dokumen-dokumen yang mirip
PROPOSAL INNOVATION AWARD Analisis Kepuasan Akademik Mahasiswa Universitas Bina Nusantara dengan Metode Cluster

LISTING PROGRAM. package app.maximumflow; import java.awt.borderlayout; import java.awt.eventqueue;

Lampiran Perhitungan ANCOVA

Materi 2 Pemrograman Visual

Membuat Kalkulator dengan Java

LISTING PROGRAM. Program animasi Frame by Frame dalam bahasa pemrograman Java


Modul 7 Praktikum Pemrograman Visual

Aplikasi Grafik Menggunakan Netbeans


1. Latar Belakang Didalam pembuatan game java sering kali kita mendefinisikan banyak object seperti gambar, dan grafik geometri yang begitu banyak,

Pemrograman Berbasis Java PERSEWAAN PELAMPUNG. Riska Nony Oktaviani Kelas 21 Teknik Informatika Teknologi Informasi

Input Nilai tanpa Case String di Java


Bahasa Pemrograman :: Dasar Pemrograman Java

Program Data Pelanggan Toko Bandung Fashion

Tugas Java. : Evannata Dwiyan. Nim : : Sistem Informasi. Kelas : 21. : Informasi Restoran

Lampiran 1. Kuesioner dan Hasil

SISTEM RANCANAGAN APLIKASI PEMBAYARAN SPP. Di Susun Oleh: Nama : Ikhlas Adi Putra Nim : Kelas : 21/Pagi

Firma Firmansyah Adi B. Resume Web Service

TPI4202 Lecture 4 Mas ud Effendi



Praktikum XI Animasi dan Multimedia


PEMROGRAMAN JAVA. Yoannita, S.Kom. Input Kondisi (IF-ELSE, SWITCH)

Lampiran 1. Tabel Durbin-Watson LAMPIRAN

BAB 5 Mendapatkan Input dari Keyboard

Modul Praktikum Pemrograman

BAB 5 Mendapatkan Input dari Keyboard

All Chapter Rental Multimedia

APLIKASI PERHITUNGAN NILAI MAHASISWA. Untuk membuat aplikasi nilai mahasiswa, langkah-langkahnya adalah sebagai berikut :

Modul 3 Flow Control dan Input



2. Pilih instruksi yang dapat digunakan dalam method actionperformed untuk membedakan antara tombol buttonone dan buttontwo.

MK. Pemrograman Berorientasi Objek. Input dari Keyboard. Karmilasari




Tugas Pemrograman Java P7 EL Event Handler & Menu. Disusun oleh: RIDLO PAMUJI / 22

Belajar ArrayList di Java

Aplikasi Santri TPQ AL FATIH Masjid Al Iman Klebengan Caturtunggal Depok Sleman Yogyakarta. NIM : Nama : M. Bagus Kurniawan Kelas: 22


Konsep Lanjut Pemrograman Objek

Pemrograman. Pertemuan-3 Fery Updi,M.Kom

Prosedur dan Fungsi. Ciri prosedur pada java selalu dimulai dengan : private/public void namaprosedur ( tipedataparameter1 namaparameter1,

DAFTAR PUSTAKA. Ariyus, Dony Keamanan Multimedia. Yogyakarta : Penerbit Andi

Topik. 1. Statement if 2. Statement if..else.. 3. Statement if..else.. If (bertingkat ) 4. Penggunaan Input Keyboard


Praktikum 9 Exception Handling

Abstract Class dan Interface. Viska Mutiawani, M.Sc

Gambar 1. Single Linked List

Materi 6 Pemrograman Visual

LAMPIRAN A. Universitas Sumatera Utara

Nama Lengkap : Muiz Lidinillah NIM :

Mendapatkan Input Dari Keyboard

IKG2I4 / Software Project I

visit :

Exception adalah penanda bahwa kondisi/kejadian yang tidak diinginkan telah terjadi pada program kita. Ada 2 jenis exception (+1 Error):

Prosedur Percobaan Program Tampilan

1. Silahkan anda buka project dari modul 4 anda yang sudah anda selesaikan 2. Tambahkan 1 buah view dengan nama FormMain


Metode Insertion Sort di Java Console

Mata Kuliah : Pemrograman Berbasis Objek Pertemuan : 4

Pertemuan 7. Create, Read, Update, Delete Pada SQL Lite (Tampilan)


Membuat dan Menggunakan Class

LAMPIRAN. Kuesioner Pengumpulan Data. Langkah 1 : Ruang Lingkup Aplikasi. Langkah 2 : Pengukuran Fungsional Data. Nama Perusahaan Anda :


A. TUJUAN : Dapat mengimplementasi-kan kelas-kelas Java yang digunakan dalam pemrogaman jaringan.


Pemrograman Java. Pertemuan VIII By: Augury


Belajar Java 2 Tambah, Simpan & Cari Data di Netbeans dengan Database MySQL

KA2173 Pemrograman Berorientasi Objek. 9 BAB IX PEMROGRAMAN GUI: SWING. H a l 56

KA2173 Pemrograman Berorientasi Objek. 10 BAB X PENGAKSESAN DATABASE. H a l 64

Bab 4 Hasil dan Pembahasan

Pemrograman Database Java




TIPE DATA Pertemuan (K-03/L-03)

Cara Membaca File Text di JAVA

Thread. 16 th week Estu Sinduningrum ST,MT

Metode Sequential Searching di Java Console


Membuat Simple List Transaksi


Penggunaan Netbeans IDE, Hello World, variable dan Operator aritmetika.


PENGANTAR. Dalam rutinitas kegiatan perkuliahan yang padat, maka saya mohonkan kepada

LAYOUT MENU UTAMA. <Button android:text="zakat Profesi" android:layout_width="wrap_content"

Menu Item dengan RadioButton dan CheckBox

Identifier, Keywords, Variabel, Tipe Data Primitif dan Operator PBO. Ramos Somya

GUI & Event Handling. Viska Mutiawani, M.Sc. 1 Viska Mutiawani - Informatika FMIPA Unsyiah

Praktikum JTable. Gambar 1

Koneksi Java GUI-Database

Struktur & Pemakaian Teknologi Game Struktur Project Android


L.1 LAMPIRAN 1 KUESIONER KEPUASAN AKADEMIK Jurusan : Semester : IPK : Jenis Kelamin : Kota asal : Berikan tanda silang pada salah satu nilai menurut penilaian Anda yang paling sesuai dengan pernyataan yang ada. Keterangan : * = belum pernah merasakan 1 = sangat tidak setuju 2 = tidak setuju 3 = kurang setuju 4 = cukup setuju 5 = setuju 6 = sangat setuju No Pertanyaan * 1 2 3 4 5 6 Support 1 Staf universitas mudah dihubungi pada saat diperlukan 2 Layanan konseling yang tersedia telah memenuhi keperluan saya 3 Saya puas dengan layanan konsultasi karir yang tersedia 4 Saya mendapat informasi jelas tentang dukungan pembiayaan pendidikan 5 Suasana kampus memberikan dukungan proses pembelajaran di luar kelas, terutama untuk

L.2 pengembangan softskill saya 6 Suasana kampus mendorong terciptanya semangat kewirausahaan 7 Suasana kampus mendorong saya untuk berperan serta aktif dalam berbagai kegiatan kemahasiswaan 8 Konsultasi skripsi yang diselenggarakan Jurusan membantu saya dalam penyelesaian skripsi 9 Informasi terkait proses administrasi skripsi mudah saya peroleh 10 Saya merasa aman saat berada di kampus 11 Layanan kesehatan yang tersedia telah memenuhi kebutuhan saya Resources 12 Universitas menyediakan fasilitas untuk bersosialisasi (misalnya ruang diskusi, kafetaria dll.) 13 Fasilitas IT (Information Technology) dapat saya pergunakan saat diperlukan 14 Koleksi perpustakaan (buku, journal,electronic journal, video, multimedia dll) yang tersedia telah memadai 15 Koleksi perpustakaan (buku, journal,electronic journal, video, multimedia dll) mudah untuk diakses 16 Koleksi perpustakaan (buku, journal,electronic journal, video, multimedia dll) menambah pemahaman saya terhadap program studi yang saya ambil 17 Universitas menyediakan sarana olahraga yang memadai 18 Berbagai Informasi yang ada di Binusmaya telah membantu dalam proses perkuliahan saya Personal Development 19 Pengalaman saya selama di universitas telah meningkatkan rasa percaya diri saya

L.3 20 Kemampuan berkomunikasi saya meningkat 21 Saya menjadi lebih percaya diri dalam menggali ide-ide baru 22 Kemampuan saya dalam memecahkan masalah (problem solving ) meningkat melalui pengalaman saya selama di Universitas 23 Pengalaman saya selama di universitas telah membuat saya lebih menghargai pendapat orang lain 24 Pengalaman saya selama di universitas membantu saya dalam merencanakan langkah-langkah untuk mencapai cita cita saya 25 Kegiatan perkuliahan yang saya ikuti menambah pengalaman tentang wawasan internasional (international experience ) 26 Kegiatan kemahasiswaan yang saya ikuti menambah pengalaman / wawasan internasional (international experience ) 27 Kegiatan kemahasiswaan membantu saya dalam mengembangkan minat dan bakat 28 Program kuliah yang saya ikuti membuat saya lebih percaya diri untuk dapat berhasil dalam dunia kerja 29 Pengalaman saya selama di universitas telah memperbesar peluang saya dalam memperoleh pekerjaan Academic Advisory 30 Kegiatan bimbingan akademis membantu saya dalam meningkatkan pemahaman tentang program studi yang saya ambil 31 Kegiatan bimbingan akademis telah mendorong saya untuk lebih bersemangat dalam mengembangkan proses pembelajaran

L.4 32 Program tutorial/mentoring telah memberikan manfaat/ meningkatkan pemahaman saya terhadap materi kuliah dan meningkatkan prestasi belajar Overall 33 Secara keseluruhan, saya mendapatkan dukungan yang memadai dalam menjalani perkuliahan saya 34 Secara keseluruhan, pengalaman belajar yang saya dapatkan di Universitas sesuai dengan harapan saya Terima kasih atas kesediaan Anda mengisi kuesioner ini.

