LESSON NO. 53 BEFORE THE BROADCAST MENYATAKAN SETUJU. It's hot in here. YES, it is YES, they are YES, he can. YES, he does.

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1 LESSON NO. 53 PART I: BEFORE THE BROADCAST MENYATAKAN SETUJU POSITIVE STATEMENTS It's hot in here. YES, it is. (KALlMAT BER/TA POS/T/P) Lihat/ah positive statements di bawah ini. dan perhatikan bagaimana kite menyetujuinya: This film's boring These shoes are too big He can sing very well She eats too much They go out a lot YES, it is YES, they are YES, he can YES, she does YES, they do \ Berikut ini ka/imat-ka/imat dengan "question t aqs". Kita menyetujuinys dengan cara yang sama: It's cold, isn't it? We're late, aren't we? He can come tonight, can't he? It'll be Friday tomorrow, won't it? You get up early, don't you? He goes to university, doesn't he? YES, it is YES, we are --+ YES, he can YES, it will YES, I do YES, he does V PEDOMAN Untuk menyetujui positive statement, kita pakai YES. I'm not very happy today. NO, you aren't. Lihatlah negative statements di bawah ini, dan perhatikan bagaimana kita menyetujuinya. This coffee isn't hot enough I agree: it isn't hot enough) Those aren't your books NO, they aren't This dress isn't long enough My brother doesn't eat much NO, he doesn't r-, They don't play tennis well NO, they don't PEDOMAN Untuk menyetuju; Berikut ini negative statements dengan "question tags". negative statement, Kita menyetujuinya dengan cara yang sama. kita pakai NO (karena kata kerja You aren't sleepy, are you? NO, "m not da/am jawaban kita bersi- It isn't late, is it? fat negatip). They aren't going to town, are they?~ NO, they aren't They don't like coffee, do they? NO, they don't He doesn't ride a bike, does he? NO, he doesn't V LAKUKANLAH LATlHAN 0/ ATAS DENGAN SEORANG TEMAN.

2 2 MENYATAKAN TIOAK SETUJU POSITIVE STATEMENTS My nose is too long. I like it. Lihatlah kalimat-kalimat di bawah ini, dan perhatikan bagaimana kita menyatakan tidak setuju: PEOOMAN Untuk menyatakan tidak setuju terhadap positive statement, kita pakai NO. We're late He's a lazy person You're sleepy He can speak Indonesian / They'll arrive soon Berikut ini beberapa contoh dengan "questi tidak setuju dengan cara yang sama. Chris and Iwan are 21, aren't they? You're going to be there, aren't you? '\ Bert likes Westerns, doesn't he? She went out, didn't she? They'll call in later, won't they? Iwan can play tennis, can't he? ~ NO, we aren't NO, he isn't NO, I'm not NO, he can't. NO, they won't on tags". Kita menyetsksn ~ NO, they aren't NO, I'm not NO, he doesn't NO, she didn't NO, they won't NO, he can't NEGATIVE STATEMENTS ~7.:..: I'm not sick. YES. you are! Lihatlah kalimat-kalimat di bawah ini, dan perhatikan bagaimana kita menyatakan tidak setuju: PEOOMAN Untuk menyatakan tidak setuju terhadap suatu negative staternent, kita pakai YES (karena kata kerja dalam jawaban kita bersifat positip). / You didn't switch the radio off They didn't enjoy the meal I can't come alone She isn't going to go They can't catch the bus Berikut ini beberapa contoh dengan "questi tidak setuju dengan cara yang sama. They aren't brothers, are they? You aren't hungry, are you? He didn't eat his sandwiches, did he? -, She doesn't go to uni, does she? You can't come early, can you? She won't arrive tomorrow, will she? YES, I did (I disagree) YES, they did ~ YES, you can YES. she is YES, they can on tags". Kita menyatakan YES, they are YES, I am YES, he did ~ YES, she does YES. I can YES, she will LAKUKANLAH LATIHAN 01 ATAS DENGAN SEORANG TEMAN.

