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1 Western Australian Certificate of Education Examination, 2010 Question/Answer Booklet INDONESIAN: SECOND LANGUAGE Stage 2 Please place your student identification label in this box Student Number: In figures In words Time allowed for this paper Reading time before commencing work: Working time for paper: ten minutes two and a half hours Materials required/recommended for this paper To be provided by the supervisor This Question/Answer Booklet DVD Audio visual recording To be provided by the candidate Standard items: pens, pencils, eraser, correction fluid, ruler, highlighters Special items: dictionaries satisfying the conditions set by the Curriculum Council for this course Note: dictionaries must not contain any handwritten or typewritten notes or other marks Important note to candidates No other items may be taken into the examination room. It is your responsibility to ensure that you do not have any unauthorised notes or other items of a non-personal nature in the examination room. If you have any unauthorised material with you, hand it to the supervisor before reading any further. Copyright Curriculum Council 2010 Ref:

2 INDONESIAN: SECOND LANGUAGE 2 STAGE 2 Structure of the examination The Indonesian: Second Language examination comprises a written examination worth 60 per cent of the total examination score and a practical (oral) examination worth 40 per cent of the total examination score. Structure of this paper Section Section One: Audio-visual/print text response Section Two: Written communication Number of questions available Number of questions to be answered Suggested working time (minutes) Marks available Percentage of exam Part A: Stimulus response Part B: Extended response Total 60 Instructions to candidates 1. The rules for the conduct of Curriculum Council examinations are detailed in the Student Information Handbook Sitting this examination implies that you agree to abide by these rules. 2. Write your answers in Standard Australian English or in Indonesian as specified in the spaces provided in this Question/Answer Booklet. 3. You must be careful to confine your responses to the specific questions asked and to follow any instructions that are specific to a particular question. 4. Spare pages are included at the end of this booklet. They can be used for planning your responses and/or as additional space if required to continue an answer. Planning: If you use the spare pages for planning, indicate this clearly at the top of the page. Continuing an answer: If you need to use the space to continue an answer, indicate in the original answer space where the answer is continued, i.e. give the page number. Fill in the number of the question(s) that you are continuing to answer at the top of the page.

3 STAGE 2 3 INDONESIAN: SECOND LANGUAGE Section One: Audio-visual/Print text response 25% (35 Marks) This section has ten (10) questions. Answer all questions. Write your answers in the spaces provided. Questions in English require responses in English. Questions in Indonesian require responses in Indonesian. Suggested working time: 60 minutes. You will view two (2) clips in Indonesian. Each clip will be shown twice with a 30 second pause between each viewing. There is a 90 second pause between the second viewing of clip 1 and the first viewing of clip 2. Text 1: Jodoh Aretta (4 marks) This is the extract from the film Jodoh Aretta. In the following scene, Aretta, her guardian and his daughter are listening to the lawyer reading the will of Aretta s grandfather (Eyang), who has recently died. View the clip and answer question 1 in English. Catatan/Notes from film excerpt Question 1 Space for notes Aretta displays a series of emotions, from sadness to happiness, confusion to disappointment during the reading of the will. Give reasons why she displays these emotions. (4 marks) Sadness: Happiness: Confusion: Disappointment:

4 INDONESIAN: SECOND LANGUAGE 4 STAGE 2 Text 2: Jodoh Aretta (continued) (4 marks) In the following scene, Aretta s boyfriend, Fino, has come to apologise to her guardian (Mr Mahdi) for staying out late with Aretta last night. View the clip and answer questions 2 and 3 in Indonesian. Catatan/Notes from film excerpt Question 2 Space for notes Mengapa Aretta tidak ingat apa yang terjadi tadi malam? (1 mark) Question 3 Syarat apa yang diberikan oleh pengasuhnya (Pak Mahdi) ketika Aretta minta izin untuk pergi dengan Fino? (3 marks)

5 STAGE 2 5 INDONESIAN: SECOND LANGUAGE This page has been left blank intentionally

6 INDONESIAN: SECOND LANGUAGE 6 STAGE 2 Text 3: Summary of the film, Jodoh Aretta (10 marks) Read the film summary and answer questions 4 and 7 in Indonesian, and questions 5 and 6 in English. Aretta, bukan hanya cantik dan populer tetapi juga kaya. Sayangnya, dia terkenal suka berfoya-foya dan semena-mena terhadap orang lain. Orangtuanya meninggal karena kecelakaan ketika Aretta berumur 10 tahun. Sejak saat itu kakeknya mengasuh dia. Tiba-tiba kakeknya yang kaya-raya meninggal dunia karena sakit jantung. Ternyata kakek sudah menyiapkan surat wasiat untuk Aretta. Dalam surat wasiat kakek tertulis, Aretta akan mewarisi semua kekayaan kakek... Aretta tinggal di rumah kakeknya dengan Pak Mahdi, yang dipercaya kakek untuk mengasuh dan menjaga cucu satu-satunya. Aretta bersahabat dengan putri Pak Mahdi yang bernama Dai. Indra, pegawai di perpustakaan keluarga Aretta, adalah mahasiswa fakultas teknik. Dia bekerja untuk membiayai sekolahnya. Indra seorang yatim piatu, tetapi menilai bahwa pendidikan penting sekali. Dia selalu memberi perhatian terhadap sesamanya. Tapi, gak tau kenapa Indra sepertinya tidak disukai Aretta yang selalu sinis dan bersikap kasar terhadap Indra. Fino, yang ganteng, gaul dan kaya adalah cinta pertama Aretta. Fino sengaja pulang ke Indonesia karena tahu bahwa Aretta mencari pasangan untuk dinikahinya dan warisan yang akan diterimanya. Selain itu Fino gagal sekolah karena lebih suka berfoya-foya daripada belajar. Juga ayahnya tidak dapat membiayai studinya di Amerika karena perusahaan keluarganya bangkrut. Setelah beberapa saat, Aretta mengetahui niat Fino yang mau mengawininya karena warisannya. Pada suatu malam niat jahat Fino terhadap Aretta dicegah oleh Indra. Aretta yang selalu menganggap Indra sebagai pegawai dan merendahkannya, terbukalah matanya. Dia sadar bahwa Indralah teman yang selalu melindungi dan menasehati Aretta. Pada ulang tahun yang ke 18, pengacara bertanya tentang kesiapan Aretta. Aretta sudah pasrah dan merelakan harta keluarganya diberikan kepada yayasan. Mengejutkan sekali, pengacara membawa surat wasiat ke-3. Isinya... Aretta tetap mendapatkan warisan jika terbukti bahwa Aretta sudah menemukan cinta dan menghargai artinya hidup. Ternyata kakek membuat surat wasiat yang sulit untuk dipenuhi karena beliau cemas melihat tingkah laku Aretta... acuh dengan kehidupannya, tidak menghargai orang lain. Tapi ternyata Aretta sadar dan melihat hal yang dicarinya... pada Indra. Aretta menyadari artinya hidup dan sejak saat itu dia menjalin cinta dengan Indra. Indra memberinya kejutan di hari ulang tahun yang ke 18 yang juga hari Valentin.