L.5 LAMPIRAN 2 DATA PENGUJIAN VALIDITAS DAN RELIABILITAS Support Resources Responden 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 5 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 6 5 6 5 5 5 5 5 6 2 5 5 4 5 5 4 4 6 5 6 4 5 4 4 4 5 4 5 3 4 5 4 4 3 4 4 5 5 5 4 5 4 3 4 4 4 5 4 4 4 6 4 4 3 4 4 4 3 3 4 5 4 4 4 4 5 5 6 5 5 3 3 3 5 5 5 5 5 6 5 4 4 4 4 5 6 4 4 4 3 3 4 5 5 5 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 7 4 3 4 6 5 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 4 8 4 4 4 3 3 3 5 5 3 5 4 4 5 2 2 4 3 2 9 4 4 5 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 10 4 5 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 11 5 4 4 5 4 3 3 3 3 4 3 6 4 5 5 6 2 5 12 2 4 2 4 4 4 4 2 2 4 2 4 4 3 3 3 4 4 13 4 4 3 4 5 3 5 2 2 5 3 4 2 5 5 4 2 2 14 2 4 3 4 3 3 2 3 1 4 1 4 4 3 4 2 4 3 15 5 6 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 5 5 5 6 6 5 5 5 16 4 4 3 4 4 4 4 3 3 5 3 5 4 4 4 4 1 5 17 3 4 5 3 3 4 3 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 18 3 3 4 2 5 5 6 3 3 6 1 6 4 3 3 3 2 1 19 4 4 5 5 4 5 4 3 4 3 5 4 4 5 5 4 5 5 20 4 3 3 4 4 3 4 3 3 3 3 2 2 3 4 2 2 4

L.6 Personal Development Academic Advisory Overall Responden 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1 2 3 1 2 1 5 4 4 4 4 5 4 4 5 5 6 5 5 5 5 5 2 5 4 4 5 5 4 5 5 5 5 4 4 4 5 5 5 3 5 5 3 4 5 5 5 3 5 5 4 4 3 4 5 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 4 4 4 4 6 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 4 5 3 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 6 3 3 5 5 3 3 5 4 4 4 5 4 4 4 4 4 7 4 4 4 4 5 4 4 4 5 6 4 5 5 4 5 5 8 2 3 2 3 5 4 2 5 5 4 5 3 4 4 3 4 9 5 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 4 5 5 4 5 5 5 10 5 3 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 4 5 5 4 5 5 5 11 4 4 4 3 4 5 2 2 4 4 5 5 4 3 4 4 12 5 5 4 4 5 5 4 3 4 4 2 4 4 2 4 4 13 5 5 5 5 5 2 5 5 5 5 5 2 2 2 4 4 14 2 3 2 3 2 3 4 4 4 3 3 2 4 3 3 4 15 5 5 6 5 5 6 5 5 6 6 6 4 4 4 5 6 16 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 4 5 3 4 4 4 4 17 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 18 4 4 4 6 5 6 3 3 3 6 6 3 3 3 4 3 19 5 4 5 5 5 4 4 4 5 5 5 4 5 5 5 5 20 5 4 5 5 5 4 4 4 5 4 4 3 3 4 5 5

L.7 LAMPIRAN 3 DATA KUESIONER PER KRITERIA Data Kuesioner Mahasiswa Jurusan TI-Statistika Responden Support Resources Personal Academic Overall Semester IPK Jenis Kota Development Advisory Kelamin 1 2 2.86 3.55 1 3 3 2 3.5 4 3.55 4.33 3 3 3 3.63 4.29 4.09 4 4 3 4.00 L 4 3.83 2.71 4.55 4 5 3 4.00 P 5 4.43 4.57 4.89 4.67 5 3 3.50 P 6 3.91 3.14 4.55 4 3.5 5 7 3.5 3 3 3 3 5 3.00 P 8 4 4.17 4 3.67 4 5 3.00 P 9 5.29 5.71 5.45 4 5.5 5 10 2.73 3.43 3.09 3 3.5 5 11 2.33 3.43 3.64 1 2 7 4.00 L 12 3.89 3.43 4.73 2 4 7 13 3.71 3.57 4.3 4 4 7 3.50 P 14 3.2 4.71 3.73 4.5 4 7 15 2.83 2.43 3.82 3 1.5 7 16 4.4 3.86 4.73 3.5 4 7 17 4.4 4 4.73 3.5 4.5 7 4.00 P 18 3.33 3.86 4.09 3.67 4.5 7 19 4.4 5 3.9 4 4.5 7 20 3.5 3.33 3.5 2 4.5 7 21 1.38 3 1.36 1 2 7 4.00 L 22 1.83 1.71 1 1 1 7 2.50 L 23 3.82 4.43 4.82 5 4 7 24 4.09 5 4.73 4.67 5 9 3.50 P 25 3.88 3.17 3.55 3.5 3.5 9

L.8 26 2.36 2.29 2.73 4 2.5 9 27 2.17 3.5 4.55 3.67 4 9 28 4.11 3.5 4.36 5 5 9 29 3.17 2.17 2.18 2.5 2 9 30 4.55 4.29 4.55 5 5 9 31 4.11 3.14 3.73 3.5 4 9 32 3.89 4.33 4.27 4 4 9 33 4.29 4.43 4.88 2 5 9 34 4.5 3.6 4 6 3.5 9 35 4.33 3.83 4.45 3.5 4.5 9 36 5.13 4.5 4.7 4.33 5 9 4.00 L 4.00 P 3.50 P 4.00 L 4.00 P 4.00 P 4.00 L 4.00 P 4.00 L Data Kuesioner Mahasiswa Jurusan TI-Matematika Responden Support Resources Personal Academic Overall Semester IPK Jenis Kota Development Advisory Kelamin 1 2.5 2.86 3.27 2.33 2.5 3 2 2.64 3.33 2.18 1.33 2.5 3 4.00 P 3 1.75 2.67 3.44 3 1 3 4 4.5 3.43 3.64 4.33 6 3 3.50 P 5 3 3.67 3.91 3 3 3 6 2.64 3.14 4.27 3.67 3.5 3 7 3.5 4.14 4.82 6 5 3 3.50 P 8 3.56 4 4 6 4 3 9 2.86 3.83 4 3 3 3 3.50 P 10 3.1 4 3.64 1 1.5 3 4.00 L 11 3.5 3.33 3.73 2 2.5 3 4.00 L 12 3.9 4 4.91 5.33 5 3 13 4.13 4 4.45 4 4 3 14 3.8 3.75 3.82 3.33 4 3 15 3.6 3.14 3 3 3 3 16 4 4 4 4 4 3

L.9 17 3.73 3.29 4.45 4 5 3 18 4.29 4.86 3.9 3.33 4 3 19 3.88 4.17 4.09 3 4 3 4.00 L 20 4.6 4.43 5 4 4.5 3 4.00 L 21 3.55 5 4.27 3 3.5 3 4.00 L 22 4.33 4 4 5.33 3.5 3 23 4.33 5.25 4.45 5 4.5 3 24 4 3.43 4.55 3 5 3 4.00 L 25 4.55 4.57 4.36 4.67 5 3 26 3.13 2.57 3.13 2 2 3 27 3 2.29 5 3 3.5 3 4.00 L 28 4.75 5.5 4.55 6 4 3 29 5.18 5.29 5.55 5.33 6 5 3.00 P 30 4.5 4.33 4.27 4 4 5 3.00 P 31 3.63 2.5 3.8 3.67 3 5 4.00 P 32 4.38 3.33 4 4 4 5 3.50 P 33 4.2 4.71 4.18 4 4 5 4.00 P 34 4 5.25 3.75 4 4 5 4.00 P 35 3.71 4.43 3.55 3.67 2.5 5 4.00 P 36 3 3 3 3 3 5 4.00 P 37 3.67 4 3 3 3 5 3.50 P 38 3.86 3.57 4 3.33 4 5 4.00 P 39 2.33 2.71 4 4.33 4 5 40 2.89 3 3 3 3 5 2.50 L 41 5.64 6 5.64 5 5 5 4.00 L 42 3.91 4.14 4.91 4 4 5 43 4.5 3.83 4.78 4.67 4.5 5 4.00 L 44 5.09 6 6 6 6 5 1.01-1.50 L 45 4 4.86 3.91 4 4.5 5 4.00 L 46 3.8 3.5 4 3 3 5 47 3.36 3.29 3.36 3.33 3.5 5 L

L.10 48 5 5.14 4.45 5 5 5 49 3 2.86 3.82 2 3 5 50 4.29 3.83 4.91 3.5 2.5 5 51 4 3.57 3.89 3 4 5 52 4.29 3.29 3.27 2.67 3.5 7 53 4.14 3.83 3.45 4.67 3.5 7 54 3 3.57 3.7 5 4 7 55 3.62 4 4.27 4.33 3.5 7 56 4.57 3.71 3.64 4 4 7 57 3.5 4 3.73 3 4 7 58 3.6 1.67 2.27 3.33 4.5 7 59 3.6 3.86 4.09 4 4 7 60 3.83 3.8 4.09 3.5 3 7 61 3 3.86 3.56 4 4 7 62 3.71 4 3.91 3 3 7 63 5.4 5.17 4.18 2.33 5.5 7 64 3 3.43 2.36 1.67 2 7 65 1.63 1 2.36 2.33 2 7 66 3 3.86 4.55 4 4 7 67 3.33 4.14 4.36 2.67 4 7 68 2.25 3.29 3.64 3 4 7 69 3.33 5 3.36 3 3.5 7 70 4.14 4.29 4.09 4.33 4 7 71 4.17 4.14 3.7 4 3.5 7 72 4 4 4 4 4.5 7 73 1.91 2.43 2.45 1 2 7 74 5 4.57 3.78 3 3 7 75 3.17 3.83 1.82 1.33 2.5 7 76 3.22 4 4 3 3 7 77 3 3.71 3.64 2.67 4 7 4.00 4.00 L 4.00 P 4.00 P 3.00 P 3.00 P 4.00 P 2.50 L 4.00 L 4.00 L 4.00 L 4.00 L 4.00 L 4.00 L

