Charging (SPT), Income Tax Filing 21. vii. Universitas Kristen Maranatha

ABSTRACT. Key words: Error in Charging (SPT), Income Tax Filing 21. vii. Universitas Kristen Maranatha ABSTRACT (SPT) is a letter that is used by the taxpayer to report the calculation and payment of tax payable under the provisions of the tax laws. In practice, there are still taxpayers who make mistakes

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ABSTRAK. Universitas Kristen Maranatha

ABSTRAK. Universitas Kristen Maranatha ABSTRAK Pada tahun-tahun terakhir, persaingan antara produsen teh siap minum dalam kemasan di Indonesia semakin marak. Para produsen teh siap minum dalam kemasan di Indonesia berkompetisi untuk menciptakan

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DAFTAR ISI. 2.1 Analisis Peluang Universitas Kristen Maranatha


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ABSTRAK. Keyword : inventory, income tax. Universitas Kristen Maranatha

ABSTRAK. Keyword : inventory, income tax. Universitas Kristen Maranatha ABSTRAK Pada saat sekarang ini, kurang stabilnya iklim perekonomian di indonesia, ketatnya persaingan antara perusahaan dan juga inflasi mengakibatkan perusahaan harus mencari alternatif untuk dapat tetap

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ABSTRACT. Key words: management control system, knowledge management, resource-based view theory. vii

ABSTRACT. Key words: management control system, knowledge management, resource-based view theory. vii ABSTRACT Knowledge has become one of the most important asset in organization in this information era, because knowledge has tremendous influence in determining the progress of an organization. This is

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ABSTRACT. Keywords: Income Tax clause 21. Universitas Kristen Maranatha

ABSTRACT. Keywords: Income Tax clause 21. Universitas Kristen Maranatha ABSTRACT There are four methods of cutting income tax clause 21 of Income Tax : clause 21 covered employees, income tax borne by the employer clause 21, Article 21 provided in the form of tax allowances,

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ABSTRACT. Keywords : Capital Budgeting, Payback Period, Net Present Value, Internal Rate of Return, dan Profitability Index.

ABSTRACT. Keywords : Capital Budgeting, Payback Period, Net Present Value, Internal Rate of Return, dan Profitability Index. ABSTRACT Iraq state planning to invest around $ 130 billion over the next five years. Iraq state will increase natural gas production and refinery capacity. So that the Iraq state will benefit to triple

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ABSTRACT. Keywords: Television advertising, customer interest in purchasing. Universitas Kristen Maranatha

ABSTRACT. Keywords: Television advertising, customer interest in purchasing. Universitas Kristen Maranatha ABSTRACT Campaign on television today much in demand to introduce and promote products to the public. Media advertising campaign on television is considered the most effective way to increase sales of

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ABSTRACT. Keywords: Hedonic Shopping Motivation. vii. Universitas Kristen Maranatha

ABSTRACT. Keywords: Hedonic Shopping Motivation. vii. Universitas Kristen Maranatha ABSTRACT Along with the development of era, the current shopping concept has turned into a reflection of lifestyle and leisure among communities. Humans also have the motivation of a hedonist is a form

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ABSTRACT. vii. Universitas Kristen Maranatha

ABSTRACT. vii. Universitas Kristen Maranatha ABSTRACT The study was conducted at PT. Semangat Sejahtera Bersama located in Tangerang. The purpose of this study was to determine the adequacy and application of Management Control Systems to determine

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ABSTRAK. Kata-kata kunci: risiko pengendalian, sistem pengendalian intern, pengujian substantif atas saldo persediaan.

