English for Tourism Lesson 26 A job interview (continued)

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1 English for Tourism Lesson 26 A job interview (continued) Pelajaran 26: Wawancara Pekerjaan (lanjutan) L1 Juni Tampi: Bahasa Inggris Pariwisata English for Tourism L1: Pelajaran ke-26. Wawancara Pekerjaan. Lesson 26. A Job Interview. L1: Halo, Saya Juni Tampi dari Radio Australia, Seksi Indonesia. Dalam pelajaran ini, anda akan mendengar bagian terakhir wawancara pekerjaan. Kita juga akan belajar tentang pertanyaan yang teoritis serta pertanyaan yang dapat ditanyakan oleh pelamar dalam suatu wawancara pekerjaan. Tetapi sebelum kita lanjutkan, mari kita dengarkan lagi bagian pertama percakapan Wawancara Pekerjaan. Come in, Bob. I'm Justine Asker, the manager. You can call me Justine. Pleased to meet you. Sit down. Firstly, Bob, can I ask which job you are applying for? I'm applying for the receptionist position. I see that you have a Diploma in Hospitality. Have you done any front desk work before? I have work experience in front desk. You have my supervisor's report there. This will be my first paid position. And why do you want to work at the Plaza Hotel? Because it has a great reputation; not just for its service but as a good place to work. I'm glad to hear it. Bob, what strengths do you think you would bring to the job? Oh, ah. I am patient and I've been told I put clients at ease. Uh huh. And what do you see as your weaknesses? Do you mean, what am I not so good at? Yes. Well, I understand English much better than I speak it at the moment. But I study at home and I look forward to learning more on the job. Excellent.

2 L1: Sekarang coba perhatikan kata-kata dan ungkapan baru dalam percakapan selanjutnya dengan terjemahannya. Now, Bob, I'm going to ask you a hypothetical question. Would you compromise your own safety for the comfort of your guests? L1: Sekarang, Bob, saya ingin mengajukan pertanyaan yang teoritis. Apakah anda bersedia mengorbankan keselamatan sendiri demi kenyamanan tamu? Do you mean, like the Legendary Leo, who jumped into shark infested waters to save a guest's hat? L1: Maksudnya, seperti Leo yang jagoan itu, terjun ke laut yang penuh dengan ikan hiu untuk mengambilkan topi seorang tamu? Something like that. L1: Seperti itulah. If I must. L1: Kalau memang harus. I don't think you would be expected to show that level of enthusiasm, Bob. Leo was an exceptional worker, but very impetuous. L1: Saya rasa anda tidak akan diminta untuk menunjukkan kenekadan seperti itu, Bob. Leo adalah karyawan yang istimewa, tetapi sering kurang berpikir panjang. In that case, I would make sure I know the health and safety requirements associated with my position and follow hotel procedures. L1: Dalam hal ini, saya akan pelajari peraturan kesehatan dan keselamatan yang berkaitan dengan posisi saya dan akan mengikuti prosedur hotel. Very good. L1: Bagus sekali. L1: Justine mengajukan "hypothetical question", pertanyaan yang teoritis atau pengandaian. Pelamar kerja ditanya apa yang akan dilakukannya seandainya muncul situasi yang serius. Kadang-kadang dalam wawancara, pertanyaan yang diajukan bisa lebih rinci lagi dari yang diajukan Justine disini. Bob melakukan kekeliruan denganpertama memberi jawaban yang dikiranya diinginkan oleh pewawancara. Tetapi sebenarnya yang ingin diketahui pewawancara adalah apakah ia akan bertindak bijaksana dalam situasi yang kritis. Bob kemudian memberikan jawaban yang tepat.

3 Ingat bahwa setiap posisi mempunyai peraturannya sendiri dan setiap hotel atau perusahaan mempunyai prosedur keselamatan dan tata caranya sendiri. Anda tidak diharapkan untuk mengetahuinya pada waktu wawancara. Cukup untuk mengatakan bahwa anda akan mempelajarinya sehingga siap menghadapi segala situasi. Coba dengarkan bagaimana Bob mengatakannya: In that case, I would make sure I know the health and safety requirements associated with my position and follow hotel procedures. L1: Dalam hal ini, saya akan pelajari peraturan kesehatan dan keselamatan yang berkaitan dengan posisi saya dan akan mengikuti prosedur hotel. L1: Mari kita berlatih. Coba dengarkan dan ulangi. I would make sure. I would make sure I know. The health and safety requirements. I would make sure I know the health and safety requirements. I would follow. I would follow hotel procedures. L1: Sekarang coba dengarkan kembali percakapan tadi. Anda akan diberi waktu untuk mengulang setiap kalimat Bob. Now, Bob, I'm going to ask you a hypothetical question. Would you compromise your own safety for the comfort of your guests? Do you mean, like the Legendary Leo who jumped into shark infested waters to save a guest's hat? Something like that. If I must. I don't think you would be expected to show that level of enthusiasm, Bob. Leo was an exceptional worker, but very impetuous. In that case, I would make sure I know the health and safety requirements associated with my position and follow hotel procedures. Very good.

