Yeah, so, I continued university in (I) graduated in I graduated in Worked in NewYork until I worked in New York until 1996.

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1 bag 3 i: Coba sekarang ceritakan ke saya dan ke Brian. Mulai dari keluar sekolah, mulai dari lulus kuliah. Kerja di mana, di mana dan di negara mana. Try tell me now. Since after graduate your school, where did you work, and where country did you work? Coba ceritakan ke saya. Try tell me. Try telling me. g: Saya lulus kuliah tahun seribu sembilan ratus delapan puluh sembilan (1989). Saya mulai kerja di kantor adpokat or (atau) pengacara di Montreal. I graduated (from) university lecture in I start worked at a lawfirm in Montreal. i: Kanada? Canada? Canada? Try telling Brian and me now. g: Iya. Sampai dua tahun. Yes. Around two years. Yes. For years. Saya melanjutkan kuliah lagi di New York pada tahun seribu sembilan ratus sembilan puluh dua (1992). I continued university lecture (study) in NewYork in i: Di ulangi lagi. Said again. Say it again g: Seribu sembilan ratus sembilan puluh dua (1992). i: Ya, jadi, saya melanjutkan kuliah lagi pada tahun g: Lulus kuliah pada tahun seribu sembilan ratus sembilan puluh tiga Yeah, so, I continued university lecture in Since graduat(ing) from your school, where did you work, and what country did you work in? I graduated from university in I started working at a lawfirm in Montreal. I continued university again in New York in Yeah, so, I continued university in (I) graduated in I graduated in i: Cuma satu tahun. Only one year. Only one year. g: Satu tahun. One year. One year. Saya kerja lagi di kantor adpokat di New York. i: Perusahaan yang beda apa yang sama dengan yang sebelumnya? I worked again at lawfirm in NewYork. Same company or difference company with before? g: Beda. Different. Different. i: Terus. Then. Then. g: Kerja di New York sampai tahun seribu sembilan ratus sembilan puluh enam. I worked again at a lawfirm in New York. The same company or different company with before? Worked in NewYork until I worked in New York until Setelah itu saya pergi ke Paris. After that I went to Paris. After that I went to Paris.

2 Saya tinggal di Paris satu tahun. I lived in Paris around one year. I lived in Paris for around one year. Saya tinggal di Paris sekitar satu tahun i: Satu tahun? One year? One year? g: Iya. Yes. Yes. i: Tinggal di sana sambil kerja? You lived there while worked (also)? You lived there while working also? g: Kerja juga. Worked also. Yes, I was working also. Ya. Kerja juga. b: Di perusahaan yang sama atau beda? Same company or difference company? g: Beda. Different. Different. b: Beda lagi. Different again. Different again. g: Setelah itu pulang ke New York, saya bekerja di perusahaan sama yang dulu. i: Saya kembali lagi ke perusahaan sebelumnya. g: Saya kembali kerja di perusahaan sebelumnya. After that, I was going back to NewYork, (then) I worked at same I was going back to the company before. I was going back worked at the i: Sebelumnya? Before? Before? g: Iya. Yeah. Yeah. Saya kembali kerja di perusahaan sebelumnya. I was going back worked at the i: Ya. Yeah. Yeah. Oke. Ok. Ok. The same company or difference company? After that, I went back to New York, (then) I worked at the same company as before. I went back to the same company as before. I went back and worked at the same company as before. I was going back worked at the g: Saya kerja satu tahun lagi. I worked one year again. I worked there for another year. i: Iya bisa. Yeah. It's can. That's ok. g: Setelah itu saya mengajar hukum. After that, I taught law. i: Di mana? Where? Where? g: Di Columbia University. Di New York. i: Kamu ngajar di universitas waktu kamu kuliah sebelumnya? At Columbia University. In NewYork. (Did) you teach at the university that you studied before? g: Iya. Yes. Yes. Saya ngajar di universitas tempat saya kuliah dulu. I taught at the university, the place I studied before. After that, I taught law. i: Berapa lama? How long? For how long? g: Dua tahun. Two years. Two years. At Columbia University. In New York. Did you teach at the university that you studied at before? I taught at the university, the place that I studied before.

