ABSTRAK. Kata kunci: peranan analisis biaya kualitas, kegagalan produk, efisiensi biaya produksi. viii

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1 ABSTRAK Penelitian ini menggunakan metode analisis deskriptif. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis penggunaan biaya kualitas dalam menurunkan tingkat kegagalan produk dan meningkatkan efisiensi biaya produksi. Faktor yang perlu dipertimbangkan dalam meningkatkan efisiensi biaya produksi adalah dengan meningkatkan biaya pencegahan dan biaya penilaian serta menurunkan biaya kegagalan internal dan biaya kegagalan eksternal sehingga jumlah biaya kualitas dapat menurun dan biaya produksi ikut menurun. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perusahaan masih menghasilkan produk gagal di atas batas toleransi, yang mana ditentukan perusahaan sebesar 5% dari total produksi. Sebagian besar kegagalan produk berasal dari roti rusak. Perusahaan ingin menurunkan batas toleransi tersebut menjadi sebesar 2%. Saat ini unsur biaya kualitas yang terdapat pada Rotiku adalah gaji senior baker, gaji junior baker, gaji kepala bagain produksi, biaya pemeriksaan akhir, biaya karena perusahaan harus memeriksa dan memisahkan roti rusak dan roti panir yang dihasilkan akibat kegagalan produk. Kegiatan-kegiatan untuk menghindari terjadinya kegagalan produk pada Rotiku belum cukup untuk menurunkan tingkat kegagalan produk sampai 2% sehingga efisiensi biaya produksi belum dapat di tekan. Kata kunci: peranan analisis biaya kualitas, kegagalan produk, efisiensi biaya produksi. viii

2 ABSTRACT This study used descriptive analysis method. The purpose was to analyze the use of quality cost to reduce product defect and increase production cost efficiency. Factor that need to be considered in order to increase the production cost efficiency are to increase both preventive cost and appraisal cost as well as to decrease the internal failure cost and external failure cost so that the total quality cost can be reduced along with the production cost. Study showed that the company is still producing product defect beyond the company tolerance limits which is within 5 % of total production. Product defect mainly came from the damaged breads. The company wants to reduce this limits to within 2 %. Currently, the elements of quality cost of Rotiku consists of senior baker wages, junior baker wages, production superintendent wages, final quality control cost, and cost that appears because of the company need to sort the damaged goods as the result of the product defect. The efforts done to avoid the product defect in Rotiku is currently not enough to reduce the product defect to within 2 % so that the production cost efficiency can be achieved. Keywords: the role of quality cost, defective products, efficiency of production costs.

3 DAFTAR ISI Halaman HALAMAN JUDUL... HALAMAN PENGESAHAN.. i ii SURAT PERNYATAAN KEASLIAN SKRIPSI. iii KATA PENGANTAR.. iv ABSTRAK viii ABSTRACT.. DAFTAR ISI. x DAFTAR GAMBAR. xiv DAFTAR TABEL.. xv BAB I PENDAHULUAN Latar Belakang Penelitian Identifikasi Masalah Tujuan Penelitian Manfaat Penelitian Kerangka Pemikiran Bagan Kerangka Pemikiran 9 BAB II TINJAUAN PUSTAKA Biaya Pengertian Biaya Klasifikasi Biaya 11

4 Biaya Produksi Biaya Bahan Baku Langsung Tenaga Kerja Langsung Biaya Overhead Pabrik Hubungan Antara Analisis Biaya Kualitas Dengan Biaya Produksi Kualitas Pengertian Kualitas Aspek-aspek Kualitas Ukuran Kualitas Ukuran Financial atas Kualitas Ukuran Nonfinancial atas Kualitas Dimensi Kualitas Pengendalian Kualitas Tujuan Pengendalian Kualitas Alat Pengendalian Kualitas Biaya Kualitas Pengertian Biaya Kualitas Penggolongan Biaya Kualitas Analisis Biaya Kualitas Kegagalan Produk Pegertian Kegagalan Produk Alat-alat Kegagalan Produk Faktor Penyebab Kegagalan Produk...31

5 2.6. Hubungan Antara Analisis Biaya Kualitas dengan Tingkat Kegagalan Produk.32 BAB III METODE DAN OBJEK PENELITIAN Metode Penelitian Teknik Pengumpulan Data Langkah-langkah Penelitian Variabel Penelitian Waktu Penelitian dan Periode Data yang Digunakan Objek Penelitian Sejarah Singkat Perusahaan Struktur Organisasi dan Deskripsi Kerja Aktivitas Perusahaan..42 BAB IV HASIL PENELITIAN DAN PEMBAHASAN Pengendalian Kualitas Kegiatan Pengendalian Kualitas Faktor Penyebab Kegagalan Produk Jenis Kegagalan Produk Laporan Hasil Evaluasi Alat Pengendalian Kualitas Biaya-biaya yang Terjadi pada Rotiku Biaya Kualitas pada Rotiku..61

6 Unsur-unsur Biaya Kualitas Penggolongan Biaya Kualitas Analisis Biaya Kualitas pada Rotiku Analisis Biaya Kualitas Terhadap Biaya Produksi pada Rotiku Ukuran Nonfinancial atas Kualitas pada Rotiku Tindakan Perbaiakan Kegiatan Tindakan Perbaikan Analisis Biaya Kualitas dan Tindakan Perbaikan Peran Analisis Biaya Kualitas dalam Menurunkan Kegagalan Produk Peran Analisis Biaya Kualitas dalam Menekan Biaya Produksi 79 BAB V KESIMPULAN DAN SARAN Kesimpulan Saran.86 DAFTAR PUSTAKA..88 RIWAYAT HIDUP PENULIS 90

7 DAFTAR GAMBAR Halaman Gambar 2.1. Gambar 2.2. Gambar 3.1. Gambar 4.1. Gambar 4.2. Pareto Diagram 25 Cause-and-Effect Diagram...26 Struktur Organisasi...47 Pareto Diagram 59 Cause-and-Effect Diagram...59