7 STAGE 2 7 INDONESIAN: SECOND LANGUAGE Answer question 4 in Indonesian. Space for notes Question 4 Sebutkan satu persamaan antara kedua remaja ini, Indra dan Aretta dalam hidupnya? (1 mark) Answer questions 5 and 6 in English. Question 5 What are the four (4) reasons why Fino came back to Indonesia? (4 marks) One: Two: Three: Four: Question 6 Why did the grandfather write a condition in his will that would be hard for Aretta to meet? (3 marks) Answer question 7 in Indonesian. Question 7 Mengapa Indra lebih cocok menjadi pasangan Aretta? (2 marks)

8 INDONESIAN: SECOND LANGUAGE 8 STAGE 2 Text 4: Percaya...Gak Ramalan Bintang...??? (17 marks) Read the article from the online newspaper Remaja Jogja and respond to question 8 in English and to questions 9 and 10 in Indonesian. Remaja Jogja Percaya...Gak Ramalan Bintang...??? Rabu 26 Januari 2010 Halaman 23 Ramalan bintang menjadi budaya di antara remaja Indonesia dewasa ini. Setiap minggu banyak remaja, termasuk saya, membaca ramalan bintang. Memang kadang-kadang gak masuk akal, tapi remaja yang percaya, ngatur hidupnya berdasarkan ramalan itu. Saya tahu banyak teman saya yang biasanya baca dulu ramalan bintang sebelum membuat keputusan atau membuat rencana untuk masa depannya. Bacalah ramalan Taurus, Gemini dan Cancer. Apakah Anda pikir informasinya berguna untuk membuat rencana dan keputusan? Taurus 20 Apr - 20 Mei Umum: Tahun depan, orang berbintang Taurus akan menjadi sangat produktif dan mengalami peningkatan dalam karir. Akan ada kesempatan yang menjanjikan dan membuahkan hasil, karena kerja keras yang telah dilakukan. Kesehatan: Terutama para pelajar harus memperhatikan kesehatan. Akan ada masalah kesehatan jika tidak menjaga diri. Cinta: Kehidupan cinta tidak akan menjadi fokus pada tahun ini. Bagi yang sedang menjalani hubungan akan menemukan banyak pemikiran baru. Gemini 21 Mei - 20 Juni Umum: Gemini membuka awal 2010 dengan beberapa masalah. Kegagalan dalam mencari proyek baru dapat membuat Anda putus asa. Usaha harus tetap dilakukan karena akan datang tahun yang baik. Pada bulan Juli, akan terjadi sesuatu yang positif misalnya, keuntungan dalam bisnis. Kesehatan: Periksakan kesehatan ke dokter. Penyakit yang pernah diderita belum pulih sepenuhnya. Cinta: Dunia percintaan kurang beruntung. Kehidupan cinta tidak akan mudah dijalani. Bagi Gemini yang lajang tahun ini bukan tahun yang menjanjikan untuk mendapat pacar. Cancer 21 Juni - 23 Juli Umum: Tahun ini akan merupakan tahun yang menyenangkan bagi yang berbintang Cancer. Akan mendapat banyak kesempatan baru dalam berkarir bersamaan dengan keberuntungan di tahun ini. Juga ada kesempatan mengadakan perjalanan antara bulan Agustus dan Oktober... Kebutuhan keluarga harus menjadi prioritas utama. Kesehatan: Tidak akan berhubungan dengan dokter dan tidak ada masalah dengan kesehatan asalkan Anda menghindari makanan berlemak. Cinta: Bagi Anda yang masih lajang, ada kesempatan jatuh cinta di akhir tahun Nikmatilah perjalanan cinta Anda. Hubungan dengan pasangan berjalan baik dan indah karena Anda berdua mempunyai daya tarik yang benar-benar kuat. Ayo pembaca komentarilah artikel ini!! Silahkan kirim komentar Anda dengan mengklik ikon dibawah ini.

