ABSTRACT. : relevant information, differential gain and loss, differential accounting information, decision making.

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1 ABSTRACT For the product line decision making, the decision maker need relevant information about differential statement if they decided to stop any of their product line so they do not take the wrong decision. From the research that has been done in Sindangpalay pastry and bakery, we get the result as below : 1. The company want to stop their jelly production because of the loss. The income statement showing loss of Rp ,00 from the march 2010 record. The company also identified increasing profit from Rp ,00 to Rp ,00 (increase Rp ,00) if this product line is stopped. 2. After using the differential analysis, stopping the jelly product will decrease overall company profit from Rp ,00 to Rp ,00 (decrease Rp ,00). This is happen because their does not aware of the irrelevant cost that they must keep pay even if the product is stopped. From the research, it lead to a conclusion that decision making of stopping product line need to supported by differential information. Key words : relevant information, differential gain and loss, differential accounting information, decision making. iv

2 ABSTRAK Untuk tujuan pengambilan keputusan meneruskan atau menghentikan lini produk, pihak manajemen membutuhkan informasi-informasi yang relevan berkaitan dengan perhitungan laba rugi diferensial jika suatu lini produk dihentikan agar tidak terjadi kesalahan pengambilan keputusan. Berdasarkan penelitian yang telah dilakukan pada perusahaan kue Sindangpalay, maka diperoleh hasil penelitian sebagai berikut : 1. Perusahaan ingin menghentikan lini produk agar-agarnya karena mengalami kerugian. Penjualan agar-agar pada bulan Maret 2010 mencatat angka kerugian sebesar Rp ,00. Perusahaan juga mengidentifikasikan kenaikan laba dari semula Rp ,00 menjadi Rp ,00 (naik Rp ,00) sebagai akibat dari hilangnya angka kerugian pada produk agar-agar. 2. Setelah menerapkan analisis diferensial, diketahui bahwa menghentikan produk agar-agar mengakibatkan penurunan laba keseluruhan perusahaan dari semula Rp ,00 menjadi Rp ,00 (turun Rp ,00). Hal ini terjadi karena ada beberapa biaya produksi (biaya tidak relevan) yang tetap harus dikeluarkan perusahaan walaupun produksinya telah dihentikan. Dari hasil penelitian, diperoleh kesimpulan bahwa untuk menghentikan lini produk perlu didukung dengan laporan yang menyediakan informasi akuntansi diferensial untuk pengambilan keputusan yang tepat di antara beberapa alternatif yang tersedia. Selain dari faktor tersebut, ada juga faktor-faktor sosial lainnya yang perlu menjadi pertimbangan perusahaan untuk mengambil keputusan menghentikan produksinya seperti faktor peningkatan pengangguran. Kata kunci : informasi relevan, laba rugi diferensial, informasi akuntansi diferensial, pengambilan keputusan. v

3 DAFTAR ISI Halaman HALAMAN JUDUL...i HALAMAN PENGESAHAN....ii SURAT PERNYATAAN KEASLIAN SKRIPSI.. iii KATA PENGANTAR...iv ABSTRACT.viii ABSTRAK...ix DAFTAR ISI...x DAFTAR TABEL...xiii DAFTAR GAMBAR..xiv BAB I PENDAHULUAN Latar Belakang Penelitian Identifikasi Masalah Tujuan Penelitian Kegunaan Penelitian.5 Bab II KAJIAN PUSTAKA, KERANGKA PEMIKIRAN DAN PENGEMBANGAN HIPOTESIS Analisis Differensial Pengertian Analisis Differensial Manfaat Analisis Differensial Informasi Akuntansi Differensial Pendapatan Differensial vi

4 Pengertian Pendapatan Differensial Karakteristik Pendapatan Differensial Karakteristik Bukan Pendapatan Differensial Biaya Differensial Pengertian Biaya Differensial Karakteristik Biaya Differensial Karakteristik Bukan Biaya Differensial Perbandingan Konsep Biaya Differensial Dengan Beberapa Konsep Lainnya Laba Differensial Pengambilan Keputusan Pengertian Pengambilan Keputusan Langkah Pengambilan Keputusan Rerangka Pemikiran 33 BAB III METODE PENELITIAN Objek Penelitian Sejarah Singkat Perusahaan Produk Yang Dihasilkan Perusahaan Metode Analisis Data..39 BAB IV PENELITIAN DAN PEMBAHASAN Penelitian Penggolongan Biaya Tinjauan Atas Data Penjualan vii

5 4.1.3 Tinjauan Atas Komponen Biaya Perhitungan Laba Rugi Yang Selama Ini Dilakukan Untuk Pengambilan Keputusan Meneruskan Atau Menghentikan Lini Produk Penerapan Metode Analisis Differensial untuk Pengambilan Keputusan Meneruskan Atau Menghentikan Lini Produk Format Komparatif untuk Pengambilan Keputusan Meneruskan Atau Menghentikan Lini Produk Pembahasan..57 BAB V SIMPULAN DAN SARAN Simpulan Saran...59 DAFTAR PUSTAKA...61 DAFTAR RIWAYAT HIDUP PENULIS (CURRICULUM VITAE) 62 viii

6 DAFTAR TABEL Halaman Tabel Tabel Tabel Laporan Penjualan Perusahaan Kue Sindangpalay.46 Laporan Biaya Perusahaan Kue Sindangpalay...47 Perhitungan Laba Rugi per Lini Produk yang diterapkan Perusahaan Kue Sindangpalay 49 Tabel Pengelompokkan Komponen Biaya Tetap pada Perusahaan Kue Sindangpalay ke Dalam Biaya Relevan dan Tidak Relevan..53 Tabel Perhitungan Biaya Relevan dan Tidak Relevan untuk Analisis Lini Produk Agar-agar..54 Tabel Perhitungan Laba Rugi Menghentikan Lini Produk Agar-agar tanpa Menggunakan Analisis Diferensial..55 Tabel Perhitungan Laba Rugi Menghentikan Lini Produk Agar-agar dengan Menggunakan Analisis Diferensial...56 ix

7 DAFTAR GAMBAR Halaman Gambar 1.1 Bagan Rerangka Pemikiran..3 x

ABSTRACT. Keywords: differential accounting information, differential revenue, differential asset, differential cost, differential profit.