8 DAFTAR TABEL Halaman Tabel 4.1. Hasil Roti Yang Diproduksi Rotiku Pada Bulan Desember Tabel 4.2. Intensitas Kegiatan Produksi Rotiku Pada Bulan Desember Tabel 4.3. Tabel 4.4. Tabel 4.5. Tabel 4.6. Biaya Produksi Pada Rotiku Bulan Desember Unsur Biaya Kualitas Pada Rotiku Bulan Desember Biaya Kualitas Rotiku.67 Persentase Biaya Kualitas Terhadap Biaya Produksi Desember Tabel 4.7. Proporsi Biaya Kualitas Pergolongan Terhadap Biaya Produksi 69 Tabel 4.8. Jumlah Kegagalan Produk Sebelum Dan Estimasi Sesudah Tindakan Perbaikan.73 Tabel 4.9. Perbandingan Biaya Kualitas Sebelum dan Sesudah Tindakan Perbaikan.76 Tabel Persentase Biaya Kualitas Terhadap Biaya Produksi.78

ABSTRACT. Keywords: The cost of quality, Profitability. viii Universitas Kristen Maranatha

ABSTRACT. Keywords: The cost of quality, Profitability. viii Universitas Kristen Maranatha ABSTRACT The development at this time rapidly growing business that certainly had an impact on the economic development in Indonesia. In order to be competitive, the company's products should have advantages

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ABSTRACT. Keywords: Standard cost, and cost production control. vii

ABSTRACT. Keywords: Standard cost, and cost production control. vii ABSTRACT This study used descriptive and varians analysis method. The purpose was to analyze the use of standard costs in increasing production cost control in bakery X. The methods that management can

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Universitas Kristen Maranatha

Universitas Kristen Maranatha ABSTRACT Quality costs are the costs that arise because there has been a bad product quality. This study aims to determine the cost of quality review of operating profit company. The cost of quality is

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ABSTRAK. Kata kunci: pengendalian kualitas, diagram pareto, peta kendali p, diagram sebab-akibat. Universitas Kristen Maranatha

ABSTRAK. Kata kunci: pengendalian kualitas, diagram pareto, peta kendali p, diagram sebab-akibat. Universitas Kristen Maranatha ABSTRAK Perusahaan Barly Joy Collection merupakan sebuah home industry yang bergerak di bidang manufaktur pakaian. Adapun produk yang dihasilkan adalah baju dengan bahan kaos. Banyak perusahaan pesaing

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ABSTRACT. Keywords: Quality Control, Product Defects, u Chart, Cause and Effect Diagram. v Universitas Kristen Maranatha

ABSTRACT. Keywords: Quality Control, Product Defects, u Chart, Cause and Effect Diagram. v Universitas Kristen Maranatha ABSTRACT Garment industry has great potential to grow and compete. Competition will be intense in the increasing number of companies. Quality is the things that can become a weapon to win the competition

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ABSTRACT. Keywords: Quality Control, Statistical Assistance Tools, Product Damage. Universitas Kristen Maranatha

ABSTRACT. Keywords: Quality Control, Statistical Assistance Tools, Product Damage. Universitas Kristen Maranatha ABSTRACT CV. Pelangi abadi is a company engaged in the field of convection which produces jeans. This company uses macloon system, which the production process is done in accordance with the order. In

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ABSTRACT. Key words : target costing, production cost efficiency. Universitas Kristen Maranatha

ABSTRACT. Key words : target costing, production cost efficiency. Universitas Kristen Maranatha ABSTRACT The purpose of this research is to analyse the use of the target costing method in production cost efficiency efforts. The research was conducted on Rotiku located at Jl. Dr Setiabudhi No. 168

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ABSTRAK. aktivitas pengendalian kualitas, biaya kualitas, diagram pareto dan diagram sebab akibat. Universitas Kristen Maranatha

ABSTRAK. aktivitas pengendalian kualitas, biaya kualitas, diagram pareto dan diagram sebab akibat. Universitas Kristen Maranatha ABSTRAK Arus globalisasi yang melanda dunia membuat perekonomian semakin terbuka melewati jarak dan batas antar negara, sehingga tidak ada lagi negara yang dapat menutup diri dari perekonomian dunia dan

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ABSTRAK. Kata-kata kunci: harga jual, harga pokok produk, job order costing method, full costing, variable costing. Universitas Kristen Maranatha

ABSTRAK. Kata-kata kunci: harga jual, harga pokok produk, job order costing method, full costing, variable costing. Universitas Kristen Maranatha ABSTRAK Dalam suatu perusahaan industri manufaktur, penetapan harga jual produk menjadi hal yang penting. Karena melalui penetapan harga jual, perusahaan dapat memperkirakan profit yang akan diperolehnya.

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ABSTRAK. Kata-kata kunci: Job order costing method, efisiensi, dan efektivitas. vii. Universitas Kristen Maranatha

ABSTRAK. Kata-kata kunci: Job order costing method, efisiensi, dan efektivitas. vii. Universitas Kristen Maranatha ABSTRAK Berkembangnya suatu perusahaan mengakibatkan kompleksnya aktivitas usaha yang dijalankan, sehingga menuntut perusahaan untuk meningkatkan kinerja secara efisien dan efektif. Perusahaan harus mampu

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ABSTRACT. Keywords: Budgeting, Responsibility Accounting, Cost Efficiency, Marketing, Quality of Decision Making. vii. Universitas Kristen Maranatha

ABSTRACT. Keywords: Budgeting, Responsibility Accounting, Cost Efficiency, Marketing, Quality of Decision Making. vii. Universitas Kristen Maranatha ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship of budgeting and responsibility accounting in supporting the quality of decision making in order to achieve cost efficiency of marketing