L.11 78 3.5 3 2 2 2.5 7 79 4 4.43 4.64 4.33 5 7 80 4.82 5 5 4 4 9 81 4 4 4 4 4 9 82 4.36 4.43 4.18 4 4.5 9 83 3.13 2.33 2.45 1 3 9 84 5.14 4.43 4.27 4.33 4 9 85 3.91 3.14 2.91 3 4 9 86 4.11 3.83 4 4 4 9 87 4.18 3.71 4.64 4 4.5 9 88 3.82 3.71 4 4 4 9 89 3.75 4.57 4.91 5 3.5 9 90 2.63 2.57 2.55 2 3 9 91 4 4 4 4 4 9 92 3.54 5 4.91 4 4 9 93 2.1 4.29 4.64 1 3 9 94 5.29 5 5.27 4 5 9 95 3 3.5 4.55 2.5 2.5 9 96 5.27 5 5.27 5.33 5 9 97 3.91 3.71 3.82 4 4 9 98 2.82 5 4 4.67 4 9 99 4.22 3.57 4.44 4 4.5 9 100 3.82 4.71 5.18 5.67 5 9 101 4.55 4.57 5 5 5 9 102 3.9 3.43 5 5 4 9 103 3.36 4.29 4.27 2 4 9 104 5 5.29 5.55 5.67 5 9 105 4 3.29 4.18 4.67 5 9 106 2 2 2 2 2 9 107 4.13 4 4.45 4 5 9 4.00 L 3.50 P 3.00 P 3.00 P 3.00 P 3.50 P 3.50 P 3.50 P 3.50 P 3.50 P 4.00 L 2.50 L 4.00 L 4.00 L 1.51-2.00 L

L.12 Data Kuesioner Mahasiswa Jurusan TI Responden Support Resources Personal Academic Overall Semester IPK Jenis Kota Development Advisory Kelamin 1 4.43 5.4 6 5.33 6 3 4.00 P 2 5 4.86 5 5 5 3 4.00 P 3 5 4.71 5 5 5 3 3.50 P 4 3.75 4 3.73 4 3 3 4.00 P 5 3.22 3.57 3.64 3 3 3 3.50 P 6 1.17 3 4 2 3.5 3 4.00 P 7 3.7 3.71 4 4 3 3 3.50 P 8 4.17 3.29 4.18 4.33 4 3 3.50 P 9 4.75 4.14 4.18 5 4 3 4.00 P 10 4 3.83 3.89 4.33 3.5 3 3.50 P 11 4 3.71 4.27 5 3 3 3.00 P 12 4.82 5.29 5.55 5.33 6 3 4.00 P 13 4.73 4.86 4.73 4.67 4.5 3 4.00 P 14 4.17 4.5 4.36 3 4 3 3.50 P 15 4.73 4.86 5 5 5 3 3.00 P 16 3 4.67 4.1 2 3.5 3 4.00 P 17 4.5 5.43 4 5 5 3 3.00 P 18 5 5 5 5 5 3 4.00 P 19 5.43 4.14 4.82 5.33 5.5 3 4.00 P 20 4.43 4.86 4.7 4 4 3 3.00 P 21 4.5 3 4.36 6 5.5 3 4.00 P 22 4.36 4 4 4 4 3 3.50 P 23 4.33 4.83 4.91 5 5 3 3.50 P 24 4.38 4.43 5.09 5 4.5 3 3.00 P 25 3.57 3.8 4.9 4 5 3 3.00 P 26 4.56 4.86 6 5.67 6 3 3.50 P 27 3.64 3.43 4 3.33 4 3 28 3.2 3.29 4.45 1.5 3 3

L.13 29 4.55 4.29 4.55 5 5 3 30 5.09 5 4.91 5 4.5 3 31 5.29 5.5 5.6 4.67 5 3 32 5.09 5.29 5.45 5 5.5 3 4.00 L 33 4.57 4.29 4.18 4 4 3 34 2.91 4.43 5.18 6 2 3 35 1.86 3.14 2.6 3 3 3 4.00 L 36 4.5 4.14 5 5 5 3 4.00 L 37 4.38 4.71 5.09 3.67 5 3 4.00 L 38 3.73 4.43 4.18 3 4 3 4.00 L 39 2.67 3.33 2.64 2 1.5 3 40 4.45 4.71 5 5 3.5 3 4.00 L 41 4.27 4.14 5 4 5 3 42 4 3 3.33 2.5 1 3 43 4.5 4.17 4 4 4.5 3 4.00 L 44 3.14 4.43 5 5 4 3 45 2.45 2.33 2.91 2 2.5 3 46 3.91 4.29 4.09 4.67 4.5 3 47 5 5.71 4.82 5.33 5 3 48 4.55 5.29 4.82 4.67 5 3 2.50 L 49 4.45 5.43 5.55 4.33 5 3 2.50 L 50 5.29 4.83 4.64 6 5 3 51 3 3 3.55 3.33 3 3 52 3.55 3.86 3 3 3 3 2.50 L 53 3.73 3.29 3.36 3.33 3.5 3 2.50 L 54 3.13 4.29 5.45 5.33 5 3 4.00 L 55 5 5.86 5.91 5.33 5 3 56 3.55 5.57 3.45 4 3.5 3 57 4.43 4.71 5.18 4 4.5 3 58 3.71 4 4 3 4.5 3 59 3.45 4.71 4 4 4.5 3 L

L.14 60 4.13 3 3.89 4 3 3 61 3.6 3.29 4.44 4.67 4 3 62 4.4 4.33 3.44 3 2.5 3 63 4.63 5.71 5 5.33 6 3 64 4.17 4.17 5 4.67 5 3 65 4.91 5.14 5 6 5 3 66 4.1 4.5 4.64 4.67 5 3 67 3 4.14 3.73 4 4.5 3 68 4.73 5.71 5.27 5.33 6 3 69 4.45 4.71 4.55 4 4 3 70 5.36 5.71 5.45 5.67 5 3 71 3.56 3.33 3.36 3 3 3 72 2.88 3.86 4 4 4 3 73 4.63 4.86 4.5 4 4 3 74 3.89 3.86 4 4 4.5 3 75 2.55 3.29 4.09 3.67 5 3 76 3 3.57 3.44 4.33 3 3 77 4.17 4.86 5 5 5 3 78 3.75 3.29 4.09 3.33 3 3 79 4.17 5 4.44 4.67 5 3 80 4 3.43 4.36 3 3 3 81 4 4 4.27 4 4 3 82 4.11 4.43 4.18 4.67 4 3 83 3.63 4.43 4 5 4 3 84 3 4.57 4.55 3 3.5 3 85 5.55 5.86 6 6 6 3 86 2.55 2.43 2.45 1.67 3 3 87 4.8 5.67 4.11 2 3.5 3 88 3.44 4 4.55 4 3.5 3 89 4.09 5.83 5.22 5.67 6 3 4.00 4.00 L 2.50 L 4.00 L 2.50 L 2.50 L 4.00 L 4.00 L 2.50 L 4.00 L 4.00 L 4.00 L

L.15 90 2.83 3.67 3.89 4.67 2.5 3 91 4 4.5 4.56 4.33 4.5 3 4.00 L 92 5.6 5.86 5.73 5.33 5 3 93 4.78 4.71 4.36 4.67 5 3 94 4.25 4.67 4.09 4.33 4.5 3 95 4.67 5 4.36 5.33 6 3 4.00 L 96 2.88 3.8 3.18 3 4.5 3 97 4.57 4.4 4.2 4 5 3 98 4.17 4 3.82 4.33 5 3 4.00 L 99 4.27 3.71 4.45 4 3 3 2.50 L 100 5.5 5.71 5.27 5 5.5 3 101 5.38 4 4.91 5 5 3 102 4.45 3.71 5.45 6 6 3 103 3.86 5.57 4.78 5.33 6 3 4.00 L 104 3.71 4.17 4.36 5 3.5 3 105 4.27 4.29 5.82 5.33 4 3 106 2 2.4 2.45 3 2 3 107 3.83 3.86 3.55 4.33 3 3 108 4.64 5.14 5.45 3.67 5 3 109 4.5 5 4.73 5 5 3 2.50 L 110 2.78 4 4.09 3.33 3.5 3 111 4 4.43 4.18 4 3 3 112 5.17 4.86 5.09 6 4 3 113 3.89 4.29 4.55 4 4 3 114 4 4 4 4 4 3 115 4.56 4.57 5.45 5.33 5 3 116 3.57 2.86 3.5 4.33 4 3 117 4 4.43 4.86 4 4 3 118 4.36 4.86 4.55 4.33 5 3 119 4.5 5.43 5.55 5 5.5 3 120 3.7 4.71 4.45 4.33 4 3 L

L.16 121 3.3 4 3.73 4 3 3 122 4 4.29 4.36 4 5 5 123 3.09 2.29 2.82 3.33 2.5 5 124 4.8 4.5 3.89 3 4 5 125 3.36 4 4 4 4 5 126 4.5 3.83 5 4 4 5 127 3.5 4.4 4.44 4 5 5 128 3.18 1.86 2.45 2 2.5 5 129 1.6 1.57 1.6 1.33 1.5 5 130 4.45 5.29 4 3.67 4.5 5 131 4.18 4.14 3.91 4 4 5 132 4.6 4.14 4 4 5 5 133 4.5 5.33 4.82 4.5 5 5 134 5 5 5 5 5 5 135 4.5 5.29 5.5 5 4.5 5 136 4.13 4.71 4.55 3 4 5 137 1.43 1.5 3.88 4 3.5 5 138 4 5 4.67 4.33 5 5 139 1.44 2.5 2.82 4 2 5 140 4.75 4.17 4 3 4 5 141 4.2 4.57 4.27 4 4 5 142 2.86 4.14 4.36 4 4 5 143 1.83 1 3.4 1 1 5 144 4.25 5 4.36 5.33 4.5 5 145 3 3.33 2 3 4 5 146 3.5 3.43 1.78 3 3 5 147 3.75 4.17 4.55 3 4 5 148 5.25 6 6 4 4.5 5 149 3.45 3.57 5 3.67 4.5 5 150 4.14 4.57 4.22 4.5 5.5 5 3.50 3.50 P 3.00 P 3.50 P 3.00 P 3.00 P 3.00 P 3.50 P 4.00 P 3.00 P 3.50 P 3.50 P 3.50 P 3.50 P 4.00 P 2.50 P 3.50 P 4.00 P 3.50 P 3.00 P 2.50 L 4.00 L 2.50 L