ABSTRAK. Kata-kata kunci: risiko pengendalian, sistem pengendalian intern, pengujian substantif atas saldo persediaan. ABSTRAK Sistem persediaan yang sangat kompleks menuntut seorang auditor untuk mampu memahami sistem pengendalian intern yang diterapkan oleh klien. Dengan demikian, auditor dapat menetapkan resiko pengendalian

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ABSTRAK. Kata kunci: manajemen, fuzzy, karyawan. iii

ABSTRAK. Kata kunci: manajemen, fuzzy, karyawan. iii ABSTRAK Karya ilmiah Pembuatan Aplikasi Sistem Informasi Dalam Manajemen SDM Dengan Metode Fuzzy Dan Kuantitatif Teknik Eksponen Penentu ini bertujuan untuk memudahkan proses manajemen dan mengontrol manipulasi

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ABSTRAK. Kata Kunci : mengintegrasikan, mudah, terkomputerisasi

ABSTRAK. Kata Kunci : mengintegrasikan, mudah, terkomputerisasi ABSTRAK Kemajuan di bidang teknologi informasi semakin hari semakin meningkat seiring berkembangnya permintaan akan hidup yang lebih mudah, efisien, dan aman. Peralihan sistem informasi Kumon dari sistem

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Kata-kata kunci: Sistem Pengendalian Manajemen, p embelajaran organisasi, dan kinerja

Kata-kata kunci: Sistem Pengendalian Manajemen, p embelajaran organisasi, dan kinerja ABSTRAK Perusahaan sebagai salah satu bentuk organisasi pada umumnya memiliki tujuan tertentu yang ingin dicapai dalam usaha untuk memenuhi kepentingan para anggotanya. Keberhasilan dalam mencapai tujuan

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1 ABSTRAK. Kata Kunci: proyek, biaya, anggaran. iii Universitas Kristen Maranatha

1 ABSTRAK. Kata Kunci: proyek, biaya, anggaran. iii Universitas Kristen Maranatha 1 ABSTRAK PT. FELIXINDO adalah perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang jasa desain, kontraktor CME (Continuing Medical Education), perdagangan umum dan isntalasi mekanikal elektrikal. Jenis pengerjaan yang

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ABSTRACT. Keyword: Operational inspection, Inventory. Universitas Kristen Maranatha

ABSTRACT. Keyword: Operational inspection, Inventory. Universitas Kristen Maranatha ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to determine the role of operational inventory checks on the effectiveness of inventory., Which demonstrated the strength of the relationship and influence of variable

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ABSTRAK. Kata Kunci: sistem informasi, absensi,penggajian,recruitment, DSS, WPM, C#, SQL server 2008 R2.

ABSTRAK. Kata Kunci: sistem informasi, absensi,penggajian,recruitment, DSS, WPM, C#, SQL server 2008 R2. ABSTRAK PT.Maestro adalah perusahaan dengan jumlah tenaga kerja yang cukup banyak, tetapi masih menggunakan cara manual dalam mengolah data kepegawaian dan juga dalam menyeleksi pelamar pekerjaan. Akibatnya,

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ABSTRACT. The role of Internal Audit on Corporate Management Obedience

ABSTRACT. The role of Internal Audit on Corporate Management Obedience ABSTRACT The role of Internal Audit on Corporate Management Obedience Activity of internal control is one important activity within the company because it is a control activities within the company, especially

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ABSTRACT. Keywords: Human Resource Development, Employee Performance. viii Universitas Kristen Maranatha

ABSTRACT. Keywords: Human Resource Development, Employee Performance. viii Universitas Kristen Maranatha ABSTRACT Human Resources has a very important role in determining the success of achieving the goals of an organization. Success or failure of the implementation of HR functions depends heavily on the

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ABSTRAKSI. Kata kunci : Rencana Anggaran Biaya, Analisa Harga Satuan Pekerjaan, Konstruksi, Quick Cost Estimator ABSTRACT

ABSTRAKSI. Kata kunci : Rencana Anggaran Biaya, Analisa Harga Satuan Pekerjaan, Konstruksi, Quick Cost Estimator ABSTRACT ABSTRAKSI Analisa harga satuan pekerjaan merupakan proses yang penting dalam proses estimasi harga proyek konstruksi. Analisa harga satuan pekerjaan yang baik akan menunjang rencana anggaran biaya yang

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ABSTRACT. Keywords: television advertising, brand awareness, purchase decisions. Universitas Kristen Maranatha

ABSTRACT. Keywords: television advertising, brand awareness, purchase decisions. Universitas Kristen Maranatha ABSTRACT As more and more competition in the market, each market (mainly manufacturers) must have a strategy and create a better awareness in order to compete with each other. For that we needed discussion