9 STAGE 2 9 INDONESIAN: SECOND LANGUAGE Question 8 Indicate whether each of the following statements is True or False. Tick ( ) the correct answers. (5 marks) Statements True False Taurians will get a promotion even though they are less productive than others. Cancerians who are single will have the opportunity to fall in love at the beginning of the year If you are a Taurus, your love life will not be the main focus this year. For Geminis, this year will be a promising year to find a suitable girlfriend/boyfriend. Cancerians will have the opportunity to travel between August and October. Answer questions 9 and 10 in Indonesian. Question 9 Menurut artikel ini bagaimana ramalan bintang mempengaruhi remaja Indonesia? Berilah dua (2) alasan. (2 marks) Satu: Dua:

10 INDONESIAN: SECOND LANGUAGE 10 STAGE 2 Question 10 Bacalah Percaya... Gak Ramalan Bintang. Apakah Anda setuju dengan pendapat penulis artikel ini bahwa ramalan bintang mempengaruhi kehidupan remaja? Apakah Anda dan teman Anda percaya ramalan bintang? Mengapa? Tulislah pendapat atau komentar Anda dalam weblog Remaja Jogja. (10 marks) Write a 75 word response in Indonesian. Use the space below to plan your writing. pendapat atau komentar Planning space alasan contoh informasi lain



13 STAGE 2 13 INDONESIAN: SECOND LANGUAGE This page has been left blank intentionally

14 INDONESIAN: SECOND LANGUAGE Section Two: Written communication 14 STAGE 2 35% (50 Marks) This section has two (2) parts and three (3) questions. Questions are in English. Answer all questionss in Indonesian. Write your answers in the spaces provided. Part A: Stimulus response There is one (1) question. Answer the question in Indonesian. Part B: Extended response There are two (2) questions. Answer both questions in Indonesian. Spare pages are included at the end of this booklet. They can be used for planning your responses and/or as additional space if required to continue an answer. Planning: If you use the spare pages for planning, indicate this clearly at the top of the page. Continuing an answer: If you need to use the space to continue an answer, indicate in the original answer space wheree the answer is continued, i.e. give the page number. Fill in the number of the question(s) that you are continuing to answer at the top of the page. Suggested working time: 90 minutes. Part A: Stimulus response (15 marks) There is one (1) question. Answer the question in Indonesian. Text 5: Arlina s Weblog Question 11 (15 marks) Arlina has posted the following informationn on her website. As an employer, write an responsee offering her the opportunity to attend an interview for a position in your company. Write words in Indonesian. Aduh.. lulus muda hebat, tapi cari kerja susah sekali!! Halo. Sahabat Google! Percayalah, segala cara sudah kucoba untuk mendapat pekerjaan, tapi tidak berhasil. satu tawaran untuk bekerja paruh waktu. Maunya aku bekerja penuh waktu. Ada Umur dua puluh aku sudah lulus sebagai sarjana Teknologi Informatika. Setiap kali melamar pekerjaan, aku diberitahu bahwa kualifikasiku sungguh istimewa dan semuda itu dah lulus. Tapi tidak adaa yang bersedia mempekerjakan aku di perusahaan. Alasannya aku belum berpengalaman. Ya, dari mana aku mendapat pengalaman, kalau tidak ada kesempatan untuk mulai?! Sedih ya cerita aku ini. Lulus awal tapi gak bisa dapat pekerjaan! Frustrasi nih aku! Ada yang bisa beri solusi? Tolong dong! Apakah ada teman Google yang tahu info lowongan pekerjaan yang cocok untukku? Arlina 23/03/2010

15 STAGE 2 15 INDONESIAN: SECOND LANGUAGE Dari Untuk Bcc Bambang - PT Inti (bambang@ptinti.melsa.ind) Arlina Tawaran pekerjaan

16 INDONESIAN: SECOND LANGUAGE 16 STAGE 2 Part B: Extended response (35 marks) There are two (2) questions. Answer both questions in Indonesian. Question 12 (17 marks) Living in Australia is a new experience for Indonesian students because they have to adjust to cultural differences in family and social life. Write an article for an Indonesian school newsletter, giving tips for Indonesian students coming to live in Australia about the following: the sharing of household tasks in the family (no domestic help available) the Australian diet (rice not being the staple diet) the culture of punctuality in Australia any other relevant information Write words in Indonesian. Use the space below to plan your writing. Planning space Space to write



19 STAGE 2 19 INDONESIAN: SECOND LANGUAGE This page has been left blank intentionally

20 INDONESIAN: SECOND LANGUAGE 20 STAGE 2 Question 13 (18 marks) You, as an Australian student, have been offered a scholarship by the National Ministry of Education of Indonesia to further your studies for a year in Sumatra. Write a letter to the Ministry requesting the following information: cost of living in Sumatra (accommodation, transportation) religious and cultural practices in the region dietary habits and food available any other relevant information Write between words in Indonesian. Use the space below to plan your writing. Planning space Space to write








28 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Section One Text 1 and 2 Helweldery, C. (Dir.), & Gunawan, B. (Writer). (2007). Love Jodoh Aretta [Movie extract]. Kuala Lumpur: Lokasari. Text 3 Source from: Helweldery, C. (Dir.), & Gunawan, B. (Writer). (2007). Love Jodoh Aretta [Movie synopsis]. Kuala Lumpur: Lokasari. This examination paper apart from any third party copyright material contained in it may be freely copied, or communicated on an intranet, for non-commercial purposes in educational institutions, provided that it is not changed and that the Curriculum Council is acknowledged as the copyright owner. Teachers in schools offering the Western Australian Certificate of Education (WACE) may change the examination paper, provided that the Curriculum Council s moral rights are not infringed. Copying or communication for any other purpose can be done only within the terms of the Copyright Act or with prior written permission of the Curriculum Council. Copying or communication of any third party copyright material can be done only within the terms of the Copyright Act or with permission of the copyright owners. Published by the Curriculum Council of Western Australia 27 Walters Drive OSBORNE PARK WA 6017


INDONESIAN FIRST LANGUAGE Victorian Certificate of Education 2012 SUPERVISOR TO ATTACH PROCESSING LABEL HERE STUDENT NUMBER Letter Figures Words INDONESIAN FIRST LANGUAGE Written examination Thursday 22 November 2012 Reading time:

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INDONESIAN: SECOND LANGUAGE Western Australian Certificate of Education Examination, 2012 Question/Answer Booklet INDONESIAN: SECOND LANGUAGE Stage 3 Please place your student identification label in this box Student Number: In figures

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Indonesian Extension

Indonesian Extension Centre Number Student Number 2001 HIGHER SCHOOL CERTIFICATE EXAMINATION Indonesian Extension Written Examination Total marks 40 General Instructions Reading time 10 minutes Working time 1 hour and 50 minutes

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INDONESIAN (First Language)

INDONESIAN (First Language) Victorian Certificate of Education 2002 SUPERVISOR TO ATTACH PROCESSING LABEL HERE Figures Words STUDENT NUMBER Letter INDONESIAN (First Language) Written examination Wednesday 20 November 2002 Reading

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INDONESIAN FIRST LANGUAGE Victorian Certificate of Education 2015 SUPERVISOR TO ATTACH PROCESSING LABEL HERE Letter STUDENT NUMBER INDONESIAN FIRST LANGUAGE Written examination Wednesday 18 November 2015 Reading time: 11.45 am

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INDONESIAN FIRST LANGUAGE Victorian Certificate of Education 2016 SUPERVISOR TO ATTACH PROCESSING LABEL HERE Letter STUDENT NUMBER INDONESIAN FIRST LANGUAGE Written examination Wednesday 16 November 2016 Reading time: 11.45 am

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INDONESIAN FIRST LANGUAGE Victorian Certificate of Education 2014 SUPERVISOR TO ATTACH PROCESSING LABEL HERE Letter STUDENT NUMBER INDONESIAN FIRST LANGUAGE Written examination Wednesday 19 November 2014 Reading time: 11.45 am

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Indonesian Extension

Indonesian Extension Centre Number 2016 HIGHER SCHOOL CERTIFICATE EXAMINATION Student Number Indonesian Extension Written Examination Total marks 40 General Instructions Reading time 10 minutes Working time 1 hour and 50 minutes

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Indonesian Extension

Indonesian Extension Centre Number Student Number 2009 HIGHER SCHOOL CERTIFICATE EXAMINATION Indonesian Extension Written Examination Total marks 40 General Instructions Reading time 10 minutes Working time 1 hour and 50 minutes

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INDONESIAN FIRST LANGUAGE Victorian Certificate of Education 2009 SUPERVISOR TO ATTACH PROCESSING LABEL HERE STUDENT NUMBER Letter Figures Words INDONESIAN FIRST LANGUAGE Written examination Thursday 19 November 2009 Reading time:

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INDONESIAN FIRST LANGUAGE Victorian CertiÞcate of Education 2007 SUPERVISOR TO ATTACH PROCESSING LABEL HERE STUDENT NUMBER Letter Figures Words INDONESIAN FIRST LANGUAGE Written examination Thursday 22 November 2007 Reading time:

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INDONESIAN FIRST LANGUAGE Victorian Certificate of Education 2013 SUPERVISOR TO ATTACH PROCESSING LABEL HERE STUDENT NUMBER Letter Figures Words INDONESIAN FIRST LANGUAGE Written examination Thursday 21 November 2013 Reading time:

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INDONESIAN First Language

INDONESIAN First Language SUPERVISOR TO ATTACH PROCESSING LABEL HERE Figures Words STUDENT NUMBER Letter Victorian Certificate of Education 2001 INDONESIAN First Language Written examination Wednesday 21 November 2001: 9.00 am

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Cambridge International Examinations Cambridge International General Certifi cate of Secondary Education

Cambridge International Examinations Cambridge International General Certifi cate of Secondary Education Cambridge International Examinations Cambridge International General Certifi cate of Secondary Education *0123456789* BAHASA INDONESIA 0538/02 Paper 2 Reading and Writing For Examination from 2016 SPECIMEN

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INDONESIAN FIRST LANGUAGE Victorian Certificate of Education 2010 SUPERVISOR TO ATTACH PROCESSING LABEL HERE STUDENT NUMBER Letter Figures Words INDONESIAN FIRST LANGUAGE Written examination Thursday 18 November 2010 Reading time:

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Indonesian Extension

Indonesian Extension Centre Number Student Number 2012 HIGHER SCHOOL CERTIFICATE EXAMINATION Indonesian Extension Written Examination Total marks 40 General Instructions Reading time 10 minutes Working time 1 hour and 50 minutes

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Indonesian Extension

Indonesian Extension Centre Number Student Number 2007 HIGHER SCHOOL CERTIFICATE EXAMINATION Indonesian Extension Written Examination Total marks 40 General Instructions Reading time 10 minutes Working time 1 hour and 50 minutes

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INDONESIAN FIRST LANGUAGE Victorian Certificate of Education 2017 SUPERVISOR TO ATTACH PROCESSING LABEL HERE Letter STUDENT NUMBER INDONESIAN FIRST LANGUAGE Written examination Wednesday 22 November 2017 Reading time: 11.45 am

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INDONESIAN FIRST LANGUAGE Victorian Certificate of Education 2006 SUPERVISOR TO ATTACH PROCESSING LABEL HERE STUDENT NUMBER Letter Figures Words INDONESIAN FIRST LANGUAGE Written examination Thursday 16 November 2006 Reading time:

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Cambridge International Examinations Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education

Cambridge International Examinations Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education Cambridge International Examinations Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education *0673161585* BAHASA INDONESIA 0538/01 Paper 1 Reading and Understanding May/June 2017 1 hour 45 minutes

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Cambridge International Examinations Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education