L.17 151 4 4.5 3.82 3 4.5 5 2.50 L 152 3.5 4.14 4.09 3.5 4 5 153 3.17 2.86 4.36 4.67 4.5 5 154 2 2.57 3.6 3 3 5 4.00 L 155 4.75 5.17 5.55 4 5 5 156 3.44 3 3.73 3 3 5 157 2.83 4.43 4.7 2 3 5 158 3 3 3.56 3 3.5 5 159 3 3.67 3.78 3 3.5 5 160 3.33 3.71 5 5 4 5 2.50 L 161 3 3.33 4.45 3 4 5 162 2.55 3 3.09 2 2.5 5 163 3.29 3.86 4.18 4 3.5 5 164 3.86 4.57 4.67 3.67 4 5 165 1.5 2.29 2.82 2.5 3 5 4.00 L 166 4.25 4.43 4.1 4 4 5 167 1.75 2.29 2.82 3.5 3 5 168 3.43 4 3.09 4 4.5 5 4.00 L 169 2.44 4 2.67 6 3.5 5 170 3.33 3.57 4.36 5 4.5 5 4.00 L 171 4.11 3.86 4 4 4 5 172 3.67 4.43 3.18 3.67 3 5 173 4.38 5.33 4.64 4.67 4.5 5 174 4 2.17 3.8 4 4 5 175 4.33 4.33 4.64 4 4 5 2.50 L 176 3 4 2.5 2.33 2 5 177 4.75 4 3.64 4.5 4.5 5 2.50 L 178 4.71 4.86 4.91 4.5 5 5 179 3.56 5.33 4 3.5 3.5 5 180 4 4.83 4.64 5 4 5 181 4.09 4.57 4.64 4 5 5 L

L.18 182 3.82 4 4 4 4 5 183 3.4 3.43 2.82 3 3 5 184 1.29 2 2.91 2.33 2 5 185 2.82 3.43 5 3.33 4 5 186 5.36 4.86 5.27 4 4 5 187 4.09 4.71 4.45 4.67 4 5 188 3.44 4.43 3.6 3 3 5 189 4 3.86 4.09 4 4 5 190 4 3.43 4.91 5 4 5 191 3.88 4.29 4.36 4 4.5 5 192 3.8 4 4 3 3 5 193 3.1 3.43 4 3 2.5 5 194 4.5 4.17 5 5.67 5 5 195 4 3 4.27 3 3.5 5 196 4.33 3.2 4.67 4 4.5 5 197 2.82 3.57 4.36 3 3.5 5 198 3.55 4.57 4.64 4.67 5.5 5 199 3.88 3.43 4 4 4 5 200 4 4.57 4.09 5.33 4.5 5 201 3.55 3.71 3.64 3.33 4 5 202 3.56 3.71 3.64 3.33 4 5 203 3.82 4.57 3 2.67 3 5 204 5 5.43 6 6 6 5 205 1.88 2.71 2.91 3 3 5 206 4.4 4.43 4.09 5 4.5 5 207 2.56 3 2.27 3.67 2 5 208 4 3 4.18 4 4 5 209 5.18 5.71 6 6 6 5 210 3 3.29 3.64 3 3 5 211 3.73 3.86 4.27 3.33 5 5 3.50 2.50 L 4.00 L 4.00 L 1.51-2.00 L 4.00 L 4.00 L 4.00 L 4.00 L 4.00 L 4.00 L

L.19 212 4 4 4.27 3.33 5 5 2.50 L 213 5 5.86 5.3 5 5 5 214 4.71 5.43 5.55 4.67 5 5 215 2.56 2.71 3.73 3.33 2.5 5 2.50 L 216 4.4 5 4.6 5 5 5 217 4 4.17 4.67 4.5 5 5 218 3.7 4.14 4.27 4.33 3 5 2.50 L 219 3.45 4.43 4.73 4.33 4 5 220 5.17 5 5 5 5.5 5 221 4.22 3.67 3.82 4 4.5 5 2.50 L 222 3.1 1.6 2.45 3 3 5 4.00 L 223 4.27 5 4.18 5.33 4.5 5 224 4.09 4.29 4.82 4 5 5 225 2.67 2.29 3.27 2.33 3 5 4.00 L 226 4 3.86 4.64 4 4 5 227 2.75 3 4 5 4 5 228 3.91 3 4.82 2.67 4.5 5 229 4 5.14 5.09 5 5.5 5 230 5.11 4.71 4.91 5.33 5 5 231 2.86 2.71 4.36 4.33 3 5 232 4 3.86 3.73 3 3.5 5 233 3.13 3.64 3 3 4 5 234 4 3.29 4.64 4 3.5 5 235 3.71 3.71 3.75 3 3.5 5 236 3.55 4 4.27 4 5 5 237 4.36 4.86 4.45 4.33 5 5 238 4.45 5 5.18 4.33 5 5 4.00 L 239 3.64 3.71 3.09 3.67 3.5 5 240 3 2.57 3.64 4 3.5 5 241 3.27 3.14 3 1 4 5 242 3.73 4 4.73 3.33 4.5 5 L

L.20 243 3.43 5.33 4.36 4 4.5 5 244 4.57 4.67 5 5 5 7 245 3.73 3.29 3.55 2.67 4 7 246 3.5 2.8 3.09 2.67 3.5 7 247 3.4 3.25 2.67 2.33 3 7 248 3.64 3.57 3.64 4 4 7 249 2.82 3.43 2.45 3 3 7 250 3.64 4.43 4.09 4.33 3.5 7 251 4.3 2 3.27 3 3 7 252 3.73 3 3.18 2.33 3.5 7 253 2.82 2.17 3.27 3.5 3.5 7 254 4.18 3.14 3.64 4 3 7 255 2.09 2.86 2.73 2 2.5 7 256 3.25 2 2.64 2 2 7 257 3.75 4.14 4.09 4 3.5 7 258 3.38 4.29 3.89 4 3 7 259 3.82 4.57 4.27 4.33 4.5 7 260 4.27 4.43 4.09 4.33 4.5 7 261 3.55 4.57 4.36 4.33 4.5 7 262 4.36 4.75 4.27 2.66 6 7 263 2.91 4.14 4.45 3 4 7 264 5 4.86 4 4 4.5 7 265 4.18 5.14 5.55 6 4 7 266 2.55 1.57 3.55 4 4.5 7 267 1.9 3.14 2.73 2.67 2.5 7 268 2.9 3.17 4.64 2.33 4 7 269 4.36 4.57 5 5.67 5.5 7 270 3.55 4.29 4.09 4 4 7 271 4.09 3 4 4 4 7 272 2.33 2.83 2.7 2.5 2.5 7 3.50 3.50 P 4.00 P 2.50 P 4.00 P 3.50 P 4.00 L 2.50 L 2.50 L 2.50 L

L.21 273 3.67 3.29 4 4 4 7 274 4.36 3.14 4.55 3.67 4.5 7 275 4.29 5.17 4.73 5 5 7 4.00 L 276 4.14 2.8 4.27 3.5 4 7 277 4.67 5 4.64 5 3 7 278 3 4 3.1 2 1.5 7 279 3.43 3.8 4.36 3 4 7 280 3.6 3.86 6 4 3 7 4.00 L 281 3.18 3.86 4.64 4 4.5 7 2.50 L 282 4.3 2.71 5.09 4.5 4 7 2.50 L 283 4 4 4 4.5 4.5 7 284 3.73 4 3.82 3.67 4 7 285 4 4.57 5 4.67 5.5 7 4.00 L 286 2.43 2.71 2.36 3 3 7 4.00 L 287 3.09 4 3.18 3 3 7 288 4.55 3.86 3.55 5 5 7 289 4.25 3.71 4 4.33 4.5 7 290 2.6 3.29 3.64 2.5 3 7 2.50 L 291 4.36 4 4.45 4 4 7 292 3.44 4.43 4.55 4 5 7 293 4 3.57 4.45 4 3 7 294 3 3 3 3.33 3 7 2.50 L 295 3.5 4.29 3.7 3.67 4 7 2.50 L 296 4 4 4 4 4 7 297 2.3 3.4 4.45 3.67 4.5 7 298 3.91 4.6 4 4 3.5 7 299 4 4.57 4.55 5 4.5 7 300 2.13 3.29 2.36 2.67 3.5 7 301 3.7 4.71 4.45 4.33 4 7 302 3.3 4 3.73 4 3 7 2.50 L 303 3.45 3.57 3.45 3.33 4 7 L

L.22 304 3.91 4 4 4 3 7 305 3.2 3.14 3.27 2.66 4 7 306 3.45 4.14 4.09 4.67 4.5 7 307 3.44 3.67 4.09 4.67 4.5 7 308 3.89 4.29 4.55 4 4 7 309 4 4 4 4 4 7 310 3.55 4 4 4 3.5 7 311 4.83 5.71 5.78 5 5 7 312 4.38 5 5.91 6 6 7 313 4.43 4 4.45 4 4 7 314 4.1 4 4.45 4 5 7 315 4.88 5.33 5 5 5 7 316 4.5 5.17 4.91 5.33 5 7 317 5.38 5.57 5.55 6 6 7 318 4 3.86 4.45 3 5 7 319 3.91 4 4 4 4 7 320 4.36 4.86 4.55 4.33 5 7 321 4.5 5.43 5.55 5 5.5 7 322 4.36 3.86 5.45 5.33 6 7 323 4.91 5.43 5.09 5 5 7 324 4.83 4.29 4.36 4 4.5 7 325 3.91 3.86 4.36 4 3.5 7 326 4.09 4.71 3.64 4 5 7 327 4.25 4.83 4.27 4.33 4 7 328 5.67 6 5.27 4 5 7 329 4.29 4.2 4.55 4 4 7 330 4.33 3.4 3.82 4 4 7 331 4.2 5 4.13 5 4.5 7 332 5.14 5 5.09 5 5 7 333 4.86 5 5 4.33 5 7 3.00 2.50 L 2.50 L 1.51-2.00 L 2.50 L 3.00 P 3.00 P 3.50 P 3.50 P 3.50 P 3.50 P 3.50 P 3.00 P 3.50 P