ABSTRACT. Keywords: differential accounting information, differential revenue, differential asset, differential cost, differential profit. ABSTRACT Increasing competition among the same kind of firm make a firm must be take decision exactly and correctly. Differential accounting information analysis is needed by a firm in facing a problem

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ABSTRAK. Kata-kata kunci: Job order costing method, efisiensi, dan efektivitas. vii. Universitas Kristen Maranatha

ABSTRAK. Kata-kata kunci: Job order costing method, efisiensi, dan efektivitas. vii. Universitas Kristen Maranatha ABSTRAK Berkembangnya suatu perusahaan mengakibatkan kompleksnya aktivitas usaha yang dijalankan, sehingga menuntut perusahaan untuk meningkatkan kinerja secara efisien dan efektif. Perusahaan harus mampu

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ABSTRACT. Keywords: Relevant Costs, Accept Or Reject Special Order. vii Universitas Kristen Maranatha

ABSTRACT. Keywords: Relevant Costs, Accept Or Reject Special Order. vii Universitas Kristen Maranatha ABSTRACT Plastic company in Indonesia each year has increased demand for plastic orders from society, and therefore companies are required to comply. This study uses a descriptive analysis. To take the

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ABSTRACT. Keywords: Relevant Costs, Accept Or Reject Special Order. vii

ABSTRACT. Keywords: Relevant Costs, Accept Or Reject Special Order. vii ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to analyze the uses of relevant costs and to determine the factors that should be considered by the manager in making decisions whether to accept or reject a special

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ABSTRACT. Keywords : CVP analysis, small business, culinary business. Universitas Kristen Maranatha

ABSTRACT. Keywords : CVP analysis, small business, culinary business. Universitas Kristen Maranatha ABSTRACT Lack of awareness of the importance of financial information on small business, makes some small culinary business do not know their real business field conditions. Mei Pastry is one of the small

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ABSTRACT. Key words: Differential Cost Analysis, Accept or Reject Special Order. Universitas Kristen Maranatha

ABSTRACT. Key words: Differential Cost Analysis, Accept or Reject Special Order. Universitas Kristen Maranatha ABSTRACT The accuracy of the calculation of production costs is very important because this increases the competitive power and is the basis for management considerations in decision making. In writing

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ABSTRACT. Keywords: Capital budgeting, investment decision making, productivity. vii. Universitas Kristen Maranatha

ABSTRACT. Keywords: Capital budgeting, investment decision making, productivity. vii. Universitas Kristen Maranatha ABSTRACT The condition of old production machine caused productivity reduction to textile companies in Bandung for the last years. The risk of business shutting and severance of work relation in large

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ABSTRACT. Key words : relevant cost, accept or reject special order. Universitas Kristen Maranatha

ABSTRACT. Key words : relevant cost, accept or reject special order. Universitas Kristen Maranatha ABSTRACT This study is a case study conducted at PT. X with the aim to find out how the application of relevant cost analysis is used as the basis for consideration of decision making to accept or reject

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ABSTRACT. Key words: Relevant Cost Information, and Short-Term Decision Making by Manager, Cost Production. vi Universitas Kristen Maranatha

ABSTRACT. Key words: Relevant Cost Information, and Short-Term Decision Making by Manager, Cost Production. vi Universitas Kristen Maranatha ABSTRACT Relevant cost information is very important in a company, because such information can help management in decision making effective and efficient, and can reduce the risk of choosing an alternative

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ABSTRAK. Berdasarkan penelitian yang telah dilakukan pada perusahaan sepatu Mentino, maka diperoleh hasil penelitian sebagai berikut:

ABSTRAK. Berdasarkan penelitian yang telah dilakukan pada perusahaan sepatu Mentino, maka diperoleh hasil penelitian sebagai berikut: ABSTRAK Untuk tujuan pengambilan keputusan menerima atau menolak pesanan khusus, pihak manajemen membutuhkan informasi-informasi yang relevan berkaitan dengan pesanan khusus agar tidak melakukan kesalahan

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Keywords: BEP, margin of safety, DOL, CVP. vii Universitas Kristen Maranatha

Keywords: BEP, margin of safety, DOL, CVP. vii Universitas Kristen Maranatha ABSTRACT The company essentially consists of a collection of people and equipment operational, which seeks to achieve the goal of maximizing profits. Cost-volumeprofit analysis is one tool used to improve

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ABSTRACT. Keywords: Cost of Goods Manufactured, Sales Price. viii. Universitas Kristen Maranatha

ABSTRACT. Keywords: Cost of Goods Manufactured, Sales Price. viii. Universitas Kristen Maranatha ABSTRACT The purpose of this research is for knowing the role of cost of goods manufactured to determine sales price product in the company which produce a material in producing daily premier needs. The

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ABSTRACT. Key word : Prevention Cost, Appraisal Cost, Internal Failure Cost, External Failure Cost, and Cost Control Product. viii