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ABSTRACT. Keywords: e-spt, efficiency, data processing, tax officials. vii. Universitas Kristen Maranatha

ABSTRACT. Keywords: e-spt, efficiency, data processing, tax officials. vii. Universitas Kristen Maranatha ABSTRACT Implementation of e-spt are intended to facilitate the taxpayers in reporting the tax and for tax s employees doing their job. The implementation of e-spt is one form of efficiency such speed,

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Abstract. vi Universitas Kristen Maranatha

Abstract. vi Universitas Kristen Maranatha Abstract Hotel X is company that handle service and already use information system on it bussiness. With information system need way to protect information system asset that exist in company. It required

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ABSTRACT. Key Words : Financial Crisis, Bankruptcy, Financial Ratio Analysis, Springate Bankruptcy Model. Universitas Kristen Maranatha

ABSTRACT. Key Words : Financial Crisis, Bankruptcy, Financial Ratio Analysis, Springate Bankruptcy Model. Universitas Kristen Maranatha v ABSTRACT In Indonesia at 1998 th has experienced a financial crisis which resulted in 80% of 280 companies that go public have even collapsed due to the company's asset value is far below the nominal

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ABSTRACT. Key words: electronic word of mouth, attitude (attitude), Interests Buy (purchase intention) vii Universitas Kristen Maranatha

ABSTRACT. Key words: electronic word of mouth, attitude (attitude), Interests Buy (purchase intention) vii Universitas Kristen Maranatha ABSTRACT This study aims to determine the effect of electronic word of mouth on consumer buying interest to potential buyers in Indomaret Surya Sumantri especially students / I in the environment Maranatha

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ABSTRACT. Keywords: Nokia, Product Quality, Loyalty. viii. Universitas Kristen Maranatha

ABSTRACT. Keywords: Nokia, Product Quality, Loyalty. viii. Universitas Kristen Maranatha ABSTRACT In the present era, the development of technology in the world is progressing very rapidly, it also led to competition in the world of business and technology increasingly stringent. This is what

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ABSTRAK. Kata kunci : media cetak, pemesanan koran, pengembalian Koran, sistem informasi, integerasi. vii Universitas Kristen Maranatha

ABSTRAK. Kata kunci : media cetak, pemesanan koran, pengembalian Koran, sistem informasi, integerasi. vii Universitas Kristen Maranatha ABSTRAK Industri media cetak di indonesia sangat pesat perkembangannya dengan keberadaan beberapa surat kabar daerah serta surat kabar regional maupun nasional. Setiap perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang

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Abstrak. Kata kunci : Nilai ekonomis, psikologis, sosial, fungsional, loyalitas. vii. Universitas Kristen Maranatha

Abstrak. Kata kunci : Nilai ekonomis, psikologis, sosial, fungsional, loyalitas. vii. Universitas Kristen Maranatha Abstrak Pemasaran pada dasarnya adalah membangun merek di benak konsumen agar mendapatkan loyalitas yang kuat. Untuk menciptakan loyalitas yang kuat maka harus dibangun hambatan-hambatan untuk mencegah

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ABSTRACT. Keywords: auditing, internal, control, inventory, raw, material. vii. Universitas Kristen Maranatha

ABSTRACT. Keywords: auditing, internal, control, inventory, raw, material. vii. Universitas Kristen Maranatha ABSTRACT Every company has its own purpose in maintaining its activities. To reach that purpose, all companies have to control their activities and realize the importance of having good management and

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ABSTRAKSI. Keywords: Aplikasi Web, Keuangan, Sistem Akuntansi. Universitas Kristen Maranatha

ABSTRAKSI. Keywords: Aplikasi Web, Keuangan, Sistem Akuntansi. Universitas Kristen Maranatha ABSTRAKSI Dalam dunia bisnis, suatu perusahaan, baik perusahaan besar atau kecil pasti membutuhkan sebuah sistem untuk memperlancar proses bisnis perusahaan tersebut. Sistem tersebut berfungsi untuk mengatur

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ABSTRAK. Kata kunci : Periklanan Televisi, Citra Merek. Universitas Kristen Maranatha