L.23 334 2.8 4 3.55 2 1 7 335 4.27 4.71 4.73 4.33 5 7 336 3.5 3.17 3.36 3 2.5 7 337 4 4.33 4.7 4 4.5 7 338 3.4 4.14 4.09 4.67 3.5 7 2.50 L 339 4.82 4 5.36 3.67 4 7 340 4.1 5.33 5.36 4.67 5.5 7 2.50 L 341 3.5 5.67 3.5 3 4 7 342 4.89 4.71 4.55 5.33 5 7 343 3.17 4 3.14 2.67 3 7 344 3.13 3.67 4.09 5.33 5 7 345 3.83 4.83 3.45 4 4.5 7 346 4.33 3.86 3.82 4 4 7 347 4.56 4.57 5.45 5.33 5 7 348 3.57 2.86 3.5 4.33 4 7 349 4 4.43 4.86 4 4 7 350 4 4 4 4 4 7 351 4.7 4.71 4.5 4 4.5 7 352 4.13 4.14 4.18 2.67 5 7 353 4.67 3.71 3.55 4 4 7 354 3.45 4.14 4.09 4.67 4.5 7 355 3.44 3.67 4.09 4.67 4.5 7 356 4.5 4 5.27 4.5 4 7 4.00 L 357 2.36 1.29 1.67 1.5 1 7 358 3.67 4.29 3.36 3 3 7 4.00 L 359 2.7 2.71 3.64 2.33 3 7 4.00 L 360 3.2 3.86 4 4.33 4 7 361 4.2 4.86 4.7 4 5 7 362 3.33 4.17 4.18 4 4 7 363 3.88 3.75 5.82 2 5 7 4.00 L 364 4.17 3.67 4.09 4 4 7 L

L.24 3.50

L.25 LAMPIRAN 4 UJI VALIDITAS KUESIONER No. Kategori Nomor Pertanyaan r xy Nilai t hitung Nilai t tabel 1 Support 1 0,74 4,62 1,73 2 2 0,58 3,01 1,73 3 3 0,44 2,07 1,73 4 4 0,40 1,85 1,73 5 5 0,41 1,88 1,73 6 6 0,39 1,78 1,73 7 7 0,42 1,95 1,73 8 8 0,68 3,91 1,73 9 9 0,86 7,26 1,73 10 10 0,44 2,08 1,73 11 11 0,76 4,97 1,73 12 Resources 1 0,54 2,73 1,73 13 2 0,54 2,75 1,73 14 3 0,73 4,59 1,73 15 4 0,64 3,57 1,73 16 5 0,70 4,14 1,73 17 6 0,56 2,90 1,73 18 7 0,67 3,82 1,73 19 Personal 1 0,69 4,05 1,73 20 Development 2 0,43 2,02 1,73 21 3 0,64 3,56 1,73 22 4 0,50 2,47 1,73 23 5 0,50 2,44 1,73 24 6 0,56 2,89 1,73 25 7 0,39 1,81 1,73 26 8 0,39 1,80 1,73 27 9 0,64 3,49 1,73 28 10 0,62 3,88 1,73 29 11 0,58 3,06 1,73 30 Academic 1 0,67 3,84 1,73 31 Advisory 2 0,45 2,12 1,73 32 3 0,69 4,04 1,73 33 Overall 1 0,83 6,31 1,73 34 2 0,79 5,47 1,73

L.26 LAMPIRAN 5 LISTING PROGRAM import java.awt.desktop; import java.awt.eventqueue; import java.awt.dimension; import java.awt.filedialog; import; import; import; import; import java.text.decimalformat; import java.util.arraylist; import java.util.arrays; import java.util.enumeration; import java.util.vector; import javax.swing.jframe; import javax.swing.jpanel; import javax.swing.jscrollpane; import javax.swing.jtextarea; import org.rosuda.jri.*; import javax.swing.border.emptyborder; import javax.swing.jmenubar; import javax.swing.jmenu; import java.awt.event.mouseadapter; import java.awt.event.mouseevent; import javax.swing.jmenuitem; import javax.swing.scrollpaneconstants; import java.awt.font; import java.awt.color; import java.awt.systemcolor; import javax.swing.uimanager; @SuppressWarnings("serial") public class maingui extends JFrame private JPanel contentpane; /** * Launch the application. */ public static void main(string[] args) EventQueue.invokeLater(new Runnable() public void run() try maingui frame = new maingui();

L.27 ); frame.setvisible(true); catch (Exception e) e.printstacktrace(); public maingui() settitle("academic Satisfaction with Cluster Analysis"); String[] args = null; final Rengine r = new Rengine(args, false, null); setdefaultcloseoperation(jframe.exit_on_close); setbounds(100, 100, 800, 600); JMenuBar menubar = new JMenuBar(); setjmenubar(menubar); JMenu mnfile = new JMenu("File"); menubar.add(mnfile); JMenu mnopen = new JMenu("Open"); mnfile.add(mnopen); JMenuItem mntmfileit = new JMenuItem("File IT"); mnopen.add(mntmfileit); JMenuItem mntmfileitmathematics = new JMenuItem("File IT- Mathematics"); mnopen.add(mntmfileitmathematics); JMenuItem mntmfileitstatistics = new JMenuItem("File IT-Statistics"); mnopen.add(mntmfileitstatistics); JMenuItem mnexit = new JMenuItem("Exit"); mnfile.add(mnexit); JMenu mnprocess = new JMenu("Process"); menubar.add(mnprocess); JMenuItem mntmmean = new JMenuItem("Mean"); mnprocess.add(mntmmean); JMenuItem mneuc = new JMenuItem("Euclidean Distance"); mnprocess.add(mneuc); JMenuItem mnanalysiscluster = new JMenuItem("Cluster Analysis"); mnprocess.add(mnanalysiscluster); JMenu mnabout = new JMenu("About"); menubar.add(mnabout); contentpane = new JPanel(); contentpane.setborder(new EmptyBorder(5, 5, 5, 5)); setcontentpane(contentpane); contentpane.setlayout(null); JScrollPane scrollpane = new JScrollPane(); scrollpane.sethorizontalscrollbarpolicy(scrollpaneconstants.horizon TAL_SCROLLBAR_ALWAYS);

L.28 scrollpane.setverticalscrollbarpolicy(scrollpaneconstants.vertical_ SCROLLBAR_ALWAYS); scrollpane.setbounds(11, 11, 767, 523); contentpane.add(scrollpane); final JTextArea cmdtext = new JTextArea(); cmdtext.setfont(new Font("Calibri", Font.PLAIN, 15)); cmdtext.settabsize(3); scrollpane.setviewportview(cmdtext); cmdtext.seteditable(false); cmdtext.setwrapstyleword(true); cmdtext.settext("please Choose file to open"); mnabout.addmouselistener(new MouseAdapter() @Override public void mouseclicked(mouseevent e) cmdtext.settext("academic Satisfaction with Cluster Analysis\n\nBy Meivina\n1100048046\n\nProgram Ganda\nSTATISTIKA DAN TEKNIK INFORMATIKA\nUNIVERSITAS BINA NUSANTARA"); ); mntmfileit.addmouselistener(new MouseAdapter() @Override public void mousepressed(mouseevent arg0) @SuppressWarnings("unused") REXP x; cmdtext.settext("open Excel Document (for TI CLASS)\nDONE...\n please choose process to calculate this data\n"); r.eval("library(rodbc)"); r.eval("odbccloseall()"); r.eval("channel <- odbcconnectexcel('c:/data/ti.xls')"); r.eval("sqltables(channel)"); r.eval("dataset <- sqlfetch(channel, 'Sheet1')"); x = r.eval("dataset <- sqlquery(channel, 'select * from [Sheet1$]')"); try Desktop.getDesktop().open(new File("c:\\TI.xls")); catch (IOException e) // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printstacktrace(); ); mntmfileitmathematics.addmouselistener(new MouseAdapter()

L.29 @Override public void mousepressed(mouseevent arg0) @SuppressWarnings("unused") REXP x; ); cmdtext.settext("open Excel Document (for TI- MATHEMATIC CLASS)\nDONE...\n please choose process to calculate this data\n"); r.eval("library(rodbc)"); r.eval("odbccloseall()"); r.eval("channel<odbcconnectexcel('c:/data/ti_matematika.xls')"); r.eval("sqltables(channel)"); r.eval("dataset <- sqlfetch(channel, 'Sheet1')"); x = r.eval("dataset <- sqlquery(channel, 'select * from [Sheet1$]')"); try Desktop.getDesktop().open(new File("c:\\TI_Matematika.xls")); catch (IOException e) // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printstacktrace(); mntmfileitstatistics.addmouselistener(new MouseAdapter() @Override public void mousepressed(mouseevent arg0) REXP x; cmdtext.settext("open Excel Document (for TI- STATISTIC CLASS)\nDONE...\n please choose process to calculate this data\n"); r.eval("library(rodbc)"); r.eval("odbccloseall()"); r.eval("channel <- odbcconnectexcel('c:/data/ti_statistika.xls')"); r.eval("sqltables(channel)"); r.eval("dataset <- sqlfetch(channel, 'Sheet1')"); r.eval("dataset <- sqlquery(channel, 'select * from [Sheet1$]')"); x = r.eval("dataset"); try Desktop.getDesktop().open(new File("c:\\TI_STATISTIKA.xls")); catch (IOException e)

L.30 // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printstacktrace(); ); mntmmean.addmouselistener(new MouseAdapter() @Override public void mousepressed(mouseevent arg0) REXP x; //hitungmean DecimalFormat dec = new DecimalFormat("###.##"); cmdtext.settext("mean Data for each Category\n\n"); r.eval("meandata<-sqlquery(channel, 'select Support from [Sheet1$]')"); r.eval("mean<-colmeans(meandata)"); x = r.eval("as.double(mean)"); double mean = x.asdouble(); cmdtext.append("mean Support\t\t\t\t\t:\t"+dec.format(mean)+"\n"); r.eval("meandata<-sqlquery(channel, 'select Resources from [Sheet1$]')"); r.eval("mean<-colmeans(meandata)"); x = r.eval("as.double(mean)"); mean = x.asdouble(); cmdtext.append("mean Resources\t\t\t\t\t:\t"+dec.format(mean)+"\n"); r.eval("meandata<-sqlquery(channel, 'select PersonalDevelopment from [Sheet1$]')"); r.eval("mean<-colmeans(meandata)"); x = r.eval("as.double(mean)"); mean = x.asdouble(); cmdtext.append("mean Personal Development\t\t:\t"+dec.format(mean)+"\n"); r.eval("meandata<-sqlquery(channel, 'select AcademicAdvisory from [Sheet1$]')"); r.eval("mean<-colmeans(meandata)"); x = r.eval("as.double(mean)"); mean = x.asdouble(); cmdtext.append("mean Academic Advisory\t\t\t:\t"+dec.format(mean)+"\n"); r.eval("meandata<-sqlquery(channel, 'select Overall from [Sheet1$]')"); r.eval("mean<-colmeans(meandata)");