4 L1: Anda sedang mendengarkan 'BAHASA INGGRIS PARIWISATA' dari Radio Australia. Lesson 26. A Job Interview. L1: Pelajaran ke-26. Wawancara Pekerjaan. L1: Perhatikan kata-kata dan ungkapan baru dalam percakapan selanjutnya dengan terjemahannya. Now, is there anything you would like to ask me? L1: Sekarang, ada yang ingin anda tanyakan? Yes, I was wondering if anyone has heard what happened to Leo? L1: Ya, saya ingin tahu bagaimana ceritanya Leo? I mean questions relating to this position, Bob. L1: Maksud saya, pertanyaan yang berkaitan dengan posisi ini, Bob. Oh, of course. Um Yes, I would like to know if the hours of duty are flexible. L1: Oh, ya. Um...Ya, saya ingin tahu apakah jam kerjanya fleksibel. Yes, we have three shifts, and there is also overtime work available when we're very busy. L1: Ya, ada tiga shift, dan juga ada kerja lembur kalau kita sedang sibuk. That's good. L1: Bagus. I'm very impressed with your qualifications Bob. We'll ring you and let you know the outcome tomorrow morning. L1: Saya terkesan dengan kualifikasi anda, Bob. Kami akan beritahu hasilnya lewat tilpun besok pagi. Thank you. Goodbye. L1: Terima kasih. Goodbye. See you later. L1: Sampai jumpa.

5 L1: Pewawancara seringkali menanyakan apakah anda ada pertanyaan, dan sebaiknya anda sudah menyiapkannya. Ini menunjukkan bahwa anda berminat. Namun ingat bahwa anda sebaiknya tidak menanyakan tentang gaji. Ini sesuatu yang sebaiknya anda cari tahu sendiri sebelum wawancara. Pertanyaan tentang jam kerja atau berapa jumlah staff dengan siapa anda akan bekerja, boleh diajukan. Bob mengajukan pertanyaan-pertanyaan ini dengan diawali: "I was wondering if ", Saya ingin tahu apakah dan "I would like to know " Saya ingin tahu. Mari kita berlatih. Coba dengarkan dan ulangi. I was wondering if I was wondering if the hours are flexible. I would like to know... I would like to know if the hours are flexible. L1: Sekarang mari kita dengarkan kembali bagian terakhir percakapan. Anda akan diberi waktu untuk mengulang setiap kalimat Bob. Now, is there anything you would like to ask me? Yes, I was wondering if anyone has heard what happened to Leo? I mean questions relating to this position, Bob. Oh, of course. Um Yes, I would like to know if the hours of duty are flexible. Yes, we have three shifts, and there is also overtime work available when we're very busy. That's good. I'm very impressed with your qualifications Bob. We'll ring you and let you know the outcome tomorrow morning. Thank you. Goodbye. See you later. L1: Sekarang mari kita dengarkan seluruh percakapan dari Pelajaran ke-25 dan 26: Come in, Bob. I'm Justine Asker, the manager. You can call me Justine. Pleased to meet you. Sit down. Firstly, Bob, can I ask which job you are applying for?

6 I'm applying for the receptionist position. I see that you have a Diploma in Hospitality. Have you done any front desk work before? I have work experience in front desk. You have my supervisor's report there. This will be my first paid position. And why do you want to work at the Plaza Hotel? Because it has a great reputation; not just for its service but as a good place to work. I'm glad to hear it. Bob, what strengths do you think you would bring to the job? Oh, ah. I am patient and I've been told I put clients at ease. Uh huh. And what do you see as your weaknesses? Do you mean, what am I not so good at? Yes. Well, I understand English much better than I speak it at the moment. But I study at home and I look forward to learning more on the job. Excellent. Now, Bob, I'm going to ask you a hypothetical question. Would you compromise your own safety for the comfort of your guests? Do you mean, like the Legendary Leo, who jumped into shark infested waters to save a guest's hat? Something like that. If I must. I don't think you would be expected to show that level of enthusiasm, Bob. Leo was an exceptional worker, but very impetuous. In that case, I would make sure I know the health and safety requirements associated with my position and follow hotel procedures. Very good. Now, is there anything you would like to ask me? Yes, I was wondering if anyone has heard what happened to Leo? I mean questions relating to this position, Bob. Oh, of course. Um Yes, I would like to know if the hours of duty are flexible. Yes, we have three shifts, and there is also overtime work available when we're very busy. That's good. I'm very impressed with your qualifications Bob. We'll ring you and let you know the outcome tomorrow morning. Thank you. Goodbye. See you later. L1: Anda boleh ikut senang bahwa Bob diterima bekerja di Plaza Hotel dan juga Leo akan membawa pulang isteri dari Melbourne. Namanya Mai dan ia sabar,