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ABSTRACT. Keywords: Relevant Costs, Accept Or Reject Special Order. vii

ABSTRACT. Keywords: Relevant Costs, Accept Or Reject Special Order. vii ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to analyze the uses of relevant costs and to determine the factors that should be considered by the manager in making decisions whether to accept or reject a special

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ABSTRAK. Kata-kata kunci: biaya kualitas, biaya pencegahan, biaya penilaian, biaya kegagalan internal, biaya kegagalan eksternal, produk rusak

ABSTRAK. Kata-kata kunci: biaya kualitas, biaya pencegahan, biaya penilaian, biaya kegagalan internal, biaya kegagalan eksternal, produk rusak ABSTRAK Persaingan menuntut setiap perusahaan yang menghasilkan barang atau jasa berlomba-lomba memperbaiki kualitas produk untuk memenuhi keinginan dan kebutuhan pelanggannya serta terhindar dari kualitas

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ABSTRACT. Keywords: Just In Time (JIT), Total Quality Management (TQM), and Cost of Production. vii

ABSTRACT. Keywords: Just In Time (JIT), Total Quality Management (TQM), and Cost of Production. vii ABSTRACT In order to make production costs more efficient, need a control in the production process for press a waste and extravagance that occured. In that way, can press cost of goods sold without decrease

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ABSTRACT. Keywords: Cost Differential, Decision Making Accepting or Rejecting Special Order. vii

ABSTRACT. Keywords: Cost Differential, Decision Making Accepting or Rejecting Special Order. vii ABSTRACT This study was conducted in the Home Industries Essien Bandung. The purpose of this study was to determine the factors that must be considered by management to accept or reject a special order,

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ABSTRACT. Keywords: Relevant Costs, Accept Or Reject Special Order. vii Universitas Kristen Maranatha

ABSTRACT. Keywords: Relevant Costs, Accept Or Reject Special Order. vii Universitas Kristen Maranatha ABSTRACT Plastic company in Indonesia each year has increased demand for plastic orders from society, and therefore companies are required to comply. This study uses a descriptive analysis. To take the

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The Influence of The Quality Cost to The Level of Defective Goods at PT. Daya Mekar Tekstindo

The Influence of The Quality Cost to The Level of Defective Goods at PT. Daya Mekar Tekstindo ABSTRACT The Influence of The Quality Cost to The Level of Defective Goods at PT. Daya Mekar Tekstindo The purpose of this research is to find out the effect of the quality cost to the level of defective

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ABSTRACT. vii. Universitas Kristen Maranatha

ABSTRACT. vii. Universitas Kristen Maranatha ABSTRACT The Company has not implemented the cost in damage control product quality. This study aims to determine how much influence the cost of quality simultaneously and partially to a defectiveproduct

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ABSTRACT. Keywords: cost of quality, defective products. vii

ABSTRACT. Keywords: cost of quality, defective products. vii ABSTRACT This study was aimed to determine whether there is a significant effect of the cost of quality product is damaged. This research was conducted at PT Pupuk Kujang, Cikampek with data collected

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ABSTRAK. Kata kunci: biaya kualitas, biaya pencegahan, biaya penilaian, biaya kegagalan internal, biaya kegagalan ekternal, produk cacat.

ABSTRAK. Kata kunci: biaya kualitas, biaya pencegahan, biaya penilaian, biaya kegagalan internal, biaya kegagalan ekternal, produk cacat. ABSTRAK Pada masa industrialisasi yang semakin kompetitif, perusahaan semakin dituntut untuk dapat memproduksi barang berkualitas tinggi. Kualitas menjadi salah satu hal penentu yang sangat penting bagi

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ABSTRAK. Kata-kata kunci: Pengendalian kualitas, peta kendali c, diagram sebab akibat, jam tangan kayu. vii

ABSTRAK. Kata-kata kunci: Pengendalian kualitas, peta kendali c, diagram sebab akibat, jam tangan kayu. vii ABSTRAK Dewasa ini persaingan di dunia industri sudah sangat ketat, khususnya industri kreatif. Sehingga setiap perusahaan perlu untuk tetap menjaga kualitas produknya, agar memenuhi kebutuhan dan keinginan

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ABSTRACT. Keywords: Quality Control, Types of Pants Defects, c Chart, Check Sheet, Pareto Diagram, Fish Bone Diagram. vi Universitas Kristen Maranatha

ABSTRACT. Keywords: Quality Control, Types of Pants Defects, c Chart, Check Sheet, Pareto Diagram, Fish Bone Diagram. vi Universitas Kristen Maranatha ABSTRACT Increased business competition and the number of competitors require each company to maintain the quality of its products. Quality control activities required to maintain the quality of the product.

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The use of Statitical Quality Control to reduce a defective product at shoes company CV. Fortuna shoes. Abstract

The use of Statitical Quality Control to reduce a defective product at shoes company CV. Fortuna shoes. Abstract The use of Statitical Quality Control to reduce a defective product at shoes company CV. Fortuna shoes Abstract Quality is the most important element in today's business world competition. A company that

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ABSTRAK. Kata kunci: biaya kualitas, aktivitas pengendalian kualitas, dan efisiensi biaya produksi.