ABSTRACT. Key word : Prevention Cost, Appraisal Cost, Internal Failure Cost, External Failure Cost, and Cost Control Product. viii ABSTRACT Quality cost is a part of production cost, that has big influence in the production cost. Quality cost is important in industries to determine production cost. The purposes of this research are

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ABSTRACT. Keywords: Relevant costs, accept or reject special order. vii

ABSTRACT. Keywords: Relevant costs, accept or reject special order. vii ABSTRACT PT.DALIATEX KUSUMA is a company engaged in the garment industry. Today many companies are engaged in the same field so competition between companies is getting tight, so any opportunity that comes

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ABSTRACT. Keywords: accounting information systems, and cash selling. vii. Universitas Kristen Maranatha

ABSTRACT. Keywords: accounting information systems, and cash selling. vii. Universitas Kristen Maranatha ABSTRACT One of the most important activity of the company is selling and it is the central point for the company. Selling activities are useful to obtain the optimal profit to improve company performance

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ABSTRACT. Keywords: cost of product, activity-based costing, overhead cost, selling price

ABSTRACT. Keywords: cost of product, activity-based costing, overhead cost, selling price ABSTRACT Generating an annually increasing and consistent profit is one of the goals for every company, including PT Pos Indonesia. Based on their financial statements for the last 3 years, it can be seen

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ABSTRACT. Keywords: Cost-volume-profit analysis, BEP, Planning profit, Cost, Sales volume, Sales price. Universitas Kristen Maranatha

ABSTRACT. Keywords: Cost-volume-profit analysis, BEP, Planning profit, Cost, Sales volume, Sales price. Universitas Kristen Maranatha ABSTRACT Tight competition made manager s company trying to defend their business activities. The measurement which is often uses to value management successful or not is profit. Profit influenced by sales

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Key words : Average Collection Period (ACP), Net Profit, Account Receivable, Sales.

Key words : Average Collection Period (ACP), Net Profit, Account Receivable, Sales. ABSTRACT Higher competition cause many companies a sales bankrupt. The bankruptcy can be cause by the low. Thus many companies that make a product for consumption for public give there strongest effort

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ABSTRAK. Kata kunci: biaya relevan, keputusan, menerima atau menolak, pesanan khusus. vii. Universitas Kristen Maranatha

ABSTRAK. Kata kunci: biaya relevan, keputusan, menerima atau menolak, pesanan khusus. vii. Universitas Kristen Maranatha ABSTRAK CV X merupakan perusahaan manufaktur yang memproduksi sepatu. Perusahaan manufaktur sering mengalami masalah dalam pengambilan keputusan untuk menerima atau menolak pesanan khusus. Dalam pengambilan

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ABSTRACT. Keywords : internal control system, cash income, and cash outcome, fraud risk. vii. Universitas Kristen Maranatha

ABSTRACT. Keywords : internal control system, cash income, and cash outcome, fraud risk. vii. Universitas Kristen Maranatha ABSTRACT The impact of improvement and development in a company is that there are many assets that they have. When the assets grow fast and a lot, the company will face more risk too. The company have

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ABSTRACT. (Key words: Cost of goods production, Standard Cost, Production Cost Efficiency) Universitas Kristen Maranatha

ABSTRACT. (Key words: Cost of goods production, Standard Cost, Production Cost Efficiency) Universitas Kristen Maranatha ABSTRACT Companies whose business activities to produce food from raw materials into finished products to be competitive in marketing their products require management and control of the cost of production.

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ABSTRACT. Keywords: Inventory, inventory control, ABC classification, EOI Multiple Item method, efficiency cost inventory. vii

ABSTRACT. Keywords: Inventory, inventory control, ABC classification, EOI Multiple Item method, efficiency cost inventory. vii ABSTRACT In performing its operation, a company must have inventory to satisfy the consumers needs. Inventory is needed to perform the production process, thus a company must control the inventory. One

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ABSTRACT. Key words : accounting information system, sales credit, sales effectiveness. Universitas Kristen Maranatha

ABSTRACT. Key words : accounting information system, sales credit, sales effectiveness. Universitas Kristen Maranatha ABSTRACT Nowadays, the needs of exact and accurate information for making decision is increasing highly. The company who wants to develop must have a good management and could work more efficient and effective.

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ABSTRACT. vii Universitas Kristen Maranatha

ABSTRACT. vii Universitas Kristen Maranatha ABSTRACT PT.ALENATEX is a company engaged in the garment industry. Today many companies are engaged in the same field so competition between companies is getting tight, so any opportunity that comes is

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ABSTRACT. Keywords : production process, preventive maintenance, breakdown maintenance, minimum maintenance cost. Universitas Kristen Maranatha

ABSTRACT. Keywords : production process, preventive maintenance, breakdown maintenance, minimum maintenance cost. Universitas Kristen Maranatha ABSTRACT Manufacturing companies always hope that their production machines can be operated well and ready to use in order to support their production process. And that is exactly done by CV Gelar Nesia

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ABSTRAK. Kata-kata kunci: harga pokok produksi, job-order costing method. vii. Universitas Kristen Maranatha

ABSTRAK. Kata-kata kunci: harga pokok produksi, job-order costing method. vii. Universitas Kristen Maranatha ABSTRAK PT X merupakan perusahaan manufaktur yang bergerak di bidang percetakan offset yang berproduksi berdasarkan pekerjaan yang diterima. Perusahaan menggunakan joborder costing method dalam perhitungan

