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1 MARKETING DIRECT & DATABASE MARKETING ID EN Menjawab Masalah Apa Problems To Be Addressed Pada era pemasaran yang semakin kompetitif, tidak ada yang lebih penting selain memahami pelanggan dan bagaimana pelanggan berinteraksi dengan produk ataupun jasa yang Anda tawarkan. Adanya kebutuhan individu dan juga perusahaan untuk meningkatkan kompetensi dalam pengumpulan, analisa, dan pengelolaan database pelanggan agar mampu menerapkan strategi pemasaran langsung yang relevan untuk meningkatkan kinerja pemasaran perusahaan. Visi yang efektif dari strategi pemasaran langsung adalah berangkat dari bagaimana organisasi dapat memenuhi kebutuhan pelanggan secara spesifik berdasarkan basis data pelanggan. Basis data ini dimanfaatkan untuk kebutuhan analisis pemasaran, perencanaan, implementasi, dan mengontrol semua aktivitas program pemasaran. Dengan menerapkan strategi pemasaran langsung yang berlandaskan basis data pelanggan, diharapkan Anda sebagai pemasar dapat memahami apa yang menjadi kebutuhan pelanggan secara efektif. Secara tidak langsung hal ini akan berdampak pada terjalinnya hubungan yang erat antara brand yang Anda tawarkan dengan pelanggan Anda dan tujuan bisnis Andapun dapat tercapai. In an increasingly competitive marketing era, there is nothing more important than customers and how customers interact with the products and services you offer. The existence of the needs of individuals and also companies to improve the carrying capacity, analysis, understanding and management of customer data so as to apply appropriate marketing strategies to improve the company's marketing performance. The effective vision of a direct marketing strategy start from the needs of marketing analysis, planning, implementation, and control of all marketing program activities. By implementing a marketing strategy based on customer data, it is expected that you as a marketer can understand what customers need effectively. Indirectly this will impact on the establishment of a close relationship between the brand you offer with your customers and your business goals can be achieved. Manfaat Apa yang Anda Peroleh Setelah mengikuti program ini, peserta diharapkan mampu: Memahami dan menggunakan pemasaran langsung berbasis data Memahami pentingnya pengumpulan data pelanggan dan data-data eksternal untuk menganalisa perubahan dan perkembangan dalam lingkungan pemasaran Memahami menggunakan perangkat teknologi untuk dapat mengakses pelanggan Memahami penerapan strategi pemasaran langsung yang berbasis data Objectives Having attended this program, the participants are expected to be able: Able to understand the importance of data driven marketing Able to develop customer insights through analysis and interpretation of customer data and external database in order to increase marketing performances Able to use technology as a tool to access the end consumer Able to develop successful direct and data-driven marketing strategies 8

2 MARKETING DIRECT & DATABASE MARKETING ID EN Apa Saja yang Dibahas Subjects Covered Dasar mengenai pemasaran langsung berbasis data Customer database & profiling Penggunaan perangkat teknologi seperti Microsoft access, Microsoft excel, dll untuk dapat mengakses data pelanggan Menghitung dan memperkiraan customer life time value sebagai dasar marketing spending yang efektif dan efisien Pemahaman implementasi strategi pemasaran langsung Siapa yang Perlu IKut Manajer Produk Manajer Pengembangan Bisnis Consumer Insights Manager Manajer dan Supervisor Pemasaran Manajer dan Supervisor Penjualan Entrepreneur atau Pemilik Usaha Karyawan yang berhubungan dengan pemasaran langsung berbasis database Class Delivery Method The training will combine activities in collecting, analyzing, understanding, and managing customer data. Real cases and data simulation will be given during in class training. Who Should Attend Product Manager Business Development Manager or Business Owner Consumer Insights Manager Supervisor and Manager in Sales Supervisor and Manager in Marketing Employees that have interconnection with the database marketing Metode Pelatihan Delivery Method Lecturing Diskusi Kasus Role play Peserta diwajibkan membawa laptop pada pelatihan ini IDR Direct and Database Driven Marketing Using Direct and Database Marketing to Analyze Marketing Situation Technology : Tools to Access the Consumer Direct Database Marketing Strategies Marketing Management Executive Development Program Lecturing Case Discussion Role play Participants are required to bring a notebook for this program - May 0-1 Oct


4 Program Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Hours Days Staff Participants Spv Mgr Sr Mgr Price DECISION SCIENCE 01. Strategic Decision Making 0. Minaut Indonesia - Problem Solving and Decision Making 0. Practical Problem Solving 0. Creative Thinking Technique Jan - 01 Feb Jul - 0 Aug HR for Non HR Managers Human Resources Management 8 Jan - 01 Feb Comprehensive Job Analysis Designing Training Program HUMAN RESOURCE 09. Evaluating Training Program 10. Measuring Return On Training Investment - ROTI 11. Remuneration Management 1. Industrial Relations Conflict Resolution 1. Designing Competency Model 1. Competency Based Recruitment & Selection 1. Practical Behavior Based Interview. Designing Learning Program 17. Talent Management 18. Human Capital Management Certification (HCMC) - Modul 1 : Aligning HCM Strategy and Corporate Strategy Jul - 0 Aug Modul : Acquisition and Develop the Right Employee Modul : Retain the Best Employee Modul : Increase Employee Engagement 19. Assessment Center Assessor Certification Feb - 01 Mar 8 Jan - 01 Feb Design Thinking For Innovation NEW STRATEGIC 1. Business Acumen. Pricing Strategy. Company Strategic Planning. Managing Organizational Change. Business Model Canvas 6. Business Process Mapping 7. Feasibility Study 8. Integrated Risk Management 9. Innovation Strategy Oct - 01 Nov Product Innovation Management Managing Innovation For Growth