3 3 MENYATAKAN SETUJU - /anjutan Kadang-kadang kita tambahkan suatu "question tag" pada jawaban kita. Berikut ini beberapa contoh: That book's boring, isn't it? Answer: Yes, it is, isn't it? That looks nice, doesn't it? Answer: Yes, it does, doesn't it? They're always late, aren't they? Answer: Yes, they are, aren't they? It isn't expensive, is it? Answer: No, it isn't, is it? She isn't happy, is she? Answer: No, she isn't, is she? (Perhatikan/ah bahwa "question tag" da/am jawaban tidak perlu dijawab.) LAKUKANLAH LAT/HAN D/ ATAS DENGAN SEORANG TEMAN. TOO (= juga, dipakai da/am positive statement) Ka/au suatu positive statement diikuti o/eh suatu statement lain yang serupe, maka seringka/i kata too ditambahkan pada akhir statement yang kedua. Perhatikan contoh-contoh pemakaian kata too berikut ini: Long Statement Short Statement Iwan likes Westerns ?> (Chris likes Westerns too) -----?> Chris does too. Lucia's tired ?> (I'm tired too) -----?> I am too. Lucia can speak Italian. Paul can too. They watched television last night. ~ We did too. EITH ER (= juga, dipakai da/am negative statement) Ka/au suatu negative statement diikuti o/eh suatu negative statement lain yang serupe. maka kata either ditambahkan pada akhir ka/imat yang kedua. Perhatikan contoh-contoh berikut ini: Long Statement Short Statement They didn't play tennis ?> (We didn't play tennis either) -----?> We didn't either. He doesn't sing well ?> (I don't sing well either) -----?> I don't either. Lucia hasn't been to Melbourne ~~ I haven't either. I can't spend a lot of money ~~ They can't either. He isn't tall. I'm not either. Beberapa ungkbpan yang dipakbi untuk menyatakan setuju: That's right = (/tu) benar. HELEN: It's a long time since we've seen Chris. MRS scon: That's right. It's about three weeks. I couldn't agree more = Saya sangat JANE: Life in the country is easier than life in the setuju. city, isn't it? I couldn't agree more. MR scorr. You're absolutely right = Saudara HELEN: Breakfast is a lovely meal, isn't it? tepat seka/i. MRS scorr You're absolutely right! I love it. Certainly JANE: It's a beautiful day today. DON: It certainly is! (= Betu/ demikian.) (Perhatikan/ah susunan katanya)

4 MENYATAKAN T/DAK SETUJU - /.njut.n Berikut ini ada/ah beberapa ungkapan yang dipakai untuk menyatakan tidak setuju: I don't think... = Sayakira... tidak... It's cold here. I don't think it is. (= Saya kira tidak demikian. Perhatikan bagian ka/imat yang bersifat negatip.) You may be right, but = Saudara The shops in Melbourne are better than mungkin bensr. tetapi. those in Sydney. You may be right, but Sydney's more interesting. I'm afraid I don't agree = Maaf, BEHY: I think Melbourne's more interesting than tetapi seve tidak sependapat. Sydney. I'm afraid I don't agree. I don't think that's right = Saya kira Buses are always more crowded than itu tidak benar. trains. I don't think that's right. CONVERSATION (PERCAKAPAN) Gosh, it's hot today! It certainly is, but I like hot weather better than cold weather. I'm afraid I don't agree. It makes me tired. You may be right, but in winter I always get a cold. I do too, but I still think winter's better. Sydney hasn't got a very cold winter, of course. I come from England, you know, and it's very cold there during the winter. That's right. It snows a lot, doesn't it? Yes, it does. And it often rains, and I don't like that. I don't either, but I think it's going to rain tonight. Yes, I think you're right. I did the washing this morning and it always rains when I do the washing! 4 BE READY FOR THESE WORDS AND PHRASES IN THE BROADCAST (BERS/AP-S/APLAH UNTUK MENOENGAR KATA-KATA OAN UNGKAPAN 1Nl OALAM SIARAN) a mistake [masteik] = keke/iruan/kesa/ahan a conversation [konvaselsyan] a phrase [FREIZ] = ungkapan a statement [STEITment] = pernyataan bright [BRAI,.] = cerah/terang strong [STRONG] = kuat That's right [dhrets RAIT] You're absolutely right [yor..)ebsalotli RAITl I couldn't agree more [ai KUDanLaGRI MO(El)] certainly [S9tanli] I don't think... [ai DOUNT THINGK] You may be right, but... [yu MEI brrait, bat] too [TO]/also [Olsou] = juga, da/am I'm afraid I don't agree [aim_afreid...ai positive statement DOUNT_aGRl] either [Aldha/fdha] = juga, dslem I don't think that's right [ai DOUNT thingk negative statement dhrets RAIT] Are you sure? [a yu SYO(El)] = Apakah spend-spent-spent [SPEN D-SPENT-SPENT] saudara yakin? try them on [TRAI dhem_on] = mencobanya t still think [ai STll THINGK] = saya masih berpendapat... I thought [AI THOT] = saya kira (Past) - kadang-kadang bentuk ini dipakai untuk menunjukkan Ikeragu-raguan, atau sebagai bentuk /ebih sopan dari I think.

