Ayah Pergi. Baek. Alhamdulillah. Baru tadi kami membicarakanmu. Umur panjang. [tertawa] Saya terima telepon barusan dari Pak Agus. Orang Lampung itu.

dokumen-dokumen yang mirip
Ayah pergi. Baek. Alhamdulillah. Baru kami membicarakanmu. Umur panjang. [ketawa] Saya telepon barusan dari Pak Agus. Orang Lampung itu.

E VA D A E L U M M A H K H O I R, M. A B. P E R T E M U A N 2 A N A

English for Tourism Lesson 14 The Tour Guide (continued)

Lesson 70: Questions. Pelajaran 70: Pertanyaan

Lesson 63: Reported speech. Pelajaran 63: Pidato Laporan

Lesson 28: Other Prepositions. (by, about, like, of, with, without) Pelajaran 28: Preposisi Lain. Cara menggunakan preposisi lainnya.

English for Tourism Lesson 13 The Tour Guide

I. MATERI : TENSES Tenses yaitu bentuk kata kerja Bahasa Inggris yang perubahannya berkaitan dengan waktu.

Lesson 27: Prepositions of Direction. (from, to, into, onto, away from) Pelajaran 27: Kata Depan untuk Arah

Conditional Sentence. Dosen Dr. Ali Mustadi, M.Pd NIP

SMP kelas 8 - BAHASA INGGRIS CHAPTER 4Latihan Soal 4.1. Since the first publishing 3 weeks ago, there have been over 500 copies sold.


Who are talking in the dialog? Bruce. Erick. Ericks sister. Bruce and Erick. E. Kunci Jawaban : D. Pembahasan Teks :

English for Tourism Lesson 10 Giving directions (continued)

English for Tourism Lesson 22 Dealing with a situation (continued)



Lesson 21: Who. Pelajaran 21: Siapa

Yeah, so, I continued university in (I) graduated in I graduated in Worked in NewYork until I worked in New York until 1996.

SMP kelas 7 - BAHASA INGGRIS CHAPTER 8Latihan Soal 8.1

Lesson 24: Prepositions of Time. (in, on, at, for, during, before, after) Pelajaran 24: Kata Depan untuk Keterangan Waktu

English for Tourism Lesson 19 At the festival

Karena ungkapan sebelumnya adalah Its nice to see you, makarespon yang tepat adalah Its nice to see you too.

Lesson 58 : everything, anything. each, every. Pelajaran 58 : semuanya, apapun. Masing-masing/sesuatu, setiap

APPENDICES. 2. If you use a city map, you your way. a. are not losing c. did not lose e. would not lose b. will not lose d.

Lesson 22: Why. Pelajaran 22: Mengapa

Lesson 19: What. Pelajaran 19: Apakah

Suami & Istri Nikmati-lah Hubungan Anda

SMA/MA IPA kelas 10 - BAHASA INGGRIS IPA CHAPTER 11Latihan Soal apology. regret. sympathy. gratitude. purpose

English for Tourism Lesson 16 Discussing a tour

Lesson 21: Who. Pelajaran 21: Siapa

SMA/MA IPA kelas 10 - BAHASA INGGRIS IPA CHAPTER 4Latihan Soal 4.1. expression her intention. stating her plan. asking Danys plan

Lesson 23: How. Pelajaran 23: Bagaimana

English for Study in Australia BAHASA INGGRIS UNTUK STUDI DI AUSTRALIA Lesson 23: Extending your visa


English for Tourism Lesson 20 At the festival (continued)

Lesson 31: Interrogative form of Will. Pelajaran 31: Kalimat Tanya untuk Bentuk Akan

SMP kelas 9 - BAHASA INGGRIS CHAPTER 1Latihan Soal 1.1

Pertemuan ke : 9 Tujuan : Mahasiswa mampu memahami etika dan ekspresi-ekspresi berbicara melalui telepon dalam bahasa Inggris

BAB II LANDASAN TEORI. menganalisis data seperti teori pelanggaran maxim dan teori mengenai konteks.

English for Tourism Lesson 21 Dealing with a situation


Lesson 66: Indirect questions. Pelajaran 66: Pertanyaan Tidak Langsung

SMP kelas 7 - BAHASA INGGRIS CHAPTER 11Latihan Soal 11.1

Video A. Introduction

L1: Halo, Saya Juni Tampi dari Radio Australia dengan Pelajaran Keempat dari Kursus Bahasa Inggris Dasar untuk Pariwisata dan Perhotelan.

English for Tourism Lesson 24 Checking out (continued)

UNIT 1. Tegur Sapa Greetings

Lesson 67: Tag Questions. Pelajaran 67: Kalimat Tanya Penegasan

Kata Pengantar. iii. Mohammad Nuh. Bahasa Inggris When English Rings the Bell

Hamba yang tidak dapat membayar hutangnya. The Servant Who Couldn t. Pay His Debt


APPENDIX I. II. Interview with Javanese seller 2 ( The seller in conversation 2 and 3 )

Jika aku pernah melakukan itu, saya pikir saya akan mendapat serangan jantung! Tidak pernah mengalami kesulitan mendapatkan apa yang saya inginkan,

Lesson 3, Dialogue 2 Over the phone

T: Ga ada yang tau? Kita baca dulu sekali abis itu kita nyanyi bareng-bareng, ok? We read together and after that we sing together, ok?