7 ramah, dan sama sekali tidak lekas berubah pikiran! Kebetulan ia berasal dari daerah yang sama dengan Leo, tetapi mereka bertemu waktu sama-sama belajar perhotelan di Melbourne. Berikut inilah latihan terakhir untuk anda pelajari dan pratekkan untuk membantu anda mengingat pelajaran ini., sir! first!, sir! first! L1: Demikianlah pelajaran terakhir dalam kursus bahasa Inggris Dasar yang terdiri dari 26 bagian ini. BAHASA INGGRIS PARIWISATA dirancang oleh Paul Learmonth dan ditulis oleh Maggie Power dari bagian Inovasi Riset dan Pengajaran dari Adult Multicultural Education Services; Lembaga Pengajaran Bahasa terbesar di Australia. Kursus ini diproduksi untuk radio australia oleh Sue Slamen. Produksi Teknik oleh Damaris Baker dan Oska Leon Setyana. Terimakasih khususnya kepada para pelaku utama: Julian Chen, Myra Mortensen, Geoff Croucher dan Barry Clarke. Dan jangan lupa untuk membuka situs internet kami, radioaustralia.net.au/indon atau situs internet Adult multicultural Education Services ames.net.au Saya Juni Tampi mengucapkan Semoga berkarir!

English for Tourism Lesson 25 A job interview

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I. MATERI : TENSES Tenses yaitu bentuk kata kerja Bahasa Inggris yang perubahannya berkaitan dengan waktu. I. MATERI : TENSES Tenses yaitu bentuk kata kerja Bahasa Inggris yang perubahannya berkaitan dengan waktu. Misal: Verb 1 (infinitive), Verb 2, dan Verb 3. Contoh penggunaan tenses : 1. Saya belajar di

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Lesson 8, Dialogue 4 Following up (continued)

Lesson 8, Dialogue 4 Following up (continued) Lesson 8 Cover sheet Lesson 8, Dialogue 4 Following up (continued) Language/Grammar Points and Cultural Points covered in this lesson What to say at the front desk Re-meeting people Introducing others

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UNIT 1 ABJAD BAHASA INGGRIS UNIT 1 ABJAD BAHASA INGGRIS 1 A. Salam, Berkenalan, dan Berpisah (Greeting, Introducting, and Parting) Expression of greetings, introducing, and parting (salam, berkenalan, dan berpisah) Greeting adalah

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giving opinion asking for help asking for an opinion E. Kunci Jawaban : D Pembahasan Teks :

giving opinion asking for help asking for an opinion E. Kunci Jawaban : D Pembahasan Teks : 1. SMP kelas 7 - BAHASA INGGRIS CHAPTER 10Latihan Soal 10.2 Lira:Dery, what do you think about our new English teacher? Dery: I think she smart. She explained the lesson clearly Lira: I think so. I also

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SMA/MA IPA kelas 10 - BAHASA INGGRIS IPA CHAPTER 9Latihan Soal 9.1

SMA/MA IPA kelas 10 - BAHASA INGGRIS IPA CHAPTER 9Latihan Soal 9.1 SMA/MA IPA kelas 10 - BAHASA INGGRIS IPA CHAPTER 9Latihan Soal 9.1 1. Aldy : Hi, Ben. I havent seen you for a long time where have you been? Beny : Ive been to Batam. Ive got a job there. Ive been working

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Lesson 10, Dialogue 5 Talking Business (continued)

Lesson 10, Dialogue 5 Talking Business (continued) Lesson 10 Cover sheet Lesson 10, Dialogue 5 Talking Business (continued) Language/Grammar Points and Cultural Points covered in this lesson Stating your objective Expressing interest Proposing a formal

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Lesson 63: Reported speech. Pelajaran 63: Pidato Laporan

Lesson 63: Reported speech. Pelajaran 63: Pidato Laporan Lesson 63: Reported speech Pelajaran 63: Pidato Laporan Reading (Membaca) He told me that he would come. (Dia bilang kepadaku dia akan datang.) She said that she would be fine. (Dia berkata bahwa dia akan

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Karena ungkapan sebelumnya adalah Its nice to see you, makarespon yang tepat adalah Its nice to see you too.