5 5 PART 11: AFTER THE BROADCAST EXERCISES A. Tulislah jawaban yang menyetujui kalimat-kalimat di bawah ini. Example: This book's interesting. Answer: Yes, it is. 1. He's very tall. 5. They play tennis on Monday, don't they? 2. She likes hamburgers. 6. This dress doesn't look too big, does it? 3. This colour isn't bright. 7. They can catch the bus, can't they? 4. You don't agree, do you? 8. It isn't raining, is it? B. Tulislah jawaban yang tidak menyetujui kalimat-kalimat di bawah ini. Example: Chris is studying Science, isn't he? IExample: He doesn't want to stay. Answer: No, he isn't. Answer: Yes, he does. 1. She can type, can't she? 5. He didn't ask any questions, did he? 2. We can't stay here. 6. He isn't talkative, is he? 3. She doesn't cook well, does she? 7. That water's very deep. 4. He went to Jakarta, didn't he? 8. They go to uni with Chris. C. Tambahkanlah suatu kalimat lain pada tiep-tiep kalimat berikut. Pakailah too atau either. Example: I don't like tea. (he) Example: He went to the cinema yesterday. (we) Answer: He doesn't either. I Answer: We did too. 1. I must go now. (I) 5. We go to school. (they) 2 He wasn't there. (she) 6. He didn't like the film. (I) :.s. He can't do the exercise. (she) 7. He's going to visit her. (we) 4. They're very busy. (we) 8. I've met him. (she) D. Tuliskanlah jawaban yang menyetujui setiap kalimat di bawah ini. Pakailah "question tag" dalam jawaban saudara. Example: It's hot today. IExample: He doesn't like coffee. Answer: Yes, it is, isn't it? Answer: No, he doesn't, does he? 1. The sun wasn't shining yesterday. 5. They haven't got a car. 2. He's a nice man. 6. She's already been there. 3. They won't come. 7. They spent a lot of money. 4. She types well. 8. She can't play the piano. E. Lengkapkanlah percakapan di bawah ini dengan salah setu dari ungkapanungkapan berikut: I don't think that's right certainly I'm afraid I don't agree You may be right, but CHRIS: Let me help you with that box. It's heavy, isn't it? HELEN: ItH" is! Thanks, Chris. CHRIS: That's a.k. Everyone knows women aren't as strong as men. HELEN: I'm... H'HH'H H' H... Lots of women are stronger than men. CHRIS: I...H.is it? HELEN: Yes, it is. And women live longer than men. CHRIS: You.'H' but I still think men are stronger!

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English for Tourism Lesson 10 Giving directions (continued) English for Tourism Lesson 10 Giving directions (continued) Pelajaran 10: Memberi Petunjuk Jalan (lanjutan) L1: Anda sedang mendengarkan "Kursus Bahasa Inggris Dasar untuk Pariwisata dan Perhotelan" yang

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English for Tourism Lesson 13 The Tour Guide

English for Tourism Lesson 13 The Tour Guide English for Tourism Lesson 13 The Tour Guide Pelajaran 13: Pemandu Wisata L1 Juni Tampi: Eng: Bahasa Inggris Pariwisata English for Tourism L1: Halo, Saya Juni Tampi dari Radio Australia, Seksi Indonesia.

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English for Tourism Lesson 23 Checking out

English for Tourism Lesson 23 Checking out English for Tourism Lesson 23 Checking out Pelajaran 23: Check out L1 Juni Tampi: Eng: Bahasa Inggris Pariwisata English for Tourism L1: Pelajaran ke-23. Check out. Eng: Lesson 23. Checking out. L1: Halo,

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Lesson 30: will, will not. Pelajaran 30: Akan, Tidak Akan

Lesson 30: will, will not. Pelajaran 30: Akan, Tidak Akan Lesson 30: will, will not Pelajaran 30: Akan, Tidak Akan Reading (Membaca) I hope you will visit me one day. ( Aku harap kamu akan mengunjungi saya satu hari ) I think your sister will like that cellphone.

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English for Tourism Lesson 20 At the festival (continued)

English for Tourism Lesson 20 At the festival (continued) English for Tourism Lesson 20 At the festival (continued) Pelajaran 20: Di festival (lanjutan) L1 Juni Tampi: Eng: Bahasa Inggris Pariwisata English for Tourism L1: Pelajaran ke-20. Di festival. Eng: Lesson

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ELLIPTICAL SENTENCE. Dalam pengerjaan / penggunaan kalimat Elliptical Construction, perlu diperhatikan tentang kata kerja bantu / auxiliary verb :

ELLIPTICAL SENTENCE. Dalam pengerjaan / penggunaan kalimat Elliptical Construction, perlu diperhatikan tentang kata kerja bantu / auxiliary verb : ELLIPTICAL SENTENCE Elliptical sentence atau yang sering disebut dengan ellipsis atau construction adalah penggabungan dua buah kalimat yang memiliki unsur sama dengan tujuan untuk membuat kalimat majemuk

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APPENDICES. Appendix A. Data 1 (Student A)

APPENDICES. Appendix A. Data 1 (Student A) APPENDICES Appendix A Data 1 (Student A) 48 No Sentence 1. *There so many place they can visiting. *There so many place they can visiting. Tidak mengerti struktur yang sebenarnya, mengira bahwa are atau