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ABSTRAK. Capital Budgeting,Payback Period, Net Present Value, Internal Rate of Return, Profitability Index. Universitas Kristen Maranatha

ABSTRAK. Capital Budgeting,Payback Period, Net Present Value, Internal Rate of Return, Profitability Index. Universitas Kristen Maranatha ABSTRAK Dalam pembangunan ekonomi di Indonesia, bisnis mikro dan menengah turut berperan penting dalam mendukung keberhasilan pembangunan nasional, pemerintah berupaya untuk menggalakkan segala kegiatan

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ABSTRAK. Kata kunci : biaya standar, pengendalian, efektivitas, efisiensi, biaya bahan baku, analisis selisih

ABSTRAK. Kata kunci : biaya standar, pengendalian, efektivitas, efisiensi, biaya bahan baku, analisis selisih ABSTRAK Penerapan biaya standar digunakan sebagai suatu alat untuk mengendalikan biaya yang ada di perusahaan. Biaya standar diterapkan untuk meningkatkan efisiensi dan efektivitas kegiatan proses produksi

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Chapter 6 Informasi yang Relevan dan Pengambilan Keputusan: Keputusan Produksi

Chapter 6 Informasi yang Relevan dan Pengambilan Keputusan: Keputusan Produksi Chapter 6 Informasi yang Relevan dan Pengambilan Keputusan: Keputusan Produksi [ 2002 Prentice Hall Business Publishing, Introduction to Management Accounting 12/e, Horngren/Sundem/Stratton] Tujuan Pembelajaran-1:

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ABSTRACT. Key words: information qualitative characterstics, financial statement, SAK ETAP. ix Universitas Kristen Maranatha

ABSTRACT. Key words: information qualitative characterstics, financial statement, SAK ETAP. ix Universitas Kristen Maranatha ABSTRACT Financial statement becomes important in the decision making process in a company, does information qualitative characterstics are needed in reporting financials statement. In order to produce

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BAB I PENDAHULUAN. Era globalisasi dunia bisnis yang tengah terjadi sekarang ini memaksa

BAB I PENDAHULUAN. Era globalisasi dunia bisnis yang tengah terjadi sekarang ini memaksa BAB I PENDAHULUAN 1.1 Latar Belakang Penelitian Era globalisasi dunia bisnis yang tengah terjadi sekarang ini memaksa setiap pelaku bisnis untuk terus berbenah diri agar dapat bertahan dalam persaingan

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THE ROLE OF INTERNAL AUDIT IN THE PREVENTION OF FRAUD ABSTRACT THE ROLE OF INTERNAL AUDIT IN THE PREVENTION OF FRAUD (A case study on PT. Gracia Invensys Jakarta) A company can work well if have good management. It can be seen from a good control so the control

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ABSTRAK. Kata kunci: perencanaan pajak, ekuitas. vii. Universitas Kristen Maranatha

ABSTRAK. Kata kunci: perencanaan pajak, ekuitas. vii. Universitas Kristen Maranatha ABSTRAK Pajak bagi wajib pajak badan merupakan beban yang harus dibayar,maka dari itu banyak orang yang dalam membayar pajak tidak sesuai dengan aturan perpajakan. Wajib pajak badan atau perusahaan berusaha

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ABSTRACT. Keywords: Cost Differential, Decision Making, and Special Orders. vii. Universitas Kristen Maranatha

ABSTRACT. Keywords: Cost Differential, Decision Making, and Special Orders. vii. Universitas Kristen Maranatha ABSTRACT With the intense competition in the industrial sector, companies are required to manage and develop the company by optimally in deciding to accept or reject a special order. In this research,

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ABSTRACT. Key Words: Budgeting, Sales, Tool, Controlling, Effectiveness. Universitas Kristen Maranatha

ABSTRACT. Key Words: Budgeting, Sales, Tool, Controlling, Effectiveness. Universitas Kristen Maranatha ABSTRACT Sales are the main source income in the company. In selling activity, company needs controlling process as company successful depends on the profit that they got from sales income. A company has

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ABSTRACT. Key words: commerce service, worker scheduling, cost efficiency. vii

ABSTRACT. Key words: commerce service, worker scheduling, cost efficiency. vii ABSTRACT PD X is a company which operates in the commerce industry. In terms of its business, the company always tries to reach its goal which is to meet customers demand. The company also manages to get

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DAFTAR ISI iv. 1.1 Latar Belakang Penelitian Identifikasi Masalah Maksud dan Tujuan Penelitian Kegunaan Penelitian.

DAFTAR ISI iv. 1.1 Latar Belakang Penelitian Identifikasi Masalah Maksud dan Tujuan Penelitian Kegunaan Penelitian. ABSTRAK Analisa full costing dan relevant cost merupakan metoda yang dapat dipergunakan untuk menentukan harga jual. Untuk kondisi normal (unit yang terjual = kapasitas produksi normal) dipergunakan analisa

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BAB I PENDAHULUAN. menghadapi masalah yang harus segera dipecahkannya. Untuk mengurangi

BAB I PENDAHULUAN. menghadapi masalah yang harus segera dipecahkannya. Untuk mengurangi BAB I PENDAHULUAN 1.1. Latar Belakang Masalah Manajemen selalu menghadapi ketidakpastian manakala mereka menghadapi masalah yang harus segera dipecahkannya. Untuk mengurangi ketidakpastian ini dibutuhkan

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ABSTRACT. Keywords :Cost Of The Process, Cost Accounting. vii. Universitas Kristen Maranatha