Karena ungkapan sebelumnya adalah Its nice to see you, makarespon yang tepat adalah Its nice to see you too. SMA/MA IPA kelas 10 - BAHASA INGGRIS IPA CHAPTER 1Latihan Soal 1.1 1. Kurnia : Hello, Im Kurnia Yuniar : Hi, I am Yuniar Kurnia :? Yuiar : I come from Solo Where do you live Where do you come from Where

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SMP kelas 7 - BAHASA INGGRIS CHAPTER 6Latihan Soal 6.1

SMP kelas 7 - BAHASA INGGRIS CHAPTER 6Latihan Soal 6.1 1. SMP kelas 7 - BAHASA INGGRIS CHAPTER 6Latihan Soal 6.1 What is the dialog about? Weekly test Greetings Kinds of test Cheating Kunci Jawaban : A Untuk menjawab apa isi dialog diatas, kalian harus membacanya.

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Lesson 31: Interrogative form of Will. Pelajaran 31: Kalimat Tanya untuk Bentuk Akan

Lesson 31: Interrogative form of Will. Pelajaran 31: Kalimat Tanya untuk Bentuk Akan Lesson 31: Interrogative form of Will Pelajaran 31: Kalimat Tanya untuk Bentuk Akan Reading (Membaca) Will it be sunny tomorrow? ( Apakah akan cerah besok?) Will you lend her the car? (Apakah kamu akan

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MODULE 1 GRADE XI VARIATION OF EXPRESSIONS MODULE 1 GRADE XI VARIATION OF EXPRESSIONS Compiled by: Theresia Riya Vernalita H., S.Pd. Kompetensi Dasar 3.1 Menganalisis fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan pada ungkapan memberi saran

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SMA/MA IPA kelas 10 - BAHASA INGGRIS IPA CHAPTER 10Latihan Soal 10.1

SMA/MA IPA kelas 10 - BAHASA INGGRIS IPA CHAPTER 10Latihan Soal 10.1 SMA/MA IPA kelas 10 - BAHASA INGGRIS IPA CHAPTER 10Latihan Soal 10.1 1. Kaka : Hi Willy, would you like to accompany me to fetch Mr. Johni at the airport now? Willy : Im afraid I cant. Im attending an

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English for Study in Australia BAHASA INGGRIS UNTUK STUDI DI AUSTRALIA Lesson 23: Extending your visa

English for Study in Australia BAHASA INGGRIS UNTUK STUDI DI AUSTRALIA Lesson 23: Extending your visa English for Study in Australia BAHASA INGGRIS UNTUK STUDI DI AUSTRALIA Lesson 23: Extending your visa Pelajaran 23: Memperpanjang visa L1 Male L1 Female L1 Male L1 Female Halo saya Tito Ambyo dan saya

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SMA/MA IPA kelas 10 - BAHASA INGGRIS IPA CHAPTER 11Latihan Soal apology. regret. sympathy. gratitude. purpose

SMA/MA IPA kelas 10 - BAHASA INGGRIS IPA CHAPTER 11Latihan Soal apology. regret. sympathy. gratitude. purpose 1. Reny : You looked so sad. Whats the matter with you? SMA/MA IPA kelas 10 - BAHASA INGGRIS IPA CHAPTER 11Latihan Soal 11.1 Yuyun : Ive lost my wallet somewhere between my house and the school, There

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Lesson 18, Dialogue 9 Negotiating, Part 1 (continued)

Lesson 18, Dialogue 9 Negotiating, Part 1 (continued) Lesson 18 Cover sheet Lesson 18, Dialogue 9 Negotiating, Part 1 (continued) Language/Grammar Points and Cultural Points covered in this lesson Clarifying a point Checking for understanding Responding to

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A mysterious meeting. (Pertemuan misterius) Indonesian. List of characters. (Daftar pelaku)

A mysterious meeting. (Pertemuan misterius) Indonesian. List of characters. (Daftar pelaku) (Pertemuan misterius) List of characters (Daftar pelaku) Khalid, the birthday boy (Khalid, anak yang berulang tahun) Leila, the mysterious girl and phone voice (Leila, gadis misterius dan suara telepon)