3 Setelah itu saya kerja di perusahaan baru sampai tahun dua ribu tiga (2003). i: Mulai kerjanya di lawfirm yang berbeda itu tahun berapa? Tadi kamu ngajar di universitas sampai tahun After that I worked at an different After that I worked at a new What year did you start working at the different lawfirm? You told me, you taught at the university until After that I worked at a different After that I worked at a new What year did you start working at the other lawfirm? You told me, you taught at the university until Sampai tahun berapa ngajar? What year did you teach till? What year did you teach till? g: Sampai tahun Untill Until Saya kerja di pengadilan sampai I worked at a court until I worked at the court until i: Di New York? In New York? In New York? g: Ya. Di New York. Yes. In NewYork. Yes. In New York. Setelah itu saya pindah ke sini (Jakarta). i: Pertanyaan dari saya: Bagaimana dapat kerja di Indonesia? After that, I moved to Jakarta. After that, I work in Indonesia. My question: How did you get a job in Indonesia? After that, I moved to Jakarta. After that, I came to Indonesia. My question was: How did you get this job in Indonesia? g: Teman saya. (From) my friend. (From) my friend. Dari teman saya. Lewat teman saya. (From) my friend. (From) my friend. i: Tapi menurut Guy, yang jujur, kerja di Jakarta or (atau) Indonesia gimana, betah atau tidak, suka atau tidak? What is your opinion, honest, work in Jakarta or Indonesia, like or not? What is your opinion, and be honest, working in Jakarta or Indonesia. Do you like it or not? g: Suka. I like. I like it. Saya suka. i: Apa yang membuat Guy betah dan suka kerja di What is your reason like and enjoy working in What do you like working here, in g: Pertanyaan susah. Trouble question. Difficult question. i: Saya punya jawaban satu. Saya bisa jawab... (Gajinya besar). g: Saya belum pernah kerja di sini i: Jadi, kerja di daerah Asia baru di Indonesia? I have one reply (for you). I can reply (big salary). I never work here (before). So, you work in Asia area just in Indonesia? I have one answer. I can give one answer (big salary). I have never worked here (before). So, this is the first country you work in Asia? g: Ya. Baru di Indonesia. Yes. Just in Indonesia. Yes. Indonesia the first place. i: Rencananya kerja di Jakarta untuk berapa lama? How long (you) want to work in How long are you planning be work in Tadi kamu bilang, ngajar di universitas Pertanyaan dari saya: Bagaimana kam

4 g: Nggak tahu. I don't know. I don't know. i: Kan biasanya ada kontrak. Usually there's a contract. Usually there's a contract. g: Kontrak satu tahun tapi sudah lanjut lagi. i: Selama tinggal di Jakarta. Kamu pernah pergi ke mana aja di sekitar g: Menteng, Kebayoran Baru, Kemang. b: Sudah pernah keluar Ke Puncak atau ke pantai. Contract one year but it was continue again. During living in Jakarta. Where did you go around Menteng, Kebayoran Baru, Kemang. Have you ever go out To Puncak or a beach. The contract is one year but it's already been extended. Since you've been living in Jakarta. Where have you been around Menteng, Kebayoran Baru, Kemang. Have you ever gone out of To Puncak or the beach. g: Tidak ada waktu. I don't have a time. I don't have time. Belum ada waktu. b: Terlalu banyak kerja. Very much jobs. Too much works. i: Jadi, selama satu tahun ini kamu belum pernah keluar Ya ke Bali, ke Bandung. g: Belum ke Bandung, ke Bogor, ke Bali. You're very busy. So, during one year you heven't ever go out Ya to Bali, to Bandung. I haven't been going to Bandung yet, to Bogor, to Bali. i: Belum? Not yet? Not yet? You're very busy. So, for the one year you heven't been out of Ya to Bali, to Bandung. I haven't been to Bandung yet, to Bogor, to Bali. g: Oh Bali, ya, sudah. Oh Bali, I ever. Oh Bali, I have been to Bali. b: Sering? Berapa kali sudah ke Bali. Often? How many times did you go to Bali? Often? Have you been to Bali? g: Sekali, dua kali. Once, twice. Once, twice. Sudah dua kali. b: Selain Bali mana lagi? Which one more going except to Bali. g: Bogor. Bogor. Bogor. Other then to Bali. Where have you been? i: Bogor dekat ya? Bogor is near ya? Bogor is near ya? g: Ya Taman Safari. Ya Taman Safari (Safari Park) Ya Taman Safari (Safari Park) i: Sama istri? With your wife? With your wife? Sama istri kamu? Ke Bandung belum, ke Bogor, ke Bali. g: Sama Istri. With my wife. Yes, with my wife. Ya. Sama istri (saya). Sama istri dan anak kakaknya istri saya. Dengan anak kakak istri saya. i: Oh, jadi kakak istri Guy tinggal di Jakarta juga? With my wife and kid(s) of my wife's brother. With kids/children of my wife's brother. Oh, so, your wife's brother lives in Jakarta too? With my wife and my brother's wife kids. With the kids/children of my wife's brother. Oh, so, your wife's brother lives in Jakarta too? g: Oh tidak, tinggal di Washington. Oh no, she lives in Washington. Oh no, he lives in Washington. Oh tidak, dia tinggal di Washington.