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SMA/MA IPA kelas 10 - BAHASA INGGRIS IPA CHAPTER 11Latihan Soal apology. regret. sympathy. gratitude. purpose

SMA/MA IPA kelas 10 - BAHASA INGGRIS IPA CHAPTER 11Latihan Soal apology. regret. sympathy. gratitude. purpose 1. Reny : You looked so sad. Whats the matter with you? SMA/MA IPA kelas 10 - BAHASA INGGRIS IPA CHAPTER 11Latihan Soal 11.1 Yuyun : Ive lost my wallet somewhere between my house and the school, There

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Easy & Simple - Web Programming: Belajar Pemprograman Website Secara Efektif dan Efisien (Indonesian Edition)

Easy & Simple - Web Programming: Belajar Pemprograman Website Secara Efektif dan Efisien (Indonesian Edition) Easy & Simple - Web Programming: Belajar Pemprograman Website Secara Efektif dan Efisien (Indonesian Edition) Rohi Abdulloh Click here if your download doesn"t start automatically Easy & Simple - Web Programming:

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SMA/MA IPA kelas 10 - BAHASA INGGRIS IPA CHAPTER 10Latihan Soal 10.1

SMA/MA IPA kelas 10 - BAHASA INGGRIS IPA CHAPTER 10Latihan Soal 10.1 SMA/MA IPA kelas 10 - BAHASA INGGRIS IPA CHAPTER 10Latihan Soal 10.1 1. Kaka : Hi Willy, would you like to accompany me to fetch Mr. Johni at the airport now? Willy : Im afraid I cant. Im attending an

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MODULE 1 GRADE XI VARIATION OF EXPRESSIONS MODULE 1 GRADE XI VARIATION OF EXPRESSIONS Compiled by: Theresia Riya Vernalita H., S.Pd. Kompetensi Dasar 3.1 Menganalisis fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan pada ungkapan memberi saran

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Lesson 23: How. Pelajaran 23: Bagaimana

Lesson 23: How. Pelajaran 23: Bagaimana Lesson 23: How Pelajaran 23: Bagaimana Reading (Membaca) How are you? (Bagaimana kabarmu?) How are your parents? (Bagaimana kabar orang tuamu?) How was the interview? (Bagaimana wawancaranya?) How is your

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Yeah, so, I continued university in (I) graduated in I graduated in Worked in NewYork until I worked in New York until 1996.

Yeah, so, I continued university in (I) graduated in I graduated in Worked in NewYork until I worked in New York until 1996. bag 3 i: Coba sekarang ceritakan ke saya dan ke Brian. Mulai dari keluar sekolah, mulai dari lulus kuliah. Kerja di mana, di mana dan di negara mana. Try tell me now. Since after graduate your school,

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MINI TEST UNIT 1,2. (c) is ( (D) ought. Browns... to another city. (C) moving. (D) must have moved. (C) speak. (D) writing in

MINI TEST UNIT 1,2. (c) is ( (D) ought. Browns... to another city. (C) moving. (D) must have moved. (C) speak. (D) writing in MINI TEST UNIT 1,2 a. Choose the letter of the word that best coinpletes the sentence (Pilihlah, B, C, atau sebagai pilihan yang benar untuk melengkapi kalimat-kalimat di bawah ini). 1. Cindy... study

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English for Tourism Lesson 21 Dealing with a situation

English for Tourism Lesson 21 Dealing with a situation English for Tourism Lesson 21 Dealing with a situation Pelajaran 21: Menangani situasi yang serius L1 Juni Tampi: Eng: Bahasa Inggris Pariwisata English for Tourism L1: Halo, Saya Juni Tampi dari Radio

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Lesson 32: Future tense expressed by. be going to, not going to. Pelajaran 32: Bentuk akan datang yang diungkapkan dengan be. going to, not going to

Lesson 32: Future tense expressed by. be going to, not going to. Pelajaran 32: Bentuk akan datang yang diungkapkan dengan be. going to, not going to Lesson 32: Future tense expressed by be going to, not going to be verb~ing, not + be verb~ing Pelajaran 32: Bentuk akan datang yang diungkapkan dengan be going to, not going to be verb~ing, not + be verb~ing

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SMA/MA IPA kelas 10 - BAHASA INGGRIS IPA CHAPTER 7Latihan Soal 7.1

SMA/MA IPA kelas 10 - BAHASA INGGRIS IPA CHAPTER 7Latihan Soal 7.1 SMA/MA IPA kelas 10 - BAHASA INGGRIS IPA CHAPTER 7Latihan Soal 7.1 1. George : I heard that your brother has just won the first prize in the speech contest in his school, hasnt he? Tony : Yes and my father

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Lesson 60 : Too/Either, So do I, Neither do I. Pelajaran 60 : Juga/Antara, Saya juga begitu, Saya juga tidak