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English for Study in Australia BAHASA INGGRIS UNTUK STUDI DI AUSTRALIA Lesson 15: Seeing a counsellor

English for Study in Australia BAHASA INGGRIS UNTUK STUDI DI AUSTRALIA Lesson 15: Seeing a counsellor English for Study in Australia BAHASA INGGRIS UNTUK STUDI DI AUSTRALIA Lesson 15: Seeing a counsellor Pelajaran 15: Menemui konselor L1 Male L1 Female L1 Male L1 Female Halo saya Tito Ambyo dan saya Sylvia

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Lesson 20, Dialogue 10 Negotiating, Part 2 (continued)

Lesson 20, Dialogue 10 Negotiating, Part 2 (continued) Lesson 20 Cover sheet Lesson 20, Dialogue 10 Negotiating, Part 2 (continued) Language/Grammar Points and Cultural Points covered in this lesson Language of bargaining: Handling conflict Closing a negotiation

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SMA/MA IPA kelas 10 - BAHASA INGGRIS IPA CHAPTER 11Latihan Soal 11.2

SMA/MA IPA kelas 10 - BAHASA INGGRIS IPA CHAPTER 11Latihan Soal 11.2 1. Rita :Dont leave me alone, Bondan! Bondan :What did she say, Wan? Iwan :. SMA/MA IPA kelas 10 - BAHASA INGGRIS IPA CHAPTER 11Latihan Soal 11.2 She told you that you dont leave me alone. She told you

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Rahasia Cermat & Mahir Menguasai Akuntansi Keuangan Menengah (Indonesian Edition)

Rahasia Cermat & Mahir Menguasai Akuntansi Keuangan Menengah (Indonesian Edition) Rahasia Cermat & Mahir Menguasai Akuntansi Keuangan Menengah (Indonesian Edition) Hery Hery Click here if your download doesn"t start automatically Rahasia Cermat & Mahir Menguasai Akuntansi Keuangan Menengah

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Lesson 1, Dialogue 1 Meet the team

Lesson 1, Dialogue 1 Meet the team Lesson 1 Cover sheet Lesson 1, Dialogue 1 Meet the team Language/Grammar Points and Cultural Points covered in this lesson Describing your work. Use of a an or the. How to correct someone politely. Addressing

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Lesson 19: What. Pelajaran 19: Apakah

Lesson 19: What. Pelajaran 19: Apakah Lesson 19: What Pelajaran 19: Apakah Reading (Membaca) What is it? (Apakah ini?) What is your name? (Saiapa namamu?) What is the answer? (Apakah jawabannya?) What was that? (Apakah itu tadi?) What do you

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Lesson 17, Dialogue 9 Negotiating, Part 1

Lesson 17, Dialogue 9 Negotiating, Part 1 Lesson 17 Cover sheet Lesson 17, Dialogue 9 Negotiating, Part 1 Language/Grammar Points and Cultural Points covered in this lesson Preparing for successful negotiations Welcoming and setting the scene

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Lesson 36: Infinitive 1. Lesson 36: Kata Kerja Infinitif 1

Lesson 36: Infinitive 1. Lesson 36: Kata Kerja Infinitif 1 Lesson 36: Infinitive 1 Lesson 36: Kata Kerja Infinitif 1 Reading (Membaca) My dream is to live in New York. (Impianku adalah tinggal di New York.) I would like to learn more about your country! (Saya

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Lesson 30: will, will not. Pelajaran 30: Akan, Tidak Akan

Lesson 30: will, will not. Pelajaran 30: Akan, Tidak Akan Lesson 30: will, will not Pelajaran 30: Akan, Tidak Akan Reading (Membaca) I hope you will visit me one day. ( Aku harap kamu akan mengunjungi saya satu hari ) I think your sister will like that cellphone.