L.31 ); x = r.eval("as.double(mean)"); mean = x.asdouble(); cmdtext.append("mean Overall\t\t\t\t\t:\t"+dec.format(mean)+"\n"); mneuc.addmouselistener(new MouseAdapter() @Override public void mousepressed(mouseevent arg0) cmdtext.settext("begin Calculating for Euclidean Distance \n"); REXP x; REXP n; r.eval("sys.putenv('javagd_class_name'='myjavagd1')"); cmdtext.settext("create Matrix \n"); r.eval( "d<-(model.matrix(~- 1+AcademicAdvisory+Overall+PersonalDevelopment+Re sources+support, Dataset))" ); r.eval( "e<-dist(d,method='euclidean')" ); x = r.eval("round(e, digits =2)"); double[] euc = x.asdoublearray(); r.eval("numrow <- sqlquery(channel, 'SELECT COUNT(Responden) FROM [Sheet1$]')"); n = r.eval("as.integer(numrow)"); int totaln = n.asint(); String teststring = Integer.toString(totalN); cmdtext.append("\n Number Responden : "+teststring+"\n\n"); for(int j = 1;j<= totaln;j++) cmdtext.append("\t"+j+"\t"); cmdtext.append("\n\n"); cmdtext.append("1"); cmdtext.append("\n\n"); String tempstr = Double.toString(euc[0]); cmdtext.append("2\t"+tempstr); cmdtext.append("\n\n"); int jumlahk = 2; int init = 1; int init2 = 1; //PRINT MATRIX for(int k = 3;k<=totalN;k++) String bariske = Integer.toString(k);

L.32 ); cmdtext.append(bariske); String tempstr2 = Double.toString(euc[init]); cmdtext.append("\t"+tempstr2+"\t"); for(int l = 2;l<=jumlahK;l++) int temp = init2+(totaln-l); String tempstr3 = Double.toString(euc[temp]); cmdtext.append("\t"+tempstr3+"\t"); init2 = temp; cmdtext.append("\n\n"); jumlahk++; init++; init2 = init; mnanalysiscluster.addmouselistener(new MouseAdapter() @SuppressWarnings( "unchecked" ) @Override public void mousepressed(mouseevent arg0) cmdtext.settext("begin Calculating for Cluster Analysis \n"); REXP x; cmdtext.settext("open library JAVAGD for plot in java... \n"); r.eval( "library(javagd)" ); r.eval("sys.putenv('javagd_class_name'='myjavagd1')"); r.eval( "JavaGD(800,600)" ); cmdtext.settext("set model Grafiks \n"); r.eval( "d<-(model.matrix(~- 1+AcademicAdvisory+Overall+PersonalDevelopment+Re sources+support, Dataset))" ); r.eval( "e<-dist(d,method='euclidean')" ); r.eval( "fit<-hclust(e, method='complete')" ); r.eval( "plot(fit)" ); r.eval( "rect.hclust(fit, k=5, border='red')" ); r.eval( "cutree(fit, k=5)" ); x = r.eval( "cutree(fit, k=5)" ); int[] test = x.asintarray(); @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") ArrayList g1 = new ArrayList(); @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") ArrayList g2 = new ArrayList(); @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes")

L.33 ArrayList g3 = new ArrayList(); @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") ArrayList g4 = new ArrayList(); @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") ArrayList g5 = new ArrayList(); cmdtext.settext("respondent\t\t\t for(int i=0;i<test.length;i++) int k = i+1; if(test[i]==1) g1.add(k); else if(test[i]==2) g2.add(k); else if(test[i]==3) g3.add(k); else if(test[i]==4) g4.add(k); else if(test[i]==5) g5.add(k); String j = Integer.toString(k); Cluster\n"); String teststring = Integer.toString(test[i]); cmdtext.append("\t"); cmdtext.append(j); cmdtext.append("\t\t\t->\t\t"); cmdtext.append(teststring); cmdtext.append("\n"); DecimalFormat dec = new DecimalFormat("###.##"); float numdata = test.length; int numg1 = g1.size(); float perseng1 = numg1/numdata*100; float total1 = 0; float mean1 = 0; int numg2 = g2.size();

float perseng2 = numg2/numdata*100; float total2 = 0; float mean2 = 0; int numg3 = g3.size(); float perseng3 = numg3/numdata*100; float total3 = 0; float mean3 = 0; int numg4 = g4.size(); float perseng4 = numg4/numdata*100; float total4 = 0; float mean4 = 0; int numg5 = g5.size(); float perseng5 = numg5/numdata*100; float total5 = 0; float mean5 = 0; int nmodus =0; String querymodus = "modusdata"+nmodus+"<-sqlquery(channel,'select * from [Sheet1$] where "; String modussemester = "modus <- sqlquery(channelmodus, 'select Semester from [Sheet1$] group by Semester order by count(semester) desc')"; String modusipk = "modus <- sqlquery(channelmodus, 'select IPK from [Sheet1$] group by IPK order by count(ipk) desc')"; String moduskelamin = "modus <- sqlquery(channelmodus, 'select JenisKelamin from [Sheet1$] group by JenisKelamin order by count(jeniskelamin) desc')"; String moduskota = "modus <- sqlquery(channelmodus, 'select Kota from [Sheet1$] group by Kota order by count(kota) desc')"; cmdtext.append("\n"); cmdtext.append("total Responden : " +test.length); cmdtext.append("\n"); cmdtext.append("\ntotal Responden of Cluster 1\t\t:\t" + numg1 +" Responden\n"); cmdtext.append("responden of Cluster 1\t\t\t:\t" + g1); cmdtext.append("\npersentase of Cluster 1\t\t\t:\t" + dec.format(perseng1) +"%\n"); for(int n=0;n<numg1;n++ ) String query = "meandata<-sqlquery(channel,'select Mean from [Sheet1$] where Responden = "+ g1.get(n) +"')"; if(n<numg1-1) querymodus += "Responden = "+g1.get(n)+" OR "; else querymodus+= "Responden = "+g1.get(n)+"')"; L.34

L.35 r.eval( query ); x = r.eval("as.double(meandata)"); double meanvalue = x.asdouble(); total1 += meanvalue; mean1 = total1/numg1; cmdtext.append("mean of Cluster 1\t\t\t:\t"+ dec.format(mean1)+"\n"); r.eval(querymodus); r.eval("library(xlsreadwrite)"); r.eval("write.xls(modusdata"+nmodus+", 'D:/temp/temp0.xls')"); r.eval("library(rodbc)"); r.eval("channelmodus <- odbcconnectexcel('d:/temp/temp0.xls')"); nmodus++; r.eval(modussemester); int[] tempsarray = new int[10]; int besar = 0; for(int s=1;s<10;s++) String querys = "Semester"+s+"<-sqlQuery(channelModus, 'select count(semester) as Semester"+s+" from [Sheet1$] where Semester = "+s+"')"; r.eval(querys); x = r.eval("as.integer(semester"+s+")"); int count = x.asint(); tempsarray[s] = count; besar = 0; cmdtext.append("modus Semester Cluster 1\t\t:\t"); for(int l = 0;l<9;l++) if(tempsarray[l]>tempsarray[l+1]) if(tempsarray[besar]<tempsarray[l]) besar = l; else if(tempsarray[l]<tempsarray[l+1]) if(tempsarray[besar]<tempsarray[l+1]) besar = l+1;

L.36 for(int k = 9;k>0;k--) if(tempsarray[besar]==tempsarray[k]) cmdtext.append(k+", "); else r.eval("semester<-sqlquery(channel, 'select count(semester) as Semester3 from [Sheet1$] where Semester = 3')"); String a = x.asstring(); r.eval(modusipk); x = r.eval("as.character(modus[, 1])"); a = x.asstring(); int[] tempipkarray = new int[9]; String txt =""; besar = 0; for(int s=1;s<9;s++) String querys = "IPK"+s+"<-sqlQuery(channelModus, 'select count(ipk) as IPK"+s+" from [Sheet1$] where IPK = "+s+"')"; r.eval(querys); x = r.eval("as.integer(ipk"+s+")"); int count = x.asint(); tempipkarray[s] = count; besar = 0; cmdtext.append("\nmodus IPK Cluster 1\t\t\t:\t"); for(int l = 0;l<8;l++) if(tempipkarray[l]>tempipkarray[l+1]) if(tempipkarray[besar]<tempipkarray[l]) besar = l; else if(tempipkarray[l]<tempipkarray[l+1]) if(tempipkarray[besar]<tempipkarray[l+1])

L.37 besar = l+1; for(int k = 8;k>0;k--) if(tempipkarray[besar]==tempipkarray[k]) if(k == 1) txt = "(0.01-0.50)"; else if(k == 2) txt = "(0.51-1.00)"; else if(k == 3) txt = "(1.01-1.50)"; else if(k == 4) txt = "(1.51-2.00)"; else if(k == 5) txt = "(2.50)"; else if(k == 6) txt = "(3.00)"; else if(k == 7) txt = "(3.50)"; else if(k == 8) txt = "(4.00)"; cmdtext.append(txt+", "); else r.eval(moduskelamin);

L.38 x = r.eval("as.character(modus[, 1])"); a = x.asstring(); int[] tempkelarray = new int[3]; besar = 0; String querys = "JenisKelamin1<-sqlQuery(channelModus, 'select count(jeniskelamin) as JenisKelamin1 from [Sheet1$] where JenisKelamin = 1')"; r.eval(querys); x = r.eval("as.integer(jeniskelamin1)"); int count = x.asint(); tempkelarray[1] = count; querys = "JenisKelamin2<-sqlQuery(channelModus, 'select count(jeniskelamin) as JenisKelamin2 from [Sheet1$] where JenisKelamin = 2')"; r.eval(querys); x = r.eval("as.integer(jeniskelamin2)"); count = x.asint(); tempkelarray[2] = count; cmdtext.append("\nmodus Jenis Kelamin Cluster 1\t:\t"); if(tempkelarray[1]>tempkelarray[2]) cmdtext.append("l"); else if(tempkelarray[1]<tempkelarray[2]) cmdtext.append("p"); else if(tempkelarray[1]==tempkelarray[2]) cmdtext.append("l,p"); r.eval(moduskota); x = r.eval("as.character(modus[, 1])"); a = x.asstring(); int[] tempkotaarray = new int[3]; besar = 0; querys = "JenisKota1<-sqlQuery(channelModus, 'select count(kota) as Kota1 from [Sheet1$] where Kota = 1')"; r.eval(querys); x = r.eval("as.integer(jeniskota1)"); count = x.asint(); tempkotaarray[1] = count; querys = "JenisKota2<-sqlQuery(channelModus, 'select count(kota) as Kota2 from [Sheet1$] where Kota = 2')";