ABSTRAK. Kata kunci : Periklanan Televisi, Citra Merek. Universitas Kristen Maranatha ABSTRAK Periklanan televisi diakui sebagai media iklan paling berpengaruh dan menjangkau spektrum konsumen. Dari perspektif pembangunan merek, iklan televisi mempunyai dua kekuatan yang sangat penting

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ABSTRACT. Key Word: Management Control Systems, Effectiveness Sales, Sales Targets. vii. Universitas Kristen Maranatha

ABSTRACT. Key Word: Management Control Systems, Effectiveness Sales, Sales Targets. vii. Universitas Kristen Maranatha ABSTRACT The main focus of the Management Control System is to control all activities of the company's operations. Effect of Management Control Systems in the company can be seen from the sales that always

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ABSTRAK. Kata Kunci : Kualitas Layanan, Kepuasan Pasien, Customer Relationship Management. Universitas Kristen Maranatha

ABSTRAK. Kata Kunci : Kualitas Layanan, Kepuasan Pasien, Customer Relationship Management. Universitas Kristen Maranatha ABSTRAK Kota Bandung merupakan salah satu kota besar yang ada di Indonesia, dengan jumlah populasi penduduk yang terus meningkat dari tahun ke tahun, maka hal tersebut memacu pula laju peningkatan angka

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ABSTRACT " Internal Audit Role in Supporting the Effectiveness of Internal Control Payroll"

ABSTRACT  Internal Audit Role in Supporting the Effectiveness of Internal Control Payroll ABSTRACT " Internal Audit Role in Supporting the Effectiveness of Internal Control Payroll" Payroll is very important in a company's activities. Payroll costs are a source of considerable cost of materials,

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ABSTRACT. Keywords: Information system, Website. iii Universitas Kristen Maranatha

ABSTRACT. Keywords: Information system, Website. iii Universitas Kristen Maranatha ABSTRACT Information system is the system that can help people in managing a lot of information. Information system had to make people task even easier to dela with information system is a process that

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ABSTRACT. Keyword: PT. Elastico, Manual, Web Application, Data/Stock Processing, Clothes, Order, User, Report, Accounting

ABSTRACT. Keyword: PT. Elastico, Manual, Web Application, Data/Stock Processing, Clothes, Order, User, Report, Accounting ABSTRACT The evolution of information technology is really advancing in this era.a change in manual clothes inventory processing would be very helpful for PT. Elastico's data processing. The clothes inventory

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ABSTRACT. Keywords : Service Quality, Customer Loyalty. Universitas Kristen Maranatha

ABSTRACT. Keywords : Service Quality, Customer Loyalty. Universitas Kristen Maranatha ABSTRACT In the current era of globalization, beauty salon industry is increasing rapidly. The service industries in the services sector emphasizes consideration of the company to increase competitive

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ABSTRACT. Keywords : Television Advertising and Purchasing Decision. vii. Universitas Kristen Maranatha

ABSTRACT. Keywords : Television Advertising and Purchasing Decision. vii. Universitas Kristen Maranatha ABSTRACT This study discusses the general idea of how the influence of television advertising on purchasing decision (case study advertising Pocari Sweat "Youth Sweat and Beautiful"). The sample in this

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ABSTRACT. vii. Universitas Kristen Maranatha

ABSTRACT. vii. Universitas Kristen Maranatha ABSTRACT The used of Total Quality Management (TQM) as a tool for measuring managerial performance has been used by world wide. This caused by the successful of the implementation of TQM in increasing

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ABSTRACT. Keywords: Balanced Scorecard, employee performance. viii. Universitas Kristen Maranatha

ABSTRACT. Keywords: Balanced Scorecard, employee performance. viii. Universitas Kristen Maranatha ABSTRACT Balanced Scorecard (BSC) is a performance measurement system that not only measure performance through the financial perspective, but through nonfinancial perspective as well. Balanced Scorecard

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ABSTRACT. Keywords: Point of Purchase, purchase decision. viii. Universitas Kristen Maranatha

ABSTRACT. Keywords: Point of Purchase, purchase decision. viii. Universitas Kristen Maranatha ABSTRACT Many companies that produces products for which meet the market, resulting in the company in creating a communication that unique. For it griya supermarket bandung 're enterprising increase promotion