Cambridge International Examinations Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education Cambridge International Examinations Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education *7198901279* BAHASA INDONESIA 0538/01 Paper 1 Reading and Understanding May/June 2016 1 hour 45 minutes

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INDONESIAN FIRST LANGUAGE Victorian Certificate of Education 2005 SUPERVISOR TO ATTACH PROCESSING LABEL HERE STUDENT NUMBER Letter Figures Words INDONESIAN FIRST LANGUAGE Written examination Wednesday 16 November 2005 Reading time:

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INDONESIAN FIRST LANGUAGE Victorian Certificate of Education 2003 SUPERVISOR TO ATTACH PROCESSING LABEL HERE INDONESIAN FIRST LANGUAGE Written examination Wednesday 19 November 2003 Reading time: 9.00 am to 9.10 am (10 minutes)

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INDONESIAN SECOND LANGUAGE Victorian Certificate of Education 2006 SUPERVISOR TO ATTACH PROCESSING LABEL HERE Figures Words STUDENT NUMBER Section Number of questions INDONESIAN SECOND LANGUAGE Written examination Thursday 16 November

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Indonesian Extension Written Examination

Indonesian Extension Written Examination Centre Number Student Number 2006 HIGHER SCHOOL CERTIFICATE EXAMINATION Indonesian Extension Written Examination Total marks 40 General Instructions Reading time 10 minutes Working time 1 hour and 50 minutes

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Indonesian Extension

Indonesian Extension Centre Number 2014 HIGHER SCHOOL CERTIFICATE EXAMINATION Student Number Indonesian Extension Written Examination Total marks 40 General Instructions Reading time 10 minutes Working time 1 hour and 50 minutes

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Indonesian Extension

Indonesian Extension Centre Number Student Number 2011 HIGHER SCHOOL CERTIFICATE EXAMINATION Indonesian Extension Written Examination Total marks 40 General Instructions Reading time 10 minutes Working time 1 hour and 50 minutes

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INDONESIAN FIRST LANGUAGE Victorian Certificate of Education 2011 SUPERVISOR TO ATTACH PROCESSING LABEL HERE STUDENT NUMBER Letter Figures Words INDONESIAN FIRST LANGUAGE Written examination Wednesday 23 November 2011 Reading time:

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Indonesian Extension

Indonesian Extension Centre Number 2015 HIGHER SCHOOL CERTIFICATE EXAMINATION Student Number Indonesian Extension Written Examination Total marks 40 General Instructions Reading time 10 minutes Working time 1 hour and 50 minutes

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INDONESIAN FIRST LANGUAGE Victorian Certificate of Education 2008 SUPERVISOR TO ATTACH PROCESSING LABEL HERE STUDENT NUMBER Letter Figures Words INDONESIAN FIRST LANGUAGE Written examination Thursday 20 November 2008 Reading time:

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INDONESIAN (SECOND LANGUAGE) LO40 S T D 1 INDONSL CAT 3 A B O A R D O F S U E I Victorian Certificate of Education 1999 INDONESIAN (SECOND LANGUAGE) LO40 Common Assessment Task 3: Written examination Thursday 18 November 1999: 3.00 pm

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Indonesian Extension

Indonesian Extension Centre Number Student Number 2005 HIGHER SCHOOL CERTIFICATE EXAMINATION Indonesian Extension Written Examination Total marks 40 General Instructions Reading time 10 minutes Working time 1 hour and 50 minutes

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INDONESIAN FIRST LANGUAGE Victorian Certificate of Education 2005 SUPERVISOR TO ATTACH PROCESSING LABEL HERE Section INDONESIAN FIRST LANGUAGE Written examination Day Date 2005 Reading time: *.** to *.** (15 minutes) Writing time:

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INDONESIAN FIRST LANGUAGE Victorian Certificate of Education 2004 SUPERVISOR TO ATTACH PROCESSING LABEL HERE INDONESIAN FIRST LANGUAGE Written examination Wednesday 17 November 2004 Reading time: 9.00 am to 9.10 am (10 minutes)

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Cambridge International Examinations Cambridge International General Certifi cate of Secondary Education

Cambridge International Examinations Cambridge International General Certifi cate of Secondary Education Cambridge International Examinations Cambridge International General Certifi cate of Secondary Education *0123456789* BAHASA INDONESIA 0538/01 Paper 1 Reading and Understanding For Examination from 2016

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Indonesian Extension

Indonesian Extension Centre Number Student Number 2001 HIGHER SCHOOL CERTIFICATE EXAMINATION Indonesian Extension Written Examination Total marks 40 General Instructions Reading time 10 minutes Working time 1 hour and 50 minutes

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INDONESIAN: SECOND LANGUAGE INDONESIAN: SECOND LANGUAGE Stage 3 e e e ur tudent dent t n be n t b Student Number: n ure n rd Time allowed for this paper Reading time before commencing work: Working time for paper: ten minutes two

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Indonesian Continuers

Indonesian Continuers Centre Number 2015 HIGHER SCHOOL CERTIFICATE EXAMINATION Student Number Indonesian Continuers Total marks 80 Section I Pages 2 4 General Instructions Reading time 10 minutes Working time 2 hours and 50

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CHAPTER III RESULT OF THE STUDY. 1. The problems faced by the tenth grade students of SMK YP SEI. PALANGKA RAYA in using letter s/es as plural nouns 54 CHAPTER III RESULT OF THE STUDY A. The Result of Test 1. The problems faced by the tenth grade students of SMK YP SEI PALANGKA RAYA in using letter s/es as plural nouns Analyzing was used as the basic

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Indonesian Beginners. Listening Skills. Centre Number. Student Number. Total marks 30 Attempt Questions 1 11