Lesson 65: Causative verbs: let/make/have/get Pelajaran 65: Kata Kerja Kausatif: let/make/have/get


3. Surat (Letter) The body of the letter (tubuh surat/susunan surat)

Pay His Debt. Pay His Debt. Hamba yang tidak dapat membayar hutangnya. The Servant Who Couldn t. Hamba yang tidak dapat membayar hutangnya



TAG QUESTION. Tag Question merupakan bentuk pertanyaan berekor yang fungsinya untuk mempertegas suatu pertanyaan.

Lesson 38: Infinitive 3. (how, what, where, when + infinitive) Pelajaran 38: Kata Kerja Infinitif 3

giving opinion asking for help asking for an opinion E. Kunci Jawaban : D Pembahasan Teks :

CultureTalk Indonesia Video Transcripts: Security Officer

English for Tourism Lesson 25 A job interview

Lesson 20: Where, When. Pelajaran 20: Dimana, Kapan

Lesson 7, Dialogue 4 Following up

Ss: Raiver. River. T: Okay, this is a river. This a river, okay. How about this one. Ss: Beach. Beach. Beach. T: Okay, who likes to go the beach?


In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. Pada mulanya Allah menciptakan langit dan bumi. - Genesis 1:1.

English for Study in Australia BAHASA INGGRIS UNTUK STUDI DI AUSTRALIA Lesson 4: Mind your manners PELAJARAN 4: Ingat sopan santun anda

Lesson 72: Present Perfect Simple. Pelajaran 72: Present Perfect Simple

Lesson 26: Prepositions of inter-place. (across, inside, outside, behind, beside, between) Pelajaran 26: Preposisi antar-tempat

SMP kelas 7 - BAHASA INGGRIS CHAPTER 6Latihan Soal 6.1


Lesson 4, Dialogue 2 Over the phone (continued)

Most Frequently Used Words Courtesy of Hello-Indonesia.com

Marilah kita lihat contoh berikut :

No Kegiatan Kalimat yang di latih Arti. 2. How are you? 3.- Do you remember about population? - Can you explain about population?

English for Tourism Lesson 12 Shopping (continued)

Ketangkap Deh. Transkripsi, Daftar Kata, & Terjemahan

Lesson 12, Dialogue 6 A meeting (continued)

SMA/MA IPA kelas 10 - BAHASA INGGRIS IPA CHAPTER 11Latihan Soal 11.2

Lesson 30: will, will not. Pelajaran 30: Akan, Tidak Akan


Saya punya beberapa pengalaman dalam Bulan & Minggu ini, yang saya merasa Roh Kudus ingin saya bagikan ke anda

SMA/MA IPA kelas 10 - BAHASA INGGRIS IPA CHAPTER 8Latihan Soal 8.1. approves of. disagrees with. congratulates. complains to

Lesson 36: Infinitive 1. Lesson 36: Kata Kerja Infinitif 1

English for Tourism Lesson 23 Checking out

Lesson 10, Dialogue 5 Talking Business (continued)

Mousedeer guarded this banana tree all day and night. Mousedeer was scared that Monkey would steal the bananas again.

SMA/MA IPA kelas 10 - BAHASA INGGRIS IPA CHAPTER 9Latihan Soal 9.1

APPENDIX A FLOWCHART. p Problem. As a junior ticketing staff, I was not allowed to book and issue the tickets for the customers at TW. Travel.

Panduan Excel untuk Pelamar Kerja (Indonesian Edition)

Lesson 8, Dialogue 4 Following up (continued)

SMA/MA IPA kelas 10 - BAHASA INGGRIS IPA CHAPTER 10Latihan Soal 10.1

English for Tourism Lesson 5 Making recommendations

untuk aktif berbicara mengemukakan pendapatnya berkaitan dengan gambar yang diamatinya. 5


Ayah Pergi Tukang bengkel Bung. Ada. mana?, Bung! He? Apa kabar, kak? Bagus. Kenapa?... Ada kerusakan? Ah, tidak... Hmm, ibu baik? Baek. Alhamdulillah. Baru tadi kami membicarakanmu. Umur panjang. [tertawa] [menghela napas] Ada apa, Dan? Saya terima telepon barusan dari Pak Agus. Orang Lampung itu. Oh ya, Pak Agus! Menelponmu? Kata Pak Agus, ayah kita ada di rumahnya sekarang. Katanya sakit-sakitan. Lalu? Katanya beliau ingin kembali ke tengah keluarga. Page 1 of 5