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Lesson 14, Dialogue 7 A presentation (continued)

Lesson 14, Dialogue 7 A presentation (continued) Lesson 14 Cover sheet Lesson 14, Dialogue 7 A presentation (continued) Language/Grammar Points and Cultural Points covered in this lesson Finishing a segment Introducing a segment Explaining a problem

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Contoh Pengembangan Bahan Ajar untuk Program Audio (Bahan Ajar untuk Latihan Keterampilan Mendengarkan)

Contoh Pengembangan Bahan Ajar untuk Program Audio (Bahan Ajar untuk Latihan Keterampilan Mendengarkan) Contoh Pengembangan Bahan Ajar untuk Program Audio (Bahan Ajar untuk Latihan Keterampilan Mendengarkan) 1.Buat silabus (peta bahan ajar) untuk keteramplan mendengarkan dengan format berikut: Kompetensi

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Panduan Excel untuk Pelamar Kerja (Indonesian Edition)

Panduan Excel untuk Pelamar Kerja (Indonesian Edition) Panduan Excel untuk Pelamar Kerja (Indonesian Edition) Yudhy Wicaksono Click here if your download doesn"t start automatically Panduan Excel untuk Pelamar Kerja (Indonesian Edition) Yudhy Wicaksono Panduan

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Lesson 2, Dialogue 1 Meet the team (continued)

Lesson 2, Dialogue 1 Meet the team (continued) Lesson 2 Cover sheet Lesson 2, Dialogue 1 Meet the team (continued) Language/Grammar Points and Cultural Points covered in this lesson Some common business abbreviations. Australian humour Starting a conversation

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Lesson 66: Indirect questions. Pelajaran 66: Pertanyaan Tidak Langsung

Lesson 66: Indirect questions. Pelajaran 66: Pertanyaan Tidak Langsung Lesson 66: Indirect questions Pelajaran 66: Pertanyaan Tidak Langsung Reading (Membaca) Could you tell me where she went? (Bisakah kamu beritahu aku kemana dia pergi?) Do you know how I can get to the

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UJIAN NASIONAL TRY-OUT SMA/MA UJIAN NASIONAL TRY-OUT SMA/MA Tahun Pelajaran 2014/2015 Mata Pelajaran Jenjang Program Studi Hari/Tanggal Jam MATA PELAJARAN Bahasa Inggris SMA/MA IPA/IPS WAKTU PELAKSANAAN Senin, 24 Nopember 2014 10.00

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Lesson 19: What. Pelajaran 19: Apakah

Lesson 19: What. Pelajaran 19: Apakah Lesson 19: What Pelajaran 19: Apakah Reading (Membaca) What is it? (Apakah ini?) What is your name? (Saiapa namamu?) What is the answer? (Apakah jawabannya?) What was that? (Apakah itu tadi?) What do you

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Lesson 23, Dialogue 12 Celebrating

Lesson 23, Dialogue 12 Celebrating Lesson 23 Cover sheet Lesson 23, Dialogue 12 Celebrating Language/Grammar Points and Cultural Points covered in this lesson Extending invitations Accepting and refusing invitations Restaurant: Recommending

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SMP kelas 8 - BAHASA INGGRIS CHAPTER 7LATIHAN SOAL CHAPTER 7 SMP kelas 8 - BAHASA INGGRIS CHAPTER 7LATIHAN SOAL CHAPTER 7 1. Grandpas Birthday What is the topic of the text? Birthday party Birthday cake Happy birthday Grandpas birthday Kunci Jawaban : D Bacaan tersebut

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English for Study in Australia BAHASA INGGRIS UNTUK STUDI DI AUSTRALIA Lesson 22: Exam time

English for Study in Australia BAHASA INGGRIS UNTUK STUDI DI AUSTRALIA Lesson 22: Exam time English for Study in Australia BAHASA INGGRIS UNTUK STUDI DI AUSTRALIA Lesson 22: Exam time Pelajaran 22: Masa ujian L1 Male L1 Female L1 Male L1 Female Halo saya Tito Ambyo dan saya Sylvia Yassid dari

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English for Study in Australia BAHASA INGGRIS UNTUK STUDI DI AUSTRALIA Lesson 10: I need a job!

English for Study in Australia BAHASA INGGRIS UNTUK STUDI DI AUSTRALIA Lesson 10: I need a job! English for Study in Australia BAHASA INGGRIS UNTUK STUDI DI AUSTRALIA Lesson 10: I need a job! Pelajaran 10: Saya perlu pekerjaan! L1 Male L1 Female L1 Male L1 Female Halo saya Tito Ambyo dan saya Sylvia

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Lesson 19, Dialogue 10 Negotiating, Part 2

Lesson 19, Dialogue 10 Negotiating, Part 2 Lesson 19 Cover sheet Lesson 19, Dialogue 10 Negotiating, Part 2 Language/Grammar Points and Cultural Points covered in this lesson Language of bargaining: Accepting and refusing proposals Accepting with

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Lesson 28: Other Prepositions. (by, about, like, of, with, without) Pelajaran 28: Preposisi Lain. Cara menggunakan preposisi lainnya.