ABSTRACT. Keywords :Cost Of The Process, Cost Accounting. vii. Universitas Kristen Maranatha ABSTRACT System cost of this process is generally used in industries manufacturing process produces the same end product identical. System cost of the process is also used in industrial processes are continuous

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Abstract. Keywords: Capital Budgeting, the maximum profit. vii. Universitas Kristen Maranatha

Abstract. Keywords: Capital Budgeting, the maximum profit. vii. Universitas Kristen Maranatha Abstract Bertolucci is a company engaged in the garment industry. Currently, Bertolucci is planning for the replacement of fixed assets such as machinery Singers too. This machine has a bad condition and

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ABSTRACT. Keywords: Cost Differential, Decision Making Accepting or Rejecting Special Order. vii

ABSTRACT. Keywords: Cost Differential, Decision Making Accepting or Rejecting Special Order. vii ABSTRACT This study was conducted in the Home Industries Essien Bandung. The purpose of this study was to determine the factors that must be considered by management to accept or reject a special order,

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ABSTRACT. Key words: differential accounting, net present value method (NPV), payback period method, decision making. Universitas Kristen Maranatha

ABSTRACT. Key words: differential accounting, net present value method (NPV), payback period method, decision making. Universitas Kristen Maranatha ABSTRACT The purpose of this research is to know how much important the differential accounting have a role for making a desicion. This research is talking about a printing company that have a problem

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ABSTRACT. Key words: target costing, efficiency, production costs, selling prices.

ABSTRACT. Key words: target costing, efficiency, production costs, selling prices. ABSTRACT Target costing is a cost accounting system in which the cost management system is carried out if the cost exceeds a predefined and performed on development stage. Generally, the result of target

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ABSTRACT. Keywords: Earnings Per Share (EPS), Price Earnings Ratio (PER), Dividend Payout Ratio (DPR), and stock prices. vii

ABSTRACT. Keywords: Earnings Per Share (EPS), Price Earnings Ratio (PER), Dividend Payout Ratio (DPR), and stock prices. vii ABSTRACT The prospective investor needs to have some information before making a transaction in the capital market in order to make decisions about the worth of the company selected. One such information

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ABSTRAK. Universitas Kristen Maranatha

ABSTRAK. Universitas Kristen Maranatha ABSTRAK Pajak Penghasilan merupakan pajak yang berasal dari pendapatan rakyat dan perlu diatur dalam Undang-undang agar dapat memberikan kepastian hukum. Ada 4 (empat) allternatif kebijakan yang digunakan

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ABSTRACT. Keywords: working capital, operating profit, company activities.

ABSTRACT. Keywords: working capital, operating profit, company activities. ABSTRACT In any operational activities, company not just concerned with the production, and market products effectively, but also need to provide additional working capital. With strong position of working

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BAB I PENDAHULUAN 1.1 Latar Belakang Penelitian

BAB I PENDAHULUAN 1.1 Latar Belakang Penelitian 1 BAB I PENDAHULUAN 1.1 Latar Belakang Penelitian Era globalisasi dunia bisnis yang tengah terjadi sekarang ini memaksa setiap pelakunya untuk terus bebenah diri agar dapat bertahan dalam persaingan dunia

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ABSTRACT. Key words: sales budget, sales effectiveness, and going concern. vii. Universitas Kristen Maranatha

ABSTRACT. Key words: sales budget, sales effectiveness, and going concern. vii. Universitas Kristen Maranatha ABSTRACT The sales of company is core of the income that company can rely on for the going concern of the company. One of the tools that can be use to achieve goal of sales in every operation period company

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ABSTRAK. Kata-kata kunci: Capital Budgeting, Payback Period, Internal Rate of Return, Profitability Index, Net Present Value, Investasi.

ABSTRAK. Kata-kata kunci: Capital Budgeting, Payback Period, Internal Rate of Return, Profitability Index, Net Present Value, Investasi. ABSTRAK Krisis perekonomian Indonesia telah membuat perusahaan-perusahaan terguncang dan lemah. Banyak perusahaan melakukan investasi untuk mempertahankan keberadaannya dan agar tidak kalah bersaing dengan

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Universitas Kristen Maranatha

Universitas Kristen Maranatha ABSTRACT Quality costs are the costs that arise because there has been a bad product quality. This study aims to determine the cost of quality review of operating profit company. The cost of quality is

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BAB I PENDAHULUAN. usaha yang semakin tajam. Iklim kompetisi yang semakin kuat ini mengharuskan

BAB I PENDAHULUAN. usaha yang semakin tajam. Iklim kompetisi yang semakin kuat ini mengharuskan BAB I PENDAHULUAN 1.1 Latar Belakang Penelitian Era globalisasi dunia bisnis yang tengah terjadi sekarang ini memaksa setiap pelaku bisnis untuk terus berbenah diri agar dapat bertahan dalam persaingan

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ABSTRACT. Keywords: Budget, Budget Sales, Sales Effectiveness. viii. Universitas Kristen Maranatha

ABSTRACT. Keywords: Budget, Budget Sales, Sales Effectiveness. viii. Universitas Kristen Maranatha ABSTRACT Rapidly growing business world, it makes the competition is also getting tighter. In order to survive, companies must implement a management function well, that is from planning, execution, control,

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ABSTRAK. Universitas Kristen Maranatha

ABSTRAK. Universitas Kristen Maranatha ABSTRAK Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengetahui sejauh mana pengelolaan manajemen piutang akan mempengaruhi tingkat likuiditas dan profitabilitas perusahaan. Dalam penelitian ini penulis memilih Apotek

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ABSTRACT. Keywords: Customer Profitability Analysis and Customer Classification Matrix. vii. Universitas Kristen Maranatha