Lesson 60 : Too/Either, So do I, Neither do I. Pelajaran 60 : Juga/Antara, Saya juga begitu, Saya juga tidak Lesson 60 : Too/Either, So do I, Neither do I Pelajaran 60 : Juga/Antara, Saya juga begitu, Saya juga tidak Reading (Membaca) I often watch movies at the movie theater, and my cousin does too. (Saya sering

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SMA/MA IPA kelas 10 - BAHASA INGGRIS IPA CHAPTER 4Latihan Soal 4.1. expression her intention. stating her plan. asking Danys plan

SMA/MA IPA kelas 10 - BAHASA INGGRIS IPA CHAPTER 4Latihan Soal 4.1. expression her intention. stating her plan. asking Danys plan SMA/MA IPA kelas 10 - BAHASA INGGRIS IPA CHAPTER 4Latihan Soal 4.1 1. Farah : What do you intend to do after graduating from Senior High School? Dany : I am going to get a job. Farah : Really? Why dont

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SMP kelas 7 - BAHASA INGGRIS CHAPTER 7LATIHAN SOAL CHAPTER 7 SMP kelas 7 - BAHASA INGGRIS CHAPTER 7LATIHAN SOAL CHAPTER 7 1. Bima : Where does the sailor work? Yongki : He works... in the field on the sea in the garden in the workshop Sudah jelas yang ditanyakan

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English for Tourism Lesson 16 Discussing a tour

English for Tourism Lesson 16 Discussing a tour English for Tourism Lesson 16 Discussing a tour Pelajaran 16: Membicarakan Perjalanan Wisata L1 Juni Tampi: Eng: Bahasa Inggris Pariwisata English for Tourism L1: Pelajaran ke-16: Membicarakan Perjalanan

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E VA D A E L U M M A H K H O I R, M. A B. P E R T E M U A N 2 A N A

E VA D A E L U M M A H K H O I R, M. A B. P E R T E M U A N 2 A N A HANDLING TAMU E VA D A E L U M M A H K H O I R, M. A B. P E R T E M U A N 2 A N A CARA PENERIMAAN TAMU Menanyakan nama dan keperluan (RESEPSIONIS) Good Morning. What can I do for you? Good morning, can

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HOW DO YOU GO TO BALI TRANSPORTATION HOW DO YOU GO TO BALI Kegiatan Relajar 6 STANDAR KOMPETENSI Memahami makna dalam teks lisan tulis fungsional dan esei pendek sederhana berbentuk narrative dan report untuk berinteraksi dalam

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SMP kelas 7 - BAHASA INGGRIS CHAPTER 11LATIHAN SOAL CHAPTER 11 SMP kelas 7 - BAHASA INGGRIS CHAPTER 11LATIHAN SOAL CHAPTER 11 1. Lina : You look very thirsty.... to have some tea? Rosa : Sure, thanks. Are you like Do you order Would you like What about Kunci Jawaban

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English for Tourism Lesson 12 Shopping (continued)

English for Tourism Lesson 12 Shopping (continued) English for Tourism Lesson 12 Shopping (continued) Pelajaran 12: Berbelanja (lanjutan) L1 Juni Tampi: Eng: Bahasa Inggris Pariwisata English for Tourism L1: Halo, Saya Juni Tampi dari Radio Australia.

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Lesson 22: Why. Pelajaran 22: Mengapa

Lesson 22: Why. Pelajaran 22: Mengapa Lesson 22: Why Pelajaran 22: Mengapa Reading (Membaca) Why are you tired? (Mengapa kamu lelah?) Why is your boss angry? (Mengapa bosmu marah?) Why was he late? (Kenapa dia terlambat?) Why did she go there?

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untuk aktif berbicara mengemukakan pendapatnya berkaitan dengan gambar yang diamatinya. 5

untuk aktif berbicara mengemukakan pendapatnya berkaitan dengan gambar yang diamatinya. 5 Halaman 150 What do you think about them a. What do you think about them Setiap kelompok bekerja sama untuk mendeskripsikan karakter dan kegiatan pada kotak-kotak yang telah disediakan dalam buku siswa.

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KETERANGAN WAKTU, KATA DEPAN & KATA PENGUHUBUNG NO KATA BHS INGGRIS 1 akhir pekan ini this weekend 2 akhir-akhir ini lately 3 akhir-akhir ini nowadays 4 asalkan provided (that) 5 bahkan even 6 banyak a lot 7 banyak much 8 banyak many 9 barangkali probably 10 baru saja

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L1: Halo, Saya Juni Tampi dari Radio Australia dengan Pelajaran Keempat dari Kursus Bahasa Inggris Dasar untuk Pariwisata dan Perhotelan.