5 Program Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Hours Days Staff Participants Spv Mgr Sr Mgr Price PERSONAL EFFECTIVENESS. Enhancing Your Personal Effectiveness. Effective Business Communication. Report Writing. Powerful Business Presentation 6. Time Management 7. Stress Management 8. Interpersonal Softskills 9. Strengthening Your Leadership Talent Jul - 01 Aug Direct & Database Marketing Designing an Exceptional Customer Experience Developing Digital & Social Media Strategies for Business MARKETING. Upgrowth Program for Manager Marketing and Supervisor. Advance Competitive Marketing Strategy. Building Brand Equity and positioning 6. Marketing Management 7. Building Service Culture 8. Customer Satisfaction Management 9. Customer Service Orientation Enhancement 0. Marketing Channel Strategy 1. Sales Management Feb - 01 Mar Jul - 0 Aug 8 Oct - 01 Nov Salesmanship Negotiation Skill for Business 0 Jan - 01 Feb 0 Jul - 01 Aug Applied Marketing Research FINANCIAL. Finnon : for Public Sector 6. Finnon : Understanding Financial Statement 7. Finnon : Profit Planning & Capital Budgeting 8. Working Capital Management 9. Effective Cost Management 60. Budgeting 61. Financial Statement Analysis 6. Financial Projection & Valuation 6. Internal Audit 6. Forensic Accounting & Fraud Investigation Jul - 0 Aug Oct - 01 Nov Financial Aspects on Feasibility Study Jul - 01 Aug

6 Program Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Hours Days Staff Participants Spv Mgr Sr Mgr Price GENERAL 66. Business Essentials for Managers (Hybird Learning Program) - Online Program - Inclass Program 67. Training for Trainers 68. Key Performance Indicators 69. Office Management 70. Filing Management 71. Designing Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) 7. Management for Professional Secretary 01 Jul - 0 Aug 8 Oct - 9 Nov Managing Service Operation NEW Engineering (Fixed) Asset Management Running Your Microsoft Project Starting a Project Management Office / PMO Designing Work Instruction Effective Performance Dashboard OPERATION 79. Production/Operation Management 80. Quality Management System 81. Supply Chain Management 8. Production/Operation Planning & Control 8. Inventory Management 8. Purchasing Management 8. Warehouse Management 86. Maintenance Management Feb - 01 Mar Oct - 01 Nov Logistic Management Project Management Owner's Estimate / Harga Perkiraan Sendiri Project Procurement and Risk Management Excellent Manufacture Operation Leading With Emotional Intelligence NEW MANAGING OTHERS 9. Effective Supervisory Management 9. Managing People 9. Effective Leadership 96. Leader as A Coach Jul - 01 Aug All Program Will Be Presented in Bahasa Indonesia

7 Program Jan 01. Pengadaan Barang/Jasa Pemerintah 0. Certified Risk Management Officer (CRMO) Feb SERTIFIKASI NASIONAL INDONESIA Mar Feb - 01 Mar Certified Risk Management Professional (CRMP) 0. Manajer SDM Apr May Jun Aug Oct Dec Hours Days Price (IDR) Oct - 01, Nov , Jul, 0 Aug Mar, 1 Apr -0,8 1-,1 08. Warehouse Manager 0-08, 1 Jul - 0, Aug 09. Logistic Manager 1-1,0 10. Logistic Supervisor Nov Corporate Forensic Auditor 07. Supply Chain Manager Sep ,0 0. New Product Development Manager Jul 11-1,8 1- Aug, 07 Sep 10-1,7 Ujian LSP Program 01. Practical Problem Solving PERSONAL EFFECTIVENESS 0. Creative Thinking Technique 0. Effective Business Communication Jan Feb ONLINE TRAINING Mar 18 Feb - 1 Mar Feb - 01 Mar 0. Business Presentation Skills HUMAN RESOURCES STRATEGIC 0. Manajemen SDM 06. Menyusun Struktur & Skala Gaji 0 Feb - 01 Mar 0 Feb - 01 Mar 08. Company Strategic Planning 0-9 FINANCIAL OPERATION 1. Finon : Profit Planning & Capital Budgeting 0 Feb - 01 Mar Feb - 01 Mar 0 Feb - 01 Mar MARKETING 0. Negotiation Skill for Business 0-0 Sep Jun - 19 Jul Apr - May Apr - May Sep - 11 Oct 18 Mar - 1 Apr Apr - 0 May. Leader as A Coach 18 Feb - 1 Mar 08 Apr - 0 May. Meningkatkan Efektivitas Fungsi Supervisor 18 Feb - 1 Mar 08 Apr - 0 May 01-6 Jun - 19 Jul Jun - 19 Jul Oct - 08 Nov Nov - 1 Dec Oct - 08 Nov 1 Oct - 08 Nov 18 Nov - 1 Dec 1 Oct - 08 Nov 0 Sep - Oct 19 Aug - 1 Sep Oct - 08 Nov 19 Aug - 1 Sep Nov - 1 Dec 0-9 Sep - 11 Oct Sep - 11 Oct Jul - 09 Aug 17 Jun - 1 Jul Jul - 09 Aug Jun - 19 Jul Nov - 1 Dec 1 Jul - 09 Aug Sep - 11 Oct 17 Jun - 1 Jul 19 Aug - 1 Sep 17 Jun - 1 Jul Sep - Oct Sep - 11 Oct Apr - May Nov - 1 Dec 19 Aug - 1 Sep Jun - 19 Jul 9 Apr - May Sep - Oct Nov - 1 Dec 1 Oct - 08 Nov Nov - 1 Dec Aug - 1 Sep 17 Jun - 1 Jul Oct - 08 Nov 0-0 Price (IDR) Sep - 11 Oct Sep - Oct 19 Aug - 1 Sep Sep - 11 Oct 1 Jul - 09 Aug Dec 0 Sep - Oct Jul - 09 Aug Nov 1 Oct - 08 Nov 19 Aug - 1 Sep 0-0 Oct 0 Sep - Oct 1 Jul - 09 Aug Jun - 19 Jul 17 Jun - 1 Jul Apr - 0 May 18 Feb - 1 Mar 1. Sales Management. High Performance Leadership 17 Jun - 1 Jul Aug 1 Jul - 09 Aug 18 Mar - 1 Apr. Service Excellence MANAGING OTHERS Jul Gemba Kaizen + Sikap Kerja S 19. Salesmanship Apr - 0 May 1. Manajemen Proyek 17. Praktis Menyusun SOP 08 Apr - 0 May Jun 18 Mar - 1 Apr 1. Manajemen Pergudangan. Manajemen Sediaan 9 Apr - May 18 Mar - 1 Apr 11. Risk Management 1. Finon 1 : Memahami Laporan Keuangan Mar - 1 Apr Business Model Canvas May Menyusun Uraian Pekerjaan 09. Value Chain Analysis Apr Sep - 11 Oct Nov - 1 Dec