ABSTRACT. Keywords: Customer Profitability Analysis and Customer Classification Matrix. vii. Universitas Kristen Maranatha ABSTRACT Changes of business conditions causes the market power does not lie in the hands of producers anymore yet shift to the customer s hands. Such condition forces every organization to serve their

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ABSTRACT. Keywords: Control systems and information, accounting information system inventory and payroll. vi Universitas Kristen Maranatha

ABSTRACT. Keywords: Control systems and information, accounting information system inventory and payroll. vi Universitas Kristen Maranatha ABSTRACT One of the goals of the creation of a company is to gain profit to the maximum extent possible under the generally accepted accounting theory. To obtain the maximum profit possible. To support

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Kata-kata kunci : Informasi akuntansi penuh, harga jual, biaya produksi, cost plus pricing, full costing.

Kata-kata kunci : Informasi akuntansi penuh, harga jual, biaya produksi, cost plus pricing, full costing. ABSTRAK Salah satu tolak ukur kemajuan perusahaan adalah tercapainya tingkat keuntungan yang optimal, besar kecilnya keuntungan tersebut berdasarkan harga jual produk. Harga jual merupakan salah satu faktor

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ABSTRACT. Keyword: Estimated Cost, Production Cost Control. vii. Universitas Kristen Maranatha

ABSTRACT. Keyword: Estimated Cost, Production Cost Control. vii. Universitas Kristen Maranatha ABSTRACT In this research, the author wants to know how big a role in controlling the cost of production is. This research was conducted on a certain CV in Sukabumi area from September 11th, 2009 to November

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ABSTRACK. :Capital Budgeting, Payback Period (PP), Net Present Value (NPV), Internal Rate of Return (IRR), Profitability Indeks (PI).

ABSTRACK. :Capital Budgeting, Payback Period (PP), Net Present Value (NPV), Internal Rate of Return (IRR), Profitability Indeks (PI). ABSTRACK Economic conditions in a situation of openness such as now, the business often faces the situation of high uncertainty in the management of the company. Thus, when companies want to keep the family

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ABSTRACT. Keywords : Stocksplit, Stock Price, Liquidity. Universitas Kristen Maranatha

ABSTRACT. Keywords : Stocksplit, Stock Price, Liquidity. Universitas Kristen Maranatha ABSTRACT In Bursa Efek Indonesia, have a lot of information and it can get by investor. One of the information is stocksplit. The stock liquidity is a calculation investor except return and risk to do

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ABSTRAK. Universitas Kristen Maranatha

ABSTRAK. Universitas Kristen Maranatha ABSTRAK Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui analisis penerapan metode job order costing dalam menentukan harga pokok produk pada CV Jaya Jaya Mekar, yang memproduksi sweater rajut.

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ABSTRAK. Kata kunci: Rasio Keuangan, Kinerja Keuangan. iv Universitas Kristen Maranatha

ABSTRAK. Kata kunci: Rasio Keuangan, Kinerja Keuangan. iv Universitas Kristen Maranatha ABSTRAK Persaingan dunia bisnis yang semakin ketat menuntut setiap perusahaan untuk mengetahui informasi yang bermanfaat untuk mengambil keputusan yang tepat. Laporan keuangan yang telah dianalisis akan

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ABSTRACT. Key words: financial ratios, financial distress, bankruptcy, Altman Z-Score model. Universitas Kristen Maranatha

ABSTRACT. Key words: financial ratios, financial distress, bankruptcy, Altman Z-Score model. Universitas Kristen Maranatha ABSTRACT Continuity of life is determined by the success of the management company to manage the various activities of the company. Company is expected to change the threat environment that is turbulent

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ABSTRACT. Keywords: Machine, PSAK No.16 Revision 2011, Recognition and Measurement. viii Universitas Kristen Maranatha

ABSTRACT. Keywords: Machine, PSAK No.16 Revision 2011, Recognition and Measurement. viii Universitas Kristen Maranatha ABSTRACT The purpose of doing the application of PSAK No. 16 is to find out how the initial recognition and presentation of fixed assets such as machinery in the financial statements. The object of research

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ABSTRAKS. Kata kunci : Aktivitas, Sistem Akuntansi Tradisional, Sistem ABC, Harga Pokok Produk.

ABSTRAKS. Kata kunci : Aktivitas, Sistem Akuntansi Tradisional, Sistem ABC, Harga Pokok Produk. ABSTRAKS Harga pokok produk yang digunakan oleh CV. Haya Jamur adalah sistem akuntasi tradisional. Sistem akuntansi tradisional merupakan sistem kalkulasi biaya berdasarkan unit yang diproduksi. Secara

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ABSTRACT. Key words: Method of recording and accrual-based accounting on a cash basis, revenues, expenses, accounts payable,and accounts receivable

ABSTRACT. Key words: Method of recording and accrual-based accounting on a cash basis, revenues, expenses, accounts payable,and accounts receivable ABSTRACT This study aims to determine the impact of the accrual basis method of recording and how companies can apply the accrual basis method of recording, so companies can find out the current income

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ABSTRACK. This research is a descriptive analytical study performed on a printing services

ABSTRACK. This research is a descriptive analytical study performed on a printing services ABSTRACK This research is a descriptive analytical study performed on a printing services company located in Bandung. This study was done because many companies in Indonesia are trying to minimize the

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ABSTRACT. Keywords: production costs, transportation costs, selling prices, activity-based. viii