Lesson 28: Other Prepositions. (by, about, like, of, with, without) Pelajaran 28: Preposisi Lain. Cara menggunakan preposisi lainnya. Lesson 28: Other Prepositions (by, about, like, of, with, without) Pelajaran 28: Preposisi Lain Cara menggunakan preposisi lainnya. Reading (Membaca) I go to school by bus. ( Saya pergi ke sekolah dengan

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English for Study in Australia BAHASA INGGRIS UNTUK STUDI DI AUSTRALIA Lesson 5: College orientation

English for Study in Australia BAHASA INGGRIS UNTUK STUDI DI AUSTRALIA Lesson 5: College orientation English for Study in Australia BAHASA INGGRIS UNTUK STUDI DI AUSTRALIA Lesson 5: College orientation Pelajaran 5: Orientasi College L1 Male L1 Female L1 Male L1 Female Halo saya Tito Ambyo dan saya Sylvia

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365 Menu Sukses MP-ASI selama 1 tahun Menu Pendamping ASI untuk Bayi Usia 7-18 Bulan (Indonesian Edition)

365 Menu Sukses MP-ASI selama 1 tahun Menu Pendamping ASI untuk Bayi Usia 7-18 Bulan (Indonesian Edition) 365 Menu Sukses MP-ASI selama 1 tahun Menu Pendamping ASI untuk Bayi Usia 7-18 Bulan (Indonesian Edition) Hindah J. Muaris Click here if your download doesn"t start automatically 365 Menu Sukses MP-ASI

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SMP kelas 9 - BAHASA INGGRIS CHAPTER 1Latihan Soal 1.1

SMP kelas 9 - BAHASA INGGRIS CHAPTER 1Latihan Soal 1.1 SMP kelas 9 - BAHASA INGGRIS CHAPTER 1Latihan Soal 1.1 1. Shinta : "Will John pass the exam?" Dewi :.... He is a smart and diligent student. I am quite sure I am uncertain I am not positive I think he

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Lesson 67: Tag Questions. Pelajaran 67: Kalimat Tanya Penegasan

Lesson 67: Tag Questions. Pelajaran 67: Kalimat Tanya Penegasan Lesson 67: Tag Questions Pelajaran 67: Kalimat Tanya Penegasan Reading (Membaca) You will come with us, won t you? (Kamu akan datang dengan kami, The water is cold, isn t it? (Airnya dingin, bu You really

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RENCANA PELAKSANAAN PEMBELAJARAN ( RPP ) RENCANA PELAKSANAAN PEMBELAJARAN ( RPP ) (RPP-3) Satuan Pendidikan:... Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Kelas : VIII / 1 Standar Kompetensi : 2. Memahami makna dalam teks lisan fungsional dan monolog pendek

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SMP kelas 7 - BAHASA INGGRIS CHAPTER 11LATIHAN SOAL CHAPTER 11 SMP kelas 7 - BAHASA INGGRIS CHAPTER 11LATIHAN SOAL CHAPTER 11 1. Lina : You look very thirsty.... to have some tea? Rosa : Sure, thanks. Are you like Do you order Would you like What about Kunci Jawaban

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Sistem Informasi. Soal Dengan 2 Bahasa: Bahasa Indonesia Dan Bahasa Inggris

Sistem Informasi. Soal Dengan 2 Bahasa: Bahasa Indonesia Dan Bahasa Inggris Sistem Informasi Soal Dengan 2 Bahasa: Bahasa Indonesia Dan Bahasa Inggris 1. Kita mengetahui bahwa perkembangan teknologi di zaman sekarang sangat pesat dan banyak hal yang berubah dalam kehidupan kita.

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Saturday, 27 April 2013

Saturday, 27 April 2013 Saturday, 27 April 2013 KELAS VII D Standard Competency 12. Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks tulis fungsional pendek sangat sederhana untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan terdekat. Basic Competency 12.1

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UNIT 1. Tegur Sapa Greetings

UNIT 1. Tegur Sapa Greetings UNIT 1 Tegur Sapa Greetings Hi. Good morning, selamat pagi Good afternoon selamat siang Good evening selamat malam Good night selamat tidur Good bye selamat tinggal How are you Apa kabar/halo How do you

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SMA/MA IPA kelas 10 - BAHASA INGGRIS IPA CHAPTER 4Latihan Soal 4.1. expression her intention. stating her plan. asking Danys plan

SMA/MA IPA kelas 10 - BAHASA INGGRIS IPA CHAPTER 4Latihan Soal 4.1. expression her intention. stating her plan. asking Danys plan SMA/MA IPA kelas 10 - BAHASA INGGRIS IPA CHAPTER 4Latihan Soal 4.1 1. Farah : What do you intend to do after graduating from Senior High School? Dany : I am going to get a job. Farah : Really? Why dont

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TAG QUESTION. Tag Question merupakan bentuk pertanyaan berekor yang fungsinya untuk mempertegas suatu pertanyaan.