5 i: Jadi pas waktu ke Bogor, Guy pergi sama istri dan anak kakak istrinya. Waktu itu kakak istrinya lagi main ke b: Kakaknya datang juga atau cuman anaknya? i: Kakaknya istri kamu datang juga ke Jakarta atau cuman anaknya? g: Oh, kakak istri saya datang juga. So. when you were going to Bogor, you're going with your wife and her brother's children. Your wife's brother played/came to Her brother came also or only her kids? Your wife's brother came also or only her kids? Oh, my wife's brother came also. So. when you went to Bogor, you went with your wife and her brother's children. So, your wife's brother came to Her brother came also or only his kids? Your wife's brother came also or only his kids? Oh, my wife's brother came also. b: Anaknya umur berapa? How old are they? How old are his kids? How old are her kids? How old the kids of your wife's brother? How old are his kids? g: Enam dan delapan. Six and eight. Six and eight. b: Laki atau perempuan? Girl or son? Girl or boy? How old are the kids of your wife's brother? g: Satu laki dan satu One is son and one One is a boy and one is a girl. Yang laki enam tahun, yang perempuan delapan tahun. The son is six years, the girl eight years. The boy is six years old, the girl eight years old. i: Namanya siapa? What are they names? What are their names? g: Yang laki namanya Alexander yang perempuan namanya Alya. i: Waktu itu mereka tinggal berapa lama di The son's name is Alexander dan the girl's name is Alya. How long had they been in g: Berapa lama? Hong long? Hong long? i: Waktu kakak istrinya datang ke Jakarta. When your wife's brother came to Jakarta. g: Dua minggu. Two weeks. Two weeks. i: Selama kerja di Jakarta, Guy pernah pulang ke Kanada belum? During working in Jakarta, had you ever gone to Kanada? g: Ya, sudah pernah. Yes, I ever. Yes, I have. The boy's name is Alexander and the girl's name is Alya. How long were they in When your wife's brother came to Jakarta. Since you've been working in Jakarta, have you ever gone to Kanada? i: Berapa kali? How many times? How many times? g: Satu kali. Once. Once. i: Bulan apa? What month? What month? g: Bulan Desember. December. December.

6 i: Desember. Oh December. Oh December. Oh b: Desembar lalu. December last year. December last year. i: Pas cristmas ama tahun baru ya? Pass cristmas and newyear right? g: Ya. Yes. Yes. i: Waktu pulang ke Kanada berapa lama? How long had you been in Kanada when you go back? g: Dua minggu. Two weeks. Two weeks. Satu minggu di Kanada satu minggu di Amerika Serikat. Washington. One week in Kanada and and one week in USA. Washington. For Cristmas and NewYear right? How long were you in Kanada when you went back? When you went to Canada, how long were you there for? One week in Kanada and one week in the USA. Washington. i: Guy lahirnya tahun berapa? What year did you born? What were you born? g: Seribu sembilan ratus enam puluh enam (1966) i: Istrinya? And your wife? And your wife? Kalau istrinya? g: Seribu sembilan ratus sembilan puluh sembilan (1969). i: Jadi. Guy sama istrinya beda tiga tahun So, you and your wife difference three years. So, you and your wife there's the different of three years. Pertanyaan lagi: Question again. Another question. Istrinya waktu kuliah di jurusan apa? What was program when your wife studied at the university. What did your wife study at university? g: Hubungan Internasional. International relationship. International relations. b: Istri Guy, pernah kerja nggak sebelumnya? Did your wife working before? Has your wife ever worked before? Satu minggu di Kanada dan satu mingg Washington. g: Pernah. Tentu saja. Yes. Of course. Yes. Of course. Ya, pernah. Tentu saja. i: Tapi istrinya betah tinggal di But your wife like lives in And your wife likes living in g: Ya, tapi bosan. Ya, but little bored. Ya, but a little bored. Ya, tapi sedikit bosan. b: Bosan karena sering di rumah. Bored cause often stay at home continue. g: Ya. Yes. Yes. Bored, because she just stay at home. b: Jadi sedikit kegiatan. So little activity. So nothing to do. Susah cari kerja di sini. Hard to get a job here. It's hard to get a job here. Hard to get a job in Jakarta. It's hard to get a job in Jakarta.


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SMA/MA IPA kelas 10 - BAHASA INGGRIS IPA CHAPTER 11Latihan Soal apology. regret. sympathy. gratitude. purpose

SMA/MA IPA kelas 10 - BAHASA INGGRIS IPA CHAPTER 11Latihan Soal apology. regret. sympathy. gratitude. purpose 1. Reny : You looked so sad. Whats the matter with you? SMA/MA IPA kelas 10 - BAHASA INGGRIS IPA CHAPTER 11Latihan Soal 11.1 Yuyun : Ive lost my wallet somewhere between my house and the school, There

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SMA/MA IPA kelas 10 - BAHASA INGGRIS IPA CHAPTER 11Latihan Soal 11.2

SMA/MA IPA kelas 10 - BAHASA INGGRIS IPA CHAPTER 11Latihan Soal 11.2 1. Rita :Dont leave me alone, Bondan! Bondan :What did she say, Wan? Iwan :. SMA/MA IPA kelas 10 - BAHASA INGGRIS IPA CHAPTER 11Latihan Soal 11.2 She told you that you dont leave me alone. She told you

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SMP kelas 9 - BAHASA INGGRIS CHAPTER 1Latihan Soal 1.1

SMP kelas 9 - BAHASA INGGRIS CHAPTER 1Latihan Soal 1.1 SMP kelas 9 - BAHASA INGGRIS CHAPTER 1Latihan Soal 1.1 1. Shinta : "Will John pass the exam?" Dewi :.... He is a smart and diligent student. I am quite sure I am uncertain I am not positive I think he