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ABSTRACT. Keywords: earnings managements, financial leverage, the changes in income, the changes in operating cash flows. vii

ABSTRACT. Keywords: earnings managements, financial leverage, the changes in income, the changes in operating cash flows. vii ABSTRACT Financial report is a tool for communicating the company s financial information to external parties. The financial statements are based on the accrual basis. However, the use of accrual basis

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ABSTRACT. Keyword: Quality Of Service, Customer Loyalty. viii. Universitas Kristen Maranatha

ABSTRACT. Keyword: Quality Of Service, Customer Loyalty. viii. Universitas Kristen Maranatha ABSTRACT In the food industry, customer loyalty is a measure of success in business service. Customer will feel much more satisfied when service providers can meet the customer needs far exceed what was

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Key Word: Stimulus Advertising, Sound, Musik, Picture, Brand Awareness

Key Word: Stimulus Advertising, Sound, Musik, Picture, Brand Awareness ABSTRAC Brand has an important role for a company's survival because brand put a value. In order to face competition in the market, it is very important for companies to develop sustainable competitive

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ABSTRACT. viii Universitas Kristen Maranatha

ABSTRACT. viii Universitas Kristen Maranatha ABSTRACT The bread is a source of foods rich in carbohydrates consumed by the potential and practical. But the bread has a very short expiry, then the physical distribution must be done properly. Activities

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ABSTRAK. Kata Kunci: Kualitas Pelayanan, Loyalitas Konsumen. iii. Universitas Kristen Maranatha

ABSTRAK. Kata Kunci: Kualitas Pelayanan, Loyalitas Konsumen. iii. Universitas Kristen Maranatha ABSTRAK Skripsi ini berjudul Kualitas Pelayanan terhadap loyalitas konsumen Pada Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC) Pasirkaliki Bandung. Data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah data primer yang bersumber

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ABSTRAK. Kata kunci : sistem informasi, laboratorium komputer, SMAN 8 Bandung, web

ABSTRAK. Kata kunci : sistem informasi, laboratorium komputer, SMAN 8 Bandung, web ABSTRAK Laboratorium Komputer SMAN 8 Bandung merupakan salah satu laboratorium yang ada di SMAN 8 Bandung. Banyaknya sumber data yang harus diolah dan disebarkan dalam waktu yang relatif singkat, maka

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ABSTRAK. Kata Kunci : aplikasi, terkomputerisasi, akuntansi

ABSTRAK. Kata Kunci : aplikasi, terkomputerisasi, akuntansi ABSTRAK Alex Car Wash adalah sebuah salon mobil yang berdiri pada tahun 2009 dan bertempat di Jakarta. Alex Car Wash memfokuskan diri pada perawatan mobil. Alex Car Wash menawarkan konsep cuci & salon

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ABSTRACT. Keywords: Marketing mix, and purchase decision process. viii Universitas Kristen Maranatha

ABSTRACT. Keywords: Marketing mix, and purchase decision process. viii Universitas Kristen Maranatha ABSTRACT This research is motivated by the marketing mix is commonly called 4P, namely product, price, place, and promotion. The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of the marketing mix to

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ABSTRAKSI. Keywords : Aplikasi Web, Manajemen Retail, Sistem Akuntansi. Universitas Kristen Maranatha

ABSTRAKSI. Keywords : Aplikasi Web, Manajemen Retail, Sistem Akuntansi. Universitas Kristen Maranatha ABSTRAKSI Dalam dunia bisnis, suatu perusahaan pasti membutuhkan sebuah sistem untuk memudahkan dan memperlancar bisnis dari perusaahaan tersebut. Sistem tersebut berfungsi untuk mengatur keuangan yang

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ABSTRACT. Key word : Website of sale, record of customer s order, record transaction of sales. v Universitas Kristen Maranatha

ABSTRACT. Key word : Website of sale, record of customer s order, record transaction of sales. v Universitas Kristen Maranatha ABSTRACT Data from website of sale which recorded for the order of customers can be used as product s references that very famous and always ordered by customers, that can make company easily to offering

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ABSTRACT. The purpose of this study is to identify the role of the internal control structure in securing sales at PT PUSAKA NUSANTARA in Bandung.