L1: Halo, Saya Juni Tampi dari Radio Australia dengan Pelajaran Keempat dari Kursus Bahasa Inggris Dasar untuk Pariwisata dan Perhotelan. English for Tourism Lesson 4 Checking in (continued) Pelajaran 4: Check in di hotel (lanjutan) L1 Juni: Eng: Eng: L1 Juni: "Bahasa Inggris Untuk Pariwisata" "English for Tourism" Lesson Four. Checking

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Marilah kita lihat contoh berikut :

Marilah kita lihat contoh berikut : Sekarang kita menginjak ke tahapan penting kedua pelajaran kita. Dalam pelajaran IV ini, kita akan mempelajari pengungkapan kalimat yang TIDAK menggunakan AKAN, SUDAH, SEDANG. Kalimat yang kita buat disini

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Lesson 66: Indirect questions. Pelajaran 66: Pertanyaan Tidak Langsung

Lesson 66: Indirect questions. Pelajaran 66: Pertanyaan Tidak Langsung Lesson 66: Indirect questions Pelajaran 66: Pertanyaan Tidak Langsung Reading (Membaca) Could you tell me where she went? (Bisakah kamu beritahu aku kemana dia pergi?) Do you know how I can get to the

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Lesson 33: Interrogative forms of be going to, be + verb~ing for expressing near future

Lesson 33: Interrogative forms of be going to, be + verb~ing for expressing near future Lesson 33: Interrogative forms of be going to, be + verb~ing for expressing near future Pelajaran 33: Bentuk Kata Tanya "be going to, be verb ~ ing" untuk Mengekspresikan Waktu yang Akan Segera Datang

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Membangun Menara karakter (Indonesian Edition)

Membangun Menara karakter (Indonesian Edition) Membangun Menara karakter (Indonesian Edition) Stella Olivia Click here if your download doesn"t start automatically Membangun Menara karakter (Indonesian Edition) Stella Olivia Membangun Menara karakter

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Passive Type 2 (Uang itu saya ambil, etc)

Passive Type 2 (Uang itu saya ambil, etc) Passive Type 2 (Uang itu saya ambil, etc) In Unit 1 we learned how make a passive sentence in this way: Uang itu diambil oleh Rina. But we can only do that if the Actor is a third person. (as with Rina

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Lesson 45: -er, more, less. Pelajaran 45: Lebih, Lebih Dan, Kurang Dari

Lesson 45: -er, more, less. Pelajaran 45: Lebih, Lebih Dan, Kurang Dari Lesson 45: -er, more, less Pelajaran 45: Lebih, Lebih Dan, Kurang Dari Reading (Membaca) Jason is more active than Kevin in the class. ( Jason lebih aktif dibandingkan Kevin pada saat di kelas ) This cellphone

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Lesson 42: have to, don t have to. Pelajaran 42: harus, tidak perlu

Lesson 42: have to, don t have to. Pelajaran 42: harus, tidak perlu Lesson 42: have to, don t have to Pelajaran 42: harus, tidak perlu Reading (Membaca) We have to go to school tomorrow. ( Kita harus pergi ke sekolah besok ) I have to get up at 5 am tomorrow. ( Aku harus

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Mewarnai: Edisi Islami

Mewarnai: Edisi Islami Mewarnai: Edisi Islami Ms Rizki Ramadhani BA Click here if your download doesn"t start automatically Mewarnai: Edisi Islami Ms Rizki Ramadhani BA Mewarnai: Edisi Islami Ms Rizki Ramadhani BA Buku ini diperuntukkan

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English for Tourism Lesson 26 A job interview (continued)

English for Tourism Lesson 26 A job interview (continued) English for Tourism Lesson 26 A job interview (continued) Pelajaran 26: Wawancara Pekerjaan (lanjutan) L1 Juni Tampi: Bahasa Inggris Pariwisata English for Tourism L1: Pelajaran ke-26. Wawancara Pekerjaan.

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MODUL CETAK EXPRESSING SATISFACTION AND DISSATISFACTION MODUL CETAK EXPRESSING SATISFACTION AND DISSATISFACTION STANDAR KOMPETENSI 3. Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks percakapan transaksional dan interpersonal resmi dan berlanjut (sustained) dalam konteks kehidupan

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Video A. Introduction

Video A. Introduction A. Introduction T (teacher): Good morning 1B! Ss (students): Good morning Ms. T: How are you today? Ss: I m fine thank you. T: 1B masih ingat tidak? One two eyes on me! Ss: One two eyes one you! T: Do

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SMP kelas 8 - BAHASA INGGRIS CHAPTER 4Latihan Soal 4.1. Since the first publishing 3 weeks ago, there have been over 500 copies sold.

SMP kelas 8 - BAHASA INGGRIS CHAPTER 4Latihan Soal 4.1. Since the first publishing 3 weeks ago, there have been over 500 copies sold. 1. Farhan : So, how many copies have been sold this far? Yola : Thank God. Many people seem to like it very much. SMP kelas 8 - BAHASA INGGRIS CHAPTER 4Latihan Soal 4.1 Since the first publishing 3 weeks

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SMP kelas 7 - BAHASA INGGRIS CHAPTER 6Latihan Soal 6.4

SMP kelas 7 - BAHASA INGGRIS CHAPTER 6Latihan Soal 6.4 SMP kelas 7 - BAHASA INGGRIS CHAPTER 6Latihan Soal 6.4 1. To : All Employees Effective date : February 1 st, 2017 Subject : Staff uniforms All employees are required to wear a uniform during work hours.