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Membangun Menara karakter (Indonesian Edition)

Membangun Menara karakter (Indonesian Edition) Membangun Menara karakter (Indonesian Edition) Stella Olivia Click here if your download doesn"t start automatically Membangun Menara karakter (Indonesian Edition) Stella Olivia Membangun Menara karakter

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English for Tourism Lesson 20 At the festival (continued)

English for Tourism Lesson 20 At the festival (continued) English for Tourism Lesson 20 At the festival (continued) Pelajaran 20: Di festival (lanjutan) L1 Juni Tampi: Eng: Bahasa Inggris Pariwisata English for Tourism L1: Pelajaran ke-20. Di festival. Eng: Lesson

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Jika aku pernah melakukan itu, saya pikir saya akan mendapat serangan jantung! Tidak pernah mengalami kesulitan mendapatkan apa yang saya inginkan,

Jika aku pernah melakukan itu, saya pikir saya akan mendapat serangan jantung! Tidak pernah mengalami kesulitan mendapatkan apa yang saya inginkan, Heart Attack Putting my defenses up, Cause I don't wanna fall in love. Never put my love out on the line, Never said yes to the right guy, Never had trouble getting what I want, But when it comes to you

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Lesson 31: Interrogative form of Will. Pelajaran 31: Kalimat Tanya untuk Bentuk Akan

Lesson 31: Interrogative form of Will. Pelajaran 31: Kalimat Tanya untuk Bentuk Akan Lesson 31: Interrogative form of Will Pelajaran 31: Kalimat Tanya untuk Bentuk Akan Reading (Membaca) Will it be sunny tomorrow? ( Apakah akan cerah besok?) Will you lend her the car? (Apakah kamu akan

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SMP kelas 7 - BAHASA INGGRIS CHAPTER 8Latihan Soal 8.1

SMP kelas 7 - BAHASA INGGRIS CHAPTER 8Latihan Soal 8.1 1. SMP kelas 7 - BAHASA INGGRIS CHAPTER 8Latihan Soal 8.1 Karl : Hello, Sheila. Do you have plan for tomorrow? Sheila : Not, yet. Do you have any idea? Karl : Yeah, how about visiting Yogyakarta Palace?

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Ss: Raiver. River. T: Okay, this is a river. This a river, okay. How about this one. Ss: Beach. Beach. Beach. T: Okay, who likes to go the beach?

Ss: Raiver. River. T: Okay, this is a river. This a river, okay. How about this one. Ss: Beach. Beach. Beach. T: Okay, who likes to go the beach? Transcript 1 T: Good morning, students! How are you today? Ss: Good morning, Miss Mona and Miss Clara. T: Okay, class, because this is my first time here, I want to know you first. I want you to introduce

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Indonesian Section 28 - Online activitites

Indonesian Section 28 - Online activitites No. 01 Cuaca The weather Hujan. Cerah. Turun salju. Saya basah. Saya kepanasan. Saya kedinginan. Tolong! It's raining. It's sunny. It's snowing. I'm wet. I'm hot. Help! No. 02 Permainan daya ingat Memory

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Lesson 70: Questions. Pelajaran 70: Pertanyaan

Lesson 70: Questions. Pelajaran 70: Pertanyaan Lesson 70: Questions Pelajaran 70: Pertanyaan Reading (Membaca) Is your job easy? (Apakah pekerjaanmu mudah?) Has he finished eating? (Apakah dia sudah selesai makan?) Will it keep raining? (Akankah ini

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Lesson 23: How. Pelajaran 23: Bagaimana

Lesson 23: How. Pelajaran 23: Bagaimana Lesson 23: How Pelajaran 23: Bagaimana Reading (Membaca) How are you? (Bagaimana kabarmu?) How are your parents? (Bagaimana kabar orang tuamu?) How was the interview? (Bagaimana wawancaranya?) How is your

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I've learned so much from you. "Number One For Me" Now I'm trying to do it too. Love my kid the way you do. I was a foolish little child

I've learned so much from you. Number One For Me Now I'm trying to do it too. Love my kid the way you do. I was a foolish little child "Number One For Me" I've learned so much from you Now I'm trying to do it too I was a foolish little child Love my kid the way you do Crazy things I used to do And all the pain I put you through [Chorus]

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Most Frequently Used Words Courtesy of

Most Frequently Used Words Courtesy of Most Frequently Used Words Courtesy of About = tentang Address = alamat After = sesudah / setelah Again = lagi All = semua Almost = hampir Also = juga Although = meskipun Always = selalu

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E VA D A E L U M M A H K H O I R, M. A B. P E R T E M U A N 2 A N A

E VA D A E L U M M A H K H O I R, M. A B. P E R T E M U A N 2 A N A HANDLING TAMU E VA D A E L U M M A H K H O I R, M. A B. P E R T E M U A N 2 A N A CARA PENERIMAAN TAMU Menanyakan nama dan keperluan (RESEPSIONIS) Good Morning. What can I do for you? Good morning, can

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English for Tourism Lesson 19 At the festival

English for Tourism Lesson 19 At the festival English for Tourism Lesson 19 At the festival Pelajaran 19: Di festival L1 Juni Tampi: Eng: Bahasa Inggris Pariwisata English for Tourism L1: Halo, Saya Juni Tampi dari Radio Australia. L1: Pelajaran ke-19.