ABSTRAK. Kata kunci: biaya kualitas, aktivitas pengendalian kualitas, dan efisiensi biaya produksi. ABSTRAK Era globalisasi menyebabkan persaingan di berbagai bidang menjadi semakin ketat. Demikian juga dalam bidang industri khususnya industri tekstil. Masuknya pengusaha-pengusaha asing menuntut perusahan

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ABSTRAK. Kata kunci : Pengendalian Kualitas, peta kendali u, diagram sebab akibat, kulit. Universitas Kristen Maranatha. vii

ABSTRAK. Kata kunci : Pengendalian Kualitas, peta kendali u, diagram sebab akibat, kulit. Universitas Kristen Maranatha. vii ABSTRAK Perusahaan-perusahaan di Indonesia dihadapkan dengan persaingan global, dimana semua perusahaan bersaing untuk menjadi yang terbaik. Untuk memenangkan persaingan ini, semua perusahaan harus memperhatikan

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ABSTRACT. Gross Profit Analysis Role In Setting Product Selling Price: Studies on PD Alam Aneka Aroma

ABSTRACT. Gross Profit Analysis Role In Setting Product Selling Price: Studies on PD Alam Aneka Aroma ABSTRACT Gross Profit Analysis Role In Setting Product Selling Price: Studies on PD Alam Aneka Aroma The purpose of this research is to know the method of determining the selling price by the company and

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ABSTRACT. Key word : Prevention Cost, Appraisal Cost, Internal Failure Cost, External Failure Cost, and Cost Control Product. viii

ABSTRACT. Key word : Prevention Cost, Appraisal Cost, Internal Failure Cost, External Failure Cost, and Cost Control Product. viii ABSTRACT Quality cost is a part of production cost, that has big influence in the production cost. Quality cost is important in industries to determine production cost. The purposes of this research are

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ABSTRACT. Keywords: Product defects, quality control, statistical aid. Universitas Kristen Marantaha

ABSTRACT. Keywords: Product defects, quality control, statistical aid. Universitas Kristen Marantaha ABSTRACT PT. Guccitex specializes in producing high quality circular knitting products and possesses the latest, best technology to meet its consumers needs. In order to keep its consumers trust for producing

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ABSTRACT. Universitas Kristen Maranatha

ABSTRACT. Universitas Kristen Maranatha ABSTRACT Quality being the basic factor of the consumer's decision to acquire a product. Companies must look at and pay attention to product quality or not well controlled, and can be accepted by consumers

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ABSTRACT. Keyword : Quality, Defect Product, Statistical Quality Control, and np Control Chart. Universitas Kristen Maranatha

ABSTRACT. Keyword : Quality, Defect Product, Statistical Quality Control, and np Control Chart. Universitas Kristen Maranatha ABSTRACT Quality is the most important element in bussines world competition. A company can be compete and survive by always produce a very good quality product and appropriate with customer expectation.

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ABSTRACT. Keywords: Budgeting, Variance, Controlling, Performance. vii. Universitas Kristen Maranatha

ABSTRACT. Keywords: Budgeting, Variance, Controlling, Performance. vii. Universitas Kristen Maranatha ABSTRACT Along with globalization era, each company is asked to preserve their company existence. Appearances of competitor in business activity make treat to company existence. Base on this situation

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ABSTRACT. Keywords: Selling Price, Target Costing, Production Costs.

ABSTRACT. Keywords: Selling Price, Target Costing, Production Costs. ABSTRACT This study aims to determine how the approach of target costing can be used as a means of determining the selling price and production cost efficiency. The type of data used is quantitative and

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DAFTAR ISI. HALAMAN JUDUL... i. HALAMAN PENGESAHAN... ii. SURAT PERNYATAAN KEASLIAN SKRIPSI... iii. PERNYATAAN PUBLIKASI LAPORAN PENELITIAN... ABSTRACT The increasingly rigorous competition makes the actors vying for control of the business market. Increase the company's profit by giving one good quality in accordance with the expectations of

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ABSTRACT. vii Universitas Kristen Maranatha

ABSTRACT. vii Universitas Kristen Maranatha ABSTRACT PT.ALENATEX is a company engaged in the garment industry. Today many companies are engaged in the same field so competition between companies is getting tight, so any opportunity that comes is

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ABSTRACT. vii. Universitas Kristen Maranatha

ABSTRACT. vii. Universitas Kristen Maranatha ABSTRACT The company has spent to improve the quality and minimize the number of defective products, but in reality the number of defective products produced there are those who come out of the standards

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ABSTRACT. Keyword: Estimated Cost, Production Cost Control. vii. Universitas Kristen Maranatha

ABSTRACT. Keyword: Estimated Cost, Production Cost Control. vii. Universitas Kristen Maranatha ABSTRACT In this research, the author wants to know how big a role in controlling the cost of production is. This research was conducted on a certain CV in Sukabumi area from September 11th, 2009 to November

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ABSTRAK. Kata kunci : Prevention costs, appraisal costs, internal failure costs, eksternal failure costs. Universitas Kristen Maranatha

ABSTRAK. Kata kunci : Prevention costs, appraisal costs, internal failure costs, eksternal failure costs. Universitas Kristen Maranatha ABSTRAK Dewasa ini, pada sektor ekonomi terutama di bidang industri, banyak perusahaan baru yang berdiri dan berkembang dengan pesat. Salah satu faktor yang sangat penting untuk meningkatkan kemampuan

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ABSTRAK. Kata Kunci: Pengendalian Kualitas, Produk Cacat, Peta Kendali u, Diagram Sebab Akibat. Universitas Kristen Maranatha

ABSTRAK. Kata Kunci: Pengendalian Kualitas, Produk Cacat, Peta Kendali u, Diagram Sebab Akibat. Universitas Kristen Maranatha ABSTRAK Perkembangan era globalisasi dan teknologi yang terus berkembang membuat persaingan konveksi pakaian semakin ketat. Setiap perusahaan harus terus meningkatkan kualitas produknya untuk dapat terus

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ABSTRACT. Keywords: Cost of goods manufactured, and control of goods manufactured cost. viii Universitas Kristen Maranatha

ABSTRACT. Keywords: Cost of goods manufactured, and control of goods manufactured cost. viii Universitas Kristen Maranatha ABSTRACT This study aimed to determine the role of standard costs of each element in the production control production costs at PT. Antam (Persero) Tbk. Collecting data in this study was conducted using

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ABSTRACT. Keywords: target costing, sales price, production cost efficiency. Universitas Kristen Maranatha. vii