8 Nama Pelatihan Tanggal Pukul : Biaya Nama Perusahaan Alamat Surat Formulir Pendaftaran Program Pengembangan Eksekutif 019 PPM Manajemen No. Telp. Persh Fax Persh : Contact Person Telp / HP Jabatan Bidang Usaha No. Nama Peserta Bagian Jabatan HP L/P 1 INFORMASI PENDAFTARAN PEMBAYARAN Bagian Pelayanan Pelanggan: Pembayaran dilakukan secara transfer ke: BANK MANDIRI Telp : (01) Cabang Thamrin Fax : (01) No. Rek. : Mobile : a/n: Yayasan Pendidikan & Pembinaan Manajemen Website : BANK CENTRAL ASIA (Mohon bukti transfer di sebelum pelatihan) Cabang Kwitang No. Rek. : a/n: Yayasan Pendidikan & Pembinaan Manajemen TEMPAT PENYELENGGARAAN PPM Manajemen - Gedung Bina Manajemen, Jl. Menteng Raya No. 9 Jakarta Pusat 10 Tunai / Transfer *)Pilih salah satu PERHATIAN - KETENTUAN PEMBATALAN! Denda sebesar Rp ,- (lima ratus ribu rupiah) untuk pembatalan yang dilakukan (dua) hari kerja sebelum tanggal penyelenggaraan. Denda sebesar 0% dari biaya program untuk pembatalan yang dilakukan 1 (satu) hari kerja sebelum tanggal penyelenggaraan. Denda sebesar 100% dari biaya program untuk pembatalan yang dilakukan pada tanggal penyelenggaraan. Seluruh biaya yang telah diterima akan dikembalikan apabila pembatalan dilakukan oleh PPM Manajemen Bersama ini kami konfirmasikan pendaftaran nama tersebut diatas dan kami menyetujui semua ketentuan yang berlaku. Pembayaran akan kami lakukan : Tanggal Pembayaran : Transfer melalui Bank : Pendaftar, Konfirmasi,.. ' Nama/Jabatan Bag. Pelayanan Pelanggan PPM Apabila terdapat informasi yang kurang jelas dapat menghubungi kami di (01) atau kunjungi Forum Kajian Manajemen (FKM) PPM/010


DIRECT & DATABASE MARKETING NEW DIRECT & DATABASE MARKETING Menjawab Masalah Apa Pada era pemasaran yang semakin kompetitif, tidak ada yang lebih penting selain memahami pelanggan dan bagaimana pelanggan berinteraksi dengan produk

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Talent Management. Who Should Attend Managers, especially Human Resources Managers who will get most benefits from this program. Price : IDR

Talent Management. Who Should Attend Managers, especially Human Resources Managers who will get most benefits from this program. Price : IDR Talent Management Problems To Be Addressed This training will help participants understand the concept and technique of managing talents in organization for creating organizational competitive advantage.

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Time Management. Who Should Attend Every level in management position that interested in better time management. Price : IDR

Time Management. Who Should Attend Every level in management position that interested in better time management. Price : IDR Time Management Problems To Be Addressed How to utilize our time to be more meaningful not just efficient and effective in accordance with a business orientation. Objectives Having attended this program,

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Sales Management. Who Should Attend Sales Manager Sales Supervisor. Price : IDR

Sales Management. Who Should Attend Sales Manager Sales Supervisor. Price : IDR Sales Management Problems To Be Addressed Sales manager must be more accurate in performing her/his duties. Decision must be taken based on various considerations. Therefore, marketing competencies must

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Training for Trainers

Training for Trainers Training for Trainers Problems To Be Addressed Development of environment and technology requires sustainable development of human resources. A manager is the most appropriate person in the company to