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T: Ga ada yang tau? Kita baca dulu sekali abis itu kita nyanyi bareng-bareng, ok? We read together and after that we sing together, ok?

T: Ga ada yang tau? Kita baca dulu sekali abis itu kita nyanyi bareng-bareng, ok? We read together and after that we sing together, ok? Day 1 T: Ok, I have a song lyric here Ss: Old McDonnald. T: Who knows Old McDonald song? Siapa yang tau lagu Old McDonald? S: McDOnald oh McDonald T: Ga ada yang tau? Kita baca dulu sekali abis itu kita

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Mewarnai: Edisi Islami

Mewarnai: Edisi Islami Mewarnai: Edisi Islami Ms Rizki Ramadhani BA Click here if your download doesn"t start automatically Mewarnai: Edisi Islami Ms Rizki Ramadhani BA Mewarnai: Edisi Islami Ms Rizki Ramadhani BA Buku ini diperuntukkan

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SMP kelas 7 - BAHASA INGGRIS CHAPTER 11Latihan Soal 11.1

SMP kelas 7 - BAHASA INGGRIS CHAPTER 11Latihan Soal 11.1 SMP kelas 7 - BAHASA INGGRIS CHAPTER 11Latihan Soal 11.1 1. Manager : You look very exhausted.... to take a rest? Tina : OK, thanks, Sir. What about Are you like Do you order Would you like Kunci Jawaban

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Lesson 27: Prepositions of Direction. (from, to, into, onto, away from) Pelajaran 27: Kata Depan untuk Arah

Lesson 27: Prepositions of Direction. (from, to, into, onto, away from) Pelajaran 27: Kata Depan untuk Arah Lesson 27: Prepositions of Direction (from, to, into, onto, away from) Pelajaran 27: Kata Depan untuk Arah Bagaimana Menggunakan Kata Depan untuk Arah Reading (Membaca) I come from Austria. ( Saya datang

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Marilah kita lihat contoh berikut :

Marilah kita lihat contoh berikut : Sekarang kita menginjak ke tahapan penting kedua pelajaran kita. Dalam pelajaran IV ini, kita akan mempelajari pengungkapan kalimat yang TIDAK menggunakan AKAN, SUDAH, SEDANG. Kalimat yang kita buat disini

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Lesson 60 : Too/Either, So do I, Neither do I. Pelajaran 60 : Juga/Antara, Saya juga begitu, Saya juga tidak

Lesson 60 : Too/Either, So do I, Neither do I. Pelajaran 60 : Juga/Antara, Saya juga begitu, Saya juga tidak Lesson 60 : Too/Either, So do I, Neither do I Pelajaran 60 : Juga/Antara, Saya juga begitu, Saya juga tidak Reading (Membaca) I often watch movies at the movie theater, and my cousin does too. (Saya sering

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Callista Sulaiman

Callista Sulaiman Callista Sulaiman 2011-031-070 T : Ok, Good afternoon, guys. So, today I will teach you and today we will do a listening again. So, as usual, there will be a song, first. I ll give you the lyric. (distributing)

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365 Menu Sukses MP-ASI selama 1 tahun Menu Pendamping ASI untuk Bayi Usia 7-18 Bulan (Indonesian Edition)

365 Menu Sukses MP-ASI selama 1 tahun Menu Pendamping ASI untuk Bayi Usia 7-18 Bulan (Indonesian Edition) 365 Menu Sukses MP-ASI selama 1 tahun Menu Pendamping ASI untuk Bayi Usia 7-18 Bulan (Indonesian Edition) Hindah J. Muaris Click here if your download doesn"t start automatically 365 Menu Sukses MP-ASI

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Makalah Parts of Speech

Makalah Parts of Speech Makalah Parts of Speech BAB I PENDAHULUAN 1. Latar Belakang Parts of Speech dalam bahasa Inggris berarti jenis-jenis kata atau kelas-kelas kata. Disebut parts of speech karena bagian-bagian dari ucapan

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L1: Halo, Saya Juni Tampi dari Radio Australia dengan Pelajaran Keempat dari Kursus Bahasa Inggris Dasar untuk Pariwisata dan Perhotelan.

L1: Halo, Saya Juni Tampi dari Radio Australia dengan Pelajaran Keempat dari Kursus Bahasa Inggris Dasar untuk Pariwisata dan Perhotelan. English for Tourism Lesson 4 Checking in (continued) Pelajaran 4: Check in di hotel (lanjutan) L1 Juni: Eng: Eng: L1 Juni: "Bahasa Inggris Untuk Pariwisata" "English for Tourism" Lesson Four. Checking

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SEKOLAH TOEFL STRUCTURE. Week 4 (30 Nov 06 Des 2015) Jangan biarkan keterbatasan membuatmu tidak mampu berbuat lebih dari yang orang lain pikirkan..