Indonesian Beginners. Listening Skills. Centre Number. Student Number. Total marks 30 Attempt Questions 1 11 Centre Number Student Number 2007 HIGHER SCHOOL CERTIFICATE EXAMINATION Indonesian Beginners Listening Skills General Instructions You may NOT open the examination paper until instructed to do so on the

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INDONESIAN. 3 UNIT (ADDITIONAL) (30 Marks) HIGHER SCHOOL CERTIFICATE EXAMINATION. Time allowed One hour and ten minutes (Plus 5 minutes reading time)

INDONESIAN. 3 UNIT (ADDITIONAL) (30 Marks) HIGHER SCHOOL CERTIFICATE EXAMINATION. Time allowed One hour and ten minutes (Plus 5 minutes reading time) N E W S O U T H W A L E S HIGHER SCHOOL CERTIFICATE EXAMINATION 1996 INDONESIAN 3 UNIT (ADDITIONAL) (30 Marks) Time allowed One hour and ten minutes (Plus 5 minutes reading time) DIRECTIONS TO CANDIDATES

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Indonesian Beginners

Indonesian Beginners Centre Number 2016 HIGHER SCHOOL CERTIFICATE EXAMINATION Student Number Indonesian Beginners Total marks 80 Section I Pages 2 4 General Instructions Reading time 10 minutes Working time 2 hours and 30

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Indonesian Extension

Indonesian Extension Centre Number Student Number 2003 HIGHER SCHOOL CERTIFICATE EXAMINATION Indonesian Extension Written Examination Total marks 40 General Instructions Reading time 10 minutes Working time 1 hour and 50 minutes

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Indonesian Continuers

Indonesian Continuers Centre Number Student Number 2011 HIGHER SCHOOL CERTIFICATE EXAMINATION Indonesian Continuers Total marks 80 Section I Pages 2 6 General Instructions Reading time 10 minutes Working time 2 hours and 50

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Indonesian Continuers

Indonesian Continuers Centre Number Student Number 2012 HIGHER SCHOOL CERTIFICATE EXAMINATION Indonesian Continuers Total marks 80 Section I Pages 2 5 General Instructions Reading time 10 minutes Working time 2 hours and 50

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Indonesian Continuers

Indonesian Continuers Centre Number 2016 HIGHER SCHOOL CERTIFICATE EXAMINATION Student Number Indonesian Continuers Total marks 80 Section I Pages 2 4 General Instructions Reading time 10 minutes Working time 2 hours and 50

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Indonesian Continuers

Indonesian Continuers Centre Number Student Number 2009 HIGHER SCHOOL CERTIFICATE EXAMINATION Indonesian Continuers Total marks 80 Section I Pages 2 6 General Instructions Reading time 10 minutes Working time 2 hours and 50

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Indonesian Background Speakers

Indonesian Background Speakers Centre Number 2016 HIGHER SCHOOL CERTIFICATE EXAMINATION Student Number Indonesian Background Speakers Total marks 100 Section I Pages 2 4 20 marks This section has two parts, Part A and Part B This section

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Indonesian Extension

Indonesian Extension Centre Number Student Number 2004 HIGHER SCHOOL CERTIFICATE EXAMINATION Indonesian Extension Written Examination Total marks 40 General Instructions Reading time 10 minutes Working time 1 hour and 50 minutes

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CAMBRIDGE INTERNATIONAL EXAMINATIONS International General Certificate of Secondary Education FOREIGN LANGUAGE INDONESIAN 0545/02

CAMBRIDGE INTERNATIONAL EXAMINATIONS International General Certificate of Secondary Education FOREIGN LANGUAGE INDONESIAN 0545/02 Centre Number Candidate Number Name CAMBRIDGE INTERNATIONAL EXAMINATIONS International General Certificate of Secondary Education FOREIGN LANGUAGE INDONESIAN 0545/02 Paper 2 Reading and Directed Writing

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Indonesian Continuers

Indonesian Continuers Centre Number Student Number 2010 HIGHER SCHOOL CERTIFICATE EXAMINATION Indonesian Continuers Total marks 80 Section I Pages 2 4 General Instructions Reading time 10 minutes Working time 2 hours and 50

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INDONESIAN SECOND LANGUAGE Victorian Certificate of Education 2015 SUPERVISOR TO ATTACH PROCESSING LABEL HERE Letter STUDENT NUMBER INDONESIAN SECOND LANGUAGE Written examination Wednesday 18 November 2015 Reading time: 11.45 am

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Indonesian Beginners

Indonesian Beginners Centre Number 2015 HIGHER SCHOOL CERTIFICATE EXAMINATION Student Number Indonesian Beginners Total marks 80 Section I Pages 2 5 General Instructions Reading time 10 minutes Working time 2 hours and 30

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Section I Listening and Responding

Section I Listening and Responding Section I Listening and Responding 25 marks Attempt Questions 1 8 This section should take approximately 30 minutes You will hear EIGHT texts. Each text will be read twice. The question for each text will

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Indonesian Background Speakers

Indonesian Background Speakers Centre Number Student Number 2013 H I G H E R S C H O O L C E R T I F I C A T E E X A M I N A T I O N Indonesian Background Speakers Total marks 100 Section I Pages 2 5 20 marks This section has two parts,

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Section I 30 marks (pages 2 5) Attempt Questions 1 10 This section should take approximately 40 minutes

Section I 30 marks (pages 2 5) Attempt Questions 1 10 This section should take approximately 40 minutes Centre Number 2017 HIGHER SCHOOL CERTIFICATE EXAMINATION Student Number Indonesian Beginners General Instructions Reading time 10 minutes Working time 2 hours and 30 minutes Write using black pen Monolingual

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Callista Sulaiman

Callista Sulaiman Callista Sulaiman 2011-031-070 T : Ok, Good afternoon, guys. So, today I will teach you and today we will do a listening again. So, as usual, there will be a song, first. I ll give you the lyric. (distributing)