ABSTRACT. Keywords: target costing, sales price, production cost efficiency. Universitas Kristen Maranatha. vii ABSTRACT The Implementation of Indonesian National Standard (SNI) becomes an effective way to increase national industrial production. Efficiency is the main capital for improving the competitiveness of

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ABSTRAK. Kata Kunci: harga pokok produksi, full costing, variable costing

ABSTRAK. Kata Kunci: harga pokok produksi, full costing, variable costing ABSTRAK PT. Panca Mitra Sandang Indah merupakan perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang tekstil, yaitu perusahaan yang mengolah benang menjadi kain, dengan motif mencari keuntungan. Harga pokok produksi adalah

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ABSTRAK. Kata kunci: analisa biaya kualitas, pemisahan biaya tetap dan variabel, profitabilitas. Universitas Kristen Maranatha

ABSTRAK. Kata kunci: analisa biaya kualitas, pemisahan biaya tetap dan variabel, profitabilitas. Universitas Kristen Maranatha ABSTRAK Dewasa ini kualitas telah menjadi dimensi kompetitif yang penting bagi perusahaan manufaktur maupun jasa. CV. Tanur Jaya Indonesia (selanjutnya akan disebut CV. TJI) adalah sebuah perusahaan yang

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ABSTRAK. Kata kunci: biaya relevan, keputusan, menerima atau menolak, pesanan khusus. vii. Universitas Kristen Maranatha

ABSTRAK. Kata kunci: biaya relevan, keputusan, menerima atau menolak, pesanan khusus. vii. Universitas Kristen Maranatha ABSTRAK CV X merupakan perusahaan manufaktur yang memproduksi sepatu. Perusahaan manufaktur sering mengalami masalah dalam pengambilan keputusan untuk menerima atau menolak pesanan khusus. Dalam pengambilan

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ABSTRACT. Key words: target costing, efficiency, production costs, selling prices.

ABSTRACT. Key words: target costing, efficiency, production costs, selling prices. ABSTRACT Target costing is a cost accounting system in which the cost management system is carried out if the cost exceeds a predefined and performed on development stage. Generally, the result of target

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ABSTRACT. vii. Universitas Kristen Maranatha

ABSTRACT. vii. Universitas Kristen Maranatha ABSTRACT Quality is a factor that influence customer choice for some kind of product and service. Cuctomer demand buying a higher certain quality goods. This tendency will be reinforced by the competition

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ABSTRACT. Keyword: Activiity based Costing system, Cost of Goods Manufacture, Cost Driver, Overhead Cost. vii. Universitas Kristen Maranatha

ABSTRACT. Keyword: Activiity based Costing system, Cost of Goods Manufacture, Cost Driver, Overhead Cost. vii. Universitas Kristen Maranatha ABSTRACT This research will discuss about calculation cost of goods manufactured in PT. Abadi Jaya which is still the traditional system in determining the cost of goods manufactured. Traditional system

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ABSTRACT. Keywords: cost of quality, profitability. vii. Universitas Kristen Maranatha

ABSTRACT. Keywords: cost of quality, profitability. vii. Universitas Kristen Maranatha ABSTRACT The purpose of this research to identify how much the influence of cost quality to company profitability. The development of industry and business, recently turned to the policy of how a product

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ABSTRACT. Key word: ABC, non value added activity, rework defective product rolls activity. vii. Universitas Kristen Maranatha

ABSTRACT. Key word: ABC, non value added activity, rework defective product rolls activity. vii. Universitas Kristen Maranatha ABSTRACT Non value added activity always found in every manufacturing industry. Non-value added activity is an activity that does not add value to a product, but consumes resources. In the production activity

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ABSTRACT. Keywords: Relevant costs, accept or reject special order. vii

ABSTRACT. Keywords: Relevant costs, accept or reject special order. vii ABSTRACT PT.DALIATEX KUSUMA is a company engaged in the garment industry. Today many companies are engaged in the same field so competition between companies is getting tight, so any opportunity that comes

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ABSTRACT. Keywords: Cost of Production, Job Order Costing (booking fee), labor costs, the selling price.

ABSTRACT. Keywords: Cost of Production, Job Order Costing (booking fee), labor costs, the selling price. ABSTRACT The use of Job Order Costing Method, is one method of collecting cost of production where production costs are based on orders. The method provides a cost of cost of goods orders each order so

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ABSTRAK. Kata kunci : tata tetak (layout), penataan mesin, meminimumkan jarak perpindahan, load distance. viii. Universitas Kristen Maranatha

ABSTRAK. Kata kunci : tata tetak (layout), penataan mesin, meminimumkan jarak perpindahan, load distance. viii. Universitas Kristen Maranatha ABSTRAK Tata Letak (layout) merupakan salah satu landasan utama dalam dunia industri. Tata Letak yang terencana dengan baik akan ikut menentukan efektivitas dan efisiensi kegiatan produksi, mengurangi

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ABSTRACT. Company that engaged in the industry requires a system that can be useful as a rawmaterial-usage-restrictions,

ABSTRACT. Company that engaged in the industry requires a system that can be useful as a rawmaterial-usage-restrictions, ABSTRACT Company that engaged in the industry requires a system that can be useful as a rawmaterial-usage-restrictions, labor, and factory overhead in achieving the efficiency and effectiveness within

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ABSTRACT. Keywords: cost of quality, sales, customer satisfaction

ABSTRACT. Keywords: cost of quality, sales, customer satisfaction ABSTRACT Company need to calculate their cost of quality in production activities. Then, the company possible to produce high quality products, customer satisfaction can be achieved, demand and also increasing

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ABSTRACT. Keyword : job order costing method, cost production control. vii. Universitas Kristen Maranatha

ABSTRACT. Keyword : job order costing method, cost production control. vii. Universitas Kristen Maranatha ABSTRACT This study examined the peranan job order costing method in cost production control. The purpose of this study is to determine (a) the concern already applied job order costing method, (b) variance