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Budgeting. Who Should Attend All managers involved in the budgeting process. Price : IDR

Budgeting. Who Should Attend All managers involved in the budgeting process. Price : IDR Budgeting Problems To Be Addressed Budgeting process and the company planning as a whole are an integrated process. Companies should emphasize the awareness about this integrated system so that budgeting

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Filing Management. Subjects Covered Introduction to filing system Classification and indexing Filing system and procedures File retention schedule

Filing Management. Subjects Covered Introduction to filing system Classification and indexing Filing system and procedures File retention schedule Filing Management Problems To Be Addressed As business activities are increasing, administrative activities in a company especially in managing business records are getting more important. An effective

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Lean System. Subjects Covered Lean Management Concept Muda-Mura-Muri Toyota House of Quality Value Stream Mapping Applying Lean Culture

Lean System. Subjects Covered Lean Management Concept Muda-Mura-Muri Toyota House of Quality Value Stream Mapping Applying Lean Culture Lean System Problems To Be Addressed Lean System (Toyota Production system) is the most effective production system in current industry to reduce costs and also increase the product and service quality.

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Strategic Decision Making

Strategic Decision Making Strategic Decision Making Problems To Be Addressed A business leader must think strategically in order to survive in today very high competitive environment. Thinking strategically means a business leader

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Business Presentation Skill

Business Presentation Skill Business Presentation Skill Problems To Be Addressed The quality of business presentation has a very important role in the success of a business. Great presenter can make the best from different kind of

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Financial Statement Analysis

Financial Statement Analysis Financial Statement Analysis Problems To Be Addressed Financial reports are not just collections of figures, but illustrations of the impact of management decisions. They also inform about the company

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Designing Training Program

Designing Training Program Designing Training Program Problems To Be Addressed Many companies in Indonesia pay a great attention in training and development of their Human Resources. The companies expect that their Human Resources

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Evaluating Training Program

Evaluating Training Program Evaluating Training Program Problems To Be Addressed This training discusses efforts to improve training effectively through systematic and detailed training evaluation. Objectives Having attended this

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Finnon 2 : Profit Planning and Capital Budgeting

Finnon 2 : Profit Planning and Capital Budgeting Finnon : Profit Planning and Capital Budgeting Problems To Be Addressed This program will assist non-finance executives in the service industry who have understood the financial statements and often involve

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Production/Operations Management

Production/Operations Management Production/Operations Management Problems To Be Addressed Production/operations is responsible for supplying the product or services of an organization. Operations managers make decisions regarding the

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Treasury Management Problems To Be Addressed Objectives Subjects Covered Who Should Attend Price : IDR

Treasury Management Problems To Be Addressed Objectives Subjects Covered Who Should Attend Price : IDR Treasury Management Problems To Be Addressed In uncertain economics nowadays, the management encounters more challenges to maintain the operations and investment decisions of the corporation. The ability

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Customer Service Orientation Enhancement

Customer Service Orientation Enhancement Customer Service Orientation Enhancement Problems To Be Addressed We are now living in the era of service economy. And we are fully aware that if a service provider extends lack of customer services, the

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Purchasing Management

Purchasing Management Purchasing Management Problems To Be Addressed Every company, whether it is a manufacturer, wholesaler, or retailer, purchases materials, services and supplies to support its operations. Companies often

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Managing Innovation Organization For Growth

Managing Innovation Organization For Growth Managing Innovation Organization For Growth Menjawab Masalah Apa Inovasi merupakan sebuah keharusan bagi organisasi karena penelitian membuktikan bahwa inovasi akan berdampak positif pada pertumbuhan organisasi.

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Building Service Culture

Building Service Culture Building Service Culture Problems To Be Addressed Each employee is responsible to demonstrate good services, however, in reality this is sometimes only a slogan. It takes time to change corporate culture

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Audit Intern. Price : IDR

Audit Intern. Price : IDR Audit Intern Problems To Be Addressed Management needs reliable information and supporting expertise from independent party to make her/his decisions the most effective and efficient for the sake of organization

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Competency-Based HRM/CBHRM

Competency-Based HRM/CBHRM Competency-Based HRM/CBHRM Problems To Be Addressed Competency is defined as knowledge, skills and behavior needed by employee to be able to perform superbly. Research has shown that companies implementing

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Competitive Marketing Strategy

Competitive Marketing Strategy Competitive Marketing Strategy Problems To Be Addressed Entering the current era where everything is instant, a wide range of accurate tactics and strategies are needed for the marketers to remain competetive

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Applied Marketing Research

Applied Marketing Research Applied Marketing Research Problems To Be Addressed The quality of marketing decision is mostly influenced by the information used as the basis of the decision. Appropriate market research can produce

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Designing Competency Model

Designing Competency Model Designing Competency Model Problems To Be Addressed Competency model can answer the problems of human resource required profiles both in terms of skills, knowledge and characteristics in order to support

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Managing Organizational Change

Managing Organizational Change Managing Organizational Change Problems To Be Addressed The current business environment is full with unpredictable changes. Those changes trigger internal changes in the company. For that reason the company

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Forensic Accounting and Fraud Investigation

Forensic Accounting and Fraud Investigation Forensic Accounting and Fraud Investigation Problem To Be Addressed Business develops rapidly, so does fraud. Business professionals should understand why fraud occurs in their company so they could decide

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Marketing Plan For Sustainable Competitive Advantage

Marketing Plan For Sustainable Competitive Advantage Marketing Plan For Sustainable Competitive Advantage Problems To Be Addressed It is essential to prepare a marketing planning that will win the competition in the current rapid change situation. Objectives

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Maintenance Management

Maintenance Management Maintenance Management Problems To Be Addressed Companies should make efforts to ensure that any facility is available, reliable and easy to maintain so that they could avoid disturbance in the production.