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Indonesian Beginners

Indonesian Beginners Centre Number Student Number 2010 HIGHER SCHOOL CERTIFICATE EXAMINATION Indonesian Beginners Total marks 80 Section I Pages 2 4 General Instructions Reading time 10 minutes Working time 2 hours and 30

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Indonesian and Literature

Indonesian and Literature Centre Number 2017 HIGHER SCHOOL CERTIFICATE EXAMINATION Student Number Indonesian and Literature General Instructions Reading time 10 minutes Working time 2 hours and 50 minutes Write using black pen

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Indonesian Beginners

Indonesian Beginners Centre Number Student Number 2003 HIGHER SCHOOL CERTIFICATE EXAMINATION Indonesian Beginners Written Examination Total marks 50 Section I Pages 2 11 General Instructions Reading time 5 minutes Working

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Indonesian Background Speakers

Indonesian Background Speakers Centre Number Student Number 2007 HIGHER SCHOOL CERTIFICATE EXAMINATION Indonesian Background Speakers Total marks 100 Section I Pages 2 5 20 marks This section has two parts, Part A and Part B This section

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INDONESIAN SECOND LANGUAGE Victorian Certificate of Education 2005 SUPERVISOR TO ATTACH PROCESSING LABEL HERE Figures Words STUDENT NUMBER Section Number of questions INDONESIAN SECOND LANGUAGE Written examination Wednesday 16 November

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Indonesian Continuers

Indonesian Continuers Centre Number Student Number 2007 HIGHER SCHOOL CERTIFICATE EXAMINATION Indonesian Continuers Total marks 80 Section I Pages 2 5 General Instructions Reading time 10 minutes Working time 2 hours and 50

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Section I Listening and Responding

Section I Listening and Responding Section I Listening and Responding 25 marks Attempt Questions 9 This section should take approximately 30 minutes You will hear NINE texts in the examination. The question for each text will be read once

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Indonesian Extension Written Examination

Indonesian Extension Written Examination Centre Number Student Number 2013 HIGHER SCHOOL CERTIFICATE EXAMINATION Indonesian Extension Written Examination Total marks 40 General Instructions Reading time 10 minutes Working time 1 hour and 50 minutes

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Contoh Pengembangan Bahan Ajar untuk Program Audio (Bahan Ajar untuk Latihan Keterampilan Mendengarkan)

Contoh Pengembangan Bahan Ajar untuk Program Audio (Bahan Ajar untuk Latihan Keterampilan Mendengarkan) Contoh Pengembangan Bahan Ajar untuk Program Audio (Bahan Ajar untuk Latihan Keterampilan Mendengarkan) 1.Buat silabus (peta bahan ajar) untuk keteramplan mendengarkan dengan format berikut: Kompetensi

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Indonesian Background Speakers

Indonesian Background Speakers Centre Number Student Number 2010 HIGHER SCHOOL CERTIFICATE EXAMINATION Indonesian Background Speakers Total marks 100 Section I Pages 2 5 20 marks This section has two parts, Part A and Part B This section

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Indonesian Beginners

Indonesian Beginners Centre Number 2014 HIGHER SCHOOL CERTIFICATE EXAMINATION Student Number Indonesian Beginners Total marks 80 Section I Pages 2 6 General Instructions Reading time 10 minutes Working time 2 hours and 30

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Indonesian Continuers

Indonesian Continuers Centre Number 2014 HIGHER SCHOOL CERTIFICATE EXAMINATION Student Number Indonesian Continuers Total marks 80 Section I Pages 2 4 General Instructions Reading time 10 minutes Working time 2 hours and 50

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Question 9 (9 marks) Kebingungan Trisnawati

Question 9 (9 marks) Kebingungan Trisnawati Question 9 (9 marks) Kebingungan Trisnawati Rin, udah jam sebelas lewat, nih keluh Trisnawati dengan suara keras. Musik disko berdentum-dentum. Wajah Trisnawati penuh kekhawatiran. Matanya tidak lepas

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Indonesian Continuers

Indonesian Continuers Centre Number 2017 HIGHER SCHOOL CERTIFICATE EXAMINATION Student Number Indonesian Continuers General Instructions Reading time 10 minutes Working time 2 hours and 50 minutes Write using black pen Monolingual

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Cambridge International Examinations Cambridge International General Certifi cate of Secondary Education

Cambridge International Examinations Cambridge International General Certifi cate of Secondary Education Cambridge International Examinations Cambridge International General Certifi cate of Secondary Education BAHASA INDONESIA 0538/01 Paper 1 Reading and Understanding For Examination from 2016 SPECIMEN MARK

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Video A. Introduction

Video A. Introduction A. Introduction T (teacher): Good morning 1B! Ss (students): Good morning Ms. T: How are you today? Ss: I m fine thank you. T: 1B masih ingat tidak? One two eyes on me! Ss: One two eyes one you! T: Do

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KOMUNIKASI EFEKTIF. presented by : M Anang Firmansyah

KOMUNIKASI EFEKTIF. presented by : M Anang Firmansyah KOMUNIKASI EFEKTIF presented by : M Anang Firmansyah KOMUNIKASI EFEKTIF * Pada komunikasi personal/kelompok Audience mampu memahami pesan yang dikirim oleh Komunikator.setuju/tidak dg pesan. * Pada komunikasi

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INDONESIAN SECOND LANGUAGE Victorian Certificate of Education 2010 SUPERVISOR TO ATTACH PROCESSING LABEL HERE Figures Words STUDENT NUMBER Section Number of questions INDONESIAN SECOND LANGUAGE Written examination Thursday 18 November

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Sistem Informasi. Soal Dengan 2 Bahasa: Bahasa Indonesia Dan Bahasa Inggris

Sistem Informasi. Soal Dengan 2 Bahasa: Bahasa Indonesia Dan Bahasa Inggris Sistem Informasi Soal Dengan 2 Bahasa: Bahasa Indonesia Dan Bahasa Inggris 1. Kita mengetahui bahwa perkembangan teknologi di zaman sekarang sangat pesat dan banyak hal yang berubah dalam kehidupan kita.