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ABSTRAK. Universitas Kristen Maranatha

ABSTRAK. Universitas Kristen Maranatha ABSTRAK Setiap aktivitas yang timbul karena adanya pengendalian kualitas yang dilakukan oleh perusahaan dalam menciptakan produk yang berkualitas akan mengkonsumsi sumber daya; dan pengkonsumsian inilah

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ABSTRACT. Budgeting, Accounting Accountability, Efficiency Marketing Costs, Quality Decision Making. Universitas Kristen Maranatha

ABSTRACT. Budgeting, Accounting Accountability, Efficiency Marketing Costs, Quality Decision Making. Universitas Kristen Maranatha ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship of budgeting and accounting in supporting the quality of decision making in order to achieve cost efficiency of marketing at Restoran

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ABSTRAK. Universitas Kristen Maranatha

ABSTRAK. Universitas Kristen Maranatha ABSTRAK Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui analisis penerapan metode job order costing dalam menentukan harga pokok produk pada CV Jaya Jaya Mekar, yang memproduksi sweater rajut.

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ABSTRACT. Keywords: Quality Control, Types of Sleeping Clothes, p Chart, Check Sheet, Pareto Diagram, Fish Bone Diagram. vii

ABSTRACT. Keywords: Quality Control, Types of Sleeping Clothes, p Chart, Check Sheet, Pareto Diagram, Fish Bone Diagram. vii ABSTRACT Increased business competition and the number of competitors require each compay to maintain the quality of this product. Quality control is a technique and operational actifities, which is used

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ABSTRAK. Kata kunci : Activity Based Costing System dan Harga Pokok Produk. Universitas Kristen Maranatha

ABSTRAK. Kata kunci : Activity Based Costing System dan Harga Pokok Produk. Universitas Kristen Maranatha ABSTRAK Penelitian ini membahas tentang perbandingan perhitungan harga pokok produk di PT. X menggunakan metode konvensional dan metode activity based costing system. PT. X ini merupakan sebuah perusahaan

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ABSTRACT. Keywords : Quality cost, and Sales. vii. Universitas Kristen Maranatha

ABSTRACT. Keywords : Quality cost, and Sales. vii. Universitas Kristen Maranatha ABSTRACT This is an empirical research to determine the influence of the independent variable quality cost to the dependent variable sales. A T-test on valuation cost, prevention cost, internal failure

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ABSTRACT. Keywords: Job order costing method. vi Universitas Kristen Maranatha

ABSTRACT. Keywords: Job order costing method. vi Universitas Kristen Maranatha ABSTRACT Cost accumulation procedure that is used to calculate the cost of products in companies that produce products on the basis of the order is the Job Order Costing Method. As for recording costs

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ABSTRACT. Keywords: Activity Based Management (ABM), Non Value Added Activity, and efficiency of production costs. vii. Universitas Kristen Maranatha

ABSTRACT. Keywords: Activity Based Management (ABM), Non Value Added Activity, and efficiency of production costs. vii. Universitas Kristen Maranatha ABSTRACT Yuken Karya Mas is a business home industry in the services sector the production of cloth. The business is located at kutawaringin industrial park, Cimahi. Some of the one conducted in the cloth

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ABSTRACT. Analysis of Influence of Promotion Costs To Sales Volumes in CV. Agung Mas Motor Sukabumi

ABSTRACT. Analysis of Influence of Promotion Costs To Sales Volumes in CV. Agung Mas Motor Sukabumi ABSTRACT Analysis of Influence of Promotion Costs To Sales Volumes in CV. Agung Mas Motor Sukabumi The aim of this research was to determine how much influence the cost of the promotion to sales volume.

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ABSTRACT. Keywords: Cost of raw materials, direct labor costs, corporate overhead costs, production costs, and operating profit

ABSTRACT. Keywords: Cost of raw materials, direct labor costs, corporate overhead costs, production costs, and operating profit ABSTRACT Today, the hot issue in Indonesia economy is the weak exchange rate of rupiah. Beside that, Indonesia is also faced the ASEAN Free Trade Area in 2015. The effect from the wider market has pushed

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ABSTRACT. Keywords: Cost, Selling Price, and Job Order Costing. Universitas Kristen Maranatha

ABSTRACT. Keywords: Cost, Selling Price, and Job Order Costing. Universitas Kristen Maranatha ABSTRACT This study aims to determine the application and calculation of cost of production and determine the selling price determination. The object of this study is the CV. MAWAHEEJRA located in Bandung

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ABSTRAK. Kata Kunci : Manajemen Mutu Terpadu, Prevention Cost, Appraisal Cost, Internal failure,external Failure. Universitas Kristen Maranatha

ABSTRAK. Kata Kunci : Manajemen Mutu Terpadu, Prevention Cost, Appraisal Cost, Internal failure,external Failure. Universitas Kristen Maranatha ABSTRAK PT.Ultrajaya merupakan suatu perusahaan yang bergerak dalam bidang industri makanan dan minuman. Di tahun 2004, diantara lebih dari 5 produsen yang memproduksi minuman UHT, PT. Ultrajaya masih

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ABSTRACT. : Job order costing and selling price. Universitas Kristen Maranatha

ABSTRACT. : Job order costing and selling price. Universitas Kristen Maranatha ABSTRACT Globalization and free trade create competition becomes more intense. Therefore, the industrial sector in the country should be able to produce products that can compete with foreign products.