SEKOLAH TOEFL STRUCTURE. Week 4 (30 Nov 06 Des 2015) Jangan biarkan keterbatasan membuatmu tidak mampu berbuat lebih dari yang orang lain pikirkan.. 1 SEKOLAH TOEFL HANDBOOK Jangan biarkan keterbatasan membuatmu tidak mampu berbuat lebih dari yang orang lain pikirkan.. STRUCTURE Week 4 (30 Nov 06 Des 2015) * Diadopsi dari buku Deborah Phillips 2 Ingat

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SMP kelas 8 - BAHASA INGGRIS CHAPTER 6LATIHAN SOAL CHAPTER 6 SMP kelas 8 - BAHASA INGGRIS CHAPTER 6LATIHAN SOAL CHAPTER 6 1. A Smart Parrot Where does the story happen? London Puerto Rico Jakarta Buenos Aires Dijelaskan dalam kalimat pertama paragraf 1: A man in

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Lesson 01: Self-Introduction (Part I) Pelajaran 01: Perkenalan Diri (Bagian I)

Lesson 01: Self-Introduction (Part I) Pelajaran 01: Perkenalan Diri (Bagian I) Lesson 01: Self-Introduction (Part I) Pelajaran 01: Perkenalan Diri (Bagian I) Pelajaran 01: Kamu akan mempelajari bagaimana memperkenalkan diri. Selamat belajar! Step 1 (Tahap 1) Ketika kamu ingin memperkenalakan,

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32-bit and 64-bit Windows: Frequently asked questions

32-bit and 64-bit Windows: Frequently asked questions 32-bit and 64-bit Windows: Frequently asked questions // // Here are answers to some common questions about the 32-bit and 64-bit versions of Windows. Frequently asked questions Collapse all What is the

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TENSES. PRESENT TENSES Rumus : 1. Positif (+) = S + V1 (es/s) + O 2. Negatif (-) = S + Do/does + Not + V1 + O 3. Introgatif (?) = Do/does + S + V1 + O

TENSES. PRESENT TENSES Rumus : 1. Positif (+) = S + V1 (es/s) + O 2. Negatif (-) = S + Do/does + Not + V1 + O 3. Introgatif (?) = Do/does + S + V1 + O TENSES Tenses adalah bentuk waktu yang biasa kita gunakan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari.karena dengan Tenses kita bisa menggunakan kalimat yang sesuai dengan keadaan. Misalnya, keadaan yang biasa kita lakukan,

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English for Tourism Lesson 14 The Tour Guide (continued)

English for Tourism Lesson 14 The Tour Guide (continued) English for Tourism Lesson 14 The Tour Guide (continued) Pelajaran 14: Pemandu Wisata (lanjutan) L1 Juni Tampi: Eng: Bahasa Inggris Pariwisata English for Tourism L1: Pelajaran ke- 14. Pemandu Wisata (lanjutan).

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Lesson 57 : all, both, each. Pelajaran 57 : Semuanya, keduanya, tiap

Lesson 57 : all, both, each. Pelajaran 57 : Semuanya, keduanya, tiap Lesson 57 : all, both, each Pelajaran 57 : Semuanya, keduanya, tiap Reading (Membaca) All the birds flew away. (Semua burung-burung terbang) Did you eat all of the cakes? (Apakah kamu memakan semua kuenya?)

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Contoh Pengembangan Bahan Ajar untuk Program Audio (Bahan Ajar untuk Latihan Keterampilan Mendengarkan)

Contoh Pengembangan Bahan Ajar untuk Program Audio (Bahan Ajar untuk Latihan Keterampilan Mendengarkan) Contoh Pengembangan Bahan Ajar untuk Program Audio (Bahan Ajar untuk Latihan Keterampilan Mendengarkan) 1.Buat silabus (peta bahan ajar) untuk keteramplan mendengarkan dengan format berikut: Kompetensi

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SIMPLE PRESENT TENSE. Keterangan waktu yang dapat digunakan dalam Simple Present Tense adalah: No Keterangan Waktu Arti

SIMPLE PRESENT TENSE. Keterangan waktu yang dapat digunakan dalam Simple Present Tense adalah: No Keterangan Waktu Arti SIMPLE PRESENT TENSE Simple Present Tense adalah bentuk waktu yang digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu perbuatan atau kegiatan yang berlangsung atau terjadi pada waktu sekarang dalam bentuk sederhana, atau

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Sukses Berbisnis Di Internet Dalam 29 Hari (Indonesian Edition)

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Teknik Jitu Memilih Prosedur Analisis Skripsi (Indonesian Edition)

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Lesson 22: Why. Pelajaran 22: Mengapa

Lesson 22: Why. Pelajaran 22: Mengapa Lesson 22: Why Pelajaran 22: Mengapa Reading (Membaca) Why are you tired? (Mengapa kamu lelah?) Why is your boss angry? (Mengapa bosmu marah?) Why was he late? (Kenapa dia terlambat?) Why did she go there?