Buat apa? Bagaimana sih kak ini sebenarnya? Alah. Sudahlah. Tidak usah dipikirkan. Nanti, Kak. Ayah kita kan sudah lama meninggal. Ya. Keluarga kita menganggap orang itu sudah lama tidak ada. Kau sendiri sejak kecil sudah dengar.... Dia tidak perlu kembali.... Biar aku yang bereskan ini.... Salam buat Sri. Saya sudah terima telepon dari Pak Agus... tadi... tentang adanya ayah saya. Benar dia ayah saya? Ya, kenapa? kira kami keliru kenal? Pak Sulaiman ayahmu itu temen sepermainan Pak Agus waktu kanak-kanak di Lampung dulu. Kalau ke manamana selalu sama-sama. Cuma nasib yang kemudian memisahkan kita. Yah... Pak Agus cuma bisanya jadi pegawai saja sedangkan ayahmu pandai dagang. Dagang? Dagang apa, Bu? Oh iya, kau masih kecil ya waktu itu? Di rumah tidak ada yang cerita-cerita? Saya cuma tahu ayah sudah lama meninggal. Waktu kalian masih di Lampung dulu, ayahmu membawa hasil bumi dari sana ke Jakarta. Dari sini membawa dagangan perabot rumah tangga ke sana. Pak Agus pernah juga diajak coba-coba ikut usaha. Yah dasar tidak ada bakat... sedangkan ayahmu usahanya maju. Sampai dua tiga truk sekali angkut dari Lampung. Lalu bagaimana, Bu? Yah itulah... Tentunya sendiri sudah pernah dengar. Kak tidak mau menerima ayah kembali. Watak Kak memang keras. sendiri bagaimana? Apa bisa menampungnya di rumahmu dulu? Ehh... Saya harus tanya istri saya dulu, Bu. Eh, saya permisi dulu, Bu. Nanti saya kembali. Sekalian bisa ketemu dengan ayah. Page 2 of 5

Translation Tukang bengkel. is here. What?,! He? How are you? Good. What s up?... Anything broken? Oh, no... Hmm, how s mom doing? Thanks goodness, she s fine. We just talked about you. [laughs] [takes a deep breath] What is the matter,? Mr Agus just called. The man from Lampung. Oh yes, Mr Agus! He called you? He said, our father is in his house. He said, he s sick. So what? He says, he wants to return to his family. What for? What s wrong with you? Who cares? Forget it. Nothing to worry about. Wait a minute,. Our father has been dead for long. Our family considers him non-existent. Since you were small you heard it: He doesn t need to come back.... Let me finish this up.... Say hello to Sri. Page 3 of 5

Mr. Agus called me... today... about my father. Is he really my father? Yes, of course? Do you think I am wrong when I say I know him? Mr. Sulaiman, your father, was a playmate of my husband when both were small children. They lived in Lampung then. They were inseparable. Only fate that later separated us. Yes... my husband only became an employee whereas your father was a skillful trader. A trader? What did he trade in, Ma am? Oh, yes, you were still small then. At home, nobody told you? I only knew that my father died a long time ago. When you lived in Lampung, your father brought produce from Lampung to Jakarta, and from here he took furniture to Lampung. He once invited my husband to join in his business. Well, he had no talent... whereas your father s business thrived. There were always two or three trucks that departed from Lampung. What happened then, Ma am? Well, that s how it went... You certainly have already heard it. doesn t want our father to return. He can be quite hardheaded. What about you? Could you take him at your house? Hmm... I have to ask my wide first. I m sorry, I have to go, Ma am. I ll come back later. And then I can meet my father. Daftar Kata mana (Coll) rusak, ke-an baek (Jkt) alhamdulillah Umur panjang = yang mana damage =baik Praise to God! cf. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/alhamdulillah (also panjang umur) you will have a long live (this phrase is uttered when a person who was just mentioned in a conversation, suddenly appears) Page 4 of 5

barusan (Jkt) sakit-sakitan beliau buat (Coll) alah sudahlah just now to have complication of illnesses or to be ill continuously honorific title for bapak or ibu =untuk oh, come on now! who cares? My! (exlamation of exasperation) never mind, forget it keliru kenal temen (Jkt) main, seper-an kanak-kanak nasib pegawai dagang (Col.) cerita cerita-cerita (Coll) hasil bumi dagang,-an perabot rumah tangga ajak, mengusaha (Coll) dasar bakat usaha maju angkut (Col.) watak keras tampung, mensekalian ketemu (Coll) to be mistaken to recognize, be acquainted with, know someone =teman teman ~, playmate, childhood friend small children fate employee = berdagang, to trade story =bercerita-cerita, to tell a story crops commodities, traded goods furniture household to invite someone to join in an activity =berusaha, to engage in business congenital nature, character (Dasar perempuan! Typical female!) talent business operation progressive, advanced, developed = mengangkut to transport character hard to accommodate, to provide accommodation for someone at the same time =bertemu Page 5 of 5