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Inventory Management

Inventory Management Inventory Management Problems To Be Addressed Inventory must be viewed as a positive contributor to corporate profitability. To that end, management must determine when item must be ordered, how many item

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Winning Product Management

Winning Product Management Winning Product Management Problems To Be Addressed Many companies do not recognize the importance of managing their products. That is why we find many products are failed in market. To be succesfull in

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Practical Problem Solving

Practical Problem Solving Practical Problem Solving Problems To Be Addressed In performing our daily jobs, we always encounter with many problems. If the problems unsolved, it will disrupt daily operation and in the long run will

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Corporate Parenting. Corporate Strategy to Manage a Multi Business Company

Corporate Parenting. Corporate Strategy to Manage a Multi Business Company Corporate Parenting Corporate Strategy to Manage a Multi Business Company Problems To Be Addressed How to control strategic business units non-financially? What are the roles of a parent company in parenting

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Product Innovation Management

Product Innovation Management Product Innovation Management Problems To Be Addressed Technology development, changes in customer needs and preferences, and increasing competition will shorten product life cycle. Product innovation

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Marketing Channel Strategy

Marketing Channel Strategy Marketing Channel Strategy Problems To Be Addressed Company performance will not achieve its goal if the company does not have the marketing channel strategy to face the increasing competition. Marketing

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Production/Operation Planning and Control

Production/Operation Planning and Control Production/Operation Planning and Control Problems To Be Addressed Some companies produce few products, while others produce many products. Each company, however, employs a variety of processes, machinery,

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Effective Supervisory Management

Effective Supervisory Management Effective Supervisory Management Problems To Be Addressed Supervisors frequently encounter difficulties in their efforts to improve their subordinates job performance. This workshop will assist the supervisor

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Human Resources Management

Human Resources Management Human Resources Management Problems To Be Addressed Today s organizations demand the function of Human Resources Management system that could provide value added to the organization. To answer the demand,

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Innovation Strategy. Price : IDR

Innovation Strategy. Price : IDR Innovation Strategy Problems To Be Addressed Research has proved that innovation initiatives will bear positive impact on organization development. As it is implemented by most business leaders, innovation

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Human Capital Management Certification

Human Capital Management Certification Human Capital Management Certification Problems To Be Addressed HCM (Human Capital Management) Program is an integrated training on Human Capital (HC) which is using competency as the basis of human development

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Project Management. Price : IDR

Project Management. Price : IDR Project Management Problems To Be Addressed Companies often have problems in managing non-routine and incidental interdepartmental activities. These activities should be managed as a project. Problem encountered

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Managing Team Development

Managing Team Development Managing Team Development Problem To be Addressed Successful organization depends on competency and unity of its team. For that reason, a leader should be able to perform an appropriate role in managing

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Negotiation Skills for Business

Negotiation Skills for Business Negotiation Skills for Business Problems To Be Addressed Negotiation is a process of discussion between two parties or more where each party has something that is needed by the other parties to achieve

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PRACTICAL JOB ANALYSIS PRACTICAL JOB ANALYSIS Problems To Be Addressed Job analysis is the process of obtaining information about jobs by determining the duties, tasks, or activities of those jobs. It is the cornerstone of Human

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Salesmanship. Who Should Attend Salesman to be. Salesman who want to improve their selling skills. Price : IDR

Salesmanship. Who Should Attend Salesman to be. Salesman who want to improve their selling skills. Price : IDR Salesmanship Problems To Be Addressed Tight competiotion affects consumer, in that they have a wide range of similar products and services to be selected. This situation challenges the salesman not only

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Workload Analysis Problems To Be Addressed Objectives Subjects Covered Who Should Attend Price : IDR

Workload Analysis Problems To Be Addressed Objectives Subjects Covered Who Should Attend Price : IDR Workload Analysis Problems To Be Addressed This program will provide you method and technique on how to calculate human resources requirements of your company or organization. Objectives Having attended

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Project Procurement & Risk Management

Project Procurement & Risk Management Project Procurement & Risk Management Problem To Be Addressed Indonesia as a developing country has a lot of projects, both physically and non-physical, the scale of the project schedule maybe prepared

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Creative Thinking Technique

Creative Thinking Technique Creative Thinking Technique Problems To Be Addressed Companies are now facing more complex and varied business situation. This situation needs a different way of handling them. Rational and logical thinking

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Marketing Management

Marketing Management Marketing Management Problems To Be Addressed The dynamics of the market these days, either in BB or BC level, had developed so high that it calls for an accurate marketing strategy as well as applied

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Management for Professional Secretary

Management for Professional Secretary Management for Professional Secretary Problems To Be Addressed A secretary often called as a typist in the past based on the equipment they used in their work. In the information era nowadays, the role

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Leader as A Coach. Siapa Yang Perlu Ikut? Semua pemimpin dan calon pemimpin unit kerja Praktisi SDM Internal Coach

Leader as A Coach. Siapa Yang Perlu Ikut? Semua pemimpin dan calon pemimpin unit kerja Praktisi SDM Internal Coach Leader as A Coach Menjawab Masalah Apa? Realitas dunia bisnis saat ini menuntut setiap pemimpin untuk menjalankan peran sebagai Coach bagi bawahan mereka. Apa sebenarnya yang dimaksud dengan Coach? Lalu,