ABSTRACT. Keywords: production costs, transportation costs, selling prices, activity-based. viii ABSTRACT Sale price set by a firm depends on the production cost and non-production costs. Production costs consist of raw material costs, direct labor costs, and overhead costs. Non-production costs consist

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ABSTRACT. vii. Universitas Kristen Maranatha

ABSTRACT. vii. Universitas Kristen Maranatha ABSTRACT To overcome the economy condition in Indonesia nowadays, the company is claimed to be able to run management functions well. Those are plannings, organizations, directions and controls. planning

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ABSTRACT. Keywords : sales volume, profit, break even point, margin of safety, fixed costs, variabel cost, mixed cost. Universitas Kristen Maranatha

ABSTRACT. Keywords : sales volume, profit, break even point, margin of safety, fixed costs, variabel cost, mixed cost. Universitas Kristen Maranatha ABSTRACT Each company is generally aimed at obtaining the maximum profit. In achieving these goals, at the least the company can over the costs incurred so the company does not loss. As one tool in this

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ABSTRACT. Keywords: EPS, PER, BVPS, firm value.

ABSTRACT. Keywords: EPS, PER, BVPS, firm value. ABSTRACT Investors need the information about companies s performance before making a decision to invest their money. The purpose of this research is to know the influence of earnings per share (EPS),

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ABSTRACT. Key words: Management Controlling, Balanced Scorecard, and Just In Time. vii. Universitas Kristen Maranatha

ABSTRACT. Key words: Management Controlling, Balanced Scorecard, and Just In Time. vii. Universitas Kristen Maranatha ABSTRACT The use of management control in a company is very importand, because it drives the development an organization. the strategy that is used in an organization cannot be seen from the financial

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ABSTRACT. Keywords: accounting information system sales, sales effectiveness.

ABSTRACT. Keywords: accounting information system sales, sales effectiveness. ABSTRACT Today, the role of accounting information systems is considered less important in a company. Many companies already have the accounting information system, but do not really apply in the everyday

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Jurnal Cendekia Vol 11 No 3 Sept 2013 ISSN

Jurnal Cendekia Vol 11 No 3 Sept 2013 ISSN ANALISIS BIAYA RELEVAN DALAM PENGAMBILAN KEPUTUSAN MEMBUAT ATAU MEMBELI SUATU PRODUK (Studi Kasus Pada PT. Kuroma Engineering Sidoarjo) Oleh: Ninik Anggraini ABSTRAK Obyek yang digunakan dalam penelitian

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ABSTRACT. Key words: Job order costing method. vii. Universitas Kristen Maranatha

ABSTRACT. Key words: Job order costing method. vii. Universitas Kristen Maranatha ABSTRACT Determining the cost of production can be determined by an effective and efficient when companies apply cost of production is the right way. There are two methods to determine and collect the

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ABSTRACT. Key Words : analysis cost-volume-profit, break even point, profit target, operating leverage

ABSTRACT. Key Words : analysis cost-volume-profit, break even point, profit target, operating leverage ABSTRACT This study aims to show how the companies plan to profit using the method of cost - volume - profit ( cost - volume - profit ) in addition to profit planning, cost- benefit methods now volume

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ABSTRAK. Kata kunci: Fungsi Manajemen,Anggaran,Efektifitas Penjualan. vii. Universitas Kristen Maranatha

ABSTRAK. Kata kunci: Fungsi Manajemen,Anggaran,Efektifitas Penjualan. vii. Universitas Kristen Maranatha ABSTRAK Dengan semakin meningkatnya jumlah produsen di bidang sektor industri makanan khususnya kue kering/snack, PT. Kelinci merasa bahwa semakin tahun persaingan semakin tahun semakin meningkat. Oleh

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ABSTRACT. vii. Universitas Kristen Maranatha

ABSTRACT. vii. Universitas Kristen Maranatha ABSTRACT In general company founded to the purpose of to obtaining the profit or advantage. Profit or obtainable advantage if the earnings accepted by bigger than expense to obtain get the the earnings.

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ABSTRACT. Keywords : joint costing, product cost per unit, joint cost allocation method. viii. Universitas Kristen Maranatha

ABSTRACT. Keywords : joint costing, product cost per unit, joint cost allocation method. viii. Universitas Kristen Maranatha ABSTRACT In manufacturing companies, information on production cost and product cost per unit is very important in decision making by management. To be able to produce information about the company's production

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ABSTRACT. Keywords: Historical Cost, General Price Level Accounting, Inflation, and Financial Statement. vii. Universitas Kristen Maranatha

ABSTRACT. Keywords: Historical Cost, General Price Level Accounting, Inflation, and Financial Statement. vii. Universitas Kristen Maranatha ABSTRACT In conventional accounting, financial statements are based on the historical cost principle that assumes that prices (monetary unit) are stable. Conventional accounting recognizes neither changes

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BAB II TINJAUAN PUSTAKA BAB II TINJAUAN PUSTAKA 2.1 Akuntansi Manajemen 2.1.1 Pengertian Akuntansi Ada beberapa pengertian mengenai akuntansi. Menurut S. Munawir (2002:5), pengertian akuntansi dari segi prosesnya adalah: Suatu

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ABSTRACT. Key words: product cost, overhead cost, ABC system. Universitas Kristen Maranatha

ABSTRACT. Key words: product cost, overhead cost, ABC system. Universitas Kristen Maranatha ABSTRACT Product cost is an important information in making decision to product pricing. Direct material, direct labor, and factory overhead are element product cost. Assigning the right overhead cost

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ABSTRACT. A lot of life insurance companies make them compete to gain profit. PT