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ABSTRAK. Universitas Kristen Maranatha

ABSTRAK. Universitas Kristen Maranatha ABSTRAK Penelitian ini dilakukan karena penulis tertarik pada topik yang membahas mengenai peranan anggaran biaya bahan baku sebagai alat bantu manajemen dalam pengendalian biaya bahan baku, dimana anggaran

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ABSTRACT. Keywords: activity-based costing, process value analysis, value content assessment. vii. Universitas Kristen Maranatha

ABSTRACT. Keywords: activity-based costing, process value analysis, value content assessment. vii. Universitas Kristen Maranatha ABSTRACT The Purpose of this thesis are to explain the increase of product costing accuracy by using Activity-Based Costing (ABC) and to identify the opportunities for cost reduction by using Process Value

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ABSTRAK. Kata-kata kunci: biaya pemasaran dan penjualan. viii. Universitas Kristen Maranatha

ABSTRAK. Kata-kata kunci: biaya pemasaran dan penjualan. viii. Universitas Kristen Maranatha ABSTRAK Dalam kegiatan operasional perusahaan, penggunaan biaya sangat berperan penting untuk kegiatan tersebut. Tanpa adanya biaya tersebut, maka perusahaan akan sangat sulit menjalankan usahanya. Salah

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ABSTRAK. Kata kunci : Tata Letak Fasilitas Produksi, Efisiensi, Total Jarak Perpindahan.

ABSTRAK. Kata kunci : Tata Letak Fasilitas Produksi, Efisiensi, Total Jarak Perpindahan. ABSTRAK Tata letak fasilitas merupakan penempatan fasilitas pada suatu ruangan baik mesin, karyawan, bahan baku, peralatan, dan perlengkapan proses produksi yang digunakan untuk menunjang jalannya suatu

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BAB V KESIMPULAN DAN SARAN BAB V KESIMPULAN DAN SARAN 5.1. Kesimpulan Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dan pembahasan yang telah dikemukakan dengan menggunakan teori-teori yang relevan sebagai dasar analisis, penulis menarik kesimpulan

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ABSTRACT. Keywords : Raw material inventory control, MRP, lot sizing. Universitas Kristen Maranatha

ABSTRACT. Keywords : Raw material inventory control, MRP, lot sizing. Universitas Kristen Maranatha ABSTRACT Nowadays, the snack food industry has rapidly growing. With so many snack food company established, it creates high level competition between them. To maintain the quality of the products is not

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ABSTRACT. Keywords: Inventory, inventory control, ABC classification, EOI Multiple Item method, efficiency cost inventory. vii

ABSTRACT. Keywords: Inventory, inventory control, ABC classification, EOI Multiple Item method, efficiency cost inventory. vii ABSTRACT In performing its operation, a company must have inventory to satisfy the consumers needs. Inventory is needed to perform the production process, thus a company must control the inventory. One

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ABSTRACT. Keywords: Safety Stock, Lead Time, Reorder Point dan Total Inventory Cost, EOQ (Economic Order Quantity) method. viii

ABSTRACT. Keywords: Safety Stock, Lead Time, Reorder Point dan Total Inventory Cost, EOQ (Economic Order Quantity) method. viii ABSTRACT Inventory is an important factor to be planned and controlled in the best possible. In inventory control and planning,policy is needed so that the good operation can produce the optimal number

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ABSTRAK. Kata kunci: Metode Variabel Costing, Metode Full costing, Harga Pokok Produk, Harga Jual, dan Laba.

ABSTRAK. Kata kunci: Metode Variabel Costing, Metode Full costing, Harga Pokok Produk, Harga Jual, dan Laba. i ABSTRAK Penelitian ini membahas tentang perbandingan Metode biaya, yaitu antara metode full costing dan variable costing untuk menetapkan harga pokok dan harga jual produk. Metode penelitian yang digunakan

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ABSTRACT. Keywords: Balanced Scorecard, performance measurement. viii. Universitas Kristen Maranatha

ABSTRACT. Keywords: Balanced Scorecard, performance measurement. viii. Universitas Kristen Maranatha ABSTRACT The purpose of this thesis are to test and prove that good performance of Horison Hotel Bandung if applying the concept of Balanced Scorecard. The research method used by the author is descriptive

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ABSTRAK. Kata kunci:pengendalian kualitas, peta kendali, produk cacat. vii Universitas Kristen Maranatha

ABSTRAK. Kata kunci:pengendalian kualitas, peta kendali, produk cacat. vii Universitas Kristen Maranatha ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk dapat mengetahui apakah produk cacat pada PT. Jayamas Dwi Perkasa masih dalam batas toleransi atau sudah di luar batas toleransi. Sampel penelitian ini diambil dengan

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ABSTRACT. Keywords: Six Sigma, DMAIC, FMEA

ABSTRACT. Keywords: Six Sigma, DMAIC, FMEA Title Name Supervisor : Penerapan Metode Six Sigma Dalam Analisi Kualitas Produk (Studi Kasus Produk Batik Handprint Pada PT X di Bali) : Tri Alit Tresna Putra : 1. Ir. I Komang Gde Sukarsa, M.Si. 2. I

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Key Words: cost, production, quality, profit. vii. Universitas Kristen Maranatha

Key Words: cost, production, quality, profit. vii. Universitas Kristen Maranatha ABSTRACT Increasingly strong competition between industries in the business to dominate the market and obtain maximum profit directly give imperative for companies to improve product quality in order to

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Cendekia Akuntansi Vol 3 No 1 Jan 2015 ISSN

Cendekia Akuntansi Vol 3 No 1 Jan 2015 ISSN PERLAKUAN AKUNTANSI PRODUK RUSAK DAN PENGARUHNYA TERHADAP HARGA POKOK PRODUKSI (Studi Kasus Pada Trenggalek ) Oleh: Ulinuha ABSTRAK Proses produksi merupakan kegiatan utama suatu perusahaan. Dalam melakukan

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ABSTRAK. Kata-kata kunci: harga pokok produksi, job-order costing method. vii. Universitas Kristen Maranatha