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Indonesian Background Speakers

Indonesian Background Speakers Centre Number Student Number 2011 HIGHER SCHOOL CERTIFICATE EXAMINATION Indonesian Background Speakers Total marks 100 Section I Pages 2 5 20 marks This section has two parts, Part A and Part B This section

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Indonesian Beginners

Indonesian Beginners Centre Number Student Number 2012 HIGHER SCHOOL CERTIFICATE EXAMINATION Indonesian Beginners Total marks 80 Section I Pages 2 6 General Instructions Reading time 10 minutes Working time 2 hours and 30

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Please access above link to make online appointment/ Akses tautan di atas untuk membuat perjanjian.

Please access above link to make online appointment/ Akses tautan di atas untuk membuat perjanjian. _Access website / Akses situs: _Choose Indonesia Flag icon/ Pilih gambar bendera Indonesia _Choose location: Jakarta / Pilih lokasi: Jakarta _Click on Schedule An Appointment

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Indonesian Continuers

Indonesian Continuers Centre Number Student Number 2013 H I G H E R S C H O O L C E R T I F I C A T E E X A M I N A T I O N Indonesian Continuers Total marks 80 Section I Pages 2 5 General Instructions Reading time 10 minutes

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IWBC User Guidebook. Independent Whistle Blower Center

IWBC User Guidebook. Independent Whistle Blower Center IWBC User Guidebook Independent Whistle Blower Center How to use this guidebook? This guidebook is designed to help you in using the IWBC (Independent Whistle Blower Center) of your company. Please follow

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CAMBRIDGE INTERNATIONAL EXAMINATIONS International General Certificate of Secondary Education FOREIGN LANGUAGE INDONESIAN 0545/03

CAMBRIDGE INTERNATIONAL EXAMINATIONS International General Certificate of Secondary Education FOREIGN LANGUAGE INDONESIAN 0545/03 CAMBRIDGE INTERNATIONAL EXAMINATIONS International General Certificate of Secondary Education FOREIGN LANGUAGE INDONESIAN 0545/03 Paper 3 Speaking Role Play Card One Kartu Satu 15 September 31 October

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Nama dosen: Eko Rujito, M.Hum

Nama dosen: Eko Rujito, M.Hum Alamat: Karangmalang, Yogyakarta 281 (0274) 0843, 548207 Fax. (0274) 548207 4. Rencana Pembelajaran Minggu ke I: Orientation Students are able to understand clearly the basic course outline, the description

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Indonesian Background Speakers

Indonesian Background Speakers Centre Number Student Number 2012 HIGHER SCHOOL CERTIFICATE EXAMINATION Indonesian Background Speakers Total marks 100 Section I Pages 2 5 20 marks This section has two parts, Part A and Part B This section

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Indonesian Beginners

Indonesian Beginners Centre Number Student Number 2002 HIGHER SCHOOL CERTIFICATE EXAMINATION Indonesian Beginners Written Examination Total marks 50 Section I Pages 2 9 General Instructions Reading time 5 minutes Working time

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Alternatif Pembelajaran. Mengamati 1. Menanggapi gambar 2. Menonton video tentang. 3. Membaca daftar ekspresi kebahasaan.

Alternatif Pembelajaran. Mengamati 1. Menanggapi gambar 2. Menonton video tentang. 3. Membaca daftar ekspresi kebahasaan. Kompetensi Dasar Materi Pokok Materi Pembelajaran Alternatif Pembelajaran Aspek Sikap Pengetahuan Keterampilan Indikator Penilaian Indikator Penilaian Menganalisis struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan dari

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Lesson 20: Where, When. Pelajaran 20: Dimana, Kapan

Lesson 20: Where, When. Pelajaran 20: Dimana, Kapan Lesson 20: Where, When Pelajaran 20: Dimana, Kapan Reading (Membaca) Where is the City Hall? (Dimana City Hall?) Where are you now? (Dimana kamu sekarang?) Where is he working? (Dimana dia bekerja?) Where

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PT INDONESIA CHEMICAL ALUMINA Form PT INDONESIA CHEMICAL ALUMINA INSTRUCTION INSTRUKSI RECRUITMENT APPLICATION DATA Please complete the questions using capital font. Mohon dilengkapi dengan menggunakan huruf besar. Form. HRDF-5-FRM-REC-02

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Indonesian Continuers

Indonesian Continuers Centre Number Student Number 200 HIGHER SCHOOL CERTIFICATE EXAMINATION Indonesian Continuers Total marks 80 Section I Pages 2 5 General Instructions Reading time 0 minutes Working time 2 hours and 50 minutes

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Indonesian Beginners. Listening Skills. Centre Number. Student Number. Total marks 30 Attempt Questions 1 11

Indonesian Beginners. Listening Skills. Centre Number. Student Number. Total marks 30 Attempt Questions 1 11 Centre Number Student Number 2007 HIGHER SCHOOL CERTIFICATE EXAMINATION Indonesian Beginners Listening Skills General Instructions You may NOT open the examination paper until instructed to do so on the

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INDONESIAN SECOND LANGUAGE Victorian Certificate of Education 2009 SUPERVISOR TO ATTACH PROCESSING LABEL HERE Figures Words STUDENT NUMBER Section Number of questions INDONESIAN SECOND LANGUAGE Written examination Thursday 19 November

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