L.39 r.eval(querys); x = r.eval("as.integer(jeniskota2)"); count = x.asint(); tempkotaarray[2] = count; cmdtext.append("\nmodus Kota Cluster 1\t\t\t:\t"); if(tempkotaarray[1]>tempkotaarray[2]) cmdtext.append("\n"); else if(tempkotaarray[1]<tempkotaarray[2]) cmdtext.append(" \n"); else if(tempkotaarray[1]==tempkotaarray[2]) cmdtext.append(", \n"); cmdtext.append("\ntotal Responden of Cluster 2\t\t:\t" + numg2 +" Responden\n"); cmdtext.append("responden of Cluster 2\t\t\t:\t" + g2); cmdtext.append("\npersentase of Cluster 2\t\t\t:\t" + dec.format(perseng2) +"%\n"); querymodus = "modusdata"+nmodus+"<-sqlquery(channel,'select * from [Sheet1$] where "; for(int n=0;n<numg2;n++ ) String query = "meandata<-sqlquery(channel,'select Mean from [Sheet1$] where Responden = "+ g2.get(n) +"')"; if(n<numg2-1) querymodus += "Responden = "+g2.get(n)+" OR "; else querymodus+= "Responden = "+g2.get(n)+"')"; r.eval( query ); x = r.eval("as.double(meandata)"); double meanvalue = x.asdouble(); total2 += meanvalue; mean2 = total2/numg2; cmdtext.append("mean of Cluster 2\t\t\t:\t"+ dec.format(mean2)+"\n"); r.eval(querymodus); r.eval("library(xlsreadwrite)");

L.40 r.eval("write.xls(modusdata"+nmodus+", 'D:/temp/temp1.xls')"); r.eval("library(rodbc)"); r.eval("channelmodus <- odbcconnectexcel('d:/temp/temp1.xls')"); nmodus++; besar = 0; for(int s=1;s<10;s++) querys = "Semester"+s+"<-sqlQuery(channelModus, 'select count(semester) as Semester"+s+" from [Sheet1$] where Semester = "+s+"')"; r.eval(querys); x = r.eval("as.integer(semester"+s+")"); count = x.asint(); tempsarray[s] = count; besar = 0; cmdtext.append("modus Semester Cluster 2\t\t:\t"); for(int l = 0;l<9;l++) if(tempsarray[l]>tempsarray[l+1]) if(tempsarray[besar]<tempsarray[l]) besar = l; else if(tempsarray[l]<tempsarray[l+1]) if(tempsarray[besar]<tempsarray[l+1]) besar = l+1; for(int k = 9;k>0;k--) if(tempsarray[besar]==tempsarray[k]) cmdtext.append(k+", "); else

L.41 r.eval(modussemester); x = r.eval("as.character(modus[, 1])"); a = x.asstring(); r.eval(modusipk); x = r.eval("as.character(modus[, 1])"); a = x.asstring(); txt =""; besar = 0; for(int s=1;s<9;s++) querys = "IPK"+s+"<-sqlQuery(channelModus, 'select count(ipk) as IPK"+s+" from [Sheet1$] where IPK = "+s+"')"; r.eval(querys); x = r.eval("as.integer(ipk"+s+")"); count = x.asint(); tempipkarray[s] = count; besar = 0; cmdtext.append("\nmodus IPK Cluster 2\t\t\t:\t"); for(int l = 0;l<8;l++) if(tempipkarray[l]>tempipkarray[l+1]) if(tempipkarray[besar]<tempipkarray[l]) besar = l; else if(tempipkarray[l]<tempipkarray[l+1]) if(tempipkarray[besar]<tempipkarray[l+ 1]) besar = l+1; for(int k = 8;k>0;k--) if(tempipkarray[besar]==tempipkarray[k]) if(k == 1) txt = "(0.01-0.50)"; else if(k == 2)

L.42 else txt = "(0.51-1.00)"; else if(k == 3) txt = "(1.01-1.50)"; else if(k == 4) txt = "(1.51-2.00)"; else if(k == 5) txt = "(2.50)"; else if(k == 6) txt = "(3.00)"; else if(k == 7) txt = "(3.50)"; else if(k == 8) txt = "(4.00)"; cmdtext.append(txt+", "); r.eval(moduskelamin); x = r.eval("as.character(modus[, 1])"); a = x.asstring(); querys = "JenisKelamin1<-sqlQuery(channelModus, 'select count(jeniskelamin) as JenisKelamin1 from [Sheet1$] where JenisKelamin = 1')"; r.eval(querys); x = r.eval("as.integer(jeniskelamin1)"); count = x.asint(); tempkelarray[1] = count; querys = "JenisKelamin2<-sqlQuery(channelModus, 'select count(jeniskelamin) as JenisKelamin2 from [Sheet1$] where JenisKelamin = 2')";

L.43 r.eval(querys); x = r.eval("as.integer(jeniskelamin2)"); count = x.asint(); tempkelarray[2] = count; cmdtext.append("\nmodus Jenis Kelamin Cluster 2\t:\t"); if(tempkelarray[1]>tempkelarray[2]) cmdtext.append("l"); else if(tempkelarray[1]<tempkelarray[2]) cmdtext.append("p"); else if(tempkelarray[1]==tempkelarray[2]) cmdtext.append("l,p"); r.eval(moduskota); x = r.eval("as.character(modus[, 1])"); a = x.asstring(); besar = 0; querys = "JenisKota1<-sqlQuery(channelModus, 'select count(kota) as Kota1 from [Sheet1$] where Kota = 1')"; r.eval(querys); x = r.eval("as.integer(jeniskota1)"); count = x.asint(); tempkotaarray[1] = count; querys = "JenisKota2<-sqlQuery(channelModus, 'select count(kota) as Kota2 from [Sheet1$] where Kota = 2')"; r.eval(querys); x = r.eval("as.integer(jeniskota2)"); count = x.asint(); tempkotaarray[2] = count; cmdtext.append("\nmodus Kota Cluster 2\t\t\t:\t"); if(tempkotaarray[1]>tempkotaarray[2]) cmdtext.append("\n"); else if(tempkotaarray[1]<tempkotaarray[2]) cmdtext.append(" \n"); else if(tempkotaarray[1]==tempkotaarray[2])

L.44 cmdtext.append(", \n"); cmdtext.append("\ntotal Responden of Cluster 3\t\t:\t" + numg3 +" Responden\n"); cmdtext.append("responden of Cluster 3\t\t\t:\t" + g3); cmdtext.append("\npersentase of Cluster 3\t\t\t:\t" + dec.format(perseng3) +"%\n"); querymodus = "modusdata"+nmodus+"<-sqlquery(channel,'select * from [Sheet1$] where "; for(int n=0;n<numg3;n++ ) String query = "meandata<-sqlquery(channel,'select Mean from [Sheet1$] where Responden = "+ g3.get(n) +"')"; if(n<numg3-1) querymodus += "Responden = "+g3.get(n)+" OR "; else querymodus+= "Responden = "+g3.get(n)+"')"; r.eval( query ); x = r.eval("as.double(meandata)"); double meanvalue = x.asdouble(); total3 += meanvalue; mean3 = total3/numg3; cmdtext.append("mean of Cluster 3\t\t\t:\t"+ dec.format(mean3)+"\n"); r.eval(querymodus); r.eval("library(xlsreadwrite)"); r.eval("write.xls(modusdata"+nmodus+", 'D:/temp/temp2.xls')"); r.eval("library(rodbc)"); r.eval("channelmodus <- odbcconnectexcel('d:/temp/temp2.xls')"); nmodus++; besar = 0; for(int s=1;s<10;s++) querys = "Semester"+s+"<-sqlQuery(channelModus, 'select count(semester) as Semester"+s+" from [Sheet1$] where Semester = "+s+"')"; r.eval(querys); x = r.eval("as.integer(semester"+s+")"); count = x.asint(); tempsarray[s] = count; besar = 0;

L.45 cmdtext.append("modus Semester Cluster 3\t\t:\t"); for(int l = 0;l<9;l++) if(tempsarray[l]>tempsarray[l+1]) if(tempsarray[besar]<tempsarray[l]) besar = l; else if(tempsarray[l]<tempsarray[l+1]) if(tempsarray[besar]<tempsarray[l+1]) besar = l+1; for(int k = 9;k>0;k--) if(tempsarray[besar]==tempsarray[k]) cmdtext.append(k+", "); else r.eval(modussemester); x = r.eval("as.character(modus[, 1])"); a = x.asstring(); r.eval(modusipk); x = r.eval("as.character(modus[, 1])"); a = x.asstring(); txt =""; besar = 0; for(int s=1;s<9;s++) querys = "IPK"+s+"<-sqlQuery(channelModus, 'select count(ipk) as IPK"+s+" from [Sheet1$] where IPK = "+s+"')"; r.eval(querys); x = r.eval("as.integer(ipk"+s+")"); count = x.asint(); tempipkarray[s] = count;

L.46 besar = 0; cmdtext.append("\nmodus IPK Cluster 3\t\t\t:\t"); for(int l = 0;l<8;l++) if(tempipkarray[l]>tempipkarray[l+1]) if(tempipkarray[besar]<tempipkarray[l]) besar = l; else if(tempipkarray[l]<tempipkarray[l+1]) if(tempipkarray[besar]<tempipkarray[l+1]) besar = l+1; for(int k = 8;k>0;k--) if(tempipkarray[besar]==tempipkarray[k]) if(k == 1) txt = "(0.01-0.50)"; else if(k == 2) txt = "(0.51-1.00)"; else if(k == 3) txt = "(1.01-1.50)"; else if(k == 4) txt = "(1.51-2.00)"; else if(k == 5) txt = "(2.50)"; else if(k == 6) txt = "(3.00)";

L.47 else else if(k == 7) txt = "(3.50)"; else if(k == 8) txt = "(4.00)"; cmdtext.append(txt+", "); r.eval(moduskelamin); x = r.eval("as.character(modus[, 1])"); a = x.asstring(); querys = "JenisKelamin1<-sqlQuery(channelModus, 'select count(jeniskelamin) as JenisKelamin1 from [Sheet1$] where JenisKelamin = 1')"; r.eval(querys); x = r.eval("as.integer(jeniskelamin1)"); count = x.asint(); tempkelarray[1] = count; querys = "JenisKelamin2<-sqlQuery(channelModus, 'select count(jeniskelamin) as JenisKelamin2 from [Sheet1$] where JenisKelamin = 2')"; r.eval(querys); x = r.eval("as.integer(jeniskelamin2)"); count = x.asint(); tempkelarray[2] = count; cmdtext.append("\nmodus Jenis Kelamin Cluster 3\t:\t"); if(tempkelarray[1]>tempkelarray[2]) cmdtext.append("l"); else if(tempkelarray[1]<tempkelarray[2]) cmdtext.append("p"); else if(tempkelarray[1]==tempkelarray[2]) cmdtext.append("l,p");