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Le Mariage: Unperfect Marriage (Indonesian Edition) By Merry Maeta Sari

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SMP kelas 7 - BAHASA INGGRIS CHAPTER 9Latihan Soal 9.6. Dijelaskan dalam kalimat pertamalast night a man robbed Najwa Shihab.(last night : tadi malam)

SMP kelas 7 - BAHASA INGGRIS CHAPTER 9Latihan Soal 9.6. Dijelaskan dalam kalimat pertamalast night a man robbed Najwa Shihab.(last night : tadi malam) 1. SMP kelas 7 - BAHASA INGGRIS CHAPTER 9Latihan Soal 9.6 When did the robbery happen? In the morning In the afternoon At midday At night Kunci Jawaban : D Dijelaskan dalam kalimat pertamalast night a

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English for Tourism Lesson 24 Checking out (continued)

English for Tourism Lesson 24 Checking out (continued) English for Tourism Lesson 24 Checking out (continued) Pelajaran 24: Check out (lanjutan) L1 Juni Tampi: Eng: Bahasa Inggris Pariwisata English for Tourism L1: Pelajaran ke-24: Check out. Eng: Lesson 24:

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Lesson 41: may, might, might not. Pelajaran 41: boleh, mungkin, tidak boleh

Lesson 41: may, might, might not. Pelajaran 41: boleh, mungkin, tidak boleh Lesson 41: may, might, might not Pelajaran 41: boleh, mungkin, tidak boleh Reading (Membaca) You may have a seat. ( Anda boleh duduk ) May I borrow your book? ( Bolehkah saya meminjam bukumu?) The taxi

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THE MAP OF MUKO-MUKO DISTRICT THE MAP OF MUKO-MUKO DISTRICT APPENDICES A. Questionnaires Form : Name (Nama) : Age (Usia) : Address (Alamat) : Job (Pekerjaan) : Tolong terjemahkan ke dalam Bahasa Muko-Muko! (Please translate to Muko-Muko

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ANALISIS TENSE DAN ASPEK DALAM NOVEL OLIVER TWIST KARYA CHARLES DICKENS ANALISIS TENSE DAN ASPEK DALAM NOVEL OLIVER TWIST KARYA CHARLES DICKENS Drs. Sugija, M.Hum Staf Pengajar Bahasa dan Sastra Inggris Universitas Surakarta Abstrak Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mendeskripsikan

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CultureTalk Indonesia Video Transcripts: Security Officer

CultureTalk Indonesia Video Transcripts:  Security Officer CultureTalk Indonesia Video Transcripts: Security Officer Indonesian transcript: Satpas: Nama saya Karina umur saya 26 tahun, saya bekerja di JIS sebagai security. Maesya:

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No Kegiatan Kalimat yang di latih Arti. 2. How are you? 3.- Do you remember about population? - Can you explain about population?

No Kegiatan Kalimat yang di latih Arti. 2. How are you? 3.- Do you remember about population? - Can you explain about population? 45 Lampiran 3. Siklus 1 1 Pendahuluan 1. Good morning/ Good afternoon 2. How are you? 3.- Do you remember about population? about population? 4.- Do you know the meaning of population? - What is the definition

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Leader`s Comfort Zones (Indonesian Edition)

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Lesson 40: must, must not, should not. Pelajaran 40: harus, harus tidak, tidak boleh

Lesson 40: must, must not, should not. Pelajaran 40: harus, harus tidak, tidak boleh Lesson 40: must, must not, should not Pelajaran 40: harus, harus tidak, tidak boleh Reading (Membaca) You must answer all the questions. ( Anda harus menjawab semua pertanyaan ) We must obey the law. (

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SMP kelas 7 - BAHASA INGGRIS CHAPTER 11LATIHAN SOAL CHAPTER 11 SMP kelas 7 - BAHASA INGGRIS CHAPTER 11LATIHAN SOAL CHAPTER 11 1. Lina : You look very thirsty.... to have some tea? Rosa : Sure, thanks. Are you like Do you order Would you like What about Kunci Jawaban

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SMA/MA IPA kelas 10 - BAHASA INGGRIS IPA CHAPTER 8Latihan Soal 8.1. approves of. disagrees with. congratulates. complains to

SMA/MA IPA kelas 10 - BAHASA INGGRIS IPA CHAPTER 8Latihan Soal 8.1. approves of. disagrees with. congratulates. complains to SMA/MA IPA kelas 10 - BAHASA INGGRIS IPA CHAPTER 8Latihan Soal 8.1 1. Ferry : I can go abroad any time. Deny: Are you kidding? How do you get the money for it? From the dialog we know that Deny Ferry.