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Customer Satisfaction Management

Customer Satisfaction Management Customer Satisfaction Management Problems To Be Addressed Tight competition in marketing industry for marketing services and product is getting intense nowadays. This condition drives companies to provide

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Feasibility Study. Subjects Covered Marketing aspects Operational aspects Organizational and management aspects Financial feasibility

Feasibility Study. Subjects Covered Marketing aspects Operational aspects Organizational and management aspects Financial feasibility Feasibility Study Problems To Be Addressed A large number of project investment fails to accomplish its target both at the construction and operations stages. This issue shows the importance of performing

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Measuring Return On Training Investment ROTI

Measuring Return On Training Investment ROTI Measuring Return On Training Investment ROTI Problems To Be Addressed Many organisations consider employees training as an important activity, however, there are still many who have an assumption that

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Minaut Indonesia : Problem Solving and Decision Making

Minaut Indonesia : Problem Solving and Decision Making Minaut Indonesia : Problem Solving and Decision Making Problems To Be Addressed There are needs to make rational and accountable decisions to solve the problems and issues that arise in the company, and

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Owner s Estimate. Price : IDR

Owner s Estimate. Price : IDR Owner s Estimate Problem To Be Addressed Price reference is very important to get the right price in a procurement process. One of the reference is a calculation resulted from calculation using Owner Estimate

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Effective Cost Management

Effective Cost Management Effective Cost Management Problem To Be Addressed The effective cost management is the central measure of accountability for business leadership. Cost management is a management function and responsibility,

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Digital Marketing. Price : IDR

Digital Marketing. Price : IDR Digital Marketing Problems To Be Addressed The increasing number of internet users in all over the world make the marketers aware of the important role of internet in marketing product or service. On top

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Practical Behavior-Based Interview

Practical Behavior-Based Interview Practical Behavior-Based Interview Problems To Be Addressed Employees competency plays a great role in supporting excellent corporate performance. And employees performances directly contribute to the

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Integrated Risk Management

Integrated Risk Management Integrated Risk Management Problems To Be Addressed Many events prove weak risk management in corporations. These include the failures of infrastructure and various investment projects, the failures of

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COMPETENCY BASED RECRUITMENT & SELECTION COMPETENCY BASED RECRUITMENT & SELECTION Menjawab Masalah Apa Salah satu kunci sukses untuk memenangkan persaingan adalah kebutuhan akan SDM yang berkualitas. Untuk itu, perusahaan dituntut untuk dapat

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Designing Standard Operating Procedurs (SOP)

Designing Standard Operating Procedurs (SOP) Designing Standard Operating Procedurs (SOP) Problems To Be Addressed In condition where competition is getting more severe, consistency of product and service quality is needed in order to improve and

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EVALUATING TRAINING PROGRAM EVALUATING TRAINING PROGRAM Menjawab Masalah Apa Pelatihan ini membahas upaya meningkatkan efektivitas pelatihan melalui evaluasi pelatihan yang dirancang secara sistematis dan rinci. Problems To Be Addressed

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BUILDING BRAND EQUITY & POSITIONING BUILDING BRAND EQUITY & POSITIONING Menjawab Masalah Apa Apakah target pasar perusahaan Anda dengan mudah mengenali brand produk perusahaan Anda, dan produk Anda dicari-cari oleh mereka? Brand adalah aset

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DESIGNING TRAINING PROGRAM DESIGNING TRAINING PROGRAM Menjawab Masalah Apa Banyak perusahaan di Indonesia berupaya keras untuk melatih dan mengembangkan Sumber Daya Manusia (SDM)-nya. Perusahaan memiliki harapan bahwa SDM-nya akan

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Operation Excellence

Operation Excellence Operation Excellence Problem To Be Addressed Operation is the engine of most business. It is the heart and soul that grinds sometimes endlessly day after day to churn out products or to provide services.

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FINNON: PROFIT PLANNING & CAPITAL BUDGETING FINNON: PROFIT PLANNING & CAPITAL BUDGETING Menjawab Masalah Apa Bagi para eksekutif non keuangan dalam bidang jasa yang telah memahami laporan keuangan, dan sering terlibat perencanaan keuangan perusahaan,

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MANAJEMEN SUMBER DAYA MANUSIA MANAJEMEN SUMBER DAYA MANUSIA MENJAWAB MASALAH APA? Tuntutan organisasi masa kini adalah berfungsinya sistem manajemen SDM yang dapat memberikan pelayanan/jasa yang betul-betul bisa memberikan nilai tambah

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POWERFUL BUSINESS PRESENTATION POWERFUL BUSINESS PRESENTATION Menjawab Masalah Apa Kualitas dari suatu presentasi bisnis memiliki peranan yang sangat penting dalam keberhasilan suatu usaha. Seorang presenter yang baik dapat memberi

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WAREHOUSE MANAGEMENT. Menjawab Masalah Apa. Problems To Be Addressed. Objectives. Manfaat Apa yang Anda Peroleh. Subjects Covered

WAREHOUSE MANAGEMENT. Menjawab Masalah Apa. Problems To Be Addressed. Objectives. Manfaat Apa yang Anda Peroleh. Subjects Covered WAREHOUSE MANAGEMENT Menjawab Masalah Apa Gudang lebih dari sekedar tempat di mana sediaan disimpan. Fungsi pergudangan merupakan komponen sistem logistik yang sangat penting, tidak hanya rutinitas harian,