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Lesson 59: Negative yes-no Questions Pelajaran 59: Pertanyaan Negatif ya-tidak

Lesson 59: Negative yes-no Questions Pelajaran 59: Pertanyaan Negatif ya-tidak Lesson 59: Negative yes-no Questions Pelajaran 59: Pertanyaan Negatif ya-tidak Reading (Membaca) Isn t James playing soccer this year? (Bukankah James bermain sepak bola tahun ini?) Aren t they coming

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Bagaimana Mengembangkan Lembar Kerja/Tugas yang Baik?

Bagaimana Mengembangkan Lembar Kerja/Tugas yang Baik? Bagaimana Mengembangkan Lembar Kerja/Tugas yang Baik? I Latar Belakang Lembar kerja/tugas merupakan salah satu alat guru mengajar; LK/LT lebih bersifat sebagai pelengkap penjelasan guru tentang suatu konsep

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Lesson 51: before, after, while, since. Pelajaran 51: sebelum, setelah, sementara, sejak

Lesson 51: before, after, while, since. Pelajaran 51: sebelum, setelah, sementara, sejak Lesson 51: before, after, while, since Pelajaran 51: sebelum, setelah, sementara, sejak Reading (Membaca) Before you go to the beach, call your mother. ( sebelum kamu pergi pantai, hubungi ibumu dulu )

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SIMPLE PRESENT TENSE. Keterangan waktu yang dapat digunakan dalam Simple Present Tense adalah: No Keterangan Waktu Arti

SIMPLE PRESENT TENSE. Keterangan waktu yang dapat digunakan dalam Simple Present Tense adalah: No Keterangan Waktu Arti SIMPLE PRESENT TENSE Simple Present Tense adalah bentuk waktu yang digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu perbuatan atau kegiatan yang berlangsung atau terjadi pada waktu sekarang dalam bentuk sederhana, atau

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Lesson 65: Causative verbs: let/make/have/get Pelajaran 65: Kata Kerja Kausatif: let/make/have/get

Lesson 65: Causative verbs: let/make/have/get Pelajaran 65: Kata Kerja Kausatif: let/make/have/get Lesson 65: Causative verbs: let/make/have/get Pelajaran 65: Kata Kerja Kausatif: let/make/have/get Reading (Membaca) Let him go to the concert. (Biarkan dia perdi ke konser.) Make him tell the truth. (Buat

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Teknik Kreatif Menyajikan Presentasi Memukau (Indonesian Edition)

Teknik Kreatif Menyajikan Presentasi Memukau (Indonesian Edition) Teknik Kreatif Menyajikan Presentasi Memukau (Indonesian Edition) Muhammad Noer Click here if your download doesn"t start automatically Teknik Kreatif Menyajikan Presentasi Memukau (Indonesian Edition)

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Lesson 20: Where, When. Pelajaran 20: Dimana, Kapan

Lesson 20: Where, When. Pelajaran 20: Dimana, Kapan Lesson 20: Where, When Pelajaran 20: Dimana, Kapan Reading (Membaca) Where is the City Hall? (Dimana City Hall?) Where are you now? (Dimana kamu sekarang?) Where is he working? (Dimana dia bekerja?) Where

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UNIT 1. Tegur Sapa Greetings

UNIT 1. Tegur Sapa Greetings UNIT 1 Tegur Sapa Greetings Hi. Good morning, selamat pagi Good afternoon selamat siang Good evening selamat malam Good night selamat tidur Good bye selamat tinggal How are you Apa kabar/halo How do you

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Lesson 27: Prepositions of Direction. (from, to, into, onto, away from) Pelajaran 27: Kata Depan untuk Arah

Lesson 27: Prepositions of Direction. (from, to, into, onto, away from) Pelajaran 27: Kata Depan untuk Arah Lesson 27: Prepositions of Direction (from, to, into, onto, away from) Pelajaran 27: Kata Depan untuk Arah Bagaimana Menggunakan Kata Depan untuk Arah Reading (Membaca) I come from Austria. ( Saya datang

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THE MAP OF MUKO-MUKO DISTRICT THE MAP OF MUKO-MUKO DISTRICT APPENDICES A. Questionnaires Form : Name (Nama) : Age (Usia) : Address (Alamat) : Job (Pekerjaan) : Tolong terjemahkan ke dalam Bahasa Muko-Muko! (Please translate to Muko-Muko