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Bab 3 Peluang Bersyarat dan Kebebasan: Ketika A Bergantung Pada B

Bab 3 Peluang Bersyarat dan Kebebasan: Ketika A Bergantung Pada B MA3181 Teori Peluang - Khreshna Syuhada 1 Bab 3 Peluang Bersyarat dan Kebebasan: Ketika A Bergantung Pada B Ilustrasi 3.1 Monty Hall Dillema. Suppose you re on a game show, and you re given the choice

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The world was dark, but since Jesus came, it is no longer dark

The world was dark, but since Jesus came, it is no longer dark The world was dark, but since Jesus came, it is no longer dark What did the Father send for you and me? Apa yang Bapa kirimkan untuk anda dan saya? Light What kind of light the Lord has given us? Terang

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English for Study in Australia BAHASA INGGRIS UNTUK STUDI DI AUSTRALIA Lesson 23: Extending your visa

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MINI TEST UNIT 1,2. (c) is ( (D) ought. Browns... to another city. (C) moving. (D) must have moved. (C) speak. (D) writing in

MINI TEST UNIT 1,2. (c) is ( (D) ought. Browns... to another city. (C) moving. (D) must have moved. (C) speak. (D) writing in MINI TEST UNIT 1,2 a. Choose the letter of the word that best coinpletes the sentence (Pilihlah, B, C, atau sebagai pilihan yang benar untuk melengkapi kalimat-kalimat di bawah ini). 1. Cindy... study

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Easy & Simple - Web Programming: Belajar Pemprograman Website Secara Efektif dan Efisien (Indonesian Edition)

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Lesson 26: Prepositions of inter-place. (across, inside, outside, behind, beside, between) Pelajaran 26: Preposisi antar-tempat

Lesson 26: Prepositions of inter-place. (across, inside, outside, behind, beside, between) Pelajaran 26: Preposisi antar-tempat Lesson 26: Prepositions of inter-place (across, inside, outside, behind, beside, between) Pelajaran 26: Preposisi antar-tempat Cara menggunakan preposisi antar-tempat. Reading (Membaca) He traveled across

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Does Garlic Mean Garlic?

Does Garlic Mean Garlic? Does Garlic Mean Garlic? Mike looked at the label on the big plastic container. It said Garlic Powder. There was a U with a circle around it after the word Powder. What does this U mean, Mike wondered.

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English for Tourism Lesson 16 Discussing a tour

English for Tourism Lesson 16 Discussing a tour English for Tourism Lesson 16 Discussing a tour Pelajaran 16: Membicarakan Perjalanan Wisata L1 Juni Tampi: Eng: Bahasa Inggris Pariwisata English for Tourism L1: Pelajaran ke-16: Membicarakan Perjalanan

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English for Tourism Lesson 21 Dealing with a situation

English for Tourism Lesson 21 Dealing with a situation English for Tourism Lesson 21 Dealing with a situation Pelajaran 21: Menangani situasi yang serius L1 Juni Tampi: Eng: Bahasa Inggris Pariwisata English for Tourism L1: Halo, Saya Juni Tampi dari Radio

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Saya punya beberapa pengalaman dalam Bulan & Minggu ini, yang saya merasa Roh Kudus ingin saya bagikan ke anda

Saya punya beberapa pengalaman dalam Bulan & Minggu ini, yang saya merasa Roh Kudus ingin saya bagikan ke anda I have several experience within this month & this week, that I discern that the Holy Spirit wants me to share to you Saya punya beberapa pengalaman dalam Bulan & Minggu ini, yang saya merasa Roh Kudus

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English for Tourism Lesson 25 A job interview

English for Tourism Lesson 25 A job interview English for Tourism Lesson 25 A job interview Pelajaran 25: Wawancara Pekerjaan L1 Juni Tampi: Bahasa Inggris Pariwisata English for Tourism L1: Pelajaran ke-25. Wawancara Pekerjaan. Lesson 25. A Job Interview.

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Nama Soal Pembagian Ring Road Batas Waktu 1 detik Nama Berkas Ringroad[1..10].out Batas Memori 32 MB Tipe [output only] Sumber Brian Marshal

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PERNYATAAN. : Keabsahan Perkawinan Cino Buto di Tanah Datar Sumatera Barat Menurut Hukum Islam dan Undang-Undang Nomor 1 Tahun 1974 Tentang Perkawinan

PERNYATAAN. : Keabsahan Perkawinan Cino Buto di Tanah Datar Sumatera Barat Menurut Hukum Islam dan Undang-Undang Nomor 1 Tahun 1974 Tentang Perkawinan PERNYATAAN Yang bertanda tangan di bawah ini : Nama : Gustia Wulandari Nomor Pokok Mahasiswa : Jenis Penulisan TA Judul Penulisan TA : Skripsi : Keabsahan Perkawinan Cino Buto di Tanah Datar Sumatera Barat

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Lesson 33: Interrogative forms of be going to, be + verb~ing for expressing near future

Lesson 33: Interrogative forms of be going to, be + verb~ing for expressing near future Lesson 33: Interrogative forms of be going to, be + verb~ing for expressing near future Pelajaran 33: Bentuk Kata Tanya "be going to, be verb ~ ing" untuk Mengekspresikan Waktu yang Akan Segera Datang

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Callista Sulaiman

Callista Sulaiman Callista ulaiman 2011-031-070 : o this is the first time I come to your class right? : riiight : o do you know my name? : Nooo : Ok so let me introduce myself first : Ok miss : o my name is Callista, and

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