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PRODUCT INNOVATION MANAGEMENT PRODUCT INNOVATION MANAGEMENT Menjawab Masalah Apa Perkembangan teknologi, perubahan kebutuhan dan selera konsumen, serta meningkatnya persaingan menyebabkan daur hidup produk makin pendek waktunya. Inovasi

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APPLIED MARKETING RESEARCH APPLIED MARKETING RESEARCH Menjawab Masalah Apa Kualitas suatu keputusan pemasaran sangat dipengaruhi oleh informasi yang melandasi lahirnya keputusan tersebut. Informasi mengenai pasar yang tajam dan

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PRACTICAL BEHAVIOR- BASED INTERVIEW PRACTICAL BEHAVIOR- BASED INTERVIEW Menjawab Masalah Apa Kinerja perusahaan yang unggul tentunya sangat didukung oleh kompetensi yang dimiliki oleh para karyawannya. Kinerja karyawan memiliki dampak langsung

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MARKETING CHANNEL STRATEGY MARKETING CHANNEL STRATEGY Menjawab Masalah Apa Kinerja perusahaan tidak akan mencapai sasarannya bila perusahaan tidak memiliki strategi saluran untuk menghadapi persaingan yang kian meningkat. Strategi

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PRODUCTION/OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT PRODUCTION/OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT Menjawab Masalah Apa Produksi/operasi bertanggung jawab terhadap penyediaan produk/jasa dari sebuah organisasi. Manajer operasi harus membuat keputusan terkait fungsi operasi

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INTERNAL AUDIT. Menjawab Masalah Apa. Problems To Be Addressed. Objectives. Manfaat Apa yang Anda Peroleh. Subjects Covered. Apa Saja yang Dibahas

INTERNAL AUDIT. Menjawab Masalah Apa. Problems To Be Addressed. Objectives. Manfaat Apa yang Anda Peroleh. Subjects Covered. Apa Saja yang Dibahas INTERNAL AUDIT Menjawab Masalah Apa Manajemen memerlukan informasi yang handal dan dukungan keahlian yang tepat dari pihak independen agar keputusan yang dibuatnya menjadi keputusan yang paling efektif

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STARTING A PROJECT MANAGEMENT OFFICE STARTING A PROJECT MANAGEMENT OFFICE NEW Menjawab Masalah Apa Meningkatnya kebutuhan transformasi dalam organisasi mengakibatkan semakin meningkat pula kegiatan yang bersifat proyek, atau bersifat sementara

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RUNNING YOUR MICROSOFT PROJECT RUNNING YOUR MICROSOFT PROJECT NEW Menjawab Masalah Apa Sudah tidak dapat dipungkiri lagi bahwa manajemen proyek merupakan kemampuan yang perlu dimiliki oleh karyawan hampir disetiap level jabatan. Kemampuan

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HARGA PERKIRAAN SENDIRI OWNER S ESTIMATE/ HARGA PERKIRAAN SENDIRI Menjawab Masalah Apa Dalam pengadaan barang dan jasa di perusahaan, sangat penting untuk dapat menentukan harga yang tepat. Untuk dapat menetapkan harga yang tepat,

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FINNON : PUBLIC SECTOR FINNON : PUBLIC SECTOR NEW Menjawab Masalah Apa Pada dasarnya setiap organisasi dalam menjalankan operasional kegiatannya akan bermuara pada pelaporan keuangan. Begitu juga bagi Pemerintahan atau biasa

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DESIGNING STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURS (SOP) DESIGNING STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURS (SOP) Menjawab Masalah Apa Saat kondisi persaingan semakin ketat, konsistensi kualitas hasil kerja (produk berupa barang maupun jasa) serta kualitas proses kerja

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MEASURING RETURN ON TRAINING INVESTMENT ROTI MEASURING RETURN ON TRAINING INVESTMENT ROTI Menjawab Masalah Apa Kegiatan pelatihan di organisasi dipandang sebagai kegiatan yang sangat penting, namun di lain pihak masih banyak yang beranggapan bahwa

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Executive Development Program Registration: (021) ,

Executive Development Program  Registration: (021) , MINAUT INDONESIA MENJAWAB MASALAH APA? Tuntutan akan adanya keputusan yang rasional dan dapat dipertanggung jawabkan. MANFAAT APA YANG ANDA PEROLEH? Mampu mengenali, memperjelas serta memprioritaskan masalah.

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CUSTOMER SATISFACTION MANAGEMENT CUSTOMER SATISFACTION MANAGEMENT Menjawab Masalah Apa Ketatnya persaingan industri pemasaran untuk jasa dan produk yang kian tajam saat ini menuntut perusahaan untuk dapat memberikan produk serta layanan

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COMPANY STRATEGIC PLANNING COMPANY STRATEGIC PLANNING Menjawab Masalah Apa Masa depan suatu perusahaan ditentukan oleh kemampuan perusahaan menentukan arah dan sasaran jangka panjang yang diinginkan serta kemampuan melaksanakan

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HUMAN CAPITAL MANAGEMENT CERTIFICATION (HCMC) HUMAN CAPITAL MANAGEMENT CERTIFICATION (HCMC) Menjawab Masalah Apa Program HCMC (Human Capital Management Certification) adalah pelatihan terpadu mengenai Human Capital (HC) yang menggunakan konsep kompetensi