ABSTRACT. A lot of life insurance companies make them compete to gain profit. PT ABSTRACT A lot of life insurance companies make them compete to gain profit. PT Prudential Life Assurance obtain the highest profit in 2012. To achieve a lot of profit, PT Prudential Life Assurance allocate

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ABSTRACT. Keywords: Safety Stock, Lead Time, Reorder Point dan Total Inventory Cost, EOQ (Economic Order Quantity) method. viii

ABSTRACT. Keywords: Safety Stock, Lead Time, Reorder Point dan Total Inventory Cost, EOQ (Economic Order Quantity) method. viii ABSTRACT Inventory is an important factor to be planned and controlled in the best possible. In inventory control and planning,policy is needed so that the good operation can produce the optimal number

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ABSTRACT. Key word : employment developmental, employment performance. vii Universitas Kristen Maranatha

ABSTRACT. Key word : employment developmental, employment performance. vii Universitas Kristen Maranatha ABSTRACT Performance is a result of working that is achieved by a person in do some of jobs which is given for him which it is based on competency, experience and timing. To raise employement performance

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ABSTRAK. Kata-kata kunci: cost-volume-profit analysis, dan perencanaan laba.

ABSTRAK. Kata-kata kunci: cost-volume-profit analysis, dan perencanaan laba. ABSTRAK Diberlakukannya MEA (Masyarakat Ekonomi ASEAN) menyebabkan persaingan antara perusahaan semakin ketat. Untuk menghadapi persaingan ini perusahaan harus melakukan perencanaan strategi serta pengambilan

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ABSTRACT. Keywords: controller rule, controlling sales, sales effectiveness. vii. Universitas Kristen Maranatha

ABSTRACT. Keywords: controller rule, controlling sales, sales effectiveness. vii. Universitas Kristen Maranatha ABSTRACT Increasing the business world, a company must be able to survive and thrive in the long term. One way is to increase sales. Sales activity is very important because it is the company's activities

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ABSTRACT. Keywords : Raw material inventory control, MRP, lot sizing. Universitas Kristen Maranatha

ABSTRACT. Keywords : Raw material inventory control, MRP, lot sizing. Universitas Kristen Maranatha ABSTRACT Nowadays, the snack food industry has rapidly growing. With so many snack food company established, it creates high level competition between them. To maintain the quality of the products is not

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ABSTRACT. Keywords: Standard costing, production costs, efficiency.

ABSTRACT. Keywords: Standard costing, production costs, efficiency. ABSTRACT This research intends to give an example or model of the application of standard costing for production cost of shoes in a shoe factory 'X' in Bandung, so it can give a guidance to manager in

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BAB I PENDAHULUAN. dari pemilihan di antara berbagai alternatif dengan hasil yang langsung atau terbatas.

BAB I PENDAHULUAN. dari pemilihan di antara berbagai alternatif dengan hasil yang langsung atau terbatas. BAB I PENDAHULUAN 1.1 Latar Belakang Penelitian Dalam mengambil keputusan seorang manajer akan dihadapkan pada berbagai macam alternatif dan permasalahan. Dengan berbagai alternatif dan permasalahan yang

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ABSTRACT. Keywords: Budgeting, Responsibility Accounting, Cost Efficiency, Marketing, Quality of Decision Making. vii. Universitas Kristen Maranatha

ABSTRACT. Keywords: Budgeting, Responsibility Accounting, Cost Efficiency, Marketing, Quality of Decision Making. vii. Universitas Kristen Maranatha ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship of budgeting and responsibility accounting in supporting the quality of decision making in order to achieve cost efficiency of marketing

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Keywords: Cost of Promotion, income level. Universitas Kristen Maranatha

Keywords: Cost of Promotion, income level. Universitas Kristen Maranatha ABSTRACT O LAUNDRY is a company which is engaged in laundering clothes dry and cleaner. O LAUNDRY Gegerkalong located in Bandung. The purpose of this research is to investigate the implementation of promotional

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ABSTRACT. Key words: Calculation PPh 21, Nett Method, Gross-up Method, Profit, Corporate Tax Savings.

ABSTRACT. Key words: Calculation PPh 21, Nett Method, Gross-up Method, Profit, Corporate Tax Savings. ABSTRACT Companies are required to calculate, pay employee income taxes and company income taxes. Income tax which paid by company (Nett Method), can t deduct from gross profit of the company. With the

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ABSTRAK. Kata Kunci: harga pokok produksi, full costing, variable costing

ABSTRAK. Kata Kunci: harga pokok produksi, full costing, variable costing ABSTRAK PT. Panca Mitra Sandang Indah merupakan perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang tekstil, yaitu perusahaan yang mengolah benang menjadi kain, dengan motif mencari keuntungan. Harga pokok produksi adalah

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ABSTRACT. Keywords: The cost of quality, Profitability. viii Universitas Kristen Maranatha

ABSTRACT. Keywords: The cost of quality, Profitability. viii Universitas Kristen Maranatha ABSTRACT The development at this time rapidly growing business that certainly had an impact on the economic development in Indonesia. In order to be competitive, the company's products should have advantages

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ABSTRACT. Keywords: Income Smoothing, Firm s Size, Firm s Profitability, Financial Leverage, and Dividend Payout. vii. Universitas Kristen Maranatha

ABSTRACT. Keywords: Income Smoothing, Firm s Size, Firm s Profitability, Financial Leverage, and Dividend Payout. vii. Universitas Kristen Maranatha ABSTRACT The purpose of this study is to identify the factors that influence income smoothing at the manufacturing and financial firms that are listed in the Indonesia Stock Exchange. The tested factors

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