TAG QUESTION. Tag Question merupakan bentuk pertanyaan berekor yang fungsinya untuk mempertegas suatu pertanyaan. TAG QUESTION Tag Question merupakan bentuk pertanyaan berekor yang fungsinya untuk mempertegas suatu pertanyaan. Syarat utama dalam membuat question tag adalah: Apabila kalimat utamanya / pernyataannya

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SMA/MA IPA kelas 10 - BAHASA INGGRIS IPA CHAPTER 8Latihan Soal 8.1. approves of. disagrees with. congratulates. complains to

SMA/MA IPA kelas 10 - BAHASA INGGRIS IPA CHAPTER 8Latihan Soal 8.1. approves of. disagrees with. congratulates. complains to SMA/MA IPA kelas 10 - BAHASA INGGRIS IPA CHAPTER 8Latihan Soal 8.1 1. Ferry : I can go abroad any time. Deny: Are you kidding? How do you get the money for it? From the dialog we know that Deny Ferry.

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Callista Sulaiman

Callista Sulaiman Callista Sulaiman 2011-031-070 T : Ok, Good afternoon, guys. So, today I will teach you and today we will do a listening again. So, as usual, there will be a song, first. I ll give you the lyric. (distributing)

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English for Study in Australia BAHASA INGGRIS UNTUK STUDI DI AUSTRALIA Lesson 11: I got the job! Pelajaran 11: SAYA MENDAPAT PEKERJAAN!

English for Study in Australia BAHASA INGGRIS UNTUK STUDI DI AUSTRALIA Lesson 11: I got the job! Pelajaran 11: SAYA MENDAPAT PEKERJAAN! English for Study in Australia BAHASA INGGRIS UNTUK STUDI DI AUSTRALIA Lesson 11: I got the job! Pelajaran 11: SAYA MENDAPAT PEKERJAAN! L1 Male L1 Female L1 Male L1 Female Halo saya Tito Ambyo dan saya

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SMP kelas 9 - BAHASA INGGRIS CHAPTER 4Latihan Soal Anwar :... your son has just graduated from university. I hope he will get a job soon.

SMP kelas 9 - BAHASA INGGRIS CHAPTER 4Latihan Soal Anwar :... your son has just graduated from university. I hope he will get a job soon. 1. Sina : Hey Ali,... for winning the English speech contest. Ali : Thanks. SMP kelas 9 - BAHASA INGGRIS CHAPTER 4Latihan Soal 4.1 good luck how lucky you are congratulations thank God Ali memenangkan

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APPENDICES. Appendix A. Data 1 (Student A)

APPENDICES. Appendix A. Data 1 (Student A) APPENDICES Appendix A Data 1 (Student A) 48 No Sentence 1. *There so many place they can visiting. *There so many place they can visiting. Tidak mengerti struktur yang sebenarnya, mengira bahwa are atau

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Ss: Raiver. River. T: Okay, this is a river. This a river, okay. How about this one. Ss: Beach. Beach. Beach. T: Okay, who likes to go the beach?

Ss: Raiver. River. T: Okay, this is a river. This a river, okay. How about this one. Ss: Beach. Beach. Beach. T: Okay, who likes to go the beach? Transcript 1 T: Good morning, students! How are you today? Ss: Good morning, Miss Mona and Miss Clara. T: Okay, class, because this is my first time here, I want to know you first. I want you to introduce

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Sukses Berbisnis Di Internet Dalam 29 Hari (Indonesian Edition)

Sukses Berbisnis Di Internet Dalam 29 Hari (Indonesian Edition) Sukses Berbisnis Di Internet Dalam 29 Hari (Indonesian Edition) Click here if your download doesn"t start automatically Sukses Berbisnis Di Internet Dalam 29 Hari (Indonesian Edition) Sukses Berbisnis

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RENCANA PELAKSANAAN PEMBELAJARAN (RPP) RENCANA PELAKSANAAN PEMBELAJARAN (RPP) Satuan Pendidikan Mata Pelajaran Kelas/Semester Materi Pokok Alokasi Waktu : SMP Negeri 2 Ngemplak : Bahasa Inggris : VII/I : Teks Interpersonal Meminta maaf : 2

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