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DUA KATA KERJA YANG BERGUNA 12 LESSON NO. 56 PART I: BEFORE THE BROADCAST DUA KATA KERJA YANG BERGUNA 1. ASK = BERTANYA/MENCARI KETERANGAN ASK the time a question the date his name their address her phone number about the party/the

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Saturday, 27 April 2013

Saturday, 27 April 2013 Saturday, 27 April 2013 KELAS VII D Standard Competency 12. Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks tulis fungsional pendek sangat sederhana untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan terdekat. Basic Competency 12.1

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RENCANA PELAKSANAAN PEMBELAJARAN (kelas kontrol) 88 RENCANA PELAKSANAAN PEMBELAJARAN (kelas kontrol) I. Identitas Satuan pendidikan : SMPN 2 IV Koto Aur Malintang Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Kelas/Semester : VIII / 1I Materi : Recount Text Topic

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SEKOLAH TOEFL STRUCTURE. Week 4 (30 Nov 06 Des 2015) Jangan biarkan keterbatasan membuatmu tidak mampu berbuat lebih dari yang orang lain pikirkan..

SEKOLAH TOEFL STRUCTURE. Week 4 (30 Nov 06 Des 2015) Jangan biarkan keterbatasan membuatmu tidak mampu berbuat lebih dari yang orang lain pikirkan.. 1 SEKOLAH TOEFL HANDBOOK Jangan biarkan keterbatasan membuatmu tidak mampu berbuat lebih dari yang orang lain pikirkan.. STRUCTURE Week 4 (30 Nov 06 Des 2015) * Diadopsi dari buku Deborah Phillips 2 Ingat

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Ss: Raiver. River. T: Okay, this is a river. This a river, okay. How about this one. Ss: Beach. Beach. Beach. T: Okay, who likes to go the beach?

Ss: Raiver. River. T: Okay, this is a river. This a river, okay. How about this one. Ss: Beach. Beach. Beach. T: Okay, who likes to go the beach? Transcript 1 T: Good morning, students! How are you today? Ss: Good morning, Miss Mona and Miss Clara. T: Okay, class, because this is my first time here, I want to know you first. I want you to introduce

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Pertemuan ke : 9 Tujuan : Mahasiswa mampu memahami etika dan ekspresi-ekspresi berbicara melalui telepon dalam bahasa Inggris

Pertemuan ke : 9 Tujuan : Mahasiswa mampu memahami etika dan ekspresi-ekspresi berbicara melalui telepon dalam bahasa Inggris HAND OUT 6 BUSINESS CONVERSATION IN TELEPHONE TALK: BUSINESS PHONE ETIQUETTE AND EXPRESSION Pertemuan ke : 9 Tujuan : Mahasiswa mampu memahami etika dan ekspresi-ekspresi berbicara melalui telepon dalam

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Lesson 17: Can, Cannot, Can...? Pelajaran 17: Dapat, Tidak dapat, Dapatkan..?

Lesson 17: Can, Cannot, Can...? Pelajaran 17: Dapat, Tidak dapat, Dapatkan..? Lesson 17: Can, Cannot, Can...? Pelajaran 17: Dapat, Tidak dapat, Dapatkan..? Reading (Membaca) I can walk. (Saya dapat berjalan.) He can write an email. (Dia dapat menulis sebuah email.) You can dance.

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Panduan Excel untuk Pelamar Kerja (Indonesian Edition)

Panduan Excel untuk Pelamar Kerja (Indonesian Edition) Panduan Excel untuk Pelamar Kerja (Indonesian Edition) Yudhy Wicaksono Click here if your download doesn"t start automatically Panduan Excel untuk Pelamar Kerja (Indonesian Edition) Yudhy Wicaksono Panduan

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English for Tourism Lesson 5 Making recommendations

English for Tourism Lesson 5 Making recommendations English for Tourism Lesson 5 Making recommendations Pelajaran 5: Mengajukan Saran L1: "Bahasa Inggris Pariwisata Eng: "English for Tourism" L1 Juni Tampi: Hello, Saya Juni Tampi dari Radio Australia, mengantarkan

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Lesson 43: used to, didn t use to, never used to. Pelajaran 43: terbiasa, tidak terbiasa, biasanya tidak pernah

Lesson 43: used to, didn t use to, never used to. Pelajaran 43: terbiasa, tidak terbiasa, biasanya tidak pernah Lesson 43: used to, didn t use to, never used to Pelajaran 43: terbiasa, tidak terbiasa, biasanya tidak pernah Reading (Reading) I used to stay late at night. ( Saya sudah terbiasa begadang di malam hari

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SMP kelas 9 - BAHASA INGGRIS CHAPTER 6LATIHAN SOAL CHAPTER 6 SMP kelas 9 - BAHASA INGGRIS CHAPTER 6LATIHAN SOAL CHAPTER 6 1. Sender : Andy Tuesday, 28 th April, 2016 09.45 a.m. Boby, our plan to have a picnic today is postponed by Mrs. Sendy because of the heavy

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