ABSTRACT. The purpose of this study is to identify the role of the internal control structure in securing sales at PT PUSAKA NUSANTARA in Bandung. ABSTRACT At some companies, both industry and engaged in trade, sales is the largest element of current assets on the balance sheet. One reason for the failure in the trading activity is the lack of security

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ABSTRAK. Kata-kata kunci: sistem pengendalian intern, penerimaan kas, dan keandalan laporan keuangan

ABSTRAK. Kata-kata kunci: sistem pengendalian intern, penerimaan kas, dan keandalan laporan keuangan ABSTRAK Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui apakah sistem pengendalian intern penerimaan kas berpengaruh terhadap keandalan laporan keuangan di dinas pendapatan pengelolaan keuangan serta aset

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ABSTRACT. Key word: Internal Auditor, Professionalism of Internal Auditor, Role of Internal Auditor, Audit Finding. Universitas Kristen Maranatha

ABSTRACT. Key word: Internal Auditor, Professionalism of Internal Auditor, Role of Internal Auditor, Audit Finding. Universitas Kristen Maranatha ABSTRACT The independent auditors are professional auditors who provide services to the society, especially in the area of client s financial statements audit. One of the auditor s roles is to reveal the

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ABSTRACT. ix Universitas Kristen Maranatha

ABSTRACT. ix Universitas Kristen Maranatha ABSTRACT Promotion through advertisements for the purpose of product introductions in the community one brand Indomie instant noodle products. In this case Indomie is the brand of the product that has

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ABSTRAK. vii. Kata kunci: absensi, gaji, pajak penghasilan pasal 21, penilaian kinerja, sistem pendukung keputusan. Universitas Kristen Maranatha

ABSTRAK. vii. Kata kunci: absensi, gaji, pajak penghasilan pasal 21, penilaian kinerja, sistem pendukung keputusan. Universitas Kristen Maranatha ABSTRAK Tugas akhir dengan topik Sistem Informasi Penilaian Kinerja Karyawan dengan Metode DSS SAW Perusahaan Angkutan King Kota Bandung adalah untuk menyelesaikan permasalahan seperti absensi karyawan

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ABSTRACT. Keywords : Influence Leadership, Employee Performance. viii. Universitas Kristen Maranatha

ABSTRACT. Keywords : Influence Leadership, Employee Performance. viii. Universitas Kristen Maranatha ABSTRACT In the era of globalization and free trade agreements that occurred in parts of the world at this time led to competition in the economy is increasing. This has led to increased competition among

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ABSTRAKSI. Universitas Kristen Maranatha

ABSTRAKSI. Universitas Kristen Maranatha ABSTRAKSI PD Lancar adalah sebuah organisasi, sehingga sangat membutuhkan sistem komputerisasi yang akan digunakan dalam mengumpulkan, menyimpan dan mengolah data untuk menghasilkan informasi yang akan

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ABSTRACT. Keywords : Auditor, Time Budget Pressure, Audit Complexity, Quality Audit. vii Universitas Kristen Maranatha

ABSTRACT. Keywords : Auditor, Time Budget Pressure, Audit Complexity, Quality Audit. vii Universitas Kristen Maranatha ABSTRACT The purpose of this research is to analyze the factors which affect the quality of audit s result in Public Accounting Firm. This research is important to be done because the increase of financial

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ABSTRACT. Key words: motivation, compensation, achievement of sales targets. Universitas Kristen Maranatha

ABSTRACT. Key words: motivation, compensation, achievement of sales targets. Universitas Kristen Maranatha ABSTRACT Problems in meticulous in this thesis is how big the influence of compensation on employee motivation in the achievement of sales target on the sale of PT Mitra Bandung Consortium. The study aims

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ABSTRACT. Keywords: inventory, PSAK 14 Revised 2008, initial recognition of raw material inventories, net realizable value.

ABSTRACT. Keywords: inventory, PSAK 14 Revised 2008, initial recognition of raw material inventories, net realizable value. ABSTRACT Inventory is one of the most active current assets used in operating activities of companies. The purpose of this research was to determine how the initial recognition of raw material inventories

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