L.48 r.eval(moduskota); x = r.eval("as.character(modus[, 1])"); a = x.asstring(); besar = 0; querys = "JenisKota1<-sqlQuery(channelModus, 'select count(kota) as Kota1 from [Sheet1$] where Kota = 1')"; r.eval(querys); x = r.eval("as.integer(jeniskota1)"); count = x.asint(); tempkotaarray[1] = count; querys = "JenisKota2<-sqlQuery(channelModus, 'select count(kota) as Kota2 from [Sheet1$] where Kota = 2')"; r.eval(querys); x = r.eval("as.integer(jeniskota2)"); count = x.asint(); tempkotaarray[2] = count; cmdtext.append("\nmodus Kota Cluster 3\t\t\t:\t"); if(tempkotaarray[1]>tempkotaarray[2]) cmdtext.append("\n"); else if(tempkotaarray[1]<tempkotaarray[2]) cmdtext.append(" \n"); else if(tempkotaarray[1]==tempkotaarray[2]) cmdtext.append(", \n"); cmdtext.append("\ntotal Responden of Cluster 4\t\t:\t" + numg4 +" Responden\n"); cmdtext.append("responden of Cluster 4\t\t\t:\t" + g4); cmdtext.append("\npersentase of Cluster 4\t\t\t:\t" + dec.format(perseng4) +"%\n"); querymodus = "modusdata"+nmodus+"<-sqlquery(channel,'select * from [Sheet1$] where "; for(int n=0;n<numg4;n++ ) String query = "meandata<-sqlquery(channel,'select Mean from [Sheet1$] where Responden = "+ g4.get(n) +"')"; if(n<numg4-1) querymodus += "Responden = "+g4.get(n)+" OR ";

L.49 else querymodus+= "Responden = "+g4.get(n)+"')"; r.eval( query ); x = r.eval("as.double(meandata)"); double meanvalue = x.asdouble(); total4 += meanvalue; mean4 = total4/numg4; cmdtext.append("mean of Cluster 4\t\t\t:\t"+ dec.format(mean4)+"\n"); r.eval(querymodus); r.eval("library(xlsreadwrite)"); r.eval("write.xls(modusdata"+nmodus+", 'D:/temp/temp3.xls')"); r.eval("library(rodbc)"); r.eval("channelmodus <- odbcconnectexcel('d:/temp/temp3.xls')"); nmodus++; besar = 0; for(int s=1;s<10;s++) querys = "Semester"+s+"<-sqlQuery(channelModus, 'select count(semester) as Semester"+s+" from [Sheet1$] where Semester = "+s+"')"; r.eval(querys); x = r.eval("as.integer(semester"+s+")"); count = x.asint(); tempsarray[s] = count; besar = 0; cmdtext.append("modus Semester Cluster 4\t\t:\t"); for(int l = 0;l<9;l++) if(tempsarray[l]>tempsarray[l+1]) if(tempsarray[besar]<tempsarray[l]) besar = l; else if(tempsarray[l]<tempsarray[l+1]) if(tempsarray[besar]<tempsarray[l+1]) besar = l+1;

L.50 for(int k = 9;k>0;k--) if(tempsarray[besar]==tempsarray[k]) cmdtext.append(k+", "); else r.eval(modussemester); x = r.eval("as.character(modus[, 1])"); a = x.asstring(); r.eval(modusipk); x = r.eval("as.character(modus[, 1])"); a = x.asstring(); txt =""; besar = 0; for(int s=1;s<9;s++) querys = "IPK"+s+"<-sqlQuery(channelModus, 'select count(ipk) as IPK"+s+" from [Sheet1$] where IPK = "+s+"')"; r.eval(querys); x = r.eval("as.integer(ipk"+s+")"); count = x.asint(); tempipkarray[s] = count; besar = 0; cmdtext.append("\nmodus IPK Cluster 4\t\t\t:\t"); for(int l = 0;l<8;l++) if(tempipkarray[l]>tempipkarray[l+1]) if(tempipkarray[besar]<tempipkarray[l]) besar = l; else if(tempipkarray[l]<tempipkarray[l+1]) if(tempipkarray[besar]<tempipkarray[l+1])

L.51 besar = l+1; for(int k = 8;k>0;k--) if(tempipkarray[besar]==tempipkarray[k]) else if(k == 1) txt = "(0.01-0.50)"; else if(k == 2) txt = "(0.51-1.00)"; else if(k == 3) txt = "(1.01-1.50)"; else if(k == 4) txt = "(1.51-2.00)"; else if(k == 5) txt = "(2.50)"; else if(k == 6) txt = "(3.00)"; else if(k == 7) txt = "(3.50)"; else if(k == 8) txt = "(4.00)"; cmdtext.append(txt+", ");

L.52 r.eval(moduskelamin); x = r.eval("as.character(modus[, 1])"); a = x.asstring(); querys = "JenisKelamin1<-sqlQuery(channelModus, 'select count(jeniskelamin) as JenisKelamin1 from [Sheet1$] where JenisKelamin = 1')"; r.eval(querys); x = r.eval("as.integer(jeniskelamin1)"); count = x.asint(); tempkelarray[1] = count; querys = "JenisKelamin2<-sqlQuery(channelModus, 'select count(jeniskelamin) as JenisKelamin2 from [Sheet1$] where JenisKelamin = 2')"; r.eval(querys); x = r.eval("as.integer(jeniskelamin2)"); count = x.asint(); tempkelarray[2] = count; cmdtext.append("\nmodus Jenis Kelamin Cluster 4\t:\t"); if(tempkelarray[1]>tempkelarray[2]) cmdtext.append("l"); else if(tempkelarray[1]<tempkelarray[2]) cmdtext.append("p"); else if(tempkelarray[1]==tempkelarray[2]) cmdtext.append("l,p"); r.eval(moduskota); x = r.eval("as.character(modus[, 1])"); a = x.asstring(); besar = 0; querys = "JenisKota1<-sqlQuery(channelModus, 'select count(kota) as Kota1 from [Sheet1$] where Kota = 1')"; r.eval(querys); x = r.eval("as.integer(jeniskota1)"); count = x.asint(); tempkotaarray[1] = count; querys = "JenisKota2<-sqlQuery(channelModus, 'select count(kota) as Kota2 from [Sheet1$] where Kota = 2')";

L.53 r.eval(querys); x = r.eval("as.integer(jeniskota2)"); count = x.asint(); tempkotaarray[2] = count; cmdtext.append("\nmodus Kota Cluster 4\t\t\t:\t"); if(tempkotaarray[1]>tempkotaarray[2]) cmdtext.append("\n"); else if(tempkotaarray[1]<tempkotaarray[2]) cmdtext.append(" \n"); else if(tempkotaarray[1]==tempkotaarray[2]) cmdtext.append(", \n"); cmdtext.append("\ntotal Responden of Cluster 5\t\t:\t" + numg5 +" Responden\n"); cmdtext.append("responden of Cluster 5\t\t\t:\t" + g5); cmdtext.append("\npersentase of Cluster 5\t\t\t:\t" + dec.format(perseng5) +"%\n"); querymodus = "modusdata"+nmodus+"<-sqlquery(channel,'select * from [Sheet1$] where "; for(int n=0;n<numg5;n++ ) String query = "meandata<-sqlquery(channel,'select Mean from [Sheet1$] where Responden = "+ g5.get(n) +"')"; if(n<numg5-1) querymodus += "Responden = "+g5.get(n)+" OR "; else querymodus+= "Responden = "+g5.get(n)+"')"; r.eval( query ); x = r.eval("as.double(meandata)"); double meanvalue = x.asdouble(); total5 += meanvalue; mean5 = total5/numg5; cmdtext.append("mean of Cluster 5\t\t\t:\t"+ dec.format(mean5)+"\n");

L.54 r.eval(querymodus); r.eval("library(xlsreadwrite)"); r.eval("write.xls(modusdata"+nmodus+", 'D:/temp/temp4.xls')"); r.eval("library(rodbc)"); r.eval("channelmodus <- odbcconnectexcel('d:/temp/temp4.xls')"); nmodus++; besar = 0; for(int s=1;s<10;s++) querys = "Semester"+s+"<-sqlQuery(channelModus, 'select count(semester) as Semester"+s+" from [Sheet1$] where Semester = "+s+"')"; r.eval(querys); x = r.eval("as.integer(semester"+s+")"); count = x.asint(); tempsarray[s] = count; besar = 0; cmdtext.append("modus Semester Cluster 5\t\t:\t"); for(int l = 0;l<9;l++) if(tempsarray[l]>tempsarray[l+1]) if(tempsarray[besar]<tempsarray[l]) besar = l; else if(tempsarray[l]<tempsarray[l+1]) if(tempsarray[besar]<tempsarray[l+1]) besar = l+1; for(int k = 9;k>0;k--) if(tempsarray[besar]==tempsarray[k]) cmdtext.append(k+", "); else

L.55 r.eval(modussemester); x = r.eval("as.character(modus[, 1])"); a = x.asstring(); r.eval(modusipk); x = r.eval("as.character(modus[, 1])"); a = x.asstring(); txt =""; besar = 0; for(int s=1;s<9;s++) querys = "IPK"+s+"<-sqlQuery(channelModus, 'select count(ipk) as IPK"+s+" from [Sheet1$] where IPK = "+s+"')"; r.eval(querys); x = r.eval("as.integer(ipk"+s+")"); count = x.asint(); tempipkarray[s] = count; besar = 0; cmdtext.append("\nmodus IPK Cluster 5\t\t\t:\t"); for(int l = 0;l<8;l++) if(tempipkarray[l]>tempipkarray[l+1]) if(tempipkarray[besar]<tempipkarray[l]) besar = l; else if(tempipkarray[l]<tempipkarray[l+1]) if(tempipkarray[besar]<tempipkarray[l+1]) besar = l+1; for(int k = 8;k>0;k--) if(tempipkarray[besar]==tempipkarray[k])