ABSTRAK. Kata-kata kunci: harga pokok produksi, job-order costing method. vii. Universitas Kristen Maranatha ABSTRAK PT X merupakan perusahaan manufaktur yang bergerak di bidang percetakan offset yang berproduksi berdasarkan pekerjaan yang diterima. Perusahaan menggunakan joborder costing method dalam perhitungan

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ABSTRACT. Keywords: cost of goods, full costing, variable costing, operating income

ABSTRACT. Keywords: cost of goods, full costing, variable costing, operating income ABSTRACT The upcoming AEC which will be applied at the end of 2015, makes the government concentrates at manufacture industry. Thus, the cost of goods manufactured in this sector is an important information

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ABSTRACT. Keywords : production process, preventive maintenance, breakdown maintenance, minimum maintenance cost. Universitas Kristen Maranatha

ABSTRACT. Keywords : production process, preventive maintenance, breakdown maintenance, minimum maintenance cost. Universitas Kristen Maranatha ABSTRACT Manufacturing companies always hope that their production machines can be operated well and ready to use in order to support their production process. And that is exactly done by CV Gelar Nesia

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Abstrak ABSTRAK. Kata kunci: penjualan konsinyasi, consignee, lingkungan internal, lingkungan eksternal, sistem informasi akuntansi.

Abstrak ABSTRAK. Kata kunci: penjualan konsinyasi, consignee, lingkungan internal, lingkungan eksternal, sistem informasi akuntansi. Abstrak ABSTRAK Perubahan lingkungan bisnis dapat terjadi setiap saat. Perubahan lingkungan bisnis ini dapat berasal dari lingkungan internal perusahaan maupun dari lingkungan eksternal perusahaan. Namun

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ABSTRACT. Keywords: EOQ (Economic Order Quantity), inventories of raw materials. vii Universitas Kristen Maranatha

ABSTRACT. Keywords: EOQ (Economic Order Quantity), inventories of raw materials. vii Universitas Kristen Maranatha ABSTRACT The problem of production is often faced by the manufacturing company. One way of reduced cost of production is to optimize the cost of inventory is done using analysis of the EOQ (Economic Order

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ABSTRAKSI. sebagainya, sehingga proses dapat dilaksanakan dengan biaya yang minimum. Perusahaan PT ORIENTAL merupakan sebuah perusahaan yang bergerak

ABSTRAKSI. sebagainya, sehingga proses dapat dilaksanakan dengan biaya yang minimum. Perusahaan PT ORIENTAL merupakan sebuah perusahaan yang bergerak ABSTRAKSI Dengan semakin tingginya persaingan dunia industri celup kain, setiap perusahaan dituntut untuk dapat mempertahankan kelangsungan hidupnya dengan cara menjaga efisiensinya guna dapat bersaing

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ABSTRACT. Key Words: Total Quality Management, financial performance, return on assets, champion. Universitas Kristen Maranatha

ABSTRACT. Key Words: Total Quality Management, financial performance, return on assets, champion. Universitas Kristen Maranatha ABSTRACT In an increasingly competitive business environment, every company is required to be able to participate in the competition, including manufacturing companies. Customer satisfaction and product

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ABSTRACT. Keywords : Auditor, Time Budget Pressure, Audit Complexity, Quality Audit. vii Universitas Kristen Maranatha

ABSTRACT. Keywords : Auditor, Time Budget Pressure, Audit Complexity, Quality Audit. vii Universitas Kristen Maranatha ABSTRACT The purpose of this research is to analyze the factors which affect the quality of audit s result in Public Accounting Firm. This research is important to be done because the increase of financial

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The Cost of Quality and Accounting for Production Losses. Spoiled Goods Defective Goods

The Cost of Quality and Accounting for Production Losses. Spoiled Goods Defective Goods The Cost of Quality and Accounting for Production Losses Spoiled Goods Defective Goods Produk Rusak dan Produk Cacat dalam Job Costing dan Process Costing The Cost of Quality. is not only the cost of obtaining

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ABSTRACT. Key words: internal audit, effectiveness, control of raw materials. Universitas Kristen Maranatha

ABSTRACT. Key words: internal audit, effectiveness, control of raw materials. Universitas Kristen Maranatha ABSTRACT Through a review of activities textile company, in the operations requires a raw material used for production processes that produce finished goods to be sold to consumers or customers. In carrying

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ABSTRACT. Key words: Manufacturing budget, Production Financial Control. Universitas Kristen Maranatha

ABSTRACT. Key words: Manufacturing budget, Production Financial Control. Universitas Kristen Maranatha ABSTRACT One of equipment applied to guarantee in doing financial control produce of is manufacturing budget. Manufacturing budget is cost which ought to happened to produce a product or a number of units

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ADLN-Perpustakaan Universitas Airlangga


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ABSTRACT. Keywords: Budget Production, Production Costs, and Effectiveness of Production. vii. Universitas Kristen Maranatha

ABSTRACT. Keywords: Budget Production, Production Costs, and Effectiveness of Production. vii. Universitas Kristen Maranatha ABSTRACT PT. Timbul Jaya is a rice milling company that produces rice, which in the production process required costs endured by the company. Production budgets are made to control these costs, which originated

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ABSTRACT. keyword: operating budget, management tools in controlling income.

ABSTRACT. keyword: operating budget, management tools in controlling income. ABSTRACT Operating budget is expected to be able to control and assist management in solving problems that may arise in income in the company's control. Each company made an operating budget that is expected

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ABSTRAK. Kata kunci: struktur laporan biaya kualitas, evaluasi, pengendalian kualitas. Universitas Kristen Maranatha

ABSTRAK. Kata kunci: struktur laporan biaya kualitas, evaluasi, pengendalian kualitas. Universitas Kristen Maranatha ABSTRAK Salah satu faktor yang sangat penting untuk meningkatkan pendapatan adalah kualitas. Hal ini berarti bahwa untuk menghasilkan produk yang berkualitas, perusahaan perlu melaksanakan program pengendalian

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