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MENINGKATKAN EFEKTIFITAS FUNGSI SUPERVISOR MENINGKATKAN EFEKTIFITAS FUNGSI SUPERVISOR MENJAWAB MASALAH APA? Para supervisor seringkali menghadapi kesulitan dalam usaha meningkatkan prestasi kerja bawahannya. Program pengembangan manajemen ini membantu

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FEASIBILITY STUDY. Menjawab Masalah Apa. Problems To Be Addressed. Manfaat Apa yang Anda Peroleh. Objectives. Subjects Covered. Apa Saja yang Dibahas

FEASIBILITY STUDY. Menjawab Masalah Apa. Problems To Be Addressed. Manfaat Apa yang Anda Peroleh. Objectives. Subjects Covered. Apa Saja yang Dibahas FEASIBILITY STUDY Menjawab Masalah Apa Banyaknya investasi proyek yang gagal, baik pada tahap pembangunan maupun tahap operasi, membuat perlunya ketepatan dan ketelitian dalam tahap studi kelayakan agar

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TRAINING FOR TRAINERS TRAINING FOR TRAINERS MENJAWAB MASALAH APA? Perkembangan lingkungan dan kemajuan teknologi menuntut pengembangan sumber daya manusia yang berkesinambungan. Manajer merupakan orang yang paling tepat untuk

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PRACTICAL PROBLEM SOLVING PRACTICAL PROBLEM SOLVING Menjawab Masalah Apa Dalam menjalankan pekerjaan sehari-hari, kita akan menemukan banyak masalah Jika masalah tersebut tidak dipecahkan, akan menganggu operasional sehari-hari,

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EFFECTIVE COST MANAGEMENT EFFECTIVE COST MANAGEMENT Menjawab Masalah Apa Manajemen biaya yang efektif merupakan ukuran utama akuntabilitas bisnis. Manajemen biaya merupakan fungsi dan tanggung jawab manajemen, dan harus dilaksanakan

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Executive Development Program Registration: (021) ,

Executive Development Program  Registration: (021) , KEPEMIMPINAN EFEKTIF MENJAWAB MASALAH APA? Perkembangan lingkungan bisnis saat ini mengharuskan perusahaan untuk berusaha keras supaya bisa bertahan dalam persaingan. SDM sebagai modal utama menjadi penentu

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OFFICE MANAGEMENT. Problems To Be Addressed. Menjawab Masalah Apa. Objectives. Manfaat Apa yang Anda Peroleh. Subjects Covered. Apa Saja yang Dibahas

OFFICE MANAGEMENT. Problems To Be Addressed. Menjawab Masalah Apa. Objectives. Manfaat Apa yang Anda Peroleh. Subjects Covered. Apa Saja yang Dibahas OFFICE MANAGEMENT Menjawab Masalah Apa Saat ini kantor berkembang menjadi suatu tempat menerima informasi, mengolah, mendistribusikan, serta menyimpan informasi. Karyawan yang bertugas di bagian administrasi

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INTERPERSONAL SOFTSKILLS INTERPERSONAL SOFTSKILLS Menjawab Masalah Apa Ada pepatah people get hired for aptitude and get fired for attitude. Karyawan direkrut karena kepintaran, pengetahuan dan keahlian namun dipecat karena sikap

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OPERATION EXCELLENCE. Problems To Be Addressed. Menjawab Masalah Apa. Objectives. Manfaat Apa yang Anda Peroleh. Apa Saja yang Dibahas

OPERATION EXCELLENCE. Problems To Be Addressed. Menjawab Masalah Apa. Objectives. Manfaat Apa yang Anda Peroleh. Apa Saja yang Dibahas OPERATION EXCELLENCE Menjawab Masalah Apa Operasi adalah mesin semua bisnis. Operasi merupakan jantung dari proses dalam menghasilkan produk atau menyediakan jasa. Terdapat beragam ukuran operasi, mulai

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PROJECT PROCUREMENT & RISK MANAGEMENT PROJECT PROCUREMENT & RISK MANAGEMENT Menjawab Masalah Apa Indonesia sebagai salah satu negara berkembang memiliki banyak proyek, baik yang bersifat fisik mupun non fisik, yang berskala jangka pendek maupun

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KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATORS KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATORS Menjawab Masalah Apa Hampir seluruh perusahaan atau organisasi saat ini menggunakan Key Performance Indicators (KPI) sebagai salah satu cara untuk mengukur kinerja perusahaan.

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MARKETING YOUR EVENT NEW. Menjawab Masalah Apa. Problems To Be Addressed. Objectives. Manfaat Apa yang Anda Peroleh.

MARKETING YOUR EVENT NEW. Menjawab Masalah Apa. Problems To Be Addressed. Objectives. Manfaat Apa yang Anda Peroleh. MARKETING YOUR EVENT NEW Menjawab Masalah Apa Dalam dunia marketing kita mengenal marketing mix atau 7 P, yaitu price, place promotion, product, people, process, dan physical evidence. Khususnya promotion

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Assessment Center Assessor Certification

Assessment Center Assessor Certification Assessment Assessor Certification Problems to be addressed: Utilization of Assessment method to map employee competency or to select candidate of leaders in an organization is getting widely used. Validity

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Executive Development Program Registration: (021) ,

Executive Development Program  Registration: (021) , MANAJEMEN PROYEK MENJAWAB MASALAH APA? Perusahaan sering dihadapkan pada kesulitan memanajemeni kegiatan yang tidak rutin menyangkut lintas departemen yang unik dan tidak berulang. Kegiatan seperti tersebut

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